"First of all, thank you all for being here at this time to participate in this auction." Bingfeng Banshee said thanks in her warm voice, but what she said below Let me swept away my previous questions about why she appeared here. "If you can come here, it shows that you have contributed to this war against China, and in return for this, you will be eligible to allocate spoils of war."

Ice Seal The meaning of Banshee's words is very obvious. The auction this time is an act of distributing the benefits of all guilds that launch aggression against our country, so all those present are my enemies. Of course, this is a game. Players can be resurrected when they die. If in reality, leaders of hostile countries gather together for a meeting and I get mixed in, that would be cool, and the entire command system of the opponent can be integrated in one go. Destroy it, but here it is basically impossible.

After finishing the opening remarks, Banshee Frozen finally entered the topic. "Because war itself consumes resources, we need to consume a large amount of funds in advance before we occupy Chinese cities. Therefore, in order to ensure that the war can continue, we must obtain war funds. Where does this funds come from? It comes from the auction funds used by you for a while. The staff of the Pantheon will be responsible for the specific operation of the auction, and they will explain what rules and precautions are there." After saying this, Banshee Frozen and left the auction. Then, an Auctioneer in a tuxedo walked up and began to take over her as the host of the auction.

"Hello everyone, I am the Auctioneer of this auction. As for my name, I don’t want to know it. I guess you don’t want to know. Now I will tell you about the auction process and rules. First of all, I hope you all understand the risks of this auction. Since the cities and resources we sell have not actually been controlled by us, it is also possible that you may not get the cities you deserve, but you must be clear about this. Don’t when the time comes and we can’t get the city to come and quarrel. When the time comes, we don’t know how to manage money.” The Auctioneer here suddenly smiled slightly and said, “Of course, it’s also very difficult to get the city’s probability. Low, after all, we have prepared a very detailed plan this time, so you don’t have to worry too much."

After talking about this precaution, the Auctioneer stopped for a while, and then continued: "Okay Now, let’s talk about the auction rules. Because the things we sell are more special, the rules this time are also more complicated. Please pay attention. The first thing I want to tell you is that because the most powerful specials in this war The large guilds have allocated the ownership of large cities in advance, so most of the small and medium cities and mining areas that can be auctioned off are small and medium-sized cities and mining areas. Of course, it is not that there are no large cities, but there are relatively few. There is one more point that you need to pay attention to, because The guilds allocated to the large cities actually sent people to the scene today, so don’t think that those large cities will definitely be obtained by you. After all, the large guilds’ funds should be relatively generous, and you should fight with them. It’s not a wise move, so I hope you can exercise a little restraint when you start bidding soon."

Hearing this passage from Auctioneer, there was a buzzing sound at the scene, which seemed to change instantly. It is the same as a vegetable market, but think about it, our country’s large cities have been picked out by those big guilds, and the other guilds present are naturally not satisfied. Although I don't dare to fight against the big guilds, it's always okay to complain.

"Okay, okay, please be quiet." It is estimated that the complaints of the people below are almost the same, and Auctioneer has only begun to maintain order on the scene. "I know you are unbalanced, but don't be jealous. Those big guilds are indeed assigned to the most oily large cities, but don't forget, everyone who is charging and trapping are all people. You are only here to make a point. You can buy a city or a mining area with money. This saves a lot of things compared to other people. Although on the surface it seems that you spend money to buy a city and people spend the same amount of money for siege, but you have to know that There is a lot of intangible consumption in the process of attacking the city, so the benefits of others are not in vain, and they are all worked hard."

Listening to the words of this Auctioneer, the people below are finally slightly Balanced a bit. In fact, their imbalance is only because of jealousy, which is actually the same thing as ordinary people's hatred of wealth. It's just that the presidents of these small and medium guilds hate large guilds, and they don't know that the solo players who have not joined any guilds also hate them. From this point of view, everyone is actually the same.

