I don't have much confidence in whether our guild players can block Kaos, after all, that is the existence of the main god Level 1. Think about the battle strength of Titans and Anubis. Compared with them, Kaos will only be stronger and not weaker. If he didn't have the divine force available now, it would be a matter of minutes to break through our defense with such strength.

With a sense of anxiety, I finally walked through the long magic absorption corridor, regardless of the actual situation, first put a magic power recovery potion into my mouth. The magic absorption corridor cannot be closed. Anyone who passes there has to be absorbed magic power, and I am no exception, so I immediately swallowed a potion once I got out there.

After swallowing the pill, my eyes immediately focused on the battlefield ahead. Because the third line of defense is a large open space, and the separation zone between the third line of defense and the fourth line of defense is a transparent energy barrier, I saw Kaos surrounded by a large group of combatants at a glance.

After seeing the battlefield, my heart was finally relieved, and there was a little surprise, because judging from the situation at the scene, the players of our guild not only blocked Kao Si, seems to be embarrassed by the other party.

Kaos on the battlefield is standing there with his back against the energy barrier. He was wearing a set of Battle Armor that was supposed to be silver white, but now there are a few large black spots on the gorgeous armor, as if it was burned out by something. The fake golden long spear held by the fake Kaos before, this real Kaos also has it, and compared with the previous one, the real one is obviously more gorgeous. I didn't have much contact with Kaos before, otherwise I wouldn't be fooled by the fake. To be honest, the disguise of the battle companion of Kaos is really amateur, but I am not familiar with Kaos, even if he finds another person to replace it, as long as there is no obvious difference in appearance, I guess I won't find it for a while.

Different from the battered and exhausted Kaos, the player in the guild opposite him does not seem to have been hit. Although there must have been casualties on our side in the previous battle, at least the group of people blocking him now seems to be in a complete state, and it seems that our side is dominant in the imposing manner.

I just walked on the ground of the third line of defense, and the player on the opposite side of the cordon immediately noticed my arrival. Later, more players noticed my arrival, and even caused a small incident at the scene. commotion. Kaos should have seized the time to break through with such a good opportunity, but he didn't do that. Of course, he didn't seize this opportunity definitely not because he wanted to dignified and rushed in, but because he didn't dare. Originally, before attacking the City of Discipline, Kaos, like many other Divine Races, was dismissive of ordinary players. Most of the people in these Divine Races, apart from thinking that I have some strength, simply ignore other players. Even some arrogant guys don't take me seriously, let alone ordinary players. Although these members of our guild are all elites in the eyes of the ordinary person, they are no different from the ordinary person in the eyes of Divine Race. It's like a human being looking down on an ant, the stand height will be different, and the viewpoint will be different. Ants can tell which ant is stronger, but in the eyes of humans, ants are ants, and no matter how strong they are, they are still ants, not much stronger than other ants. Before this war, Kaos was also one of the staunch supporters of this theory. He simply didn't think that ordinary players could pose any threat to him. However, just now, it was these ordinary players who he usually didn't look at at all. They were stunned to block him, and they also covered him in dirt. Kaos, who was hit by such a blow, no longer dared to despise these ordinary players, and now my appearance made him even more jealous, so he didn't dare to break through the chaos. Based on his understanding of me, even if his divine force is still there, he can’t completely ignore my existence, and now his soul force simply cannot be used, not to mention that there are such a large group of high-level players who look forward to it nearby. It made him afraid to act rashly.

"Your Excellency Kaos is really a good strategy!" Seeing that the initiative on the battlefield is still on our side, I am not in a hurry. I walked towards the opposite side slowly and talked to Kaos. .

"Didn't you Chinese say all's fair in war? I am also all's fair in war." Kaos said while pushing the long spear in his hand to the ground, and then took it out of his body A flat purple red liquid was poured into his mouth.

