Although this Divine Race prison is very large, there are not many prisoners in it. Although there are no less than three thousand cells densely packed on both sides of the long aisle, most of them are empty. The doors of those empty prison cells were simply left open, and they were all open, and the total number of doors that were really closed was less than thirty, which meant that there were only twenty prisoners in total.

"Does it look empty?" Ling stretched his head and glanced at the row of almost empty rooms.

I nodded, and then summon got out of Asuka and let it fly quickly from the end of the passage to the opposite side and then recoil back. One is to test whether there is a mechanism in this passage, and the other is to let Asuka By the way, give me the number of the closed cell to investigate, so that I will find the closed cell and have to go through a few miles of passage to find the key.

A completely straight passage is not a problem for Asuka at all. As long as the wings are tightened slightly, it can fly over easily, and flying back and forth proves that there is no mechanism in the passage, at least There is no mechanism other than the pedal type. After getting the room number reported by Asuka, I found the corresponding numbered key on the wall, and then quickly ran into the passage with the bunch of keys.

The first half of this passage is almost completely empty. The first room containing prisoners is number 1,800, located in the middle of the passage. After I walked to the door, I first studied the door, and found that in addition to the keyhole, there was also a device for inputting magic power on the door. Since such a thing is designed here, it must be useful, and this thing does not look like an anti-theft system, so I still tried to enter a little magic into it.

With the injection of my magic power, a blue rotating magic array suddenly appeared on the stone gate, and then there was a sudden flash in the magic array, and it turned into a hollow. Through this large hole, you can directly pass through the gate to see the scene inside the door. I immediately understood that this is actually an observation window, the same as the observation window installed on the gate in the prison. Through this big hole, I can see that there is a "big"-shaped metal frame in the cell behind the door, and the frame is locked with a mummy-like humanoid creature wrapped all over, but because this guy's body is even covered with eyes. Get up, so I simply don't know what race he is, I can only tell that he has a human form.

I confirmed that the guy was tied up, and I opened the stone gate with the corresponding key. What you see when you open the door is obviously more intuitive than what you see through the observation window. In front of this guy’s forehead, throat, wrists, elbows, shoulders, chest, waist, thighs, heels, knees, and ankles are all two finger-wide and one-finger-thick metal fixing rings, and none of these rings have a surface. It is not the golden light flashing, which means that a permanent strengthening magic array is fixed on it. But compared to these, the most frightening thing is the position under his left chest. There seemed to be a hole opened in that place. A transparent pipe that was thinner than the wrist was connected to this hole, and the other end of the pipe was connected to an interface on the ground. Through this transparent pipe, I can see that some light green liquid is slowly flowing out of the pipe and flowing along the pipe into the connection on the ground.

"What is this? Is it for taking bile?" I looked at the tube and asked Ling in surprise.

Ling shook the head: "I don't know about this. After all, I haven't done such a research! But it's easy to know. It's easy to get rid of everything on him."

"That's what I said." As I said, I put Eternity on the side of the metal ring on the guy's forehead, and then pressed hard. There was only a crisp sound, and the metal fixing ring broke. But as soon as that thing was removed, the guy who was being held shook his head frantically, obviously emotionally unstable. I don't care if he struggles or not, I just grabbed my hands and pressed his head, and then tore the white cloth that wrapped his head. The white cloth was torn off at the beginning, but the more I got to the back, the more I felt something was wrong, because the cloth strips inside not only exuded a foul smell, but also became darker and darker, and some of them had obvious yellow spots.

"Is this guy an undead creature?" Ling reminded aloud.

I looked at the other parts of the guy's body, and finally decided to get his mouth and eyes out first. It's okay if I didn't pull it away, my face immediately turned from red to green when I pulled it away, and then suddenly turned around and vomited out wildly. I wouldn't vomit when I saw something disgusting. The key is the smell in this guy's mouth. Just now after I cut the strip of cloth beside his mouth, a stench comparable to poison qi suddenly assaults the senses, and instantly turned my dizziness into my stomach.

"I told you that he is an undead!" Ling saw that I was vomiting badly, so he hurried over and handed me a handkerchief, and then opened a miniature black hole to remove the smell in the room like a vacuum cleaner. Wei Quan was taken out.

I vomited for a long time, and even the bile was almost vomiting out before it eased a little. After wiping my mouth, I simply put down the mask. The mask of the Divine Dragon suit is fully sealed, and it has filter and oxygen supply functions. It has no problem with poison qi, not to mention it is just a foul smell.

"What the hell is this guy?" I asked uncomfortably.

Ling Cou went up and looked at the monster’s mouth, and then carefully cut the gauze off his entire head with a knife before replied: "This is a corrosive monster. A rare undead creature. I’ve seen one before when I was in Dark God Palace, but it’s not as high as this level."

