"Are you going to rely on this thing to trap me to death here?"

"Stuck to death?" The god general just glanced at me contemptuously. Then he said: "This is just a bauble to prevent you from escaping. Don't think that you are really a Divine Race nemesis by killing a few low-level Divine Races. To tell you the truth, the ones you encountered above are just my Divine Northland. The weakest low-level members of the Race, true experts have all been concentrated here. If you think that you can still slaughter the Divine Race here as if you are outside, you are very wrong. Every Divine Race member here is not you. It can be dealt with."

I don’t care about shrugged and said: "It’s all about whether it’s great or not. You only know whether it’s great or fake. You only know if you try it. If you think you’re great, just let it go. Come and try." If I can be scared by a few words, then I am not Purple Moon. Although this guy said solemnly vowed, only practice can prove what the actual situation is. Believing in the enemy’s words is not as good as guessing yourself, because the enemy is impossible to think you are good, so even if he is telling the truth, you must definitely do the opposite, because when the enemy tells the truth, the truth must be detrimental to you. when.

When I heard that, the Divine Race immediately felt that he couldn't hold back his face, because his harsh words didn't scare me, but I criticized him. Under the fly into a rage out of humiliation, the Divine Race didn't care about the actual situation, he reached out his hand and took the giant sword slanted from behind and rushed over.

"Yeah, are you angry?" When I saw that guy rushing over, I immediately caught my attention. Although I am not convinced, but I also know that Divine Race is not easy to provoke, so tactically, it is natural to pay more attention to it.

The silver armor Divine Race rushed a few meters in front of me and suddenly jumped up, followed by a volley and smashed it down. Seeing that guy fall from in midair, I didn't take a step back, instead, I took a step forward and followed my right foot up and kicked over my head. Because I took a step forward, the heavy sword that the guy was aiming at lost the target, and my raised feet hit the guy’s stomach, relying entirely on the impact of his own fall to almost hit him. Spit out the supper. Originally, the impact produced by a jump cut was not too big, but the problem was that it was neither the heavy sword for the attack nor the powerful legs, but the soft abdomen that had to bear this intermediate force. The weight of the whole body plus the inertia caused by falling all have to be borne by the soft muscles of the abdomen. Even if this blow is not a critical attack, it is definitely not light. Besides, my attribute contains the suppression of Divine Race, so this hit the opponent can not use the divine force to protect myself, it is completely relying on my body to forcibly withstand the damage.

After kicking the opponent's stomach, I pressed down on my toes and hooked the guy from in midair to the ground, then stood on his stomach with one foot, and slammed the other foot. He threw the ice skates from the bottom of the boots, and then quickly pressed them against the guy's throat. "Tell you a saying that is very popular in China now-impulse is the devil!"

Although I don’t fully understand the meaning of my words, it doesn’t prevent the other party from hearing the irony in my language. . I can't understand this thing by itself. He had just finished speaking the big talk and rushed forward on his own initiative, but he was restrained by one move, and what made him most unacceptable was that I didn't even use my hands during the whole process.

Seeing that guy stubbornly turned his head to look like Ren killing Ren Yan, I gave a cold smile, and then said: "What kind of hero is pretending now? The real hero is not like you. , You are a fool and want to be a hero? I don’t want you to be a hero.” As I said, I suddenly moved my feet, and the ice skates instantly scratched the guy’s neck, but I deliberately controlled the intensity, so I opened the mouth more. shallow. But this is a critical attack after all, especially when I use it, formidable power is terrifying. Blood water spurted out of his throat like a fountain, and the guy was nervously kicking his legs on the ground, he crawled does not raise. In fact, the injury did not kill him at all, but let him for a short time. It is still possible to recover the battle strength inside, and I just want to kill the other Divine Races here while he can't move, and make him the only survivor, not a hero.

After solving this guy, I looked towards others and walked over. Seeing my trick, they brought their Captain down. The Divine Race soldiers who rushed out before started to back away slowly. Although they still stopped me from letting me get close to that line of defense, they didn't dare to face me head-on. It was only the coowering who followed my steps and kept retreating.

"Are you going to just retreat to the back of the line like this?"

My words made all the Divine Race present stunned. Yes! If you're afraid, it's impossible to retreat to the defensive line, right? The above is a dead order. If I can't stop me here, they won't have to mix in Divine Race in the future.

After thinking about the strong relationship, the Divine Race who was present did not hesitate anymore, they shouted and rushed up, but because there was no high level Divine Race sitting in town, the performance was very messy, and I was soon caught up in it. Break through each. After all the enemies on the scene fell, the isolation barrier that had been propped up before disappeared automatically. I guess that thing is actually a magic ball that closes an area for people to duel. As long as the side in the enclosed area is completely defeated, the protective barrier will naturally disappear.

