Solo was immediately excited when he saw me falling into the room, but before he was happy, he heard a loud explosion sound coming from behind, and then he saw a The high level Divine Race I hadn't seen before turned over and bumped in and rolled to my side before stopping. I was amused when I saw it. This guy is the one who just blasted me in. Didn't expect the retribution came so soon. He blasted me in with his front foot, and he followed in with his back foot.

Before the guy got up, I heard a bang outside the house, two huge claws crashed to the ground, and then the roof and side walls above us flew out all around instantly , Mira’s huge head appeared on top of our heads.

"Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay." I got up from the ground and looked at my body, except that it burned a few places. hurt. The person next to me is probably not as good as me. Looking at the embarrassment that he rolled just now, it was probably bombarded by Mira's destruction ray, and the formidable power of that thing was not worse than that of the scroll just now. He doesn't have the high defense of mine, and it is inevitable to get injured.

Solo was almost silly after seeing Mira. He was so excited that he thought I was injured just now. He can pick up a big deal and go back and ask for credit. Who knows what's going on in a few seconds? It was completely reversed. Not only did his credit become a threat to his life, but even the people he served were injured.

The guy on the ground also supported him and wanted to get up after he fell in. I simply turned over and rode directly on him, and then I hooked his neck with my left hand and pulled back desperately, and at the same time, the right hand claw He popped up and pulled up sharply at his neck, just listening to the pu' sound, golden blood sprayed everywhere in front of him instantly, and the guy's struggle was immediately weakened, and he quickly lost his vitality.

Just as I solved this guy on my side, the maimed guy who came with him before was also taken over by my other monsters. I thought about it and threw this half-dead guy into the training space to feed Heiyan. Among all the familiars, only the level of Black Flame is not yet full, so if there is an EXP, he must be given priority.

After killing two Divine Races in a row, only the Martial God remained in the temple who was still resisting. However, he is the weakest among the three high level Divine Races, and the other two experts are dead, and he is the only one who can't make any waves. When I turned my attention back to Martial God who was fighting Yeyue, I saw that the guy was now covered in bruises and his arm was confirmed. The king and the second king stood watching with their swords in their hands. They didn't mean to help at all. Yeyue was obviously able to play fairly easily, and he was using this guy to practice moves.

Look at the guy who reminded aloud: "Don't play anymore. Come back first, let that guy give Heiyan."

"Oh." Yeyue and the others Agree, and then collectively entered the training space and left the Martial God there. However, before he could react to whether he should run or fight next, he saw a huge space channel suddenly opened up beside him, and a black snake head disappeared in the channel in a flash and disappeared with it. There is also the Martial God.

To say that Solo was only scared before, this would be completely scared. Hearing a cry, all the weapons in his hand fell to the ground. Although the two Divine Races that were just killed were also Divine Races, he didn't know each other after all, so it was better, but Martial God was the god he served, and he knew the strength of the other party very well. But the Martial God he served was killed by someone like a duck in front of him. This blow was too big, and his whole values ​​were chaotic.

I didn't care about Solo's changes at all, but walked directly to Celia and awakened her from shock. "Hey, your mana is restored?"

"Huh. Ah? Oh... well, yes, it has been restored." Celia reacted for a long time before returning to normal.

"Since you have recovered, then you should go back to Hope City and wait for me. I'll let the Familiar pick you up after I'm done."

"Well, okay." Celia suddenly pointed to Solo and asked, "Then what should he do?"

"You don't have to worry about him, I will deal with it. Anyway, there is no Martial God to support him. No."

"But he is still the Prince of our country!"

"Prince? Isn't it awesome?"

Celia thought about it for a while, suddenly said with a smile: "That's not it. He still has several brothers. If it wasn't for too much competition, he wouldn't have gone to the temple as the Knight of the temple."

"That's fine. You first Let’s go.” After Celia left, I turned back to face Thoreau who was still silly there and said: "Now it’s time for us to talk."

"Huh?" Suddenly asked: "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about how long your life is."


" Although I don’t know how to predict, my logical thinking is pretty good, so I can predict and predict some things in a small range, and your life happens to be within this range." The whole body shuddered, and I suddenly reached out and patted his shoulder. "Don't be nervous, I didn't say you will die soon. Look, what is your lifespan? This question is more complicated, so I can't guess, but I believe you have at least several decades of lifespan, you Say yes?"

Solo didn't dare to say no at this time, and immediately nodded admitted: "Right, yes. At least there are several decades!"

I nodded Continued: "But, lifespan belongs to lifespan, that is your natural attribute, but natural disasters and man-made disasters are also inaccurate, right? For example, now, I am very upset about your previous performance, so I really want to take you Get rid of the depression in my heart. If I really do this, then your lifespan will be confirmed. Today is your last day in this world."

