The Divine Race base mentioned by Solow is actually not far from the place where we did the experiment. To put it simply, the two places are just on both sides of a mountain. Because the back of the temple is a forbidden area, and a powerful detection array is set outside, it is definitely not possible to enter from the back. However, although Qianshan cannot set up a vigilance array because of people coming, people going, similarly, the flow of people will also increase the difficulty for us to sneak into. As for going to the mountain, unless I was beaten stupid, I would never think about that. I am really strong, but I also know that I have how many catties and how many taels. It’s okay to kill Divine Race and gain some experience. Take the initiative to pick the War God Race gathering place. That is suicide, not leveling.

Because I now have the heart to enroll Solo into our guild to help me do things, so I can’t count on him for the next dangerous actions. After bringing me in place and introducing some information he knew, I sent him to Hope City and waited for me. As for whether this would threaten Celia's safety, I didn't worry about that. In the past, Solo was backed by Martial God, so he would be more arrogant, but now he himself has not stabilized, and with his wisdom, he will never do anything out of the ordinary.

After I sent Solo away, I squatted on the periphery of the Divine Race gathering place to study the situation in this place carefully.

This Divine Race gathering place is basically built in the mountains. Although the entire building complex still maintains the structure of the temple, it is trapped in the mountain, except for the front door of the temple. The back and the roof of the house are surrounded by mountains. If it hadn't been for a big opening, it would have been an air-raid shelter.

There is only one road leading to this gathering area, and it is an extremely long step with at least a few thousand steps. It is simply impossible to run up from this place without being noticed, because it is long Each Level 1 of the steps is engraved with golden rune, which is obviously not a normal step. I guess that at least there will be skills such as restricting flying and detecting invisibility. As for whether there are others, it may be.

Looking at the long steps, and then at the eight Divine Race guards on the mountain, I suddenly felt like a tiger gnawing on a hedgehog, and I couldn’t say anything when I watched things there! After thinking about it for a long time, I finally sent out a large number of ghost worms together with the rose vine. In any case, first get a clear idea of ​​the surrounding environment, maybe you can have unexpected gains.

As soon as the ghost worms were released, they scattered and crawled away. Millions of insects were scattered all over the mountain. Almost every piece of turf was turned over. The result was that one more bad one was found. Nothing was found besides the news. As for the bad news, this entire mountain has actually been dropped off the attacking magical protection array. Any foreign creatures will be counterattacked by the magical array when they come into contact with the mountain from any other place, except for walking the stairs. In order to test whether this thing has loopholes, I even sacrificed thousands of ghost worms. It turned out that the thing was simply indiscriminately protected, and even the ground was densely packed. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small size like a ghost worm. The other party will only think that a wild insect hits the array. If I force a breakthrough, it will definitely trigger an alarm immediately. When the time comes, the mountain becomes a honeycomb, and hundreds of thousands of Divine Races are together. I rushed out, and I have to explain all of them here for a hundred more. But I'm lucky. Compared to the protective array discovered by the Ghost Worm, the invasion of Rose Vine is much smoother.

In a forest full of plants, as long as the rose vine does not make too obvious movements, it can almost perfectly blend into nature. After all, it is a plant itself, and seeing plants in the forest is really It couldn't be more normal. Relying on this advantage of Innate, the rose vine swam slowly from the weeds to the bottom of the steps. Although the alarm array is buried under the ground, it's okay as long as you don't burrow into the ground. Because Divine Race often enters and exits on the ground, it is impossible to install an alarm array. Besides, there is only a layer of weeds slightly higher than the top of the feet. It is unlikely that ordinary people will lurch from here to the bottom of the steps, so the Russian Divine Race is Did not work hard in this place.

After successfully lurking under the steps, Rose Vine first tried to drill down the steps. The result proved that the alarm array of the Russian Divine Race is simply everywhere, but Rose Vine cannot go from the top of the steps. Climb over. Although he is a plant, it is difficult to be found in the grass, but once he climbs on the smooth steps, it is simply a lice on the bald head.

