Returning to Isengard with the blueprint is no trouble. Most of the manpower on the Divine Race in Russia has been concentrated on repairing the super magic array, so there is nothing. Someone intercepted me when they were available, and very smoothly let me leave the Russian God World.

After returning to Isengard, I first brought Solo to the City of Discipline. The purpose of taking him in before was to let him contact the representatives of Divine Race on my behalf. With this guy’s sleek personality, Competent for this kind of thing. After arranging Solo's affairs, I immediately returned to Isengard, and then ran to the military god's command center with the blueprint.

"Are you back?" As soon as I walked into the control room, I heard the greeting from the military god.

"Where is the progress of the war now?"

"Our troops on the Japanese side have begun to launch a counterattack, and most of the Japanese guilds are currently under the control of Matsumoto Masaka It pretends to retreat, so the progress is very fast. It is estimated that in two days you will be able to fully control the entire territory of Japan. As long as the system approval time reaches three days, Japan can be declared annihilated."

I nodded Then he asked: "What about the Russians?"

"The situation on the Russian side is a bit more complicated." The god of war said that he drew a few virtual pictures in front of him with his hands, and several crystals suddenly lit up. , And then flew to us and landed on the Military God’s console, and then a huge map and many scrolling pictures were projected on the main screen. "Look, this is the actual line of control between China and Russia. The red one is our control area, and the white one is Russian."

"Ah? The white one is Russian? How could this happen? Big?" The white area on the map has obviously exceeded the scope of the three provinces of Northeast China, which means that the Russians have jumped out of the original territory of the Northern Alliance and entered the inland area. This is obviously quite different from our at first plan. "Why did the Russian troops jump out of our defense?"

After I asked, the military god first displayed a personal profile on the main screen, and then said: "The reason is that he Body."

"Who is this?" Although the information displayed on the screen is very complete, I don't know this guy.

"He is just a key member of the Hot-Blood League."

"The Hot-Blood League's people? Why disturb our plan? How did he do it?"

"This person is mainly responsible for the liaison between our guild and the War Blood League, so he can get a lot of information before Feng Yin Miomi, but this person finally tampered with some of the information in the information. This Not counting, he also forged communications privately, misleading our troops to appear in places where they shouldn’t have appeared on many occasions, causing us to lose a lot of manpower. At the same time, he also sold a lot of intelligence to the Russians during this time, so much so. Many of our action plans have been known in advance by the Russians."

I looked at the unremarkable guy in the screen and asked half-doubt and half-irritated: "Why would he do this?"


"At first, I was also surprised why he did this. To be honest, my battlefield analysis system has no information about such behaviors at all, so I was rushing and losing a lot when this happened. Army. But thanks to this person, I finally perfected the program in this area and created a special database. If similar situations happen again in the future, I will be able to deal with it."

"You still didn't say Why did he do this?"

"Oh, that's it." Military god said: "I first used a logical judgment program to judge his behavior after discovering this guy's behavior, and it turned out that he His behavior was completely inconsistent with logic. In the end, I could only classify it as a special mental illness. So I contacted several psychologists through Longyuan’s internal network to analyze his behavior. The experts concluded that this A person suffers from a very serious mental illness. This illness is somewhat similar to the psychological characteristics of masochism, except that masochism obtains psychological comfort and sexual pleasure through direct behavior such as body and language abuse. Pleasure is obtained through a macroscopic situation of being defeated, conquered, and ravaged. Experts say that this disease is very rare, and its main manifestation is to obtain pleasure through intentional or unintentional betrayal of one’s own organization. When he was in a commercial company, his performance was that he hoped that the company he was working for would close down, so that he would become an unemployed person, and then get pleasure. For the country, he would hope that the country would be conquered by other countries and then become The subjugated slaves come to enjoy the pleasure. As for the performance in the game, it is natural to destroy the guild and even the national group to get the pleasure."

"I rely on, how come there are people with such abnormal diseases?"