"no no no, please don't kill me Ah!" Solo was frightened by my words, Lima knelt on the ground and hugged my leg desperately begging for mercy.

I stretched out a hand and patted his head, and said: "Don't you get excited! I just said if, I didn't say that I really want to kill you right away!"

"Huh?" Solo was crying with snot and tears. Hearing that there was still a way to survive, Lima kept the tears away, but the part that had flowed out couldn't be taken back, so he could only do it by himself. He looked at me pitifully like a big painted face and waited for me to follow.

"Although I am a little unhappy now, I am more anxious to know something about Divine Race. If you can cooperate with me, then I will be very happy, and when I am in a good mood, let you go It’s still a trivial matter, maybe I can give you some equipment or something." Solo was just frightened by me before. After all, it’s hard for you to be calm when others discuss your life. Now calm down and understand my intentions after listening. "No problem, as long as you can give me a way out, then you are my second-born parents. I will say whatever you want me to say. As long as I know, I will tell you everything, even if I don’t know, I will help you. Come out."

I didn't expect this guy to be so good, so cooperative. But his performance was so good that it saved me a lot. "Well, if that's the case, then you can tell me everything you know about the temple."

To be honest, I didn't expect Solo to know so much before. After more than an hour of narration, Solo finished all the information he knew about the temple, thanks to the guy's usual flattery. Although this kid is not very good, he is good at shooting flattery, and Martial God likes people to shoot his flattery very much, so Solo is naturally mixed into the upper class in the temple. This point can be seen from the fact that he can ask for the seal scroll from Martial God before. The average believer can only help Divine Race. Which turn is Divine Race to help you? The fact that this kid can get the scrolls from Martial God shows that his status is extraordinary, and this status directly affects the amount of information he can access.

From Solo’s more than one-hour introduction, I have summarized a few important pieces of information. The first is that the Goddess I killed before was actually the subordinate of Martial God, and this time the connection between the Russian Divine Race and the Russian guild was solely responsible for the Martial God Palace. To put it simply, Martial God Palace is actually the middle liaison, responsible for the coordination between the two sides. The second piece of information Solo told me is that the Divine Race gathering point nearby is on a mountain not far from here, and the important part of this message is that this gathering point is not open to the public. Generally speaking, the temples of Divine Race are open to the public. This kind of place is very easy to inquire about, but usually Divine Race does not place anything too important in this kind of place. The things that are really important to Divine Race are hidden in secret strongholds, and few people know these strongholds except Divine Race. But I'm very lucky. Solo happens to be someone who knows the inside story. Speaking of which he knows this place because of Celia, because Solo had asked Martial God for help in Celia’s affairs before, and Martial God gave him a task at that time to help deliver letters to this stronghold and ask Luo therefore knew the location of this stronghold. The third message is that this temple is equipped with a magic signal jamming device. Although this is not important information, it explains well why I asked Emenes and Lingling to protect Celia before, but I didn't find them later. In fact, the two people got lost after they left me, and because they couldn't expose the target, they didn't dare to break out directly. As a result, they kept wandering around the temple until a battle broke out with the three Divine Races before they dared to rush out.

In addition to the above three pieces of information, Solo also provided two pieces of information, and they are all very important. One of them is that the Russian Divine Race is indeed studying a kind of stone, but Solo doesn't know if it is a stone of commandment, he only knows that it is very difficult to deal with. Another piece of information is good news, that is, part of the technical data supported by the Russian Divine Race to the Russian guild is stored in the secret vault of the Martial God Palace, and Soro happens to know the place.

When I heard that part of the technical information of that kind of magic weapon was nearby, I asked Solo to take me to find it. Solo is also a sensible guy, knowing that he mustn't half-hearted in this kind of time, saying that he should be thorough if he is to take refuge in me, otherwise his life may be over at any time. After I asked for the information, he took me out of the temple without saying a word.

After walking out of the temple, Solo was shocked again by the sight in front of him, and saw that the periphery of the temple was densely packed with monsters with wolf heads, and the ground was full of dead temple guards. After seeing the wounds on the guards and the sight of the monsters disappearing after seeing me, Solo really understood why none of the guards outside the temple appeared like that before, and it took a long time. Not only did I fight Divine Race inside, but I also set up a defensive line outside, otherwise the temple guards would have rushed in.

After seeing this shocking scene, Solo became more determined to take refuge in me. After all, the strength of being able to easily smooth a temple is enough to fight Divine Race, not to mention that Solo was still in the world before. When he met me, he knew that I was not a lone knight-errant. Behind me was a stronger Great Influence who was not inferior to the Divine Race where Martial God was. So he would not be unlucky following me, and the future might still be. More ambitious.