Seeing the rose vine in the distance could not penetrate into the ground, nor could it let the steps, I also became anxious. But after thinking about it for a while, my eyes suddenly lit up, and I quickly informed him to crawl over to the flowerbed next to me through my contact. Probably for the sake of beauty, a lot of beautiful flowers were planted on both sides of the two steps, and it seemed that they were often trimmed because they looked quite neat. Because this flowerbed often needs to be trimmed, and its height is not high, and it cannot hide people, it is likely that there is no magic cordon.

After learning of my intentions, Rose Vine stretched out a branch to test it, and it was very simple that he got in. Facts proved that my guess was completely correct. After confirming that there was no alarm array in the flower bed, the rose vine began to move quickly up the flower bed until it got close to the eight Divine Race guards and then gradually reduced its speed.

Because plants generally have relatively luxuriant branches and leaves at the top, the rose vines that run through the flowers against the ground were completely blocked by the flower bed until he climbed to the outermost Divine. Race was not found less than one meter away.

Although it successfully lurked to the entrance area of ​​this gathering place, Rose Vine did not know what to do next, so she had to send a message back and ask me. After I passed the information to Ling and the other familiars, everyone started to think of it together. After some analysis, Ling gave two choices.

The first option is the secret entry method. Through the observation of rose vines, we found that the top of the flower bed was less than ten centimeters away from the flower bed outside the temple. If the rose vine can slowly extend its branches into the flower bed at a super slow speed, then the eight Divine Race may simply Can't find it. After all, if the speed is too slow, people who are not paying attention will not be able to see that he is moving at all, and if only a glance is taken, normal people will not notice a branch sticking out of the flower bed. As long as you enter the flower bed, you can lurch all the way to the roots of the wall of the temple, and there is also a large piece of creeper planted there. In the shape of a rose vine, it is too easy to get into the wall of creeper. As long as you are on the wall and want to enter the interior of the temple from wherever you want, let us be happy. The advantage of this method is that it is concealed enough, even if it lurks in, it won't disturb anyone. The disadvantage is that it takes too much time, and the process is a bit risky. After the rose vine enters in the third, I have to activate the ultimate skill to harmonize, and then pull myself in with the rose vine as the goal, and this process is actually There will be a stronger burst of magical power. With the magical power of Divine Race, there will definitely be some abnormalities, but they can't determine my location.

The second plan is a violent plan. This method is to activate the combination skill at the current location of the rose vine, and then pull myself to the top of the step in an instant, and then instantly kill eight Divine Race guards with the super high damage output in the combined state, and then immediately rush into the temple again. Cancel the fit to find a way to hide. This method is obviously faster than the first method, but there are also many problems. One is to kill eight Divine Races after being combined. This process is really risky. Even with my attributes after entering the combined state, killing eight Divine Races in an instant is a great risky behavior. My greatest confidence is to lose five Divine Races while the opponent is not paying attention. Six to seven may be a bit mysterious. Although eight are not impossible, I am completely unsure. In addition, even if you can lose eight Divine Race in an instant, you will inevitably make a big movement when you rush into the temple, and it is not easy to hide it. Generally speaking, there are many dangers.

Neither plan is perfect, but there seems to be no other way. After considering for a long time, I decided to use the safer method, that is, the first method. Although there are risks, at least the success rate will be higher. In contrast, the second option is completely gambling.

After the decision was made, I began to notify the rose vine to do it. The rose vine that received the order immediately moved to the back of the flower bed and slowly extended a branch to the flower bed at a super slow speed. In the past, because the speed of the whole process was too slow, most people couldn't find him moving at all, but it was really hard to move at this speed. After all, it was too time-consuming.

We waited anxiously for nearly half an hour at the foot of the mountain before the rose vine finally put the tip of the branch on the edge of the flower bed, but the next thing was much simpler. As long as the branches are placed on the flower bed, the movement of the rose vines will become less obvious. At this time, even if the speed is increased, it will not attract people's attention. Moreover, those Divine Races will not think that they will be less than a meter away by their side. There is a magic vine trying to invade the inside of the temple.

It took almost ten minutes to move most of their Avatar bodies into the flower bed. Rose vines had to start to gradually retract their branches into the flower bed with the slow motion before. After more than an hour, the rose vine finally moved completely inside the flower bed. After trying the soil under the flower bed and found that there was also an alarm array in it, the rose vine carefully passed through the gap between the flowers and trees, moved to the base of the wall on the front of the temple, and quickly swam into the pile of creepers.

