Martial God’s secret warehouse is not filled with high level equipment and gold and silver treasures as I imagined. On the contrary, there are almost no metal items except the walls and shelves. exist. A classroom the size of a room is full of documents from beginning to end. The densely packed hardcover books and all kinds of things like scratch paper are piled all over the room, and I almost fell off my jaw.

Although Solo has been here before, he always tells the people below what he wants to take, and then the people below pass it up. He himself has simply never entered this warehouse. He was also stunned after jumping down with me just now. After seeing so many books, he thought that this place was looted, and quickly defended it: "This is impossible! I have been here before, and Martial God also asked me to take things out. There should be a lot of treasures here!"

I looked back at Solo and saw his nervous look as if he was more anxious than I was. "Don't be nervous, this is the treasure of Martial God. Compared with the things you have seen before, these are the most valuable things."

"These?" Solo thought I was here. Comfort him, after all, books are far less valuable than high-level equipment in the eyes of ordinary people, but for people with ability, the things recorded in books are often the most valuable. Other players think that playing monsters and exploding Divine Item in "Zero" is even the best, but they don't know that the highest reward should actually be an explosion book, and it is an explosion technical information book. The things recorded in the books in the room in front of me are definitely worth a lot more than the equipment of a room, but ordinary people can't see it.

"Ling, Xiaochun, help me see what books these are."

"Understand." The two most knowledgeable of my pets quickly ran away I started to check it in the past, and I also randomly picked out the book and turned it over. It turned out that all the unrecognized symbols recorded in the thread-bound book were completely unconvertible even if the translation system was activated. . This situation represents only one possibility, that is, what is recorded in the book is not a word, but a certain graphic. Sure enough, Ling quickly confirmed my conjecture for me.



"These very rough bindings seem to be research materials on some kind of technical equipment. They are all decomposed images of magic array, but the content is too complicated, I can't interpret it for the time being. There must be a relatively large place to put all blueprints into a whole image in order to restore the original function."

I nodded and said: "That's right, these should be the technical materials that Martial God wants to transfer to the Russian guild." I said and glanced at the paper full of supplies and said: "But are so many things too much? Exaggerated? Did they hand over more than one weapon?"

Ling suddenly said: "In fact, if you really want to know, there is a way to let us see the result right away."

" What can I do?"


"Ivrit?" I was taken aback for a moment.

Ling explained: "Inverite is a semi-energy and semi-mechanical lifeform. The body structure is close to the atomic regeneration armor. As long as he has complete technical information, he can use his body to imitate the target machine. The entire structure. As long as the structural strength of the target machine does not exceed the endurance limit of Inverite, Inverite can fully reproduce all the functions of the target machine."

"Inverite can still do this. Right?"

Ling confirmed: "In fact, it's not just Ivorite, Brigitte also has a similar function, but this function is generally not very useful, so they didn't mention it to you. Passed."

"Well, immediately install all these materials for me. Let's go out of the city to experiment."

In our strong wind scattering the last clouds like The information of the next room under the rush was quickly loaded into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then we followed Solo out of the city. Originally, I didn't plan to let Solo follow, but this guy said that he knew there was a place outside the city that was suitable for experimentation, so I let him lead the way, otherwise I wouldn't bother to lead him.

The place Solo said is a bit far away from the city, but fortunately, I have a flying mount and I got there soon. speaking of which is indeed a nice place, one side is a lake, the other two sides are mountains, only one side can be accessed. The open lake allows us to experiment with long-range strikes, and the mountain is the best target. It doesn’t matter if the formidable power recorded in the data is relatively large, at least I don’t think there is anything that can blast off the entire mountain at once. of.

After arriving here, Solo knew that he could not help, so he simply stood aside and did not disturb our work. My humanoid familiars and the ring tone Knight are responsible for the attack, while Ling and Xiaochun start to command with the blueprint catalog.

The information in the secret room is divided into three types. First is a piece of manuscript paper that is not bound at all. These things are actually part of a large blueprint. It is like dividing a map into countless parts and stacking them together. We must first put all these things together. Spell it back so that you can know what the specific content of the magic array is, otherwise it will simply be completely incomprehensible to just a decomposition diagram of the magic array.

