Death ray is a high level undead spell, which is characterized by fast launch speed, large formidable power, and ignores physical defense and magic resistance. Its effective range is only affected by the strength of the sorcerer's magic power. The higher the sorcerer's magic strength, the greater the ray emission distance and the lighter the coverage area. Otherwise, the affected area will shrink. As for the effect of the death ray, this is mainly related to two things, one is the spirit strength ratio between the sponsor and the attacked target, and the other is the life force of the attacked.

The generally speaking death ray magic has a basic damage value, and its value is fixed. Of course, the death ray formidable power of each Level 1 is different. After all, the full-level skills release impossible and There is a formidable power at Level 1, but the formidable power of every Level 1 skill is the same. This is not affected by the quality of the sorcerer. However, although the sorcerer cannot affect the basic damage of the death ray, it can affect the final damage produced by the death ray. The formula for calculating the final damage is approximately: final damage=sorcerer spirit strength target spirit strength *base damage.

The advantage of this conversion formula is that the lethality of the death ray on all professions is close to an average value, and there will be no special restraint of certain professional players. Because of the low spirit strength of combat class professions, the final calculated damage value will be higher. On the contrary, the spirit strength of legal professionals is relatively high, and the final damage will be relatively much lower. Although it seems that the warrior players are more disadvantaged and suffer more damage than the legal professions, but in fact, because the warrior players have much higher health points than the legal professions, the actual threats that occur in the end are against the battle system and the law. Department professionals are basically the same.

However, the above situation is only for player-to-player or player-to-NPC battles. The Russian Divine Race turned death ray into a magic cannon fired by artificial weapons. How to calculate the sorcerer spirit strength? Does the machine have spirit strength?

"Does this thing really emit death rays?" I asked unsurely.

Ling said uncertainly: "It depends on the situation, but I am not sure. The easiest way is to try again."

"Okay, everyone spread out. Let Ifrit try two more shots."

Since you suspect that this thing is a death ray, you can no longer use the mountain as a target. After all, the thing itself is dead, as if you used death Just like staring at a stone, there is an effect that is called hell.

In order to test whether this thing is a death ray, Ling directly summoned a hundred white skeletons, and then let us scattered to the forest to catch many small animals, and finally let luck and the plague go. I caught a big guy with very strong battle strength and tied it to the cliff's High Level to do an experiment.

First of all, Ivorite fired once at an animal that looked like a big mouse as required. As a result, the animal died immediately, and the corpse showed abnormal ash-gray. , There is also a faint Death Aura on the surface, which is similar to the previous gecko. This experiment at least proved that this weapon is lethal.

In the second experiment, Ling put a white skeleton on the target, and then Ivorite shot the soul fire in the skull’s head and was blasted away instantly, and it was clearly visible At the moment when the ray hit the skeleton, an explosion occurred in the skull's head. This effect was completely different from the death process of the animal seen before, and the effect was very obvious. The skeleton without the soul fire was just a pile of ordinary bones, and they fell apart almost at the instant of being bombarded. This experiment further proved that this kind of ray is likely to be a death ray, because the Soul Fire of an undead creature will explode when the death ray hits it, which looks exactly the same as before.

The third experiment. This time Ling made many skeletons stand side by side in a row, and then made dozens of skeletons stand in a row behind the target skeleton, and finally let Iverite attack the target skeleton. Ivorite hit the target with a shot, and the soul fire in the skull of the target burst instantly, as if there was a bomb in his head, but it was followed by the skulls on the left and right sides of the skull and behind him. The soul fire inside also exploded. Although judging from the explosion of the entire row of skeleton soul fire, the lethality produced by this ray has a transmission speed, but the front and back interval is very short. From the skeleton as the target From the beginning of the soul fire explosion to the last soul fire explosion of the skull soul fire explosion, there was only less than one second before and after the total time, and the transmission distance was eight meters. There are twelve skull fires on the left and right sides of the target skeleton. Although the soul fire of the thirteenth skull was also extinguished, it did not explode. The soul fire of the fourteenth skull was hit hard, but it was not extinguished, it was just unable. to support the skeleton's body caused it to fall down. As for the fifteenth skeleton, it simply fell down when the formidable power spread to him, and then got up again. The skeletons at the back just swayed slightly, and from the first Twenty skeletons didn't even shake at the beginning.

Three experiments have not only proved that this thing is a death ray, but also tested that its range is a little over nine meters, but the real formidable power is only within a radius of eight meters, beyond this range The formidable power will be very attenuated.

After finishing three experiments, Ling asked Iverit to do the fourth experiment, but this time he replaced it with the ferocious devil beast that he had caught before. This guy is a very powerful monster. Although he hasn't reached the point of abnormality, he can reach the level of a small BOSS in the general leveling area. Originally, this guy was caught mainly to test the formidable power of the death ray emitted by this weapon, but who knew the results of the experiment was a bit surprising. Originally, the devil beast kept screaming at us after being caught, but when Inverite shot it, the guy was as if the nerve center was amputated by someone, and suddenly he threw and fell to the ground. Hanged up without even struggling.

