The so-called duel is actually abusive. The battle method that Kaos is good at is limited by me. The only remaining battle methods are ordinary attacks and some body refinement skills. Kaos was not afraid of only this little battle strength to deal with ordinary people, but the problem is that now he is not dealing with ordinary people, but very unusual me. even more how I also added an unlimited summon rule, which is equivalent to amplifying my battle strength infinitely. In such a situation, trying to defeat me is simply dreaming.

As the duel space prompted the battle to begin, the familiar around me immediately moved. Kaos's three familiars were all summoned, but as soon as they appeared, they were overpowered by Lucky, Scythe and Crystal. Because according to my rules, the familiars can be resurrected on the spot right away when they die, so lucky they didn’t kill these three familiars. Instead, they stunned them and tied them together, so that even if they can be resurrected, don’t expect to help them. The Kaos’s are busy.

After trapping the three familiars of Kaos, Ling commanded the remaining familiars to encircle Kaos. When Kaos saw this, he knew that he was complete today. Hopeless. His divine force has been blocked, and his battle strength has gone to 90%. Now he is besieged by so many demons at the same time, and all the opponents can be resurrected indefinitely. Is this a fart? Of course, it does not mean that there is no possibility of winning in Kaos, but that the probability is relatively low. His only hope now is to be able to break out of Ling's encirclement and kill me, otherwise it is a waste of time. My Familiars can respawn without limit, and there is no point in attacking them, but if I am killed, then the duel will be over. However, although this method is the only way for Kaos to win, it is even more difficult to implement. Let alone how much Kaos's battle strength is left after restricting so many things, my individual strength alone is definitely not easy to deal with. even more how I am not alone. Then a large group of demons stood there, how could he let him attack me and ignore it? As for getting rid of these monsters and rushing over, this method is theoretically feasible, but it is definitely not that simple to implement.

After weighing the form of the scene, Kaos did not give up immediately. On the contrary, instead of giving up, he chose the most impossible task to complete, which is to kill me directly. After confirming the target, Kaos started to rush towards me like an unloaded cannonball, but just shortly after he rushed out, a huge silhouette suddenly stopped him and I blocked all the roads leading to me.

Kaos, who originally planned to fight for it, was completely dumbfounded, because just now, a huge black snake turned into a hill and surrounded me. In its body. Now if Kaos wants to kill me, he must kill the snake first. Although Kaos didn't know what kind of creature this snake was, it could be seen from its small hill-like volume that it was definitely not a normal thing, and it was definitely not a simple thing to kill it. Even more how the previous duel rule is that the pet has no punishment for death, which means that even if he kills the snake, the opponent will immediately resurrect, so he should not expect to rush in anyway.

Kaos was stunned by Heiyan's behavior, but my other familiars were not stunned. Before Kaos came back to his senses from thinking, he saw one black one white two light balls suddenly flying in front of him, and then the light balls collided in front of him and exploded, destroying heaven extinguishing the shock wave of earth. So he threw Kaos into the air, and then before he landed, he felt a black shadow in the air suddenly rushed over and hit him, the huge force almost spit out Kaos. come out.

Although he was dizzy and dizzy by the previous explosion, Kaos did not lose consciousness. After being hit by a bird, he immediately grabbed the edge of the bird's wing with one hand, and the other slammed against it. Asuka's body smashed down. With the strength of the main god of Kaos, Asuka would definitely not be able to survive if he hit his head with a punch, so under normal circumstances, Asuka's choice should be to leave immediately after hitting Kaos, and then look for opportunities to attack again. However, the situation is different now.

Kaos's seemingly mortal punch finally only opened a big hole in Asuka's body, but it did not kill Asuka. After being hit, Kaos really wanted to kill the creature in front of him with a single blow, but he made a mistake about Asuka's body structure. When a normal person sees a creature hitting him, his first reaction is that it is the other person's head that hits him. After all, most creatures are headed forward. But flying birds are synthetic creatures, not something that evolved naturally. Unlike ordinary creatures, birds actually fly upside down when they fly. The steel fork-like object he was flying forward was actually an extension of his spine, not his head. The triangular object that looked like a tail dragged behind him was his head. Because of this mistake, Kaos just shot Asuka's cudal vertebrae off with his punch, and it didn't hurt enough to be fatal in an instant. Of course, under normal circumstances, this kind of injury is enough to make a creature lose its battle strength. But the current situation is not normal, so the birds don’t care about being injured at all. At worst, they will be resurrected after death. Anyway, there is no death penalty. There is neither downgrade nor the restriction of not being allowed to summon again within a certain period of time. Not dead simply is the same.