After nearly 10,000 blueprints were assembled into more than a dozen large magic arrays, we began to study the second part of the data. This is the information fixed with ordinary book holders, although it is also a piece of paper, but it is sorted. After simply reading these things, Ling and Xiaochun finally figured out the operation principle and basic structure of these things. The last remaining part is the third part of the information, which is the hardcover books. Strictly speaking, these hardcover books are not technical materials, but magic array structure instructions. They belong to basic materials and the like. They are not specifically aimed at a certain magic array, but generally say some very basic things. But just because these are the underlying data, you can't understand the other magic arrays if you don't understand them. In the end, Ling and Xiaochun insisted on seeing the dark from dawn, and studied them until the morning of the second day. Clearly, this is thanks to the fact that the two bodies in the real world have extraordinary human brains. Otherwise, it would take half a year to read through these materials.

After thoroughly understanding the information, Ling and Xiaochun began to interpret the information to Inverite, but this process didn't take long. In fact, when Ling and Xiaochun were researching the materials last night, Ivorite and Brigitte had already read the materials first, but they were not good at these formation diagrams and the like. Understand, Ling and Xiaochun must explain to them.

Having been tossing until noon of the second day, Ling and Xiaochun used the touch of soul to call me back, who hadn’t known where I was going. In fact, I already knew that these things could not be done in a short while, so when Ling and Xiaochun started to study, I took the okay demons and went to leveling. Speaking of which God World One thing that I like very much is that there are no players here, no one robs you, and the monsters in this place are stupid. When I see people do not run, they take the initiative to meet them. After slashing hard, I realized that the people in front of me were not something they could deal with, but at this time there were few of them left. Even if I ran away, I didn't care. Of course, there are many idiots and monsters like Human World. But unlike Heaven Realm's monsters, the kind of silly monsters in the world are generally low-level monsters, with very low levels, 800-level games. Players use them to level up. It’s almost inexperienced when I kill the monsters. There is no way to level up. But here, these monsters are all high level monsters, and the lowest ones are all catching up. The small BOSS in the general leveling area, and almost every group can find hundreds of powerful monsters like the intermediate BOSS. As for the high level BOSS that is not much worse than Divine Race, there are also high level BOSSs here, but the number is slightly less. But it's much more than the world doesn't know.

In fact, there is a reason why these monsters are not in the world, because the strength of these guys is too scary, and the average player simply can't level up where there are such monsters. You want to! Ordinary players’ leveling squad encounters a small BOSS and requires a team of people to kill a small BOSS. When encountering a medium BOSS, they often have to go back and ask someone or a number of unknown squads to form a temporary alliance. As for the big BOSS , That is basically a task that is only done when the guild is leveling collectively. Normally, you don’t have to think about anything when you encounter a squad. If you just throw it back to the city scroll, you may still hope to escape. But here it is BOSSmany as dogs. As soon as the average player’s leveling team comes over, they encounter a high level BOSS with two or three hundred intermediate BOSS plus thousands of small BOSS. What about a fart? So this kind of leveling zone is also suitable for God World. Anyway, the ones who can come here are at least the first- and second-rate experts. Although not everyone can fight with a group of BOSS alone like me, but just group it casually. With squad, it's easy to get a few BOSS out of gang fights. Of course, if it’s a wretched and trivial person like the Gun God, just hide away and take the long-range weapons one by one. As long as you don’t get surrounded by the boss group, there will not be too much problem.

After Ling and Xiaochun were fighting blueprint in one day, one night, I almost got an EXP close to Level 1. If it hadn’t been for killing a few Divine Races before, I just went up to Level 1, which is uncertain. I will be upgraded again. But today, it seemed that there was no chance. Upon receiving Ling and Xiaochun's notification, I quickly rushed back to their side.

When I got to the lake, Ivorite and Brigitte were waiting for me there. As soon as he saw me landing, Ling was the first to run over. "Master, I have sorted out everything and handed it to Inverite and Brigitte, but the volume on that blueprint is too big. After all, Inverite and Brigitte are so big that they can’t simulate the original version. So I asked them to reduce all the structures in equal proportions. It is estimated that the formidable power may also decrease, but you just look at the effect anyway, shouldn’t it affect it?"

