Although Ling said three methods, there is only one method left for me. There is no need to consider the other two methods except for the direct use of eternal forced breakthrough. It takes a day for Ling to crack, I don't have the time to delay here, let alone find Divine Race to open the door. Let alone how much work it takes to catch a Divine Race alive and make it obedient, even if I catch it, how can I ensure that the other party knows how to open the door? This kind of Secret Sect is sure that only special personnel can master the way to open the door, impossible every Divine Race can enter and exit at will. Therefore, the only meaningful method can only be destroyed by eternity.

Brute force cracking has always been my best way to open the door, but the one in front of me is a little more complicated, because there is a counterattack array behind it, maybe the door didn’t open and I was blown away first. But with Ling’s help, it’s different. Ling first reads the position of the magic array, and then finds its core formation eye. Finally, I use an eternal moment to penetrate the wall to destroy the formation eye behind it all at once. Although the magic array will be activated when the wall is attacked, as long as the speed is fast enough and I can’t wait for it to gather enough magic power, I can destroy the main structure of the magic array, and the incomplete structure of the magic array is impossible to play a role.

After quickly dismantling the defensive counterattack magic array, the hidden door in front of me has become an ordinary door with only the protective divine technique. It was cut by the eternal full force, and it was quickly cut by me. Even the door panels were cut off.

After tearing down that door, we finally saw the passage. Behind the stone gate is a narrow staircase that is only tens of centimeters wide and leads all the way to the underground. Because the aisle is relatively narrow, even larger people have to walk sideways to pass. Fortunately, Ling and I are not burly and walk up. It won't be affected by it.

Walking down the stairs for less than ten meters is a very narrow metal door, but this door is not locked, only a round handle in the center of the door, look It looks a lot like the pressure door used on a ship. After turning the handle to push the door open, there is a small room of only a few square meters. The walls and ceiling of the room are all made of metal, and even the floor is made of the same material. Except for the door where we entered, , There was only a metal door that was much wider than this one on the opposite side. Apart from these two doors, there was nothing in the room.

Although the metal door on the opposite side is much wider than the door we entered, the structure of the door is exactly the same. Turn the handle on the door to open the door and push it gently, but there is no response. "En?" I was taken aback for a moment, but soon I found out the reason. This door and the door we entered are even connected to each other with a connector, and the function of this connector is to prevent the two doors from opening at the same time. To open one of the doors, you must completely close the other door.

"Isolation room?" After understanding the structure of the two doors, I guessed the purpose of this room. If the large magic array made by Divine Race in Russia is really an all-underground structure, its internal space may be quite large, and such a place will inevitably form a pressure difference at its exit. The final result is that the gate does not blow out. It is to suck in the wind, regardless of the situation, it is easy to expose the position of the outlet. Moreover, if this pressure difference is relatively large, it will be more troublesome to open and close the door, and it may happen that the door is crushed by air pressure and cannot be opened or closed. Although the structure of this isolation room is relatively simple, it can block air convection well. In addition to reducing the problem that the door cannot be opened and closed caused by wind pressure, it can also prevent the abnormal flow of airflow from leaking out the position of the outlet.

After closing the small door behind, we reopened the door here. This time it was very easy to open, but as soon as we passed through that door, we smelled an unusually unpleasant smell. Musty smell. Obviously, although the isolation room of the Russian Divine Race isolates the air pressure, it also isolates the fresh air. The smell in the underground space is extremely unpleasant. Fortunately, my helmet has filtering ability. It's tasteful.

The space behind this gate is a very large metal platform. There is a circle of flat lifts around the platform. However, the structure of these lifts is quite exaggerated. They are all lifted and lowered by the magic array. Not to mention the fishing hook and the cable, the thing is not even connected to the wall, the whole is a floating platform.

I walked to one of the platforms and looked down. Below the platform is a bottomless vertical well. The area is about more than 500 square meters, and the depth cannot be calculated at all. After thinking about it, I didn't take the elevator, so I just jumped directly from the edge of the platform. No matter how fast the thing is, at best, the speed of the free fall is incredible, and besides, it may expose the target, so I just jumped directly from here. Anyway, I have wings and I am not afraid of falling.

After descending down the channel for almost several kilometers, I felt that the surrounding air had a relatively large resistance, which showed that my bottom was not far from the ground. I first asked Ling to add a levitating technique to both of us, and waited for the speed to drop slightly before spreading its wings and slowing down. When our speed was almost reduced to normal levitation, the bottom of the cave had already appeared below.

Different from the darkness when viewed from above, there is actually light at the bottom of the well, but because it is too deep, the light does not pass above it.