The front of the temple of Divine Race in Russia does not have windows, but there is a circle of skylights on the roof. The rose vines moved to the skylight on the top of the wall at a very fast speed. The window drilled in. Who knows that Ling suddenly yelled through spiritual contact: "Don't move." Rose Vine was suddenly eaten by the message from our side, and it was this meal that made us escaped. Less than a second after the rose vine stopped, a faint ghost array suddenly appeared on the window in front of him. We all saw the magic array just through the mind sharing. Ling immediately recognized that it was an alarm magic array. As long as it touched it, it would emit a huge sound alarm, and there was also a certain offensive, which can be said to be a very high level alarm. array.

"Damn, thanks to you for finding out, otherwise we've waited so long for nothing!" I sighed with lingering fear and asked, "How did you find that thing just now?"< /p>

Ling also said with some fear: "I actually simply didn't find out, I guessed it!"

"Huh? Can this be guessed too?"

Ling explained: "Because the design of the temple outside is very strange, the generally speaking Divine Race has a relatively obvious sense of superiority. He thinks that he is very strong. Generally he would not design so many alarm arrays where he lives. That is an ordinary person. I love doing things. But this temple is protected by the alarm array layer by layer, which feels very strange, and I think since they are struggling to cover the ground with the magic array, it makes no sense to just leave the windows out! 't expect actually made me guess right!"

"Huh, it was really dangerous just now." I thought about it and said to the rose vine with my heart contact: "You find a way to find a crack in the wall , Try if you can burn a hole with the corrosive liquid and get in."

The rose vine sent back an affirmative reply and immediately moved on the wall. Naturally, it is not possible for such a large building to be tightly connected. A crack was quickly found on the wall by the rose vine, but the crack was relatively small and did not penetrate into the interior of the building, but this crack is enough. As a plant that specializes in digging holes underground, rose vines can also deal with particularly hard walls, but it is not as fast as the violent demolition of the pioneers.

After carefully adsorbing itself near the crack, the rose vine stretched a flower branch to the crack, and then saw a dark green sap gradually seeping out from the tip of the flower branch. When the original hard granite wall touched the green liquid, it was like pouring boiling water on the snow, and a big hole was burnt in an instant, and the gap in the wall expanded along the gap by nearly half a foot. Gradually stop the corrosion, we can see how corrosive this liquid is to the wall.

If there is a gap, the rest is easy to handle. Quickly inserted a rattan with crystal eyes to check the environment inside the room. After confirming that it was safe, the rose vine quickly penetrated into the room.

Outside the temple, I have been watching Rosevine's actions through mental contact, and when I found that he entered the room, I immediately activated the skills. "Divine Domain-the ultimate perfect body." As soon as the phantom flashed, I quickly disappeared in place, and as I activated my skills, the eight Divine Races who were guarding the goal all turned to the place where the rose vine was in surprise. Location, because they had just felt a powerful wave of magical power erupted in that place, and the degree of terror even exceeded their strength. However, although the wave of fluctuation was very strong, it was abnormally abrupt, and it ended almost instantly.

Actually, I activated the ultimate perfect body just to teleport myself into the room, and this ultimate complete experience will produce a state of weakness, so I dare not stay any longer, as soon as the teleportation is completed, the union is immediately released. Even though the state of integration in less than a second would have side effects, it was faint and almost negligible.

Although I didn’t figure out why the magic burst lasted less than a second and ended, the eight Divine Race guards still immediately separated four people and rushed into the temple. I met several other guards who felt the wave rushing over, but when they finally rushed out of the room, there were already more than 20 Divine Race guards gathered. The first Divine Race guard didn't care about the temple property, and kicked the door open with one foot, and then rushed in. However, just after he entered the room, he was completely stupid on the spot.

"Who are you? Why did you run into my garden?" A beautiful little girl who seemed to be only eleven or twelve years old was holding a watering can and watering the flowers. Asked the Divine Race guard who entered.

