I didn't care much about Julian's sudden disappearance, and I knew everything I should know anyway. I already understand what Julian meant, that is, he doesn't know anything about magic arrays, but he has participated in part of the construction work. I estimate that most of the Divine Race individuals in Russia's Divine Race may be similar to Julian. Most of them have participated in the construction of the magic array, but they don't know what they are making. If you want to know the details of the magic array, just scratching your tongue is probably impossible to ask. After all, there are too few Divine Race individuals who know the specific situation, we may not be able to find them, and even if we find them, we may not have beaten others. . The Russian Divine Race is so secretive. Those who know the inside story must be the core members, and none of the core members of Divine Race are easy to deal with, so I didn’t expect to catch the Divine Race who knew the inside story, so the rest The only way is to investigate it yourself.

"Let's go back to Hope City now."

"Go back to Hope City?" Ling was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what I meant. Since it is impossible to investigate the situation from the Russian Divine Race, then the only way to investigate the magic array itself.

After confirming the goal, we quickly returned to the location of Hope City. Seeing me coming back suddenly, Celia and his father looked quite surprised, but then she looked at me with a bit of resentment and said, "Master Purple Moon, why did you send him here?"

I don't need to look at it, I know Celia is talking about Solo, but now I have no time to deal with her personal issues. "Don't make trouble, I'll ask your father for something."

When the fat City Lord heard that I was looking for him, he immediately ran over and asked: "Is there anything you want to do with me? ? As long as I can help, I will try my best."

I nodded and said: "Do you know any underground projects in Hope City?"

"Underground projects?" City Lord I was taken aback by my question, and then tentatively asked: "Are you talking about a building built under the ground, or the kind of secret project that no one knows?"

"It's literal The above means, the construction works under the ground."

"Oh, if you talk about underground buildings, there are more." The City Lord said a little embarrassed: "Most of the houses in this city There are basements, and wealthy people even dig out many layers of underground structures, such as the City Lord and dungeons. In short, there are a lot of them. I don’t know which aspect of the news you want to know. What?"

I shook my head and said: "It is not a small underground building, but a very large underground building, which may have an area larger than the entire Hope City. And I estimate that the main body of the building will be very deep , Far more than the underground buildings used by normal residents."

"What? Bigger than the city?" The fat City Lord was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly seemed to realize something, and then approached me carefully and asked. "Do you have a way to create an area that is isolated from exploration?"

Ling, who has been with me, didn’t wait for me to answer, and flicked his finger. A translucent mask enveloped the three of us. Inside, the surrounding environmental noise disappeared instantly. Then Ling explained: "This is a silent protection circle, which can isolate sound and various detection techniques."

After seeing this thing, the fat City Lord said: "If it is an ordinary underground There are no buildings in this city, and there are 50 buildings, but if the area exceeds the City of Hope...I don’t know anything like that, but if there is such a thing in the City of Hope, only one force can be built."

I nodded and asked: "Where is the temple here? Which Divine Races are there?"

"Hope City has no temple, only a sacrificial ground. There is no Divine Race inside, only More than a dozen temple guards and a few ordinary person priests. However, their chief priests are not bad, of course, they are incomparable with Divine Race."

"Where is the sacrificial field?"


"I will let Celia take you there."


Although Celia is very dissatisfied with my act of putting Solo back, But she didn't dare to mess with me in business. After her father gave her instructions, she quickly led me to the corner of the street near the sacrificial hall, and then pointed me to the location of the sacrificial hall.

"That's the sacrificial ground. The guards and priests are inside."

I nodded and said: "Okay, you can leave first, you won't be able to help with the following things. I'm busy."

After Celia left, I prepared carefully before walking towards the sacrificial ground. Although City Lord said that there are only a group of ordinary person guards and a few priests, if this is really the entrance of the underground building, I don't believe that there will be no Divine Race guards below. So these people outside are only used to conceal people's ears. What I really want to worry about should be those hidden in the dark.

The sacrificial place in front of me is actually the same as the temple in appearance. The reason why it is not called the temple is just because there is no Divine Race stationed here, and the building area is slightly smaller. It feels like a formal The temple has shrunk in proportion to the average.

When I walked into the gate of the temple, the guards in the temple were all taken aback. The incident that I attacked the Martial God Palace and the gathering place of Divine Race in Russia has obviously not spread. The first reaction of the guards here after seeing me was to treat me as Solo, but then they noticed the Divine Dragon armor. That unmatched strong demon power, such a thing is obviously not something that Solo can imitate, so there is only one person who can wear such a suit.

"Purple Moon?" The guard yelled out in surprise, and then formed a defensive formation with other people in a panic. While stepping back, he rushed into the door and shouted, "Master, Purple Moon. The devil is coming!"

"The devil?" I looked at the guard and said funnyly: "Don't belittle me, okay? Do you think the devil is better than me?"

For me The guards at the scene of jokes were obviously not in the mood to answer me, they were just careful to prevent me from suddenly attacking. Seeing them being so careful, I didn’t really think they were scared, but no matter how they behaved, I definitely wanted to find out about this place, so I didn’t care whether they were in the door or not, and I still went for it. Go ahead.

Seeing me walking towards them, the guards on the scene started to back away nervously. Although they formed a line of defense, they knew that my strength was not blocked by them, so they could only maintain the formation. Step back to try to contain me as much as possible. Maybe because the area of ​​the sacrificial field is really small, I walked into the gate here, and there I saw a group of guys in priestly robes running in from the back door. The one running in the front is a capable old man who looks at least eighty years old, a white priest's robe embroidered with gold trim, and a red ribbon hanging around his neck. The two ends are placed on the shoulders and hang down to the feet. , It seems very majestic.