Seeing his behavior, the players around immediately became nervous. The reason why they were able to suppress Kaos firmly here was on the one hand because of their large numbers and tacit cooperation, and on the other hand, because Kaos didn't dare to make big moves. The absorption capacity of the magic absorption channel is not fake. Although the magic power on his body has not been completely absorbed, there is not much left. In order to maintain the consumption of continuous combat, Kaos didn't dare to use those huge formidable power tactics. He could only use small skills against these players, so he was so embarrassed. But what he drank now was obviously a healing potion, and once his magical power was restored, then our life would be difficult. The strength of Divine Race is not only their divine force. Mastering the huge high level spell of formidable power is also one of the killing move of Divine Race. Once Kaos can use those huge might skills unscrupulously, it means that ordinary players can't get in at all. After all, if you want to participate in that level of battle, you must at least have the defensive power that can resist large-scale skills. You can't even resist a single move, and you still fight with them? Because the players in our guild knew this, they immediately became nervous when they saw Kaos taking the medicine. However, just when they were about to rush to consume Kaos' magic power and not give him time to recover, I reached out and stopped their actions.

"Your Excellency Kaos wants to restore the magic power and let him restore it. We can't order the enemy to do what we intend, right?" At this point, I suddenly changed the conversation: "But what... …Although we can’t order the enemy to do, we can decide our own behavior, can’t we? Your Excellency Kaos wants to restore the magic power, won’t you hurry up to recharge our super weapons?"

< p>Everyone on the field was taken aback when they heard what I said. The players in our guild suddenly realized, but Kaos was frightened. As he scanned his panic gaze, something a bit like a satellite antenna was pushed out, and there was an old magic pipeline behind that thing, which was obviously a huge energy-consuming thing. Kaos realized that it was not good almost when the thing was first introduced, and after the thing started charging, Kaos finally couldn't wait any longer. Because he had already felt the strong magical power fluctuations emitted by that thing, judging from the degree of magical power accumulation alone, the formidable power of that thing was absolutely insignificant. This time there was no need for our people to take the initiative to harass. He himself gave up the plan to delay the time to restore the magic power and rushed out, because he knew that once the energy was fully charged, he would not be far from death. Didn't it mean that that thing would definitely kill him in one shot? On the contrary, he is not really worried about the formidable power of that thing. What really made him jealous was that I flared up with that thing. Although the thing will not kill him in one shot, he will definitely lose his battle strength as long as he hits a shot, so after the thing is charged, he must always be distracted and wonder whether the thing will suddenly be given. He has a shot. When the time comes, even if the thing doesn't fire from start to finish, just looking at him like this is enough for him. Therefore, he must destroy the thing before it finishes gathering energy, so as not to fall into a multi-faceted enemy state for a while.

Of course, those who can be transferred here to keep the ring of discipline are not ordinary people. The players at the scene guessed that Kaos would take the initiative when I prompted them to push the thing out. It's an attack, so I'm ready for it a long time ago. As soon as Kaos moved here, our players over there immediately followed.

Kaos suddenly lifted the long spear that was stuck on the ground, then threw it at the weapon violently, and rushed past after the long spear. However, just after he threw the long spear, a player dressed like a steel giant suddenly stopped in front of the machine, and then violently waved the giant axe in his hand and smashed it down according to the head of the long spear. . Hearing a loud noise, the giant axe in the player's hand was instantly bounced off by the counter-shock force, and even he himself fell backward. But he also missed the long spear this time. Originally, the long spear that flew towards that machine plunged towards the ground, but because the buildings in the central area were strengthened by law, the tip of the gun didn’t penetrate at all. It just wiped out a fire star on the ground. It bounced violently and jumped up a few zhang high.

Although the thrown long spear was missed, Kaos did not hesitate. He didn't expect to throw a gun to destroy it anyway. However, just as he himself followed the long spear and was about to rush to the front of the machine, there was a sudden flash in front of him, and dozens of thunder and lightning hit his forward path at the same time. If he insists on maintaining this speed and direction, he can only crash into the thunder and lightning himself. If he stops or turns, he will definitely lose the chance of assault. Now there are our people everywhere. As long as he stops, he will be entangled by our people. When the time comes, it is not so easy to destroy the machine. If he is still with the divine force now, maybe he will rush through the thunder and lightning. But the problem is that he has no divine force now, and the lightning in front of him is obviously not from one person. Being hit by multiple people's skills at the same time, although this damage will not kill him, it is almost deadly in this state of being looked around by a powerful enemy. Therefore, although very reluctant, Kaos finally chose to temporarily avoid his edge.