Under the leadership of Solo, I quickly left the temple and returned to the city streets. This is different from the previous prosperity. Now there are almost no people in sight on the whole street. There was such a fierce battle in the temple that the outsiders could not hear it, not to mention the size of Mila, the whole city saw it when he flew up, even if he knew that the opponent was not against himself, most people would not dare to wander outside the temple anymore. This kind of battle is simply not something ordinary people can intervene, and there is no place to reason even if you are injured by mistake. As for the guards of the royal capital, all of them were hiding in their respective camps and pretending to be deaf and dumb at this time, and none of them came out. The king is not a fool, although he doesn't know who is attacking the temple, but he can think of the connection. It is certainly not ordinary people who can fight the temple, and what he plans will not be his kingdom. No matter who wins in the end, he is still his king. It is just a change of belief and no loss to him. On the contrary, if he sends troops to help, no matter which side he is helping, it means becoming an enemy with the other side. If the side he helped wins, it's okay to say, if he loses, then he is definitely the end of the skeleton doesn't exist. In the absence of any foreseeable obvious benefits, the king would not be so stupid to run to participate in the war between Divine Race.

Although the ordinary person's reaction is strange, I don't care about it now. On the contrary, I feel that there is no one on the street and it is more convenient for us to move. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the whole city is messed up.

Under Solo’s leadership, we quickly reached a building on the edge of a slum. This building looks like a shop at first, but if you look closely, you will find that there is no sign on the outside, and you don't even know what it sells. In fact, it is not a store. In fact, this is the entrance to the secret warehouse where Martial God hides things. Speaking of which Martial God is good enough, he even hid this warehouse outside the temple. Someone really wants to attack the temple. If no one leads the way, I really can't find this secret warehouse. As for the problem that the secret warehouse is not conducive to protection outside the temple, in fact, it is simply not a problem. Even if a general thief enters this disguised shop, do you think he can open the secret treasure house of Divine Race? God's seal must at least be opened by a talent of the same level, and who would attack such an ordinary shop without knowing it?

We walked to the door of the shop, Solo ran up and knocked on the door a few times, and then shouted: "Little Lord, open the door." It took a long time after Solo finished shouting. , The door slowly opened a slit, and then the face of an eleven or twelve-year-old child was revealed. He dared to open the door after seeing Solo outside, but after seeing Solo behind me, he sat on the ground in shock. Seeing this child, I was still wondering why Martial God would find a child to guard such an important place. Solow explained first: "There is a family of ordinary persons here, which is used to disguise. The real warehouse is underground. There is only one entrance. There are two Divine Race guards inside. I can help you open the door for a while, but you must immediately stop the two Divine Races, otherwise once they close the door from the inside, I will There is no way."

I nodded and said: "Lead the way."

Solo took me into the room immediately after listening, and Solo didn’t forget to turn to the door. The child said: "Quickly close the door." The child quickly got up to close the door, while he continued to take me deep into the house. After passing through the same room as the shop facade, we entered a small courtyard. On the side of this side, there was a place similar to a wood shed, which looked tattered, but Solo walked directly over.

Although the firewood room has a door, it is not locked at all, so you can open it as soon as you pull it. There was indeed a lot of firewood in the room. Solo walked to one of the piles of wood, then moved it away to reveal a layer of hay below. After removing the layer of hay, a cover made of rotten wood appeared on the ground. Solo did not move the board, but knocked on it with the wood next to it and shouted: "Martial God Palace doesn't have enough firewood. Let me get some."

After hearing this signal The rotten door at the bottom suddenly lifted upwards, and when the door was opened, I realized that the cover was actually rotten wood on the top layer, but high level metal underneath. Solo automatically retreated behind me as soon as the door opened. Although the two Divine Races below are not as powerful as Martial God, but also not he can deal with it. Fortunately, he saw how I ravaged Martial God before, so Now I am not worried at all.

Before the secret door opened, I had already brought out Xiaochun summon. The door had just opened a crack, Xiaochun suddenly inserted the tip of the staff in, and then saw the white light flashed under the entire cover. , And two screams were heard at the same time. I instantly kicked the cover and jumped down, and it happened to see two Divine Races covering their eyes desperately backing away. Just now Xiaochun’s super-illumination technique made their eyes flash white. Within a few seconds, they There is no difference at all from blind.

After solving the two blind Divine Races one by one, I started to look at the room in front of me, and the things that caught my eye made my heartbeat unstoppable speeding up.

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