"Damn, this formidable power is too terrifying, right?" Seeing that the little BOSS-Rank monster was shot down by a single shot, I and all the demons were shocked . Death ray is indeed a high level magic, but even if it is used by archmage, it will not be able to bring down the little boss in one move! Putting it that way means that the actual spirit strength output of this weapon is higher than the archmage. As for how high it is, it is not clear for the time being, because the little BOSS was knocked down by a shot, so we only know it. The lethality surpasses the life force of the small BOSS-Rank, but the specific height is completely unspecified.

"No, I have to find a more powerful one to test it."

"Better?" If you are lucky, you will call the devil beast first. Up. "Declare first! I can't do this with the plague. Catch and kill are completely different things, okay? Just this BOSS makes us have a lot of trouble, and it's more powerful, we can't handle it!" /p>

"No one will let you go by yourself." I said to Ling: "You and Mira will bring Yeyue and Princess together. It should be easier to gather your special abilities."

< p>"Okay, leave this to us." Ling flew over Lucky's head with a single wing and said: "Go, let's go and catch a big one."

With the effect of Ling, Lima won’t It was the same, they came back in less than twenty minutes, and a bunch of monsters followed. A long distance away, I listened to the loud voice of luck shouting: "Ivrit, prepare quickly, we brought you a group back."

"Damn, is there a mistake? "Ivorite finally noticed the abnormal noise in the forest behind Lucky. From the air, you can see that the jungle behind Lucky is being forcibly opened by unknown creatures at a terrifying speed. At the front of the road, various towering giant trees are constantly being broken and falling down. , And a wide road is left behind.

"Ready to prepare!" Seeing this, I quickly got other familiars to prepare too. In case the death ray does not damage that thing once, the rest is up to us. Even though the formidable power of the thing launched by Inverite is not bad, the rate of fire is not as fast as it fires every minute. Thanks to the fact that Inverite does not use heat, if it is built according to the design on the blueprint Even if the one-to-one cannon is melted by its own firing capacity, it will take at least an hour to cool down. The speed like Inverite's is simply amazing.

Soon fortunately, he rushed past our eyes and flew behind everyone, and then saw that the edge of the forest behind him was suddenly knocked out of a big hole with a shovel on his head. The monster was rushing out of that forest, and what was even more frightening was that there was exactly the same thing behind it.

"Damn, how come you can get three heads at once?"

Ling jumped off Lucky's head and landed next to me, "Neither do we want it! This is the one nearby." A devil beast with a high enough level, and they still live in groups. It took us a long time to separate the battallion and lead out the three heads separately. Don’t worry, even if Ivorite’s death ray cannot be dealt with, we should be able to do it by ourselves. Solve it."

I nodded and didn't speak any more, because Ivorite next to him had already entered the final energy-accumulation stage. I saw that his muzzle suddenly made that kind of sharp noise, followed by the black light flashed, and the monster that rushed to the front suddenly fell into the mud with a bend in the front leg, and the huge shovel-like horns actually penetrated. In the soil, his whole body was turned over from his head, and it hit the ground in front of us with a thud, causing a cloud of smoke and dust.

Although one was turned over, the other two monsters have already rushed to the front. With the launch speed of Inverite, it must be too late. Seeing this situation, I simply pointed to the front and shouted: "Vajra, steel teeth, hold them up."

With a boom, a huge steel gorilla slammed in front of us, with both arms in front of us. There was a beating on the chest, and then he rushed up to catch the horns of the monster on the left with both hands, but the monster was also seven 8-Layer tall, not much smaller than Vajra, and he was running fast beforehand. The kinetic energy is much greater than that of Vajra. Although Vajra pressed her feet against the ground, she was forcibly pushed back and slid more than ten meters before finally stopping the monster there.

While Vajra caught a monster, the steel teeth on the other side crashed to the ground, but he did not have the terrifying power of Vajra. His specialty was defense. Without any fancy, the steel teeth roared and rushed forward, the huge body slammed into the monster, and then the two flew out in the opposite direction together. However, Gangfang adjusted his posture before he landed after being hit and flew, and immediately recoiled back as soon as his four legs landed, but the monster was knocked and rolled out and fell all the way back to the edge of the forest without climbing for a long time. Get up, the strength of the two is superior to each other.

After blocking the two monsters, Gangfang and Vajra attacked again, and Gangfang rushed to the monster that fell to the edge of the forest. He bit the back of the monster’s neck and followed his head. With just two crackles, the monster's body that was struggling instantly softened. Obviously, the cervical spine had been screwed off by the steel teeth, and the body that was out of control was useless no matter how strong it was. The other side of the steel teeth suddenly turned over and jumped to the side of the monster after intercepting the monster, and then the strong forelimbs violently clamped the monster's head and twisted it in one direction desperately. Just like the monster that the steel teeth had killed, the monster's neck was twisted into a twist after a burst of crackling, and then the huge body crashed to the ground and stopped moving.