However, even though Kaos chose to give in, our people did not intend to let him go. Just when Kaos's forcibly stopped his figure and planned to make a detour to the left, he suddenly saw a row of shot guns flying over at the same time. The purpose was obviously the same as the lightning just now, which was to get him either injured or detour. However, thunder and lightning are different from throwing guns. The thunder and lightning cannot be stopped, but the gun can be stopped. Kaos saw that the shot did not stop at all, but rushed up to meet the shot. At the same time, he drew out the long sword behind him and slammed it at the shot that was still in the air. However, just when he concentrated attention completely staring at the gun and preparing to shoot it down, he suddenly felt all the hairs on his back stand up. It’s a pity that although he has already felt the danger in his body, he doesn’t know how to dodge it. Moreover, the front shot is not easy to deal with. If he avoids the danger behind him, he will be hit by the front shot, and he is watching. Without seeing what was attacking him, even if he dodges, he may not be able to dodge, so after weighing the pros and cons, Kaos still did not change his move, and continued to rush up against the row of shot guns, but the speed was much faster. , I hope to get rid of the danger behind. It's just a pity that he underestimated the speed at which the threat from behind approached. Just when he thought he could get rid of the threat, the thing had penetrated his back, and the top Divine Item set on him was pierced like a layer of white paper without any protection. NS.

The so-called step-by-step wrong. Because he underestimated the dangerous speed and destructive power of approaching behind, Kaos was directly staggered, his body rushed forward, and because of his body injury, he lost his balance, and he couldn't stop the shot coming from the front. Except for the few guns that would never have hit him, the remaining three shots all hit. Although his armor blocked two of them, one of them was inserted from behind his calf and immediately sprayed blood on his leg, and the ground quickly became red.

Kaos did not lose his mobility after hitting two strokes in a row. He quickly grasped the weapon inserted behind his back and pulled it out, trying to pull it out. Who knew that not only did he fail to pull the thing out, he was hit twice in a row. First of all, the tip of the thing was deformed into the arrow-like structure of a spiked arrow in his body. The sharp tip was covered with barbs. It was easy to insert it, but it was troublesome to pull it out. Don't even want to pull it out without tearing off a large piece of meat. In addition, in addition to the pain caused by the wound caused by the deformation of the tip of the thing, Kaos was actually electrified by the handle of the thing. This weapon that attacked him was actually a special weapon, and it was not allowed to touch him. Although he could hold the weapon forcibly with his strength, the resistance of that thing made him very uncomfortable. After all, it is also necessary to resist the arc counterattack. It needs to use magic power, and Kaos is hurt all over his body now, and magic power is even more precious. How can it be consumed like this?

Although it hurts terribly, Kaos is a region's Overlord after all, and his heart is cruel enough. After discovering the characteristics of the thing, he did not give up. Instead, he gritted his teeth and forcibly pulled the thing out of his back, but the thing was actually torn from his back. The big piece of meat came, and the large area behind him was bloody, as if he had been shot by a shotgun at close range.

As soon as he pulled the thing out of the wound, before Kaos had time to take a look, he saw that the thing flew by itself and shot away. And the person who caught that thing was me who made him the most jealous.

Actually, what hit him just now was not something else, but my eternity. At that time, I was still outside the isolation barrier, and there was no time for anything else, except that I threw out eternity as a flying knife. If Kaos knew that my main weapon was eternal flying behind him, he would probably not make a hard decision. After all, the Divine Race I am more familiar with knows that my eternity is also one of the very best high level weapons in the Divine Item. Generally, Divine Race dare not take this thing hard, or it will be fatal.

Kaos, who was hit hard by eternity, gave me an angry look, then stretched out his hand and took out a pill from his arms to recover from the wound, but he just handed the pill to his mouth. When I was on the side, I suddenly felt light in my hands, and then lowered my head to find that the pills were missing.

"Your Excellency Kaos is really a lot of good things?" At this moment, I was holding a pill and looking at it in the distance, and there was one on my shoulder. Snow-white fox-like creature. This creature is of course my favorite dart, and the one in my hand is the thing Kaos just wanted to swallow.