In fact, the guard of Divine Race was even more depressed. He clearly remembered that there should be a utility room behind the door, but after kicking the door open, he stepped into a huge garden, let alone The utility room itself is one of the smallest rooms in the temple, even the entire temple cannot be as large as this place! However, even if you break into someone else’s garden, you shouldn’t be nervous with the Divine Race mentality, but the power fluctuations from the little girl in front of him have almost scared this Divine Race to tears. He even I feel that I have not peeed my pants now, and I am considered to be strong.

Seeing that this guy just rushed into the room and stopped moving. The Divine Race guard outside thought he was in trouble, so he pushed him away and rushed in. As a result, everyone who came in was stupid. On the spot, when they all stood there not knowing what to do with their expressions uglier than crying, I was snickering while instructing Rose Vine to make a hole in the floor of the room with acid.

Actually, I didn’t leave the room at all. Those Divine Race’s reactions were super fast. I wanted to run as soon as I came in. Unfortunately, those guys were too fast and simply didn’t give me a chance to transfer. . Seeing that the other party rushed to the door, I suddenly opened the door of the earth quickly witted in an emergency and stood at the door of the room so that the door of the room was facing the door of the earth. As long as someone steps over the door, they will step into the garden of the Mother of Earth. Although the garden of the Mother Earth is only a garden, it is the garden of the Mother Earth after all. It's similar to the Emperor's Royal Garden. Without the Emperor's permission, what do you want to do when a farmer ran in? courting death?

Although the Divine Races who rushed into the room are Divine Races, they are just Low Gods. Regardless of the high level Divine Race or the low level Divine Race, they are all sealed by themselves, and even the title of Low God is the name of High Gods for the convenience of our understanding. According to the original words of the Mother of the Earth, whether it is the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, Anubis or Titans, in fact, all of them can only be regarded as high-level creatures, and the only ones who can be called gods are They are just the top ten High Gods. In the eyes of High God, the difference between these so-called Low God and ordinary person is also the difference between Equivalent to Ant and Ant Eating Beast. Ant Eating Beast can be said to be a complete ant, but the strongest Ant Eating Beast is just an ordinary animal. Compared with a hunter, it is a dish. For High God, killing a Low God is not much more troublesome than killing an ordinary person. It is just a matter of mind.

Looking at the Mother of Earth in front of you, the Divine Race guards didn’t dare to say any intruders anymore, one by one desperately wanted to retreat, but the people behind just turned around and crawled. Ran out. Mother Earth’s performance to them is just slightly smiled. In her eyes, these Divine Race fights with me are nothing but cat and dog fights. Ordinary persons just smile when they see cat and dog fights. I haven’t heard of anyone else. Go up and help one party hit the other.

After finally running out of the garden of the Mother of the Earth, all the Divine Race guards were paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up again. One of the guards desperately wiped cold sweat and said: "My Heaven and Earth! That was High God just now? I forgot to beat my heart in shock!"

"Damn, I am now I know what it’s like to be around us by ordinary persons, it’s like the ants ran into a giant dragon!” Another Divine Race just sighed and suddenly asked, “Eh, it’s not right! Isn’t this a utility room? Why did we rush into the High God site?"

"Damn, it's calculated! The other party must have modified the space coordinates of the gate and connected the gate directly to the High God space. Hurry up. , Who can move quickly smash the wall in and find out the intruder!" said a guard god with a higher level.

The Divine Race guard next to him immediately begged for mercy: "No, boss, my legs are soft, you let me breathe well before talking first!"

Although that level is slightly higher The guards of Divine Race desperately urged them, but the guards were unable to get up. In the end, he barely supported him to get up after resting for nearly two minutes, so his legs were still trembling. As for the other Divine Race guards It's even more unbearable. But speaking of which they were lucky. Thanks to them being paralyzed in the aisle outside the door for a while, if they rushed in directly, then I would definitely take the opportunity to kill them all. After all, it’s rare to see so many weak Divine Races getting together, it’s all experience! But unfortunately, I was busy running away at the time and didn't think about it at all, and they rushed in a bit late. When they smashed through the wall and entered the room, I had already run down the big hole in the ground for a while. NS.

Just now when the guards of the Divine Race were resting outside, I successfully entered the room on the lower floor, and then pierced through the two rooms horizontally before entering the aisle, following the passage, and leaving the front of the temple. The office area of ​​the Ministry has entered the real core area at the rear.