"Huh, fortunately, we also have brute force companions."

We just sighed in relief, and suddenly we found the one that was knocked down by Inverite. The monster swayed and stood up again. Obviously, the death ray would not kill the monster of this level at once. Don’t look at Gangfang and Vajra. They killed the two monsters in the blink of an eye, but you should know that Vajra used to be a regional guard, and Azure Dragon White Tiger is the same level of existence. Although Gangfang is not that good, but people used to It is also an existence sealed by the Celestial Court. Can the Celestial Court be carefully sealed by ordinary creatures? Therefore, being killed by Steelfang and Vajra does not mean that this creature is not powerful, it can only be said that they encountered a more abnormal existence.

Looking at the swaying monster on the ground, I quickly read its attributes, and found that this monster had been knocked out of nearly one third’s blood volume, and it seemed to be dizzy. , Weakness and many other negative effects. In this way, another player with level 900 or higher can easily kill it, which means that the monster has already been severely damaged just now. In fact, a severe injury does not mean that the opponent’s HP is destroyed to be considered a severe injury. In the game, a severe injury refers to the proportion of the opponent losing the battle strength. If you can hit a creature and never get up again, even if he Now that his life is full, he has been severely injured. After all, anyone can kill him in this state. And if you beat a monster to run out of blood, but that guy can still use most of the battle strength to resist, it can't be called a serious injury, at most it is a serious injury.

"Ling, the damage value is about one million."

"One million damage?" Ling was startled. "What is the spirit strength of that thing?"

"Eight thousand and six."

"One million damage value, the target's spirit strength of eight thousand and six, suppose this weapon fires It's a Level 20 death ray. If you convert it in this way, isn't the spirit strength value of this weapon equivalent to the low-level Divine Race?" Ling said with some surprise.

Xiaochun said next to him: "This thing was originally created by the Russian Divine Race. The most convenient thing for them to study is probably themselves. It is understandable that this weapon came according to their spirit strength. Speaking of which they only made something equivalent to low-level Divine Race spirit strength, we are lucky. If they make a death ray that is quite high level Divine Race, wouldn’t it be a big shot?"< /p>

“I’m afraid it’s more than just one shot, but no matter how big the formidable power is, we don’t have to worry about it.” Ivorite explained: “The blueprint produced by the Russian Divine Race is much larger than mine. , So the formidable power must be different. Only the spirit strength equivalent to the low-level Divine Race must be due to the reduction of our formidable power due to the reduction of our size. Therefore, the calculation result has an error. But I think even the weapon produced by the Russian Divine Race The launch of the formidable power is calculated based on the strength of the high level Divine Race. We don’t have to worry about it."

"Why?" Xiaochun asked.

"It's very simple." Ivorite said: "Do you think anyone would dare to use this kind of disposable weapon that hurts the enemy 1,000 and 800?"

We all reacted to what Ritter said. The reason why this weapon can be used by Ivrit is that he is not afraid of high temperatures, but if the Russians get this blueprint and produce it according to it, the final thing will definitely explode as soon as it is activated. Can it hit the enemy? I don't know, I will definitely be killed by it. Who dares to use such a perverted weapon?

"Speaking of which is the only thing in the world, isn't it safe for you to use it?" I asked.

"That's not necessarily so." Ling said suddenly: "The Russian Divine Race can study this thing, which shows that they have a lot of research on the essence of magic, but I think they are in the arrangement of the magic array and energy conversion. However, it is extremely backward. If we can fully understand the research data and use our technology to improve it to produce a practical death ray emitter, it will not be impossible. Even if the speed is slower, as long as it can be launched, at worst Install a few sets of diffusers and replace the heat sink with a revolver magazine. In this case, it should be able to meet the requirements, that is, if the thing is made, the Isenger mobile fortress and large battleship can be used, the general transportation device Probably can’t install such a large device!"

"It’s okay, anyway, this weapon is not very versatile. I think the biggest use of this thing is to deal with high level players, because it can ignore defense and Magic resistance attribute. In contrast, high level players will lose blood even if their spirit strength is high, which is better than other slow weapons that cannot be hit at all."

Ling suddenly frowned and shouted. Said: "Wait, wait. We seem to have entered a misunderstanding before."

"Misunderstanding? What is the misunderstanding?"

Ling explained: "Before we only In terms of practicality, I think that this weapon will explode once launched, and even if it does not explode, it takes a long time to cool down, so it is not practical. But we didn’t expect, maybe people didn’t plan to use the second one. Time?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means this thing is simply prepared for you."

"For me?" Me Looking at Ling in surprise, he suddenly reacted.

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