After exploding the ice on the surface, the piece of meat began to squirm on the hook. It looked very scary, but neither Ling nor I moved. Regardless of whether this thing is an enemy or a friend, at least we have to see what it will become in the end before we can start. Otherwise, if this thing can be used, it would be a waste of opportunity, and even if it is our enemy. , It doesn't matter. At least the main system of "Zero" is fair. The more difficult monsters generally have corresponding EXP. If this thing is very strong, the harvest will be improved accordingly, so you will not suffer anyway.

Just as Ling Jing and I were on guard, the piece of meat moved from slow to fast, and from fast to slow back and forth several times, and then the piece of meat suddenly sent out a mental shock wave again. , And then I saw it began to grow and grow rapidly at the speed that naked eye could see, and it quickly became three times its previous size. After rapidly increasing to this volume, the growth rate of that piece of meat began to slow down significantly, but its surface gradually formed five prominent meat masses. One of the meatballs turned into an oval-like structure, and then stopped growing, while the other four were gradually elongated and thinned.

"Is this thing a person?" As the four slender meat masses begin to take shape, plus the oval meat mass previously separated, we can already roughly see this thing The overall appearance. Although it seems that the shape is quite weird now, but generally speaking, the limbs and head are present, and the proportions are roughly correct. If inferred from this state, that piece of meat is likely to be developing into the human line, but I don’t know what it will become in the end.

As the meat mass gradually grows to the size of a human, its structure is basically fixed, but the surface structure is still being fine-tuned. About thirty seconds after this thing had the general structure of a human being, the surface of the meat mass began to change from scarlet to dark brown. After it became completely brown, the color began to gradually fade, and finally turned into a kind of Tawny, and it continues to fade. After more than a minute, the surface of the mass of flesh had completely turned into a pale pinkish white, which looked almost indistinguishable from normal human skin. If there is something different from human skin, it is that the skin of this meat mass is too smooth, not only does not have a single hair, even without pores, the whole surface is smooth like a boiled egg, and it looks tender. Can squeeze water out.

"Couldn't this thing be female?" Looking at this obviously delicate skin, my first reaction is that this thing might be changed based on women, because there are very few men. There is such a skin.

In fact, this conjecture of mine was quickly confirmed, because after the humanoid flesh mass changed into a human shape, it continued to modify its appearance, and now it can be clearly seen. The body is curved, and two masses of meat are gradually bulging at the position of the chest. If such an obvious secondary sexual characteristic cannot explain the gender, then it can only be said that this thing is a ladyboy.

After the body curve was formed, a crack suddenly appeared on the head transformed by the fleshy flesh, and then it extended to both sides to form a mouth, and then a granulation sprout gradually appeared above it. And gradually formed the shape of the nose. After the nose was completed, the position where the eyes should be above it began to dent downward, but after a period of dentation, it began to rebound rapidly, but instead of filling the pit, it turned into an eyeball. At the same time as the eyes were formed, the ears on both sides of the head began to form gradually, followed by the teeth and tongue in the mouth. From the moment the meatball broke the ice in front of us, it has been exactly two minutes now, the meatball is almost indistinguishable from a woman. The difference is that it or her lower body does not have normal female reproductive organs, and there is no hair on it or her body at all, and even the head is bald. Of course, the above is not the most important thing, the most important thing is it or her eyes. No matter what color the human eyes are, they are always translucent, but the eyes that have been transformed by this fleshy mass have the same texture as the skin, and there is no way of seeing things like eyes.

After completing this series of changes, the meat mass suddenly stopped. If Ling said that its biological activity was still increasing, I would have thought it was dead. However, after hanging quietly for more than a minute, the meatball suddenly trembled, and the hands that followed it suddenly lifted up tremblingly, and then began to touch his shoulders. It quickly touched the iron hook that passed through its chest, and it seemed to be very painful. It opened its mouth and let out a haha ​​cry. This haha ​​is not a laugh, but a haze. It obviously doesn't have vocal cords, and it doesn't seem to be able to manipulate the tongue, so it can't pronounce it normally at all, it can only make a simple vent sound, but it is indeed very painful from the expression.

"What is it doing?" I asked.

Ling shook the head. "I'm not sure, but it looks like her energy is exhausted."

"Energy exhausted?" I looked back at Ling with a little surprise.

Ling explained immediately: "Although her vital signs are recovering, her psychic energy and magic index are already low and almost can't be felt. Obviously the cell proliferation just now consumes her only remaining power. , I guess she looks like this because she has insufficient strength, otherwise she should have evolved a complete human appearance, instead of acting like a monster."

Listen to Ling to say that I suddenly Thought of a question. "You said it can communicate with us now?"

