"The tone is quite big." I glanced at the Divine Race coming behind me and said, "I just don’t know if you want to take me down, the group of people behind you , There will be a few left in the end."

"What you need to care about is your own safety, not ours." The Divine Race suddenly waved forward, and the guards behind him immediately He passed him and rushed towards us.

In this narrow passage, let alone my large-scale demon familiar cannot be used, even if it can be used, but with so many people on the other side, we are definitely not opponents. These all are Divine Race are not the miscellaneous soldiers of the player's guild. My Familiar and them one-on-one will definitely win, but the two-on-one is a bit troublesome. Besides, the number of enemies here is at least compared to ours It is also a ratio of four to one and five to one, and the odds of winning are completely zero. After thinking about this, I simply didn’t think much about it, so I gave the gate of the earth to summon and blocked it in the middle of the passage. The guy who rushed to the front of the Divine Race on the opposite side immediately slammed the brakes, holding on to the wall with both hands. So I stopped in front of the door.

When the team suddenly stopped, the high level Divine Race leading the team immediately shouted angrily: "Why stop?"

"Boss, there is a Transmission Gate here! "The one leading the team in front is the guard leader who rushed into the Temple of Earth Mother before. He naturally knows what space is in front of him. He doesn't want to go in the same place a second time. The last time he was able to come back alive, he already felt that his soul was almost scared, and he would be scared to death the next time.

The one who led the team behind obviously didn’t know how powerful this Earth Gate was. He heard that it was just a Transmission Gate and immediately shouted: "Are you stupid? A Transmission Gate, just smash it." "

"My Lord of Judgment, this Transmission Gate is not a normal Transmission Gate. We can’t do anything about it!"

"What breaks the Transmission Gate, you can’t even blast it! Broken?" The Divine Race walked to the front as he spoke, and after seeing the door in front of him, he was also sucked in a cold breath. Although he has not yet entered the back garden of the Mother of Earth, the divine might emanating from the light gate has already made him feel like he is about to collapse. "This, this...Is this connected to the High God space?"

"Probably so!" A Divine Race standing beside him tremblingly said: "We better not destroy Well, this kind of space channel is based on the High God space on the opposite side. We can’t break that kind of space! Besides, even if we have the ability to break that kind of space, the one in it will probably come out to find us. Trouble?"

The arrogant guy before he said that was suddenly speechless. However, just when they get through the gate of the earth and catch me, I am also studying how to open the gate behind it.

Now Ling and I are blocked in the middle of the passage by the gate of the earth and the gate made by the Divine Stone. I can put the door of the earth behind me at any time, but the problem is that the Russian Divine Race at the door of the earth will not let me go. So, now there is only one way left for me to walk, which is to go through the door in front of me. Of course, I am not going through this door to find a way out. The Divine Race has already said that this is the cell of Divine Race, and there are definitely not too many exits in places like the cell, so you can only enter a dead end. If you want to go out, you have to plan from behind. The main reason why I want to go down is to see who is shut down below. Since the Russian Divine Race locks up these people, it means that these people have a hostile relationship with the Russian Divine Race, at least against them. The architectural features here indicate that the prisoners here will not be general, so if I If you can release these guys, maybe you can charge ahead with them. Take a step back and say, even if I can’t run with them, it’s good to create a prison riot, disgusting and disgusting. Russian Divine Race.

Although I thought about the plan, the specific implementation was not so smooth. The main reason was that the door in front of us caused us to run into big trouble. The characteristics of the door itself determine that brute force cracking is impossible. If you want to open the door, you have to rely on the key, but there are three types of keys for this door. The first is a mechanical keyhole. This is relatively simple and can be transformed into any shape for eternity, so the shape of the key is not a big problem. However, this second clock key and Third Type key are extremely troublesome. The second key is a password, and there are as many as ten digits. All of them must be turned correctly before the mechanical key can be turned. After turning the key, there is one last problem, which is a magic recognition array. To open the door, you must first select the password, then turn the key, and finally input a specific fluctuating magic power into the key handle. When the mechanism inside the door receives this special magic power, it will open the door, otherwise the door simply won’t Turn on.

The mechanical key can be simulated forever, and the password can be guessed slowly, but what about this special magic? Everyone's magic power is different. This thing is like a fingerprint, and there is no way to find it exactly the same. Magic experts like Ling can simulate the magic of others, but there are too many types of magic. If you try one by one, I am afraid that there will be more probability than the ten-digit password, and both are correct at the same time. Not to mention, it is unlikely that we will be able to complete it in a lifetime.

I thought that the Divine Race outside was blocked by the gate of the earth. We could open the stone gate in a little time. Who knew that after studying for a long time, I discovered that the gate simply couldn’t be opened. We are stuck here and simply can't get out.

"What should I do now?" Ling looked at me and asked.