In order not to disturb the guards that might exist, I gave up flying with my wings when I descended to a certain distance from the bottom of the well, but put Ling away first, and then landed on the wall. On the top, he hung himself on the wall with the sharp claws of the Divine Dragon suit on the fingertips and toes, and then slowly climbed down.

When I reached the lateral turning point at the bottom of the hole, I confirmed that there were no guards below, at least there were no guards in the range that I could see. After confirming that it was safe, I lightly landed on the ground, and then began to observe the cave.

I am standing at the bottom of the deep well just now, but here is the edge of the huge crypt below. In front of this area is a huge space that cannot be formed. The space span of more than one kilometer and the top height of more than 500 meters make this area extremely empty. In this huge space, a huge Great Demon array that occupies almost the entire space is traced on the floor. The entire magic array is composed of countless segments of complex lines and a large number of nodes. Those lines are all made of copper tracks one foot wide. The nodes above the lines are all made of gold, and the surface is inlaid with magic of various colors. stone. Not to mention the entire magic array, just this one magic node has a very high value, and there are at least hundreds of such magic nodes in the entire magic array. Its total value can no longer be estimated at all.

In fact, there are far more amazing things here. In addition to the super magic array in the center of the crypt, I found that there are many connecting wires made of a certain alloy scattered on the periphery of the magic array, and these connecting wires seem to pass through the wall and connect to somewhere outside the crypt. . But apart from these connecting lines that are only a few feet wide, what is even more frightening are the four main lines that extend from the magic array. The thickness of these four metal wires is almost half a foot, and their width is more than five meters. Before I thought this was a road. After getting closer, I studied the structure and found that this thing is even thinner. The lines are also magic connecting lines. To put it simply, these things as wide as roads are actually one of the main magic lines of a large magic array. The line width of the magic array we usually see is generally about one finger, and some of the larger ones are only two fingers wide. After all, the magic line is different from the wire, and its magic impedance is not directly related to the cross-sectional area of ​​the wire. , So when the magic array increases, these lines do not need to increase proportionally. In summary, the larger the magic array, the smaller the proportion of lines that make up it.

"This thing is a magic array?" I asked Ling beside me in a little surprised. When I was investigating here just now, I discovered that there was no one at all, not only did not have the guards I had expected, but there was not even a staff member. The entire underground space is completely a no-man's land, so I simply released all the familiars to help me find any clues.

Ling immediately replied after hearing my question: "This should be a part of the map-level magic array that we guessed before. To be precise, the magic array in this cave should actually be It is the core node in a master node of the magic array on that map."

"Wait wait, what core node did you say?"

"That's it." Ling explained: "If the magic array on the map we saw before is compared to a country, then the magic array below the city of Hope is one of the provinces, and the crypt we see now The magic array should be the capital city of this province. The magic lines extending out on the ground should be connected to other magic arrays respectively. Those magic arrays connected by thin lines that are only a foot wide should be smaller than the one under our feet. The equivalent to is an ordinary city in the province, and this connection line as wide as a road should be connected to the provincial capitals of other provinces."

Although Ling's explanation is a bit messy, I still understand it. What she meant. To put it simply, the super magic array we saw on the map is actually composed of a lot of small magic arrays, and the general connection line of the road is the line responsible for connecting these small magic arrays in series to make them effective. As for the magic array under our feet, although it is only one of the nodes compared to the main magic array, it is actually very large. There are still many smaller magic arrays hanging downstream, and those magic arrays may not be complete. Independent arrays, they will have more downstream arrays. After these Level 1 magic arrays are connected to each other, the total magic array formed is the super magic array we see on the map.

"This thing is really big enough!" said Yeyuepan, looking at a giant crystal in the center of this super magic array. Lucky and Plague also gathered around the giant crystal, drooling, looking like they would take it down and take it as their own right away.

"Master, this thing is from the Russian Divine Race anyway, how about we snatch it back?" Crystal turned his head and asked me.

"No." Before I could answer Ling, I said first: "None of you should move the things on the array."

Xiaochun also agreed with nodded and said:" Yes, everything here can’t move. This magic array is now in a state of waiting to be activated, and a lot of magic power flows in it. If a certain point is suddenly interrupted, all the magic that cannot flow will be concentrated on this point. As long as the magic power If the accumulation exceeds the upper limit of space tolerance, it will immediately cause a big explosion. Judging by the flow of magic power in this magic array, as long as you take down the crystal, an explosion will occur within a second, and the formidable power is definitely enough to bring us all Reimbursement."

"Is this something so powerful?" Lucky asked with some uncertainty.

Ling said with certainty: "Absolutely. With such a large magical array, the magical power that is naturally lost in the magical circuit is enough to kill us, and it is said to be the magical power in the main channel. . You must not pay us all for this small amount of money."