Looking at the following reaction, the response is a little better. Auctioneer starts to say: "Okay, I have already told everyone about the things that need to be paid attention to. Now let’s talk about the specific auction rules. This auction is based on the city and The mining area is auctioned in the form of a mine, which means that we will sell each city and mine area, and it can be said that we will bid for each city and mining area separately. This is no different from the general auction rules. But..." Auctioneer suddenly increased his tone and dragged his tone. Long notes. "But you must pay attention to that, the city we sell may not be occupied in the end. If the city is not defeated after the battle is over, then you will not be able to get the city, and the funds will no longer be available. Return it to you. But here is one thing you need to pay attention to, that is, the cities that are really at risk are actually those that go deep into the hinterland of China, not the cities on the border. The cities on the border are usually close to military fortresses. The defensive power of this kind of city is usually very high, so the damage will be more serious after the fall, and due to the Innate factor, this kind of city is usually not profitable. However, because this kind of city is close to the border of China, it will definitely be immediately Occupied, and after the battle, it will almost certainly be controlled by us. Therefore, if you want to buy this kind of city, you don’t have to take any risks. On the contrary, the cities deep in the hinterland of China are far away from the border, so they will be attacked at the end. Probability will increase exponentially if it doesn’t come down, but such cities in the hinterland are usually more commercial cities. Although these cities are not low in defense, they are definitely more oily than border cities. Of course. , The two cities I’m talking about are actually two extremes. They are more neutral cities located between the two. Their characteristics will be different due to the distance from the border. You can play according to your own situation. Forecast to decide how much money to spend to buy these cities. I will only say one last sentence here, that is, when you discover the huge profits contained in a certain city, don't forget the huge risks that accompany it."

After Auctioneer finished talking about this remark, all the chairmen present began to think about it. Some people also discussed with their companions, but the process was very short. Obviously they had done their homework before coming. , Now just clarify the previous judgment.

When the people on the spot had finished discussing, Auctioneer lifted up a piece of cloth on the front desk, revealing a crystal Earth instrument below. "Okay, everyone, let's start the auction. First, please look at the map." He said, he pressed his hand on the crystal Earth instrument, and the Earth instrument immediately projected a huge Earth above the venue, and then followed Flicking Auctioneer's fingers, the huge Earth pattern also began to rotate with the rotation of the Earth meter below. After dialing a few times, Auctioneer turned the Earth graphic to the location of China, and enlarged the part of the border between China and Russia. I feel that this thing is very similar to the holographic projection crystal of Military God, but the effect is much simplified, but its volume is relatively small.

"Well everyone, the city you see now is the first city we auctioned. It is located at XXX, XXX, and XXX. The name is Yellow Water City, with a defense degree of 88312 and a city development degree. 22190, you can check other detailed data on the crystal ball in front of your seat. The base price of this city is one million crystal coins, and each increase must not be less than one hundred thousand crystal coins. Interested parties can start bidding."

As Auctioneer's voice fell, a row of numbers and a name suddenly appeared on a crystal screen in front of the auction table in the center of the venue. After Auctioneer's explanation, everyone knew that the two rows of information were the names of the guilds. And the bid amount, of course, only the name and amount of the current highest bidder are displayed there. After everyone understands what the information content represents, the screen has never been stable, because the screen always displays the highest bid first and then updates the name, plus the price keeps changing, so that people present simply can’t see it clearly. As for who paid the price, you can see that the figure keeps going up. After only ten seconds, the price soared to as much as 23 million crystal coins, and it continued to jump up, but the speed was a little slower than at the beginning.

After jumping for nearly one minute in a row, the price finally stabilized. Finally, it was shown that a guild called the Water Ghost Association bought the city for 48 million crystal coins. After Auctioneer asked no one to raise the fare three times, the city was finally successfully converted to that guild. Then Auctioneer began to put some cities in our country on the map for the Russians present to compete for purchases, and the scene looked unusually fierce from beginning to end. There are a lot of people in cities with low risks, and some cities that go deep into our country are risky, but because there are too many oil and water, there are many people who take the risk. It feels that as long as Auctioneer dares to sell, some people dare to buy.

Because I know that if there is no accident this time, the Russians will definitely be a complete failure in the end, so I'm just looking at this kind of panic buying on the spot as a joke. After I poured myself a drink slowly, I drank it slowly, but as soon as the drink was half filled, Auctioneer suddenly shouted: "The next city to be auctioned is the highlight of this auction-Isinger."

"pu...! Cough...cough...cough..." Auctioneer's words caused the drink that had just been drunk into his mouth to be sprayed out. This group of people are too exaggerated, right? It is normal to sell border cities. After all, they think they will definitely win this time, so it is understandable to sell border cities. As for the later sale of inland cities in China, although this is a bit risky, it does not say that it is absolutely impossible. At least if our guild fails to respond well, they may still occupy one or two of our inland cities. . It's just that now they actually boasted shamelessly, even Isinger dared to put it out for auction, and it seems that Isinger has been captured by them, this is too much, right?

Initially, I thought that such an outrageous auction would definitely not be accepted. Who knew that after Auctioneer called out the reserve price of 100 million crystal coins, there was actually someone bidding, and the bid number was updated before it was displayed. The numbers that appeared have been brushed out.