The old man obviously slowed down after seeing me, but the magic fluctuations on his body showed that his emotions were in high tension. After walking to the team of guards, the old man waved his hand to signal that the guards gave way, and then he looked at me and said, "I don't know why President Purple Moon has time to come to our small sacrificial ground? "

Seeing the old man's calm expression and his extremely active magical fluctuations, I almost didn't laugh. "Aiya, don't be so nervous! Your magic power is almost igniting the air, aren't you afraid of causing a fire?"

The old man also blushed when he heard me, but he was still firm I asked: "What the hell are you here for?"

"hahahaha, I won't make you any more." I smiled and suddenly smiled and said: "Let's stop playing dumb riddles, just go straight to the point. I know that there is some kind of underground building connected to your sacrificial ground, and I want to go down and take a look. You should be very clear about my strength, so if you are smart, don't resist, obediently tell me where the entrance is, and then leave immediately. Of course, you guys You can also choose to put up a desperate struggle, but I must first tell you that choosing this option results in complete death that you can't even count on resurrection. Are you sure you want this option? Or do you want to cooperate with me?"< /p>

Hearing my words, the old man was obviously shaking all over. Although he didn't say it, I can see from his reaction that I didn't go wrong. This should be where the entrance is located, and the old man must know the existence of this entrance.

"Have you thought of which one to choose?" I watched the old man without responding for a long time, and I asked again. If it's normal, the old man can still sloppy with me. Unfortunately, I asked too directly. He didn't even have the opportunity to interrupt. He could only be stuck there to answer, not not answering or not. Although he felt very embarrassed, but I didn't intend to sympathize with him. "You have to make a decision quickly. Now I will count three times. If you don't respond, I will go in by myself." After I finished speaking, I counted without waiting for the old man to answer.

The old man felt anxious when he saw that I was actually counting, but the three digits were so small, and I counted them fast. It was almost the end in less than three seconds. I saw that he had no reaction looking towards and walked forward. The old man immediately retreated behind the guard when he saw me move, and then raised his hand and said, "Stop, although this is not a temple, it is also the territory of Divine Race. No outsiders are allowed to trespass. "

"Oh? Then you mean to choose to put up a desperate struggle?" I said and took Eternity from the back of my hand. The eternity that turned into a spherical shape melted and elongated into a sword shape as soon as it reached my hand. "If that's the case, then go to death." Before the old man spoke again, I suddenly stepped forward and stomped the ground under my feet into the cobweb-like cracks, and followed the eternal sword fiercely with a horizontal cut. A red sword glow shot out, and instantly passed through the crowd in front of him. Except that the old man himself put up a protective cover in time, the others didn't even react and were swept by the sword glow, but in the end, there was no slight change because of the old man's protective cover. As the sword glow flashed by, the crowd in front of them suddenly became shorter. All the people swept by the sword glow fell to the ground like harvested wheat, and almost everyone's wounds were cut back. And the neat section, including the old man, is no exception.

I did not show any excitement when I brought down most of the enemies in the sacrificial ground. I knew before that the people here just exist to cover the eyes. The real enemies are in the buildings below, and that's the most dangerous place. Although I didn't kill all the people here just now, the rest of the people were completely frightened, and no one reacted until I stepped on the corpses of those people.

After passing through the front lobby which is only slightly larger than the general street shops, there is a small garden. As I said before, the structure of the sacrificial field is like a reduced version of the temple, and the overall structure is almost exactly the same. Unsurprisingly behind the garden is a small building. If it is a temple, this should be the place where the library and Divine Race live. It's just that this is a sacrificial site and there is no Divine Race residence, so this is the residence of priests and guards.

After entering this building, I first observed the structure of the building. The area of ​​this small building is small, so you can see the whole picture at a glance. There are two large rooms on either side of the hall on the first floor. Inside are the residences of priests and guards. The status of these people is too low, even if there is a tunnel entrance here, it is impossible to repair in such a crowded place. Opposite the entrance of the building is the staircase leading to the second floor. There is only the priest's room and the database above, so there is no need to look at it. On both sides of the stairs are two rooms, one is the office of the chief priest, and the other is the office of other priests. Don't think about it, if there is a tunnel hidden here, then the most likely one is the priest's room.

I kicked the door of the main priest's room and walked in. This room is fairly large, after all, 1/4/2021 of the first floor of the entire building except the aisles and stairs will be occupied by it. Apart from some simple office furniture, there is only a wall composed of huge bookshelves that attracts the eye.

When I walked to the side of the bookshelf, I walked out Ling Summon. When Ling just saw the bookshelf, he walked over and wiped it with his hand, then immediately walked to a shelf and said: "The door is behind here."

"Why are you so sure?" I curiously asked.

Ling replied: "Do you think the basic divine technique teaching materials need to be protected with a strong protective divine technique? What's more, there is a set of very complicated counterattack arrays connected behind this."

< p>"a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure!" As I said, I walked forward and pulled out the bookshelf in front and threw it aside. The wall at the back looks no different from an ordinary wall, but if you look closely, you will find that an inconspicuous gap on the edge of the wall just forms the shape of a door. "It seems that this is the entrance, but what should I do with this protective array?" Ling thought for a while and said: "There are three ways. One is to cut the door directly with the Eternal Sword. Anyway. The array is based on the slate on the door. As long as the door is destroyed, the array is naturally useless. The second method is to let me crack the array, but this will take time, I guess it will take at least a day. No. The three methods are to find someone who can open the door. Since there is a door here, it must be for people to get in and out. The Russian Divine Race will not be so stupid to seal themselves out, so they must know how to open the protective spell."

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