Because they don't care about death at all, Asuka did not choose the cautious one-shot guerrilla tactics, but chose the perish together tactics that pursue the greatest damage. The punched Asuka not only did not let go of Kaos, but instead injected the energy of the whole body into the jet thruster by overdrawing its life force. We only saw the flying bird instantly transformed into a super rocket after hitting Kaos, dragging a nearly fifty-meter-long jet flame and Kaos slammed into the ground like a meteor. Because it is a top-down dive, coupled with Asuka's desperate jet propulsion, the speed of him and Kaos reached a state of horror almost instantaneously. Kaos didn't even have time to react and was bumped into the ground by the other party, followed by a loud explosion sound. Even though we were standing outside several hundred meters, we felt the ground tremble sharply.

The skeleton and muscles of the bird’s body that hit the ground with more than ten times the phonemes were instantly ravaged into a mass of mud by inertia. At the same time, the jet fuel stored in the bird’s body also exploded violently, which was formidable. power is almost comparable to the medium-sized magic crystal steam bomb.

Following the loud noise, I received Asuka's death notice at the same time as it should be by rights, but as soon as I received the notification, Asuka was given to summon again. The flames from the explosion over there hadn't had time to completely vacate, and the birds here hovered in the sky intact.

In contrast to Asuka's unscathed resurrection, Kaos, who hit the ground together with Asuka, was miserable this time. At the moment of the impact, Kaos was pushed in front by a bird. In other words, Kaos actually hit the ground first, and then the bird hit Kaos instead of the ground. At that speed, Asuka even the skeleton and muscles smashed into a mass of paste. One can imagine how miserable Kaos was caught in the middle. Although Kaos's armor and other items had been restored after entering the duel space, the impact was so severe that when the flames dissipated, he staggered out of the huge pit.

Originally speaking, a main god like Kaos can easily kill a creature of the level of Asuka, but now he is so embarrassed because of those rules, Kaos is almost always It's going to bleed. However, even though he was angry and depressed, he had nothing to do. I can only blame me for being too cunning and for being too stupid at the beginning. Didn't expect rules can still be set like this.

Despite being furious, Kaos knows that this is not the time to be angry at all. He didn't say a word after crawling out of the pit, and rushed towards me directly. He is not the kind of person who will sit and wait for death, even if there is a glimmer of survival, he has to fight for it. However, since it is a glimmer of survival, it is very rare. Kaos is now not so much working hard, but rather supporting his final dignity as a Divine Race. In fact, when he heard the rules that I made, he knew that this time was not saved, but his Divine Race self-esteem made him unable to give up. Can't be squandered.

Seeing Kaos rushing over again, I didn't say much, just waved forward. Ling and Xiaochun's magic instantly covered Kaos's path. The powerful light-dark magic could not stop even Kaos, and it was blown off again in an instant. Only this time he still didn't fall, but got up again and rushed over.

Without receiving my order to stop, Ling and Xiaochun would naturally not stop, so Kaos was blown away again without any suspense. In this way, after Kaos flew out and rushed back and flew back and forth a dozen times, I finally understood. This guy is not fighting me at all, he is just looking for death. With the strength of Kaos, if you really want to fight, although you will still die in the end, you will not be suppressed by Ling and Xiaochun, right? From just now until now, he hasn't dodged once, every time he rushes up with his attack. How can such a style of play not be blown away? So he is simply not fighting me, he just wants to die quickly.

After understanding Kaos's thoughts, I also feel that I shouldn't be tossing him. There is no need to be kind to the enemy, but torturing a dying enemy to get pleasure is pure pleasure for the coward. My goal is destruction, not torture.

"Ling, Xiaochun."

"Do you want him to die decently?" Ling deserves to be Chief Steward, a loyal favorite, I haven't said yet. She guessed what I meant.

I nodded and said: "Use your strongest skills. Send him on the road once and don't toss him."

"Understand." Ling turned and asked Xiaochun: "You Come or me?"

"Let's come." Xiaochun said to me: "Excuse me, please hide away. It will be more dangerous around here for a while."


As former enemies, Ling and Xiaochun have a deep understanding of each other, and after they have become my favorites and have worked together for so long, Ling naturally knows that Xiaochun wants to What to do. She directly let me and other Familiars run to a place ten kilometers away, and then handed me a telescope.

Kaos probably also knew that we understood his thoughts, so he saw us retreating and simply didn't move, just standing there waiting for Xiaochun to give him the last one. And Xiaochun waited until we were all evacuated to a safe distance before turning around to face Kaos and said: "For your sake, I will show you my ultimate destruction technique. Keep your eyes open, I would never use this skill normally."