Ling shook the head. "I don't know. There is obviously a problem with her pronunciation system. As for hearing... Although it seems to have ears, I don't know whether the internal structure is formed or not. As for other communication methods, I think it is impossible to achieve." /p>

Ling Zheng said, the humanoid creature with a fleshy ball suddenly stretched out his hand in our direction and made a sufficient posture, as if he wanted to catch us. Seeing it, Ling and I were both taken aback.

"Can you hear the sound?" I confirmed.

The brain that was transformed from the flesh mass is somewhat mechanically clicked. It seems that it is not adapted to the ability to manipulate various parts of the body, just like a new born baby cannot accurately control its own limbs. , But seeing it nodded, we confirmed at least two points. One, she can hear the voice. Second, this mass of meat should not be called it, but should be called her. Because she obviously has language skills and can at least understand our words, then it shows that she at least has high intelligence.

After confirming that she could hear and understand our words, I immediately leaned in front of her and said, "How about I help you get off the hook first?" The previous actions have explained her It was very painful to be worn on the hook, and I helped her down to establish a preliminary friendly relationship, so it will be easier to communicate next.

She immediately nodded hard after hearing my proposal. Seeing that she agreed, I reminded: "Don't move, we will help you down." As I said, Ye Ying summon came out. The hook was quite high off the ground, I couldn't reach it when I stood on the ground, and when I flew up, I felt that the room was too short, so I just sat on Ye Ying's back and let Ye Ying leaned over.

First put her legs on Ye Ying’s back, let her support her sitting halfway on Ye Ying’s back, and then I cut off the upper part of the hook with eternity. Without the support of the iron chain above the hook, her body immediately looked towards the side and fell down. Fortunately, I responded quickly and picked it up again. I picked her up from Yeying's back and handed it to Ling on the ground, and then I took her back to the ground again.

From the current situation, the woman turned into by this meat group is not very offensive, so I plan to adopt a gentle policy first. After taking her from Ling’s hand, I held her and left the room where the person died of freezing. Since she had been frozen by ice before, it means that this woman is afraid of the cold, otherwise the Russian Divine Race would not use it. Ice came to seal her.

The temperature rose significantly after leaving the room, and the woman's trembling eased a lot. After closing the door of the large cold storage, I moved a bed out of Fenglong Space and put the woman on the soft big bed. Of course, I didn't want to do that. After all, she didn't even have that organ, so she couldn't even think about it! The reason why I didn’t put her on the ground was because the woman’s skin looked so tender, and I was reluctant to put her on the cold ground, even though I felt that she would definitely not care about the cold. On the ground, but I just don’t want to do that.

After putting it on the bed, I said again: "You bear with me, I want to get out the hook that is in your body."

Hear me If it is, the other party immediately nodded, and then I no longer waste time, directly cut off the first half of the hook with the skin that eternally pressed against her chest, and then pulled out the remaining half from the back. I don't know if she has superb endurance. When I pulled the hook, she didn't show much exaggeration except for trembling constantly.

Without the interference of the hook, her condition is obviously much better, but the body still stops in the previous state, but the expression does not look so painful.

"Can you talk?" I asked aloud after pulling the hook.

The other party shook the head and said that she couldn't, and then she suddenly struggled to get up. Seeing her like this, I didn’t know what she wanted to do, so I reached out and helped her up, but she suddenly turned over and knelt on the bed, then smoothed the sheets under her with both hands, and then stretched out a finger and started writing on the bed. Started up.

Although the bed is not used for writing, the soft mattress will dent due to pressure. As long as the writing is larger, it can still be used as a writing board. After I understood her intention, I stopped interfering with her. Instead, I stood aside and watched her writing. I read one every time she wrote. When she heard me read it, she knew that I had seen it, and then she would smooth the sheets again and write another word.

"I...need...need...can..." I read word by word, but I understood her meaning as soon as I read it, and I asked without waiting for her to finish writing: "You want Energy?"

She nodded, and then continued to write: "Transformation...not...finish..."

"Your transformation is not complete, so you need energy to complete this body, right? ?" I guessed again. After she heard it, she immediately nodded hard, and she became more and more familiar with this action. "What energy do you need? How to replenish it? Eat? Absorb magic power? Or something else?"

When she heard my question, she immediately wrote the word "Magic Core" on the bed sheet.

"Do you use magic core to replenish energy?"

She was nodded again.

"But I don't have a magic core with me!" I'm not lying to her. Although the devil beast in "Zero" has a magic core, the energy level of that thing is unstable, and the supply is also unstable. Therefore, large guilds generally use magic crystals. Very few have magic cores. Anyway, these two The functions of these things are basically the same.

I said there was no magic core, she was not discouraged, but immediately wrote on the bed: "Magic...power...medicine..."

"Is the magic potion? "

She was nodded immediately.