Speaking of which world Although the architectural styles of temples in various places have nothing common with each other, the internal architectural layout is similar. The main hall in front looks big but not the core, generally The one responsible for public affairs to the outside world is simply a large reception area. Only the apse at the rear is the real important area. It is usually the residence of Divine Race or the place to study things, and the front hall and the apse are generally between There will also be a garden or something as a partition. This is basically the standard temple architectural style. The temple here is embedded in the mountains, so there is no garden in the middle, but the front hall and the apse are still relatively clear. Although there are no flowers in the central area, there is a large open space, and it is also here. It is not empty, but a huge deep well leads all the way to the ground. On the periphery of the deep well, there is a circle of stairs that spins down along the edge of the big hole.

I hesitated when I saw this hole. According to the general structure, the apse is the core of the temple, but this temple has a deep well. So, are the most important things behind or under? After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to go down and take a look. Although the apse is generally the core area of ​​the temple, the shape of this temple is rather strange, with a deep hole added, and we have previously confirmed that the temple underground is all a protective array. at first I haven’t paid attention to the outside. Now I want to make sure that the protective array is simply not used as a sirens. It is simply a protective layer for this cave. If you think about it this way, it seems that there is a probability of important things in the cave. To be higher.

After deciding the direction, I quickly touched the outside of the big hole. Since the room above attracted most of the guards, there are now only two Divine Races guarding the hole. The entrance, and since the diameter of the hole has exceeded thirty meters, the guards on both sides are actually very far away. When I suddenly ran out of the front hall, only one of the two guards found me, and the other simply didn’t notice me because his back was facing me. It wasn’t until I heard the cry of the Divine Race guard that I found me, just It was too late for him to rush over at this time.

From the entrance of the front hall to the entrance of the cave, there are a total of more than 20 meters away. When the two Divine Races noticed me, I had already crossed half of the distance, and the one who was facing me first The Divine Race guard quickly drew out his sword and was ready for the attack, and I also jumped up, my body slammed into the guy’s arms with great inertia, and hugged the two of them and rolled around. The edge of the big pit fell down. The Divine Race guard on the opposite side jumped down after seeing us rolling down, but he was stunned when he jumped into the big hole because he suddenly realized that there was a construct creature floating in front of him.

I released Inverite when I rolled down the hole holding the guard facing me, and Inverite quickly began to gather energy for the weapon in my hand, etc. Another Divine Race guard jumped down and greeted Inverite's new weapon in a ready state. Seeing Wu light flashed, the Divine Race guard who jumped down was hit before he could even react. Following him, he felt as if he had been hit on his head with a sledgehammer, and instantly felt that the sky was spinning and his ears were buzzing. Sounds, let alone the battle, even the direction is not clear.

Looking at the Divine Race who was almost fainted by the death ray, Ivorite did not show any mercy. After firing the ray, his wrist moved, and the long spear death ray transmitter immediately retracted it. In the arm, the red flame blade slid out of his arm after hearing a click, and rushed up almost violently while the Divine Race was unconscious, taking advantage of the inertia of the opponent's falling and himself. The kinetic energy of the upsurge easily stabbed the Divine Race guard through with a single sword.

"Woo..." The Divine Race guard who was stabbed in his abdomen had not died immediately. The pain just now made him quickly regain consciousness, but before he could react, Ivorite Suddenly he flung his hand from his knife, and in the direction he flew out, an open mouth had been waiting for a long time.

After swallowing the Divine Race guard in one bite, Heiyan retracted into the training space with satisfaction. Ivorite also rushed in and closed the entrance. The next second, the training space suddenly A seam was opened in the middle of the deep well, and the Divine Race that was hit by me fell from above. The two of us who were hugging each other suddenly kicked each other in midair, and then we separated. Only after we separated, the Divine Race was surprised to find that I didn’t know when there was a layer of ice crystals on my body, and this layer The ice looks very thin, but the hardness is super strong. Even with his Divine Race system, he can’t break free in a short time, but he soon won’t have to worry about ice crystals anymore, because a greedy mouth is waiting below. To him.

After swallowing two Divine Races in a row, Heiyan's body size has obviously increased by another circle. At this speed, it is estimated that it will not be long before he can surpass the small dragon and become one of all my summon creatures. The one with the largest volume.