After leaving the protective barrier, I quickly rushed into the wall that blocked the passage before, but without guards, no matter how strong the wall was, it was just a wall. I was completely broken through without delaying my defense for a long time. During the period, I killed more than a dozen Divine Races in a row, and EXP went up like a rocket. If it weren’t for Divine Race to kill a group of them just like the Hornet, I would like to upgrade by killing Divine Race in the future. Unfortunately, this wish may not be realized.

After crossing that line of defense, the road below became a completely unguarded passage, but after half of the passage, a brighter light and Noisy sound. Seeing this, I didn't dare to ride the bird directly forward, but replaced it with the Place of Origin where Ye Ying quietly approached the sound. In this dark passage, our shadow traversal ability can almost perfectly exert its full formidable power. As long as we don't want to be discovered, no one can even find us. But this kind of good thing can also be used in the passage. After reaching the Place of Origin of the sound, the magic lights all over the passage will almost illuminate the place like noon on the ground. No, it's actually more terrible here than noon on the ground. The sun on the ground is shining from one direction at all, and it will form a shadow area behind the object, but the light source here is distributed on the top of the entire crypt, just like the shadowless lamp used in the operating room, there is no shadow on the ground. It can't be projected, so our shadow crossing is useless.

After carefully approaching the last area that the shadow can reach, I put away the night shadow, and then asked Eminis to add a full-body phantom to me, and finally rely on Phantom Cloak's stealth attribute to move forward. Move behind a pile of boxes. The double camouflage of the Invisibility Technique and the phantom can fully cover my body, and I have used obstacles so carefully to cover my body, even if there is an expert who can recognize phantoms and invisibility on the spot, I will not find my whereabouts.

After finally lurking behind the pile of boxes stacked at the exit of the passage, I carefully climbed to the top of the box, and then looked out through the gap between the top two boxes.

In front of the passage where I am hiding now is a huge array of magic that is exactly the same as the magic array under the City of Hope, but the one in the City of Hope has been completed, and this one is still under construction. . The four road-wide magic connecting lines on the ground have been connected together. Most of the outer magic array frame has been completed, and several crystal inlay slots are empty. Some members of the Russian Divine Race are carefully installing magic stones. Others gathered near the unfinished magic lines and slowly connected the magic lines with divine force on the ground.

"Ivanovic." A Divine Race suddenly stood up and yelled, and following his yelling, a Divine who was guiding several wizard-type Divine Races to depict the magic array Race suddenly jumped from the ground.

"What are you doing?" The Divine Race called Ivanovich exclaimed uncomfortably.

The person who called him before beckoned: "Come here, come here, the array on my side seems to be something wrong!"

"Is it right?" When the problem was solved, Ivanovic ran over nervously, and then did not speak to the other party. First, he squatted down and touched the lines of the magic array with his hands, and then frowned, stood up and carried a large folder behind his back. I turned it over and turned a few pages inside. Finally, according to one of the pages, I constantly compared the magic array on the ground with the magic array drawn on the file in his hand. After watching for about ten seconds, Ivanovich suddenly shouted: "Sharif, you idiot, who told you to install the magic micro-control valve here? The high-magic self-limiting magic circuit is used here. I'll change it. Fortunately, this side hasn't connected to the Internet, otherwise we, a large group of people, will have to bury you this idiot!"

"I didn't mean it, why are you fierce?" Sharif replied quite angrily, but he didn't dare to speak too loudly. After all, Ivanovic is the highest-level Divine Race here, that is, their immediate boss. They can be dissatisfied, but they can't really show it. Even if he replied like this, he could only murmur quietly. Although Ivanovic may not be inaudible, but as long as you do not engage him in the stage, he will generally not care about these ordinary Divine Race.

After reading the magic array problem here, Ivanovic held the big folder and started to turn around, correcting some omissions and errors in the construction process from time to time. Although this process is quite common in this construction site, I saw it brightly, because isn't the folder that the guy is holding is the blueprint I need?

Now that the target has appeared, it is easy to handle. I hid behind the box and kept staring at the guy’s every move. I found that he usually circulates along the drawing direction of the magic array regularly, and if someone calls him in the middle, he will go over and take a look. Just go back to the position checked before and continue to turn down. This rule seems very simple, but there is a place that can be used, that is, one of the places he needs to observe is very close to where I am hiding now, and the Divine Race battle strength It shouldn be a technical Divine Race battle strength like him. 't be too high, as long as I can find the opportunity, I can snatch the folder immediately from his hand.