"Damn, these people definitely got their heads caught in the door!"

I just finished cursing here, and the numbers on the screen over there jumped several times. Instantly jumped from the reserve price of more than 100 million to 800 million crystal coins, and there seems to be a tendency to jump upwards. Sure enough, my idea just appeared, and the number suddenly increased by one, becoming more than 1.1 billion. This time it was not only me, but even the leaders of the small guilds around them began to call them lunatics. However, the idea of ​​a lunatic is different from that of ordinary people, because just when others yelled at the lunatic, the price started to jump up again, and it was still that kind of extremely abnormal jump. The price of 1.1 billion became 2.5 billion in the blink of an eye, and I couldn't help but call this guy a 25-50.

Of course he is not because of Isinger's price. My Isinger’s construction costs and profits are far more than 2.5 billion crystal coins. According to Rose’s statistics, even though Isengard’s reconstruction process has Celestial Court and other Divine Race forces’ funds or material subsidies, our guild still invests nearly 5 billion crystal coins in it. If Celestial Court and other Divine Races are used The things the Race forces send are all converted into costs. The actual cost of Isengard should be between 60 billion and 80 billion crystal coins. If anyone can exchange 2.5 billion crystal coins for such a city, Then he is definitely not stupid at all. The reason I say this guy is 25th is because he actually believes that the Russians can beat Isinger down this time.

Although "Zero" is a financial bomb, its essence is a black hole that continuously absorbs funds, but in "Zero", the only city with a cost of more than 10 billion crystal coins is Isinger Such a place. According to the conversion formula in "Zero" that capital is approximately equal to strength, a city worth 60 billion to 80 billion has a defensive ability that absolutely exceeds the attack power of this cost converted into NPC, that is, if Isinger is worth 60 billion, then you use 60 billion to buy NPC troops. As long as there is no accident, these troops will definitely not be able to beat the city of Isengard. But the question is, how many NPC troops can 60 billion buy? Calculated on the basis of the cost-effective highest heaven celestial troops and generals. Among them is a limited edition of the gods, a single selling price of one hundred thousand crystal coins, a level of two thousand, and the battle strength is only a little lower than mine. If all these gods are exchanged for sixty billion, it will be exchanged for six hundred thousand. What is the concept of 600,000 NPCs of two thousand level? Generally, the top BOSS in a large monster area is almost at this level. That is a big boss that can single out a group of players, and with a little miscellaneous soldiers, it can easily destroy a small guild. Six hundred thousand such perverts can gather together to slaughter a dozen of Russian invading forces back and forth. There is nothing left. The Russians actually count on them to capture Isinger. If this can be achieved, there will be no fairy tales in this world, because fairy tales are much more reliable than this.

As that number continues to jump, the Russian guild leaders at the scene have become excited. They all want to see who the world’s most famous first city will be spent on. , Although it was actually impossible, but no one at the scene seemed to care about it.

After the price fluctuated for nearly one minute, it finally started to slow down, and soon a more conspicuous name popped up. "The smart polar bear guild is now bidding 3.8 billion crystal coins. Has anyone come up with more? If not, the world's number one city of Isengard will be owned by the smart polar bear." Auctioneer screamed sensationally. It's just that it's no longer worth a price. Obviously this number is scary enough. After all, although Isinger is worth more than 60 billion, our guild actually only sold less than 5 billion. Besides, our 5 billion is not a one-time investment, but it took nearly a year to slowly increase to this amount. Besides, our guild itself is of rich and imposing type, and it is relatively rich. This smart polar bear is scary enough to spend 3.8 billion at a time.

After making sure that no one bid, the Auctioneer finally sold Isinger to the smart polar bear. The leaders of the guilds at the scene applauded the smart polar bear, but I shook my head beside me. This guild should simply not be called a smart polar bear, but a dumb bear. They spent 3.8 billion to buy a city that would never be captured by them, and they did it.

I thought that after I sold Isengard, those people should be somewhat restrained. Who knows that Auctioneer seems to be addicted, and I started selling other cities behind Isengard again, and this time The competition became more intense. According to their posture, I am afraid that half of China should be gone in a while. I don't understand what these people think. How big is half of China? There are indeed a lot of Russian invading troops, but how many people can be allocated to one square kilometer on such a large area? Don't they think that three or five people can occupy a city? I am not greedy enough to swallow an elephant. I have seen it today.

I sat there watching the auction ahead with a sneer, but didn't expect a person walked in from the aisle, and sat directly beside me without saying a word . At first, I thought it was the companion of the president whose card I changed, but when I fixed my eyes, I was silly on the spot.

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