After killing the two guards, I spread my wings and adjusted my falling posture, and then landed smoothly at the bottom of the pit. Originally, I planned to have a battle with the guards here after I landed. Who knew that there was not even a guard here. There were only two doors at the bottom of the huge pit, and it seemed that this was just an ordinary door, not a protective door.

I didn't hesitate after seeing the two doors. Both sides look the same anyway. You are actually trying one's luck wherever you go. Rather than guessing slowly, it's better to choose one at random. Although I killed the two passage guards, the Divine Race guards above were only temporarily distracted. They will chase them down sooner or later, so I must figure out what is going on here as soon as possible, otherwise, wait for the guards to come. Even if I can play so many Divine Races, I’m afraid I can’t continue the investigation.

I pushed in the selected door quickly. The inside and outside of the gate are simply two worlds. The deep well outside is completely dug out of the mountain. The walls are just like the rocks, even the edges and corners have not been polished, but there are neat passages inside the gate, and the walls look like It seems to have been strengthened with the Earth Element spell, not only is it neat and abnormal, but also there are waves of magical power exuding.

"Ling, help me look at these walls." I quickly summon Ling out to help.

As soon as Ling appeared, he put his hand on the wall, then closed his eyes and felt for two seconds, then opened his eyes and said: "The wall is strengthened with Earth Element, and the wall is still buried in it. A layer of bidirectional isolation array."

"Isolation array?"

"It is the kind of array used to protect the wall in the magic formidable power test area. Equivalent to high level protective cover, It just requires a lot of energy to start, and the reaction is slower, not suitable for use on the battlefield."

After listening, I asked again: "You just said two-way, does this array have internal counterparts?"

Ling nodded said: "Not only are there internal ones, but they also seem to be stronger than external ones."

"Is the weapon experimental field not successful here?" The generally speaking protective array is all external The main purpose is to prevent the enemy from forcibly destroying the walls of the building from the outside and entering the building. Of course, the internal protective array is also very common, such as the cell where dangerous creatures are held, and the experimental field in the magic grading test area. But since this is the temple of Divine Race, why set up an internal protection array? Even if it is used to study secret weapons, there is no need to add protective magic to the aisles! Who would be so stupid to test weapons in the aisle?

Unable to figure out these problems, we can only continue to search forward, but after only two steps, we can't go down because a door suddenly appeared in front of us. If it was just an ordinary door in the aisle, I would definitely not make a fuss about nothing like that. The key problem is that the door was made of a whole piece of Divine Stone.

Divine Stone is actually no different from ordinary stones in physical characteristics. Its real special feature is that it can inhibit divine force, which means that Low God will become ordinary as soon as it approaches Divine Stone. biology. With the power of Divine Race, I can get Divine Stone, but this is where Divine Race gathers. The head of the Russian Divine Race kicked the donkey. Put a Divine Stone in your house to play self-abuse? This obviously doesn't make sense.

Ling walked to the door and touched the Divine Stone on that door, and then frowned said: "No, this thing is not exactly Divine Stone, it seems to be mixed with the magic core powder of the divine force beast. "

"What is the divine force beast?"

"The divine force beast is a rare and rare devil beast, but its magic will not. The only specialty is Strong strength. But he has a very abnormal characteristic, that is, he can't use magic within a radius of 500 meters around him. To put it bluntly, it is a forbidden magic ball that can only walk, and his forbidden magic comes from it. Devil core. I have seen this thing before when I was in Dark God Palace, but at that time we all pulverized it and mixed it in molten steel to make tools such as shackles, specially used to tie those powerful devil beasts. ."

"Do you mean that this kind of powder can make the item have anti-magic attributes?"

"It's not anti-magic, it is completely forbidden. This door is not only mixed with this It’s a kind of powder, and it’s a lot of weight. I guess unless it’s High God, even if the boss of Celestial Court comes, don’t even want to destroy this door. Conferring gods and banning demons, this thing is simply used..." Speaking of this, Ling suddenly stopped. "Could it be...?"

I looked at Ling nodded, indicating that I was the same as he thought. "Even the passages here are equipped with a protective array. Obviously it will not be for the needs of weapon experiments, and this door has been repaired so abnormally. Apart from that kind of plac

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