The military god took the magic array blueprint that I handed over and quickly turned it over. Because it is a computer, the speed of data entry is far beyond that of human beings. This data is read a lot, but he flips it up very quickly, almost reading it all in less than ten minutes, and then he immediately closes his eyes and starts the calculation. Looking at the army god calculating the pattern, I couldn't bother me, so I had to wait by the side. However, the speed of Military God is indeed faster, and I only waited a few minutes before opening my eyes again.

"The calculation is over?" I immediately asked when I saw the military god opened his eyes.

The military god shook the head. "No, but the general framework has been figured out."

"Then can you be sure what effect this magic array will produce if it runs?"

Without shaking his head, he said affirmatively: "Yes. Based on my knowledge of magic arrays, I can roughly determine that this is a multiple composite magic array."

"What is a multiple composite magic array?"< /p>

“Multiple composite magic array is a kind of magic array that draws multiple magic arrays with different functions into one magic array. The advantage of this multiple composite magic array is that it can save materials and drawing for drawing the magic array Area, that is, you can use relatively few materials to draw as many arrays as possible in a relatively small area. Generally, such multiple composite magic arrays are more common on high level magic weapons. After all, most magic weapons have a small surface area. , Using this multiple composite magic array can draw as many magic arrays as possible in a limited space. And once the multiple composite magic array is completed, it itself becomes a whole, which can reduce the number of magic arrays drawn on a weapon The formed magic interference can slightly enhance the use effect of the array and reduce the consumption of magic power. There is also a multiple composite magic array. Although it is a composite magic array, it is actually an array, so it only needs one energy core, which is for magic weapons. It is really a good feature. Of course, this multiple composite magic array also has shortcomings. One is that it is easier to be destroyed. After all, the structure is too complicated, and any little damage may cause the entire array to collapse. The other is that the design of this magic array is super complicated. Multiple compound magic arrays need to compound two or more arrays together, and these arrays not only have different functions, they may even have different elemental attributes, so I want to make them perfect. Fusion in an array without interfering with each other, the difficulty is not much simpler than recreating a brand-new magic array."

"Wait and so on." Seeing the military god explain it, it's endless. Call to stop quickly. "What did you say that this array is mostly used for?"

"Making magic weapons." Military god reminded: "Anywhere you need to carve a large number of magic arrays in a relatively small area, you can use multiple Compound magic array."

"Then if this kind of magic array is laid in a very large area, what do you think is the reason?" Just now, the military god said that multiple compound magic arrays are mainly used in small areas. Engraving multiple magic arrays in the area, but the problem is that the area of ​​the Russian God World is not small at all. If you want to carve so many arrays in a room, you can understand it with multiple composite magic arrays, but this array is drawn in For the entire God World, such a huge layout is used to draw magic arrays. It is necessary to use multiple composite magic arrays that can compress space. This is too exaggerated, right?

When the military god heard my question, he didn’t feel stunned. Instead, he immediately said: "If you have a large area and use multiple composite magic arrays, then I can only think of There are several explanations. 1. Among the magic arrays in the opponent's hands, only this multiple composite magic array can meet the requirements, and the other party does not know how to draw a single-purpose magic array, so he has to give up simplicity and complexity. You need to complete multiple functions, but you have one energy core that meets the requirements, so you have to integrate multiple arrays into one array, so that only one core can achieve multiple goals at the same time. Third, the other party needs to achieve the goal To have a strong magic output, it is necessary to increase the volume of the Great Demon array, but because the output is too high, the volume of the magic array is too large, even in a wide space, the magic array cannot be arranged, so multiple magic arrays have to be squeezed together Made into a multiple compound magic array. I can think of these three reasons."

Although the military god only said three reasons, I think the real reason may be among them. The first reason is that the probability is relatively small. After all, the research capabilities of the Russian Divine Race are still very good. Unreasonable and complex multiple composite magic arrays have been made but do not understand the single magic array after division. As for the second and third reasons, I am really not sure about this. It is even possible that both of these reasons exist, which forced the Russian Divine Race to use such a complicated multi-composite magic array to meet the requirements. It’s just that I’m curious, for what purpose is such a huge magic array needed?

"Military god, do you know the specific function of magic array?"

Military god nodded and said: "I only know a part. The structure of this multiple compound magic array is too complicated , It must be postponed slowly. I am currently commanding troops and Russian troops to deal with, temporarily cannot allocate too much system resources to calculate this thing. Of course, if you think this thing is more important, I can also reduce the calculation there Increase this to the first priority queue."

I thought about it and thought that this thing is really important, but the national defense war is not something that can be ignored, so it is impossible to let the military god suspend the command of the defense war. To calculate this thing. After thinking about it, I suddenly thought of a way. "By the way, you ask if Nuwa has idle computing units."

After receiving the order, the military god replied without any pause: "Nuwa currently has one-thousandth of its computing power in idle Status. If I transfer the data to Nuwa to use the remaining computing power to calculate, it should be possible to calculate the result within one hundred thousandths of a second."

"Then borrow it right away. "After I finished speaking, I added another sentence in my heart: "Nuwa is really abnormal. With such a huge amount of data, it takes a few minutes for Martial God to make full calculations. She actually uses only one-thousandth of the computing power to spend one hundred thousandths. It can be done in one second. What kind of perverted speed is this?"

Because Nuwa is too fast, the military god has just converted the data and finished Nuwa on the other side. Before the reaction, the military god replied: "The results are already out. Do you want to watch it now?"

"Ah? Oh, let me see what this magic array is for right away?"

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