Kaos didn't know what was going on, but after seeing the pill in my hand, he understood everything. However, the speed of the darts brought him not only surprise, but also fear. Although this little thing doesn't seem to be lethal, a creature that is so fast is not just as simple as it can be used to grab medicine!

"Your familiar is quite powerful!" Kaos didn't entangle me on the pill, but quickly took another pill and stuffed it into his mouth. The speed of the dart is indeed very fast, but it is not so fast that it can snatch the things in his hand when the opponent is defensive. The real meaning of speed-type familiars like darts is not to take risks to obtain results, but to deter the opponent to always be distracted and guarded. As a famous saying goes, the most dangerous bullet is the bullet that has not been fired. Once shot out, there are only two results for the bullet-hit or miss. However, as long as the bullet has not been fired, it can threaten one or a group of people, because the other party is afraid of being hit. The meaning of darts is the same. Even if he was asked to grab this pill, what about it? Since Kaos had already thought about sneaking in and stealing the Ring of Commandments, he should know that he might be besieged by the battallion, so the supplementary medicine on his body is definitely very sufficient, and one or two of them will have no effect at all. . But conversely, as long as the dart doesn't move, he must always beware of sudden attacks with darts. The defenses of these small speed creatures are generally very weak, but their attack power is not necessarily very low. Even if his attack power is not high, it would be terrible if he did this while casting a spell. .

After seeing Kaos swallow the medicine pill, I also swallowed the medicine pill that I had just snatched. Although I was not injured, this thing still has the effect of gradually recovering 20% ​​of the magic power. To be honest, I just came out of the magic channel and my magic power has bottomed out. Otherwise, I didn't throw Eternity as a Flying Sword just now, but directly activated the skill.

Kaos, who had swallowed the pill, pulled out the spear stuck in his leg, then turned his head and stared at me for a while, and finally he suddenly turned the spear in his hand towards I threw it over, and then suddenly turned around and continued to rush towards the machine.

When I saw the throwing gun coming, I just turned my side slightly, my hand stood up forever, and the throwing gun was set aside with a sound. This thing and Kaoss weapon are completely two things, no matter how strong he is, it is unlikely to produce much damage. But Kaos himself didn't expect that thing to hurt me, all he wanted was to delay me for a while so that he could hit the machine. However, he seems to have forgotten that my specialty is not his own battle strength.

A black figure suddenly appeared in front of Kaos, and after Kaos, a large swath of sword glow appeared as if a wall was covered. Because he didn't know the opponent's strength, he didn't dare to insist on it. If it were the same as the eternity before, wouldn't it be a big loss?

He turned from offensive to defensive in embarrassment, while swinging his sword to block and retreating more than ten steps before Kaos finally escaped from the coverage of sword glow, and only then did he clearly see the attack on him. Who is that? Blocking his way is a warrior whose whole body is covered in black armor. The warrior's body was tightly wrapped up and down, only the position of his eyes was blocked by crystals. However, although the other party's package was very tight, Kaos did not feel any Life Aura from the warrior. This is a high-level undead, this is the first judgment of Kaos.

Although he has guessed the identity of the other party, Kaos has no good way to deal with the existence in front of him. In fact, the Russian Divine Race and the Undead were originally unrelated races, so there was almost no intersection between the two before. Kaos could not find a way to restrain the opponent, nor did he fully understand how to kill the opponent. He only knew that undead creatures are generally difficult to kill, especially the Lich, as long as the life box is not damaged. It can be resurrected indefinitely, it is simply a metamorphosis.

The king appeared extremely excited after appearing in front of Kaos. Originally, the undead should not be excited, but the king is now a high level undead, so all kinds of emotions are richer. In addition, due to the characteristics of the heroes themselves, the king likes to fight against powerful enemies. The stronger the enemy, the more excited he can be.

After the first match, both sides stopped and started to observe each other's strength, but Kaos was a real stop, but we were a fake stop. As a golden rays of light flashed by, a huge magic array suddenly appeared on the ground, and then Victoria slowly rose from it. While I was summoning Victoria, the king was not idle. Ghost and Ghost walked out from behind him together, and then the four line of sight locked Kaos at the same time.