"If you gather all the non-universal behaviors of all mankind, you will find that humans are actually a very complex group, and their behavior can be said to be myriad. For some of them, it belongs to The thing as it should be by rights is unacceptable in the eyes of other groups. In fact, according to the internal investigation report of Longyuan Group, At least 90% of normal humans have one or two special behaviors that most people do not possess. In contrast, this person's behavior is just too special. "

"Well, I'm pretty knowledgeable!" "After listening to the military god's report, I was simply defeated. This guy's behavior is so strange that he can do this kind of thing! "Now that this person's behavior has produced bad consequences, how do you deal with it? "

Military God quickly switched the screen displayed on the main screen to the state of the strategic map, and then explained to the map: "After discovering this person’s behavior, the Warm Blood Alliance has kicked him out of the guild and Special personnel were sent to hunt him down. Without his whistleblowing, the performance of the Russian army was immediately reversed. However, the line of defense we originally set has collapsed. It takes time and more manpower and material resources to expand and rebuild the line of defense. We can't afford it and don't have the time to prepare. "

"Then what did you do? "

"I still adopted the previous concept of time difference, and dismantled the troops originally used to build defense lines into multiple large-scale mobile troops. Change the time and try to consume and delay the offensive speed of the Russian army. As long as the fighting on the Japanese side ends, our main force can quickly withdraw to the country to participate in the war against Russia. "

"The plan is good, but are you sure it will work? You know, even if we consciously lead them to counterattack after Japan is destroyed, we can't do it too fake, right? Should I leave some troops to fight them? Under such circumstances, there are certainly not too many troops that can be withdrawn. Are you sure those troops are enough to turn the tide of the battle? "

Military God explained: "I am very sure that the troops withdrawn are enough to turn the tide of the battle. In fact, the troops we evacuated from Japan will only account for one third of the total number of our troops stationed in Japan, but I plan to draw all the core battle strength of this one third, so that this one third can produce approximately total strength. The battle strength of 2/3/2021, and this battle strength has actually exceeded the local strength of the Russians in our country. "

"Huh? Isn't it? I clearly remembered that the Russians had a lot of troops! How could they surpass their local battle strength with just such a small amount of force? "

"This is the benefit of a large country. "The military god said: "Although our tactic of trading space for time was broken because of the betrayal of the mentally abnormal person, the expansion of the occupied area is also a burden to the Russians themselves. It is true that if we want to block this large area, we need more troops to form a new line of defense, but in the same way, the Russians have also increased a large area of ​​occupation, and all of these occupied areas need to be occupied by people, which leads to the Russian army. The army's strength has been diluted by our country's huge land area. At the same time, because the small infiltrating elite units we formed are running around the rear of the Russian army, the casualties of the Russian army during the battle are very terrible. The direct result of this loss is that the commanders of the Russian army are forced to strengthen the battle strength of the guards of the occupied areas, which further aggravates the attrition of the Russian army's offensive forces. In addition, due to the larger War Zone, the Russians can no longer rely on an independent large army group to fight. Now they have broken down the offensive forces into three, and the battle strength of any one of them is not as strong as our return force. As long as we can transfer some of the troops that were originally planned to build the room into this elite force, we will soon be able to form a huge Super Legion capable of defeating any one of the three teams, and as long as We can completely defeat one of them, and the other two teams will immediately switch from offensive to standstill. At that time, we can drag one of them with a small number of troops, and then you will lead the team to annihilate the other directly. When the time comes only one of the three teams is left, we can play as we want. Even without a tactical plan, we should have won. "

After listening to the introduction of the military god, I immediately clapped and said: "Yes, this plan is very suitable. Where are you now? "

"I am still reconciling the troops. "Military god said: "Because the situation of Russian troops rushing out of our encirclement was relatively sudden, we were not prepared. Many defensive troops were still behind the Russians. Fortunately, the Russians also knew that they were rushing too fast. They were afraid that they would become lonely after being cut off, so they stopped. I am currently mobilizing those elite squads to harass the Russian offensive forces, forcing their tactical response to slow down. At the same time, our own defense forces are gradually disengaging from the Russian army and regrouping some distance away from the battlefield. . Once the formation is completed, you can immediately go to the battlefield to contain the three invading forces. "

"Very good. Just do what you said. But during this period of time, you'd better help me study this thing clearly and tell me what effect this magic array will have when it runs. "As I said, I handed the blueprint I got to the military god.

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