While Xiaochun was preparing for the skill over there, Ling Ze explained to me who was holding the telescope. "Xiaochun probably wants to use the ultimate destruction technique. It's something that we both light and dark Divine Race can do, but the name is not the same. Light God Palace calls it the light of the world, and we call it Dark God Palace. For the road of destruction, it is actually a spell."

"Is this skill very difficult to deal with? Why haven't you used it before?"

"Where are we? Dare to use it casually?" Ling complained: "That's the last trick to kill. One use is reduced to 500 levels, even if it is not used at our level a few times, the level is returned to zero. Now it is because of the rules you made. Not being punished by death, so Xiaochun dare to use that trick."

"Oh, so that's how it is."

Ling Zheng explained, and suddenly we all felt it. A storm of terrifying energy blew from the front. Although it was not wind in the real sense, it was an impact that could be really felt. And the power contained in it is absolutely terrifying. Ling explained in a timely manner: "This is Xiaochun's use of time superposition technology to overdraw all her life force and magic power of the 500th level and bring it to one point, so that such terrifying energy fluctuations will erupt."

I nodded and said: "Yeah! The power of five hundred Goddess of Light is concentrated and released in an instant. It is indeed the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. I guess even High God has caught this trick. Will be injured."

Ling Ye nodded and said: "Almost. The energy is concentrated to this level, and it is already close to Law Power. Even if it can hurt High God, it’s not surprising. Oh, We are ready to start, everyone close our eyes."

Following Ling's prompt, we hurriedly closed our eyes. Although it's strange why we didn't let us watch, the tacit cooperation of for a long time made us all instinctively ignore the question and immediately closed our eyes. Almost the moment we closed our eyes, we suddenly felt the bright light ahead. Even though we closed our eyes, the light was so strong that it penetrated our eyelids and stabbed our eyes with pain. The demons and I couldn't help covering our eyes with our hands. At the moment when the strong light broke out, I even felt as if someone was burning us with fire. The terrifying light radiation is estimated to have exceeded the light radiation at the moment of the atomic bomb explosion. If it weren't for the companionship between us and Xiaochun, and we had automatically ignored most of the damage, it is estimated that we would have all been alighted just now.

A few seconds after the strong light broke out, we all dared to take off our hands. At this time, the surrounding area was still white. It was not that our eyes had a problem, but that there was a The little sun is hanging there. Moreover, the sun not only did not go out, but also gradually increased. In the end, it expanded into a huge white ball of light several kilometers in diameter. In the end, we had to cover our eyes again, because the light was so real. It's too strong to open your eyes. The ground around us was already scorched at this time, the ground under our feet was dehydrating and cracking at a speed visible to naked eye, and the exposed rocks in some places were actually burnt red.

"Ling, how long does this spell last?"

"About one minute, and forbearance will pass." Ling knows that we are more uncomfortable because she is also uncomfortable . It's not because of the confrontation of Light and Darkness attribute, but because of the heat. We are all Xiaochun's companions, so except for some of Xiaochun's spells, which do not distinguish between enemy and us, basically will not hurt us. Although the ultimate destruction technique in front of us does not distinguish between enemy and us, we are not actually within the scope of magic. The changes in the surrounding environment are actually caused by the aftermath of the magic, and this aftermath is also within the scope of the identification of friend or foe, so we will not feel any formidable power. But even if the formidable power of magic does not work on us, the formidable power reflected by the environment is not immune. The biggest problem we feel right now is heat, and it’s not normal heat. It feels as if hundreds of high-power infrared heaters are all facing you alone. I even feel like a roast duck in a microwave oven. It's almost familiar.

Fortunately, the time Ling said is fairly accurate. After one minute, the scary magical fluctuations that came from the center of the light ball outside suddenly disappeared, but because the air has been heated to the point where it can emit light by itself, although the fuel is gone, the light ball has no point. The meaning to be extinguished. We just waited on the spot for nearly one minute before the surrounding light began to gradually weaken, and when the light weakened to the point where the eyes could adapt, it was already a few minutes later, but the surrounding air was still so hot. If anyone has it now The root wood, as long as it is taken out, it will burn itself into coke immediately.

Although the temperature has not completely dropped, but fortunately, it has no effect on us. The place where Xiaochun and Kaos just stood has now become a large pit with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. The edge of the entire pit is red, and there is a small amount of lava at the bottom of the pit, which looks like it will dry up. It is estimated that most of the lava has been directly vaporized, and what has accumulated at the bottom of the pit should have just flowed down after the temperature dropped. Xiaochun's silhouette hovered in the center of this huge pothole without any suspense. As for Kaos, it couldn't be more appropriate to describe it in one word. The word is "disappear from the face of the earth".

"The ultimate destruction technique is really amazing! A dignified god, even the ashes are burnt!"

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