Kaos originally wanted to stop and analyze the situation. By the way, he waited for the magic to recover and then used a big move to get his opponent in front of him. But what he didn’t expect was that it didn’t matter. Actually summon came out with two companions. Kaos shivered instinctively when the eyes of the ghost and the ghost fell on him. Not to mention that he is the boss of the Northland Divine Race. He lives in the frigid zone. Even the ordinary tropical Divine Race is absolutely impossible to be afraid of the cold. So this chill is definitely not a natural reaction of the body. Kaos hurriedly checked it but turned pale in fright, because he found that his health was slowly declining, and his own attack and defense attributes were also dropping. His magical power is still growing, but Kaos knows that it is because he has just taken the magical power recovery medicine. It must be that the recovery speed has offset part of the speed of the magical power consumption. If no accident, his magical power should also be related to life. The same value is being quickly absorbed.

When I walked through the magic tunnel before, Kaos’ magic power was absorbed by more than half. Later, our guild repeatedly attacked and had no time to regain the magic power. Although I took a few pills, After being beaten a few times by me, the magic power was used to heal the wound. Now it's hard to make it up again, and as a result, he ran into such two creatures that can suck demons. If this goes on, he will never expect to use the spell of huge might.

I want to understand the current situation, Kaos is not hesitating, and directly uses the super magic technique to wave at the king's side: "Polar Frost." Swish, within the visible range of my naked eye It turned into a piece of Snow and Ice World almost instantly, and many players with lower levels were all frozen in the ice, even if they were high-level players, their legs and feet were frozen on the ground and couldn't move at all. With such a large range of magic and such formidable power, it can be seen that its own level is quite high, and in order to release such a large spell instantly without preparation, Kaos uses super magic techniques. Now his mana value has recovered, not even the value he had when he first exited the magic absorption channel.

One move freezes most of the enemies present, Kaos didn't miss the opportunity and rushed directly towards the machine in front of him. According to his thoughts, I was behind him, and there was no time to intercept, and the people in front were frozen, just in time to destroy the equipment. However, just when he had just rushed out a few steps, he suddenly found that the surrounding ice was all shining.

Ice itself doesn't shine. Kaos immediately realized that something behind him was shining, and it was very strong. When he turned his head, he saw the huge golden Wheel of Fate slowly spinning in the sky, followed by a golden arrow shot out.

Seeing that arrow, coupled with the pressure on the golden roulette that I felt before, Kaos as it should be by rights determined that the formidable power of this arrow is absolutely extraordinary. So he immediately gave up the attack and started to dodge. The formidable power of the arrow of destiny is naturally incomparable, after all, all things that touch the law are not simple. It's just that Kaos got the wrong direction of this formidable power. The formidable power of the arrow of destiny is not reflected in its direct lethality.

Kaos dodged completely didn't expect this thing to be tracked, but naturally he was directly hit by the arrow of destiny. The whole person retreated several steps in fright before he stood still. I almost slipped by the ice I made. In fact, the arrow of destiny has no impact. The reason why Kaos retreats is entirely psychological. However, although the physical effect looks like a phantom, the arrow of destiny does have its own effect. After the arrow of fate hit, Victoria immediately looked towards me and reported: "Master, got the anger attribute!"

"Anger?" Victoria’s Wheel of Fate speaking of which is very strong, but it also has a lot of problems. , The biggest problem is that which attribute is drawn is completely unspecified. An angry attribute speaking of which is a negative attribute, but sometimes it is actually quite annoying. This attribute can reduce the target’s health and defensive power by 50% and double the endurance consumption, but the target can be weakened while gaining more than three times the normal value of attack power and agility, and the probability of failing to release various skills is doubled. But after release, the formidable power is three times the normal value. In other words, the target under the control of fate of anger will become extremely extreme. His life and defense decrease, so it will be easier to hang up, and due to increased consumption, so the durability will be greatly reduced. However, in contrast, the medium-strike creatures will get super-high lethality while continuing to decline in combat capabilities. Maybe it will cause the opponent to lose their opponents in one move, especially when the target is originally like Kaos. When there is a strong presence, this drawback will become more obvious.

Because I know the characteristics of the Arrow of Destiny, I am not completely relieved of Kaos, after all, his current attack power is too high. But Kaos himself didn't know his situation. Before the next attack, he could only see his defense and life dropped by half, so he seemed more worried than mine.