I shook my head and said, "There is a protective array on the wall, and I can’t dig at all. The front door is more troublesome, and a large number of Divine Races are blocked in the back. I think we are completely trapped this time. !"

"It may not be there." Ling said suddenly: "Although it seems that all three directions are dead ends, it is not that absolutely does not have hope."

"How to say?"

Ling explained: "The front door seems to be unopenable, but when you think about it, it's just that the password is not easy to understand, not really unopenable. As for brute force cracking. This door is indeed a seal of divine force and magic, but it is not truly invincible. If you use the eternal sword to scrape slowly, you can actually pass through. Although the side wall has a protective array, it is actually formidable power It’s not strong. As long as you are not afraid of concussions, I can use magic to blast out a channel, but the movement will be a bit loud. Finally, the Divine Race is powerful, but the aisles are narrow and they can’t rush together. Come up, if you use the ultimate fit, and then quickly charge ahead, you are at least 70% sure that you can leave safely. So on the surface, this is a dead end, but in fact, we are everywhere."

"It's not wrong to be said that by you." I thought about it and said again: "But I decided to open the door in front of me first. Even if I want to charge ahead, it’s easier to charge with more of my companions than I am alone. Huh?"

"That's true."

After thinking about a solution, I took out the eternal and turned it into a sharp needle, and then slammed it in Closed that door. Although the door's solidity is quite exaggerated, the eternal sharpness is not ordinary. Only hearing the ding sound, the eternally changing needle is inserted more than an inch deep into the door. After successfully inserting a small hole in the door, I let Yongheng turn the outer part into a large flat surface, and then I turned over the big hammer from the Fenglong space and started to ram the eternal tail section. With the eternal sharpness, coupled with the special attributes on this hammer, every time I strike, eternal can almost penetrate into the door more than an inch deep. After a dozen consecutive taps, Eternal suddenly changed its shape. This was our appointment. As long as the eternal deformation, it means that the opposite side has been penetrated.

Of course, piercing a needle hole will not affect the overall structure of the door, but the ability to perforate means that the door can be destroyed. What I need now is to accelerate the expansion of this hole. But this kind of work of opening holes is not what I am good at, but I have a beloved that is suitable for opening holes.

"What's the master's order?" Ivorite appeared beside me and asked.

I directly handed the eternal, which had become a small drill bit, to Inverite’s hand, and then pointed to the front door: "Help me open a hole."

< p>"Small, you just wait." Ivorite quickly turned the palm of his hand into a fixed clip, which happened to be docked with the eternal tail section, and then pushed the eternal tip on the hole, and followed only Hearing a harsh sound, Ivorite's palm suddenly rose with high-speed rotation, and even the eternal drill in front of it began to rotate rapidly. Ivorite is a constructive creature, that is, a mechanical lifeform. His hands can rotate infinitely like a robot. As long as the high-speed rotation is actually no different from an electric drill, plus the super drill bit of Eternity, it can make holes. Simply is not a problem.

On the other side of the passage, the gods were studying how to bypass the gate of the earth and grab me. Suddenly, they heard a sharp squeal from inside. One of the Divine Race quickly looked inside the gap between the wall and the door of the earth, but it was fine if he didn't look at it, but he was taken aback. "My Lord of Judgment, Purple Moon, he is destroying the forbidden gate!"

"What? How could he have destroyed it?" The God of Judgment asked in surprise.

Another Divine Race said: "I heard that the sword in Purple Moon's hand is a super Divine Weapon that surpasses the ordinary Divine Item, and it also has the Law Power of'cutting', if With that weapon, I guess it should still be able to destroy the forbidden door."

"What can I do?" The god of judgment became even more anxious when he heard it. "But those guys are locked inside! If this is exposed, the consequences would be disastrous!"

A Divine Race guard suggested: "If we turn off the protective array and use magic to strike the wall, we should The channel can still be blasted around, but this defense array has the feature of automatically storing energy. It is estimated that even if the energy source is turned off, it will take a lot of time to blast it open."

"Then wait. What? Do it now, must rush in and catch Purple Moon before he opens the door!"

Following the order of the god of judgment, the two sides of the door of the earth opened up. Violent over-relocation tournament. It's just a professional on one side, and an amateur on the other. Ivorite’s humanoid electric drill was extremely fast, and in less than 3 minutes, the Great Accomplishment expanded the hole in the door to a hole with a diameter of two centimeters, while the other side was still banging on the wall. Seeing that the size of the hole was about the same, I let Ifrit retreat temporarily, and then took out a magic crystal vapor bomb from the Phoenix Dragon space and compared it to the hole, but found that it was a little bigger. If I didn't go in, I had to let Inverrit continue to expand the hole. After Ivrit repaired it again, I finally stuffed the bomb in, then took all the familiars back, and then summoned Jingjing, holding the holy shield and leaning against the corner of the other side of the wall with me, protecting us with the shield. body of. With a loud explosion sound, the entire passage was shaking, and even the Divine Race bodyguards on the other side of the Earth Gate were shaken. A few anxiously hurried to the edge of the wall to look in, but only to see The aisle is full of smoke and dust, and nothing else can be seen.