Hearing Ling's confirmation, fortunately, a few of them left the giant crystal with great disappointment. Dragon Clan naturally likes shining gems, not to mention that this is a gem with extremely powerful magic fluctuations. For Giant Dragon Race, that is the beauty in the eyes of a satyr. It is strange to be unmoved. But tempted, tempted, Ling is the boss of the demons, after all, she said that she can't want it, then it's the same as I said that they can't want it, they must be obedient.

Can't be worried about gems, fortunately, they began to wander around to see if they could find something else to move. As a result, the gem was not found, but they found an opening in the wall. This opening is made of rock, and it is almost exactly the same as the wall. If the lucky big tail accidentally hung a stone from the wall, there would be no secret door here.

The hidden door that was discovered was only the size of a monitor, and it was obviously not reserved for people to drill. After removing the camouflage board on the surface, we also successfully found a guillotine switch under it. For safety reasons, I put away the demonic familiar before violently pushing the guillotine up, and as the guillotine was pushed away, a rock wall in the crypt suddenly shook, and then slowly rose. This rock wall has just risen less than two inches, and a section of rock next to it automatically starts to rise, and then when it rises two inches, the 3rd door also rises automatically. Twenty-three gates were finally opened in the entire crypt hall. After each gate, there are almost exactly the same caves, and there is also a magic array in each cave. The only difference is these caves and the inside of them. The magic array is not as big as the central one.

The discovery of these magic arrays just proved Ling’s inference. The magic lines that we saw just now that extend from the main magic array are just connected to these magic arrays, and these magic arrays It is not the magic array at the end, they also have some small connecting lines separated, but they are all connected to a smaller magic array.

Compared with the discovery of those little magic arrays, what I care more about is the direction in which the four-lane super-connecting line extends. Just now when I pushed the guillotine, the walls blocking these lines also rose together, exposing the underground passage that was wider than the train tunnel.

"It seems that these are the channels connecting the various magic arrays." Ling said when he ran out of the training space and stood beside me.

"Can I guess the purpose of the entire magic array from these array lines?" I asked without looking back at the tunnel ahead.

Ling thought for a while before saying: "It's impossible. The magic array is covered by a shell. The real magic circuit and the outer circuit may not necessarily be the same. It may seem to be just one The thicker connection points have very complicated magic function circuits buried under them. Moreover, even if I can see these things, in terms of the volume of this magic array, I want to calculate how many ways it will take effect after it runs. Months."

Hearing Ling's answer, I suddenly had an idea. "Does your magical array knowledge war god know?"

Although the war god is a battlefield commanding computer, he is not designed for games, so he doesn't know a lot of knowledge in games. In order to prevent him from judging things in the game from a real point of view, I previously asked the NPCs and players in the guild to tell the gods of the army as much as possible, so that the army's divine ability can be adapted through self-learning. The environment in the game. If nothing else, Ling should have also told the military god of his magic theory. Although the military god cannot use these things to design the magic array, he can understand the magic array according to the rules. To put it simply, he can understand the magic array. But there is one thing that the military god does not possess, and that is his computing speed. Ling needs a few months to reverse the magic array function, and the military god may be able to read it all in a few minutes, so if we can get the map of this magic array, maybe we can ask the military god to read it out for us. The effect after starting the magic array.

When I asked this question, Ling immediately understood what I meant. "You want the military god to help us analyze the structure of the magic array?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, we are too slow to understand, but the military god must do it."

Ling thought for a while and said: "In terms of speed, he must be faster than us. I have taught him the structure and function of the magic array. However, the magic array here has been shelled. The real core is not necessarily what we see. There are no hidden nodes. It will take several days for us to copy the entire structure of this magic array and send it back!"

"No, we don't need to copy it ourselves." I said, "Even if it is To build a house, you must have a detailed engineering blueprint before you can construct it. Do you think there will be no blueprint for such a delicate thing as the magic array? The thing is drawn for the construction staff to understand, and the hidden nodes will definitely be all together. Clearly marked. As long as we can get a few blueprints for the military god to translate some of them, we can guess the functions of other parts through the translated parts, and we should be able to quickly get the details of the entire magic array The function is inferred."

"If you say this, you can try it."

After getting confirmation from Ling, I quickly left the magic array with Ling and followed it. A passage looked down. Ordinarily, the blueprint thing It shouldn't be too far from the construction site, and although the magic array in front of you is on standby, you can be sure that it is not yet completed. As long as you find the part under construction, you should be able to find the blueprint. With this idea we started to look down the channel.