"What is this?" Kaos looked at me and asked, "Are you already using that thing?"

"Do you mean the ring of discipline?" I suddenly took out a crystal stone engraved with rune from my body and said: "Since you have decided to resist all other Divine Race complexes to steal the Ring of Discipline, then you should be prepared like this."

< p>The thing I just took out is the permission to use the Ring of Discipline. This thing is not a permission on paper, but something like a magic code. Once a certain Divine Race is approved, you can put a password on it, and you can operate the Ring of Discipline as long as you collect all the passwords. The first thing I did after returning from God World in Russia was to get this thing, because once it is pulled into God World in Russia by the Russian Divine Race, this thing will become my last layer of protection. As long as I can mobilize the ring of discipline at will, let alone a medium Divine Race such as the Russian Divine Race, even a large Divine Race such as Celestial Court can never grab the ring of discipline.

When Kaos heard my answer, I was even more convinced that what I just used was the power of the ring of discipline, but he didn't understand why the woman next to him should launch it instead of myself. But this is not the point. What Kaos really cares about is his own situation. He was already quite worried when he was surrounded, but now he has been weakened by half of his defense and life. If this happens, let alone a ring of discipline, he doesn't even know whether his life can be saved. .

"hmph, borrow the power of the ring of discipline against me, you are really good to plot against!"

"You should think of this when you are plotting the ring of discipline. Before. You are also one of the owners of the Ring of Discipline, I naturally cannot use it to attack you actively, but now that you have violated the agreement first, then I will automatically obtain the temporary right to use the Ring of Discipline according to the original agreement of the gods. But I Now I don’t want to use the Ring of Discipline here. Its formidable power is too strong and not easy to control. I don’t want to compensate my city for you. If you are smarter, surrender immediately. I can help you and Other Divine Races intercede. Although they will certainly not be able to keep the entire Russian Divine Race, it shouldn’t be a problem to keep you. How about? This is your last chance."

"hahahaha!" Kaos laughed and said with a smile: "Do you think I still have room for maneuver? From the moment I started planning to get the ring of commandments, I have no retreat. Either win or lose, there is no possibility in the middle ."

"You understand very well." I snapped my fingers as I said, and a large group of familiars appeared in an instant. "If this is the case, then you are ready to die here."

"If you want to keep me, you have to have the ability." Kaos said, he suddenly rushed towards me. However, as soon as he rushed halfway, he was suddenly blocked by a large body of Death God guards with a wolf head. Kaos was stunned at the time, but he quickly reacted to violently waving the heavy sword in his hand, and it was a sword according to the monster in front of him, but the monster that was chopped by him did not mean to dodge, but instead took the initiative to welcome it. Go up. Although Kaos succeeded in slicing the Death God guard in front of him in half, the monster next to him suddenly jumped up and grabbed the sword firmly and stuck it in the body of the dead monster. Kaos saw this posture but didn't know that I wanted to play rogue tactics and drag him to death with summon things. So he didn't care about the sword, he just let go and wanted to retreat, but the Death God guard beside him moved one step faster than him. He had just retreated half a step, and a Death God guard had already jumped over from the periphery. Kaos turned back and the simple ordinary punch knocked the Death God guard into the air, but before he could withdraw his fist, the second Death God guard rushed forward again. The Death God guard didn’t attack him, but just hugged his arm and hung it on his body. Then, before Kaos reacted, the third and fourth Death God guards were one after another. Pounced on, the head holding the head holding the leg holding the leg, within a few seconds, Kaos was covered with a layer of Death God guards. Although Kaos had a layer of Death God guards hung on his body, he did not give up. Instead, he struggled desperately to get rid of the Death God guards on his body. It was just that those Death God guards simply didn't let go. Add one. Anyway, at my current level, I can summon 30,000 Death God guards. At his speed, I don't expect to kill every hour. Besides, the summon number of Death God guards can be recovered. At his speed, he will not only kill my Death God guards if he is exhausted.

The players in our guild were finally relaxed after seeing the formerly arrogant Kaos being trapped in the court by the densely packed Death God guard. One of the leading players walked up to me and asked: "President, are you going to kill him like this?"

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