"Corrupt monster? Looks like this is like a zombie that is about to melt?"< /p>

"Actually, the Corruption Monster is the undead creature of the zombie family. His last form is the very common rotten zombie, but the general rotten zombie rarely evolves, even if it evolves, it will mostly turn green. Mao zombie or iron zombie, which evolved into corrosive monsters are extremely rare special mutations."

"Is this kind of mutation zombie very difficult to deal with?"

Lingshook the head. "The basic battle strength of the Corrosion Monster is only equivalent to the normal zombie, and because it rots so badly, even the vision is lost, so the combat capability is actually not as good as the normal zombie."

"That said This thing is actually very weak?"

Ling confirmed: "It's not only weak, but very weak. Generally, as long as the devil beast is not too idiotic, he can easily handle him. Even if he can't be killed, he can be killed. Regardless of him, Corrupt monsters are basically passive attacking creatures, and they hardly attack others actively."

When I heard Ling's explanation, I was more confused now. If this corrosive monster is very powerful, it is understandable that the Russian Divine Race put it in this dungeon, but this guy is a waste with no battle strength at all. Even if the prison is relatively empty, the Russian Divine Race wants to grab some ordinary creatures to make up the number, so there is no need to grab such a weak thing?

After thinking about it, I still think that the Russian Divine Race will not put a corrosive monster here for no reason. Since it is here, there must be a reason. After this guy looked up and down for a while, I was suddenly attracted by the tube in his stomach. If it is a strange behavior to lock the Corruption Monster here, it is even more wrong to make a hole in him to install a tube, so this tube must be the key to the Russian Divine Race to catch it.

"Get out of the way." After I told Ling to retreat, I took out the eternal and fiercely cut off the fixing ring on the guy's stomach, and then used eternal to pick up the gauze on his body, revealing The badly decomposed body. Seeing where the pipe was connected, I quickly took out the sword and cut off the belly that was connected to the pipe mouth, and then the tip of the sword opened outwards, instantly opening a hole in the belly of the corroding monster. The pipe was also dug down together.

Although Ling didn't get my notice, she also guessed my intention after seeing my behavior. "Does the master want to see what the tube is extracting?"

I nodded and opened the pile of rotten meat with Eternal, but found a small peach-shaped object in it. A closer look revealed that it was a heart. "Is the blood drawn from this tube?" I asked, looking at the rotten peach-like heart on the ground.

Ling understood the intentions of the Russian Divine Race. She immediately explained to me: "Although the Corruption Monster has no battle strength, it is rarely attacked by other monsters. This is mainly Because of its blood. There is a kind of green blood flowing in the blood vessels of the corroding monster. Dark God Palace often collects that kind of thing, because it is a very powerful magic corrosive agent."

"Magic Power Corrosive? Just this thing?" I looked at the green liquid flowing out of the rotten peach on the ground in surprise. Didn't expect this kind of disgusting color and smell to be a very valuable auxiliary.

Magic corrosive is not actually a kind of medicine, but a collective name for many kinds of liquids with the same function. Any magic corrosive agent must have a very important attribute, that is-magic sequence destruction. The so-called magic is the product of regularizing magic power. For example, if you focus the Fire Element in the air and activate it, then you can get a Fireball, and if they are arranged in a straight line, it is a wall of fire. Anyway, magic always has certain rules. However, magic corrosive can break this rule. It can disrupt the magic around you. If your magic control level is not high enough, it will be over. Not only the magic cannot be released, but it may backlash yourself. However, instead of being used to disrupt the opponent's spellcasting, the magic corrosive is actually used to make holes in the magic shield. No matter how powerful the magic barrier is, it will burn out a big hole as long as it touches a little bit. For the magic shield, this magic corrosive is almost the same as sulfuric acid, and it is a big hole at the touch of it.

"The Russian Divine Race collected the blood of this corrosive beast, is it going to experiment with a new weapon for the shield?" I mumbled to myself with some uncertainty.

Ling shook his head helplessly: "I am afraid that the Russian Divine Race will know about this kind of thing afterwards. I think we should go and see other rooms first."

"Okay. Yes." As I said, I took the lead and left the room. I dug out the corroded monster just now. The heart is completely dead, and the internal organs in its body are completely rotten, so it is different from normal people. It is not hung in the stomach, but all piled in the lower half of the stomach. Duan, after I dug out that big hole just now, not only the heart ran out, but other internal organs also came out. The stench in the room was unpleasant, and even Ling's black hole was too late to breathe. Fortunately, this room has a door. After you come out, the door is closed again, no matter how disgusting the smell comes out.

After leaving this room, we checked more than a dozen rooms along the way, and found that none of them were powerful creatures. If it weren't for the Russian Divine Race who said it was a prison before, maybe I would have thought that I was in the Strange Biology Exhibition Hall. The creatures imprisoned in the room here are really all kinds of strange things, all kinds of rare things, and these things have one thing in common, that is, they have one or two very special attributes, not as good as the blood of the corroding monster is natural. The magic corrosive agent is like this, and most of the monsters behind it also have this or that kind of weird attribute.