I nodded. "I just want to know what it is, formidable power doesn’t matter. What about that thing? Let me see what it looks like."

When I heard that I wanted to look at the design drawing The structure of the thing, Ivorite, immediately floated over, and then stretched out his right hand, and then saw his hand suddenly retracted into his arm, and then stretched out a section of the gun barrel from the wrist, and then the arm It was deformed again, and the whole became something very much like a heavy machine gun.

"This is the thing on the blueprint? It looks like a gun!"

Ling explained: "It should be a cannon, but because we reduced the size, There is no need to worry about shock absorption and transportation, so I simply let Inverite save all the useless parts, and finally only a set of launch mechanism is left, which is probably like this. If it is one to one For things, there should be wheels and bases for counterweights and cushioning devices underneath, and this thing seems to have a design flaw, and it is equipped with a heat sink larger than itself."

"Huh? The heat sink? Where is it? Why didn’t you let Inverite install it?"

Ling explained: “Inverite itself is the Fire Essence Spirit King. High temperature is meaningless to him. What is the heat dissipation for?"

"Oh, I forgot this!" Generally, weapons need to dissipate heat because they are afraid that the system will overheat and melt the components, but Ivorite itself is the king of Fire Essence, high temperature It doesn't make any sense to him, but can help him improve his strength, so the heat sink is completely redundant for him.

"Because the useless things have been omitted, the whole thing has become a lot smaller. Now this one looks like a gun is its launch core, which contains several shaped energy arrays, and There are some very special magic structures, but Xiaochun and I can’t understand them. We can only install them as they are, and we will know what effects they can produce after Invrit’s launch."

"Then take a shot quickly."

"Okay. But for safety, we'd better stay away." Ling cautioned.

"That's true." I think this thing is based on the experimental data after all. I have to say whether it can be used or not, so the experiment is better not to be close. It's better for Fleet to be recruited alone than we are done together. Anyway, Ivorite is my favorite, even if it explodes, it can be resurrected.

After we all retreated more than a hundred meters away, Ivorite raised the arm and aimed it at a mountain two hundred meters ahead, and then only saw him Suddenly two exhaust vents with fans popped up on his arms, and a large amount of steaming heat was continuously spraying out from there, and even the grass under Inverite's feet was roasted yellow.

"Isn’t it said that Ivorite doesn’t want to dissipate heat? What's the matter?"

Ling some helplessly said: "Early-Stage must be launched in order to ensure energy balance. Constant temperature, but the thing heats up too fast after starting, so it must be forced to cool to maintain a relatively stable temperature, otherwise there is no way to guarantee the success of the launch. In short, I think there are many problems with this thing. It is estimated that the Russian Divine Race itself has not fully studied it. I took it out."

I am nodded and I am not asking more, and continue to watch the Ivorite experiment. As the hot air vented, the air around Inverite began to sway. The ground under his feet was rapidly turning yellow and a lot of water vapor was rising. Obviously, the temperature was still rising. Suddenly, I heard a long and sharper beep, and the grass next to Inverite suddenly burned with a bang, and flames flew on the ground blew by the billowing heat, and then I saw Inverite. The launch port at the tip of his arm suddenly lit up, and a thin black line like hair flashed away. The speed of the black beam was so fast that it could not be locked at all, and it disappeared almost instantly. I guess it was simply a magic light.

Although many magic skills in the game emit light beams, in fact those things just look like light, not light, they are just energy spells. These energy arts generally travel in a straight line like light, and they are relatively concentrated, and at the same time they are fast, but they are not light, and they can still escape even if they are fast. But just now, this light was really like light, and it ended in a flash. Even if the speed did not reach the speed of light, it wouldn't be much different. Anyway, I don't think no one can escape such an attack.

After the launch, the diffuser fan in Ivorite’s hand immediately retracted, but suddenly a few zhang high flames rose up from his body, and the ground under his feet was also burned. When it is dry to the point of cracking, the temperature is really not that high.