After thinking about the solution, the next step is how to execute it. It is obviously impossible to grab things directly. There are more Divine Races here than the previous defensive circle, and I have seen several masters who are more powerful than the previous Divine Race with silver armor. It is too dangerous to grab something directly from here. After thinking for a while, I got an idea.

Since no one is paying attention here, I quietly retreated back into the passage, and then retreated a little distance, and then summoned out the Blazers and Rose Vine. Although they are all experts at digging, the things that Pioneers and Rosevine are good at are not the same. This time I summon the two magic familiars for different purposes. First, I asked the pioneer to dig two tunnels to connect to the two tunnels on the other side of the crypt, but the pioneer was only responsible for the front part, and when it was about to dig through, the rose vine was used for precise digging, and finally only left A thin layer of soil was not dug through. After completing these projects, we dug a channel from the channel where we are now to the ground near the location Ivanovic needs to patrol. Of course, we also left a thin layer of maps in the end, and Let the rose vine support the floor with its own branches below to prevent it from collapsing prematurely.

After making these preparations, the next job is simple. I first let Ling and Xiaochun run down the tunnel to the other two passages respectively, and then I lurked to the entrance of the tunnel myself. Following my order in the spiritual contact, Ling and Xiaochun blasted open the wall with only a layer of soil in front of them at the same time, and then rushed into the passage.

Two consecutive explosions immediately attracted the attention of all the Divine Races present. Among them, the more capable Divine Race rushed to the two aisles quickly, but people were crowded before they even entered. The magic was smashed out. Although they have retired and quit, Ling and Xiaochun were both Goddess before, and now I have gotten a lot of attribute enhancements, and their strength is almost the same as before retiring. Without the need to fight for a long time, the two of them didn't care about any magic power anymore, and threw out all the high-output magic that they didn't use normally, and the large group of Divine Race at the door did not dare to show up.

Although the dense magic bursts in the two passages seem to be very powerful, they did not cause any casualties because they were completely inaccurate. However, I don’t expect them to kill a few Divine Races anyway. What they need to do is now done. Their magic attack successfully divided the Divine Race of the Earth into two waves. Those who could fight gathered at the entrance of the passage, and those who couldn't fight all retreated to my side and the other near the entrance of an empty passage.

Seeing that the time was almost there, I suddenly cancelled my invisibility and walked out of the passage from which I came. The Divine Race members didn't respond when they first saw me appear, but when one of them recognized me, the scene immediately became chaotic. Divine Race is also divided into battle-type Divine Race and auxiliary Divine Race, so it can't be said that if you are a god, you must be able to fight. The Divine Race that can be played in the crypt is attracted to the two tunnel entrances where Ling and Xiaochun are. Behind them, and those Divine Races that could protect them were all concentrated in front of them, it was too late to save them.

After confirming my identity, the assistant Divine Race at the scene suddenly started to run frantically towards the passage where no one was there. After all, the four passages are now safer. Ivanovich was naturally the one who ran together among the crowd, but he didn't know that I made such a big move for him, so he believed that he could run away. However, just when he passed by the ground near the ground where he had walked countless times before, the ground suddenly burst upwards, accompanied by the flying gravel, dozens of thick-armed rattans were sprayed from the hole at once. He came out, then instantly rolled him up and yanked him into the tunnel. Because the fleeing crowd was too panic, the situation that Ivanovic was dragged into the hole, apart from alarming the nearby Divine Race and making them run faster, was not discovered by more people. On the other side, those battles that originally planned to deal with Ling and Xiaochun quickly separated some people from Divine Race and rushed towards me.

Since the things are already in hand, there is no point in hitting them. I cleanly took out a magic crystal vapor bomb from my body and threw it at the magic array in the center, then turned and ran. Almost at the same time as I ran away, Xiaochun and Ling also instantly returned to the training space. The Divine Races who were planning to come over to deal with me were shocked when they saw what I threw. One of the Divine Races was swift and flew to the rescue. He finally caught the bomb and didn’t let it fall. The others The Divine Race is also relaxed at the same time. The magic array under their feet was only repaired after a lot of effort. If it is blown up, then I don’t know how long it will take to rebuild it. But with their delay, I have run deep into the passage. The tunnel that had been dug on the ground suddenly opened, and Rose Vine threw the covered in dirt Ivanovich out and returned to the training space by himself. I picked up the dizzy Ivanovic to the side. Asuka threw it on his back, and then jumped up to direct Asuka to leave the passage quickly.

Now I already have the magic array blueprint in my hand. It would be meaningless to investigate this magic array. It’s better to go back and let the military god figure out the purpose of the magic array. After all, it’s so big Something must be formidable power extraordinary, if it is bad for us, we should prepare early, right?

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