"I don't have that thing either." Originally, the magic potion, commonly known as the blue bottle, was a must-have item for players, but firstly, I have nurse-type familiars that specialize in blood supplementation. Secondly, I have a lot of The magic power recovery pill of, so you rarely bring a blue bottle. After all, the recovery amount of that thing is too small. Based on my magic power value, if you need to drink the blue bottle to fill the magic power from the empty state, I am afraid that I will drink the blue potion Can hold me alive. Hearing me said that there was no such thing, the other party was obviously down, but she still turned around and planned to continue writing, but I rushed to write before her and said: "Although I don't have magic cores and magic potions, I have magic crystal and magic pill. I don't know if it can be replaced?"

When I heard that there were magic crystal and magic pill, she immediately turned around and rushed over and grabbed my arm and desperately nodded, as if she was afraid that I could not see it.

"Okay, well, don't shake it. Shake it again and I will shake you off." I finally ran out of her over-excited hand, and then took it out of Fenglong's space. A white magic crystal the size of an almond. It's not that I don't have a good magic crystal on my body. On the contrary, I even have a colorful magic core, but I always have to keep a hand! Don't look at her being very gentle now, the ghost knows what she will look like after she has evolved completely. If she is fed up and confronts me, wouldn't I make trouble for myself?

After receiving the magic crystal that I handed over, the other party was stunned. It is estimated that the magic crystal was not expected to be so small, but she still reacted quickly and did not see what she did. , I saw that the magic crystal in her hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling white light, but the rays of light also went out after only one brightening. After all, the magic crystal was the size of an almond in total, and there were too many impossibles inside. The magic makes her squander.

After the white light dimmed, the white magic crystal in her hand had completely turned into a scrapped magic crystal. After throwing away the useless magic crystal, she suddenly reached out and held her neck, and then made a hoarse hehe sound, but she still couldn't speak normally after trying the tone several times. Obviously she wanted to communicate with us as soon as possible, so she concentrated all the magic just now on the vocal cords, but unfortunately the size of the magic crystal is too small to even repair the vocal cords. But after she let go of her hands in frustration, I put another white magic crystal the size of an apple into her hand.

Before I didn’t give a big one because I was afraid that she would regain her strength and cause trouble for me, but from the situation just now, even if I give her dozens of magic crystals, she probably won’t have much power with me. Make trouble, so I suddenly became generous. But she didn't know what I thought, but she almost shed tears of excitement after receiving the obviously much larger magic crystal. After quickly absorbing all the magic power of this big magic crystal, she suddenly opened her mouth and said: "I...I seem to be able to speak." Although the voice was still a bit hoarse, the pronunciation was finally normal.

"Congratulations, at least it is much easier to communicate now."

She laughed, and then suddenly said with a red face: " there any magic crystal? Before I could answer, she suddenly added: "Don't worry, I won't let you give it in vain. As long as I can return to normal, I will find a way to repay you."

I didn't answer her question, but directly stuffed her two magic crystals that were about the same size as the one just now. After she had absorbed it, she didn't speak, so I stuffed her two more. After giving ten yuan in a row, I stopped for a while. She immediately asked puzzledly: "Nothing?" At this time, her voice had changed like a golden oriole, as crisp and sweet as a singer, and completely indifferent to the hoarseness of the old witch before. And I also found that in addition to the change in her voice, her eyes have also become the transparent state of normal people, but I don’t know if the magic is insufficient and not completely changed, or her eyes are just like this, I always feel There are a lot of golden threads gleaming in her eyes.

When I heard her question, I replied: "I brought a few pieces of that kind of magic crystal. The other ones are very large, and I don’t want to use them if possible. After all, you also know the big ones. Magic crystal is hard to find."

The other party obviously also knows that the larger the size of the magic crystal, the more expensive it is, so it is also somewhat sorry.

"Sorry, let you use so many magic crystals!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you don't take it for nothing." I said and handed a bottle of light The blue liquid said in the past: "This is a liquefied magic crystal processed by a magic crystal. Its properties are similar to that of a magic crystal. Can you use this instead of a magic crystal? I have a lot of these things."

She took a look at it carefully, and then put her hand into the bottle. As a result, as soon as her finger touched the liquefied magic crystal in the bottle, she stiffened like an electric shock, and then she saw a sudden flash of light on her body. With the brilliant golden halo, her eyes suddenly became completely golden, which seemed to be a circle of golden magic arrays rotating, and after the golden eyes were completed, grass suddenly began to appear on top of her head. Normal hair came, but her hair was not green but golden, but the hair stopped as soon as it grew to more than an inch, and the bottle of liquefied magic crystal solution had already bottomed out.

She handed the bottle to me a little embarrassedly: "This thing has a much higher energy purity than magic crystal, and is better than magic crystal, but this bottle is too small!"

"It's okay, I have more of these things." I snapped my fingers as I said, one more than one meter high, more than sixty centimeters in diameter, a big bucket that can fit two people and fell directly on my feet side. "There is still a full bucket here, enough to take a bath."

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