The hardness of the forbidden door can be said to be quite terrifying, but explosives, the harder the thing, the greater its formidable power. After the first magic crystal steam bomb exploded, I used my fist. The nail on the door knocked on the door a few times, and the voice really changed slightly. Jingjing asked in a puzzled way: "The master knocks on the door like this, will anyone open the door for us?"

"I'm not calling the door, why would someone open the door?"

< p>"Then you are...?"

"I'm listening to the crack in the door."

"Is this also heard?"

"Of course." After I finished speaking, I released Inverite again, and then gave him the eternally changing drill again and pointed to a few points on the door: "Here, here, here, and here, and then open for me. A hole, the same size as the one just now."


With previous experience, Iverit’s speed of opening holes is getting faster and faster. Four new holes were almost completed. These four holes are connected with the previous hole, just forming a semicircle, enclosing the keyhole in the inner circle of the semicircle. Once the hole was opened, I took out five magic crystal vapor bombs and stuffed them into the hole again. After setting the detonation time, I quickly hid behind the shield.

The hole that was shaken by a bomb before is shaking. This time the five bombs are used together, and the formidable power is even more amazing. Especially in this kind of almost closed environment, the shock wave has nowhere to vent. Formed echoes and repeatedly collided until they were completely absorbed by the wall. This is equivalent to repeating the lethality back and forth several times. Even with the protection of the Divine Dragon armor and the shield to block it, my head is about to explode still shocking. And the Divine Race on the other side was not necessarily better than me, each of them suffered from a splitting headache and almost fainted.

After finally waiting for the muffled thundering noise to disappear, I went back to the door to check. Although the door is still there, the five holes on the door have been connected by dense cracks at this time, and there are also a lot of cracks in other parts nearby, it seems that the entire door is about to fall apart. . Of course, the impact resistance of this door itself is quite good. Don't think that if there are many cracks on the outside, it will really disperse when you touch it. It will definitely not crack without enough strike force. But I don't care about this. After determining the direction and density of the cracks, I turned Eternity into a sledgehammer, and then smashed it down according to the position of the door lock. The first few hammers were okay, the door lock was completely motionless, but from the eighth hammer, the cracks near the door lock began to increase with each hammer down, and then there were a lot of small fragments peeling off, until the twentieth hammer, The entire area where the door lock was located suddenly cracked open along the semicircle formed by the five holes I had punched. Seeing this, I immediately put away Eternal and stretched out my hand to pull back and forth on the cracked part a few times, and finally I pulled it down.

Without the lock that fixed the door, even the strong door is a waste. With my hard push, the door that had blocked me for nearly half an hour was finally opened by me.

Just as I opened the door, there was a bang from behind me. Suddenly a piece of rock peeled off the wall of the passage, and an arm stretched out from the hole. After punching through the wall, the hand was immediately retracted, and then a face leaned over the hole and looked inside. But this guy was also unlucky. Before he could see the situation clearly, Ivorite had a death ray on his face and immediately shot the guy back.

I looked back at the guy and ignored him. I just took back Iverite and Jingjing, and only took Ling through the door. After passing through that gate, I closed the gate of the earth again. The opposite Divine Race saw that the door in the way was gone, and immediately wanted to rush over, but the next second, the door suddenly appeared behind the forbidden door that I had just smashed open, and the previous group of Divine Races The depression dug in the wall was dug in vain, and I gave it over directly.

Seeing that I used such a rogue way to block them, those Divine Races almost exploded their lungs, but now they have no other way, so they can only continue to dig holes. Fortunately, they bombed for so long, and now the energy stored by the magic array itself has been used up, and digging it will save a lot of trouble than the previous hole, but it is very angry to be played by me like this.

While those guys were busy digging the wall, I took Ling to the depths of this prison.

After passing through the door just a few meters forward, there is a downward ladder. After going down the ladder about seven or eight meters, there is a room of more than ten square meters. The left side of the room is A row of shelves with a lot of keys hung on it, and each key has a number under it. On the right side of the room, there is a row of strangely shaped objects corresponding to the row of key holders. They look like the big water guns used by little children, but the tip is thin like a needle. I don’t know what it is for, but it can be used. It's definitely not a weapon.

On the opposite side of the room, opposite to the step we came in, is a straight passage extending forward for several kilometers, and on both sides of this passage are one after another. The stone gate, each door has a number, which corresponds to the key number on the shelf on the left.

"It looks like this is the cell."

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