Because the area of ​​the entire magic array almost covers the entire Russian God World, the length of these passages is also quite amazing, but I am lucky, the passage is very spacious, enough for me to ride a bird to fly here quickly , So the length of the channel is not a big problem for me.

At the speed of Asuka, we quickly found the next node. According to the mark on the big map, this place should be one of the same main nodes as Hope City, but the magic node here is not closed, let us fly directly into the huge crypt. After looking through this crypt space for a while, we couldn't find the blueprint, so we had to continue looking down. But then we searched for four magic nodes in a row, and the results were all the same. No one is watching, no one is working, and there is no blueprint and information.

"Strange, why is there no one?" I stopped at the sixth magic node and thought. But soon I thought of the reason. The flying bird has been flying along a circle just now, which means that the six nodes we investigated are actually the outermost circle nodes of the large magic array. We don’t have the six auxiliary nodes in the middle and the super node of the array core. go. Although according to the general drawing rule of magic array, it should be drawn from the inside out. However, the volume of this magic array is too large. If you want to speed up the progress, you must construct at multiple points at the same time, so it must not start from the core. In this way, this magic array might be completely reversed construction, which means that the remaining part under construction should be in the core area.

If you want to understand the problem, it will be easier to handle. I commanded Asuka to leave the outer passage to advance quickly towards the core area, but this time we only ran into trouble after flying only a dozen kilometers.

The big circle on the periphery of the super magic array is a combination of a magic node and a line. There is nothing else in the middle, but the tunnels leading to the core actually set up a bunker-like in the middle. Defensive line. The entire passage was suddenly cut off when it reached this line of defense. The magic line passed under the solid wall and continued along the passage, but we were stopped.

Before I caused so much damage on the ground. If the Russian Divine Race is unknown until now, it’s definitely impossible, so they recognized me when they first saw me. I come. There was no need to communicate at all, a few small doors were opened on the opposite wall in an instant, and then a team of aggressive battle Divine Race rushed out.

"Welcome ceremony is warm enough!" After taking back Asuka, I landed in front of the Divine Races without any fear. Anyway, if you want to investigate the magic array, you must go through the front. A line of defense, so running is definitely useless. As for whether you can beat these Divine Races, you have to fight to know. But I think I have an Innate advantage in fighting here, that is, this is not my place. To put it bluntly, I don't feel bad about anything broken, especially the magic line under my feet. The Russian Divine Race spent so much effort to build such a thing must be an abnormal treasure, so their people can't let go of their hands and feet to fight here. On the contrary, I don't care if the thing will explode anyway. If I really want to find out that I can't beat these Russian Divine Races, I just detonated the thing and dragged them to my funeral.

The Divine Race that ran out of the wall stopped ten meters away in front of me, and then stared at me with weapons and guards. Behind them, one was wearing a silver suit. The guy in the light shiny armor is slowly coming over. Although the armor on that guy is not golden, I can be sure that he is more high-end than the previous golden armor Divine Race, because their golden armor only emits golden rays of light before the sun, and this The guy's armor can emit a dazzling silver light in this dim tunnel with only a few magic lights as the light source, and you can see which one is higher and lower.

"Welcome?" Hearing what I said, the Divine Race was coldly snorted, and then said: "We are not here to welcome you, but you are not completely wrong, because we are here See you off. Are you ready to accept endless death?"

"Endless death? Do you think you are High God?" I retorted unceremoniously.

"It does not necessarily require the power of High God to make you die a few more times, as long as you have this thing is enough." The Divine Race suddenly took out a crystal ball to me. Threw it over.

As soon as I saw the thing, I started to back up quickly, trying to get away from the thing. Although I don’t know what it was, since the other party threw it out, it’s definitely not to me. benefit. However, although I dodged, I didn't figure out how that thing worked. That is simply not an attack weapon, but a special equipment. The crystal ball shattered as soon as it landed, and then a pale-yellow mask spread out like lightning, enveloping us all in an instant.

"What the hell is this?" Although it was wrapped in the mask, there was no adverse reaction on my body. Second, the mask was also wrapped in the other party, so I didn't know What exactly is that thing for?

"You have already guessed it, why are you asking?"

When I heard the other party's words, I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood. Since this thing is not harmful and can form a light shield, it must be something similar to a protective shield. But even if the other party wants to use a protective cover, they shouldn't pack me in, so this thing is definitely not a protective cover. If you think about it this way, it must be the reverse product of the protective cover-the sealing magic cover. Unlike the protection spell, this thing does not protect people in the circle from external attacks, but a protection spell that prevents people inside from attacking or leaving the area where the thing is located. Simply put, it is a temporary prison that can People are trapped inside for a while. It's just that now that guy has locked me in here with them, then obviously it's not as simple as letting me stay here for a while.

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