Xiaochun asked from a distance: "What's the matter with you?"

If Ivorite turned around and replied: "The structure of that thing is wrong, I feel The energies of several magic arrays conflict with each other. I filled in 300 units of magic power at a time, and more than 200 of the magic power has been converted into heat. If it weren’t for the fire, it would have burned prematurely. Those Russians should thank us, it’s okay. They didn’t get the blueprint, or they would have burned a lot of people. The radiator on the blueprint could not meet the scattering needs of this thing. When the time comes, it will definitely explode."

Listen When Ivorite said it was okay, I ran and said to a ring tone Knight: "You go over there and see how the attack effect is over there."

The ring tone Knight led the run. I passed it, but soon I heard him cry from the edge of the cliff over there: "Inverrit, you missed it?"

"Impossible. I am a mechanical lifeform, using an energy weapon There is zero error when shooting, how can it be missed?"

"But there is nothing here!"

"Impossible!" Ivorite finished speaking. Actively drifting past, we also quickly followed. In order to determine the effect of the attack, we also specially drew a huge circular target on the surface of the cliff on the mountain, which also contains the number of rings. According to Inverite’s statement, he should be in the middle of the red heart, but we waited for us to run. It was only after the past that the target painted on the cliff had not changed at all, let alone an explosion, not even a small hole was found.

Emmenes said: "I just saw that the beam is very thin. Could it be that the formidable power is too concentrated and only burned out a small hole to penetrate it?"

Small Pure shook his head and said, "I have checked with magic power. There are no small holes on the entire wall. The structure is very complete. Even the smallest holes are impossible to check. Besides, since the light technique can be more than a Seen from the outside of hundred meters, the diameter itself should not be too thin, at least a few millimeters, right?"

Iverit replied: "The diameter of the beam is 3.5 mm, and the scattering rate is almost It’s zero. If you go through it, there should be a hole of the same diameter."

"3.5mm is not too small anymore. Impossible is completely invisible!" Ling Shun was on the cliff. I searched for the mark again, but still nothing was found.

Yeyue asked: "Could it be that there is a problem with the thing itself, there is no formidable power at all?"

"Impossible." Ivorite replied:" I am sure that nearly a hundred units of magic power have been emitted. The beam diameter just now is only that small. The formidable power can be said to be quite concentrated, and there is no impossible effect. Even if I emit so much magic power in the form of free magic energy. There must be some changes!"

"But there is really nothing here!"

Brickets suddenly said: "Could it be a kind of The shock weapon seems to have no effect on the surface, but it has actually shaken the inside of the cliff?"

Ye Yue used his sword hilt to hammer the mountain a few times after hearing it, but only passed on There was a crisp echo. "No. This sound shows that the rock structure inside the mountain is very tight. If it is shaken to powder, it should be scattered when I hit it."

Solo, who stayed aside like a transparent man, suddenly walked under the target and picked up a dead gray gecko from the ground and asked: "Is this a result?"

We were all dumbfounded at the gray body of the dead gecko. what is this? Only a hundred units of magic power killed a gecko. This formidable power is too weak, right? Even if the magic power just now is directly input into the flame magic array as a flamethrower, it will not kill a two-inch gecko!

"Wait." Ling suddenly snatched the dead gecko and watched it over and over for a long time, before suddenly shouting, "I understand. I understand."

"What do you understand?"

"I understand what effect this weapon has produced."

"Ah? Is this gecko really killed by that thing?" We At first they didn't expect Solo really found the reason, and now he doesn't believe it.

Ling dragged the gecko’s body and explained: "Look at this gecko, do you find any wounds on it?"

Everyone shook the head, but Amy Niss said, "Even if there is no wound, it doesn't necessarily mean that you were killed by that thing! Naturally dead geckos don't necessarily have wounds."

"No." Ling explained: "This The gecko’s body is very muscular and does not appear to be diseased or starved to death. On the contrary, there is still food in his body that has not been completely digested and should not lack nutrition. But its body is showing an abnormality. It's gray and white, and it can sense a faint Death Aura. Don't you think this situation is very familiar?"

"Death Ray!" Everyone yelled almost at the same time.

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