Because the weird creatures collected are not high in battle strength, and they are basically unable to communicate, so in order to make trouble for the Russian Divine Race to the greatest extent, I killed them all. Anyway, wanting them to help charge ahead is impossible. If you let them go, maybe they will attack me. Keeping them will only make the Russian Divine Race cheaper, so I just killed them all, so that the Russian Divine Race wants to study again. These things have to find another way to find them.

After killing a large group of all kinds of weird things, we finally found something weirder than before in the twenty-sixth opened room. When I pushed open the door, I was stunned by the sight in front of me, and I went back two steps to nowhere. I raised my head and scanned the top and sides of the door, and I was sure I didn’t find it.” Only after the "Freezer" sign came back.

The room in front of me is not too big, but the whole room is filled with a layer of white cold, and there is a thick layer of ice hanging on the roof and walls, even I am freezing resistant like this The attribute felt a distinct chill when I walked in. Of course, if it's just cold, I wouldn't think of it as a freezer. The key is that in this empty room, only an iron hook hangs in the middle of the room, and the tip of the hook is hung with a piece of meat the size of a ham. Of course, this piece of meat is also covered with a thick layer of ice, which looks like a big ice mound. Except for this piece of meat and that hook, there is only ice left in this room. Since the Russian Divine Race has locked such a room, it means that there are prisoners here, and the prisoners are obviously not ice, so the only thing that can be linked to the prisoners is that piece of meat. But the question is, does a piece of meat need to be put in a cell?

"Ling, do you know what this is?" I turned my head and asked the knowledgeable Ling.

It's a pity that although he is knowledgeable, Ling has not yet reached the point of knowing everything. She shook her head and said: "This is a piece of meat, how do you let me recognize it?"

"Can't you sense anything special on it?"

Lingshook the head. "This piece of meat has no magical fluctuations at all, and Life Aura is weak to almost zero, but the psychic energy in it is very powerful."

"Is this a spiritual body?" I just said it. Overturned the previous conjecture. "No, it's not right. There is definitely no way to seal the Spiritual Body by freezing. The Spiritual Body you feel should be the spirit strength of the original owner of this piece of meat. But just such a piece of meat has such a strong spirit strength. If it is Is it complete?"

Ling corrected: "No, this Spiritual Body is complete. I can feel that there is an intact soul in this soul, but this soul is now dormant. Status."

"Full soul?" I was a little surprised, then looked at the piece of meat again. Now it is basically certain that this piece of meat is the prisoner in this cell, but the Russian Divine Race is really abnormal, and even put a piece of meat in the cell. I don’t know how to do it now.

I killed all the prisoners in the cell before, but that was an act of making trouble for the Russian Divine Race without cooperation. But what should I do with this piece of meat? Work with it? I don't even know what this is, how can I cooperate? Kill it? How to kill a piece of meat? Cut into mashed meat? Besides, even if cutting it into mashed meat can kill it, I won’t actually cut it, because I want to cut it up, I have to get the ice off first, but since this thing is sealed with ice, it means that Once it leaves the frozen state, it is possible to recover its battle strength, otherwise there is no need to freeze it so exaggeratedly. However, if I smash the ice and it suddenly recovers its battle strength, and by chance I can't beat this thing again, isn't I very unlucky?

I was worrying about whether or not to smash the ice, but this thing in front of me helped me decide. Just listening to the thump, it feels like someone banged a big drum in our ears, but I knew that there was actually no sound just now. That thumping drum is not a sound, but a Soul Attack wave, which is the vibration our soul feels. With the spread of this soul shock, we suddenly heard the second Soul Attack wave, and this time it was stronger and calmer than last time. As the shock waves spread for two consecutive times, the sound of dong dong dong began to gradually enter a stable frequency like the beating of the heart, and the sound was gradually reduced. But both Ling and I knew that it was not that the sound was reduced, but that the soul that emitted the Soul Attack wave was awakening. It began to consciously converge its Divine Vein movement, which caused us to feel that the sound was getting smaller, but it was actually not its spirit. The activity has become weaker, but no longer spreads out.

As the pulsating sound disappeared, the piece of frozen meat in front of me suddenly shrank, and then I heard a click, and the ice on the surface of the piece of meat suddenly burst into a pile of broken pieces. Ice scum.

"Ling come here soon, that thing is going to be resurrected!" Seeing this, I immediately pulled Ling behind and prepared for the battle, in case the thing really came back to life, and to us If there is hostility, I will block it first. With Ling, a powerful wizard behind, ordinary creatures shouldn't be our opponents. However, judging from the mental shock wave just now, this thing is probably not so easy to deal with!

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