Shortly after leaving the bombed city, I found the city of the gods according to the coordinates. Like the information given by the military god before, the city in front of you is very large. Although it hasn't reached the state of Isengard that is almost the same as a municipality in reality, it definitely has reached the top city in reality. Size. In such a huge city, the flow of people nearby is naturally terrifying. Even though Russia is now at war against our country, the city gate here can still see a constant stream of players coming in and out.

"Asuka, right there, land quickly."

"Understood." Asuka suddenly dived down from in the sky, and then pulled up when it was about to hit the ground. It was in a state with the abdomen facing forward to slide forward more than ten meters before canceling out the impact. At this time, I jumped off with a light kick on Asuka's back, and Asuka quickly got into the opened Phoenix Dragon space after I left and disappeared.

The City of the Gods is a big city, and neither the number of people nor the area of ​​the city is comparable to that of the previous town, so the previous stealth infiltration does not have any probability of use here, like this It would be weird if there are not a few special personnel who can be anti-invisible in a big city. When the time comes, I am alone in stealth in the city during the day. Even if others don’t know who I am, they must know that I’m not here to do good things.

For such a big city, the correct way to hide should be disguise, and then sneak in. I have done this kind of little thing N times a long time ago. With the help of Emiennes, I easily changed the costume to complete, and then walked into the city gate in the shape of a frost warrior.

Although this Frost Warrior is not a special profession in Russia, it is definitely one of the most popular professions, so the doorman almost let me in without even looking straight at me. After all, the people who come and go in front of them every day are almost all people of this kind of profession. If everyone has to check, they don't need to rest, and it will also cause traffic jams in the city gate.

After successfully mixing into the city, I started walking along the main road in the city towards the city center. What I saw and heard along the way gave me the feeling that this city is very similar to Isengard. It's not that the architectural style of this city resembles Isinger, but the kind of technical strength that is integrated into all parts of the city. Although all the buildings here use the pointed dome structure unique to Russia, the other parts of the building show the superb level of technology.

First, I found the drainage system on the streets of the city. Don't think that these things can be seen everywhere in reality and that these things are not important. In fact, these things are just the embodiment of the technological level of a city. The reason why Paris, France is called the most advanced city in the world, is because Paris has a world-first underground drainage system, and in the game, apart from Isengard, I have only seen Sana’a city with drainage so far. system, in addition to this one in front of us, the other two cities are all our Frost Rose League cities. In other words, apart from this city, I have only seen this thing in our own city so far.

In fact, the drainage system in the game is not a simple service device. It appears in the game as a city functional facility. If a city has such a facility, it can be based on the facility’s The operation situation improves a certain degree of city satisfaction.

This city satisfaction is a city attribute approved by the system. Of course, it is mainly effective for NPC. The setting of this satisfaction will be directly related to the development speed of the city, the monthly tax payment and the production speed and quality of NPC. A city with high city satisfaction will have a rapid increase in the number of NPCs, and then you can confidently expand the city boldly. Of course, if there are not enough NPCs, you can still expand the city, but various problems will arise after the expansion of the city, such as building collapse and slow construction speed. Because the city construction and maintenance in the game require free NPC to participate, if there are too few free NPCs, then various auxiliary jobs in the city will not be able to recruit workers, and then various facilities will be quickly damaged or damaged because there is no one to maintain. Not working, in short, a lot of trouble. Of course, you can also ask combat NPCs or players to take over the work of free NPCs, but unless you are pressed, no one will do that. Let’s not talk about the wages of fighting NPCs and players, even if they work for you for free, the number is definitely not enough. The number of free NPCs in the game is usually more than thirty times that of combat NPCs. If the number of free NPCs is insufficient, it will also affect the number of combat NPCs. This chain reaction is definitely a headache for city managers.

In addition to this drainage system, I also found a thing in the city-rail cars.

This is something similar to a tram, but it does not follow a railroad track, but a magic mark on the ground. What's more peculiar is that this kind of car is still unmanned, there is no biological traction in front of the car, the power system is completely installed in the chassis of the car, and the body is almost a large flat panel. However, this car never stops. People who need to get in the car can jump directly on it. Anyway, the physical fitness of the people in the game is much exaggerated than in reality. If you want to jump on this kind of vehicle with a normal trotting speed, you can jump. Jumping up and down is simply not a problem.

In addition to these two distinct things, I also found a few things in the city. First, I found a strange machine not far from the city gate. This thing seems to be about the same size as a bank ATM. There is nothing on the front of it that can be operated, and I don't know what it is for. After going deep into the city for a certain distance, I found a similar device, and then I found many of these things one after another, and I feel that there are such things everywhere in the city. Although I was terribly curious, I couldn't ask, so I had to write it down first.

After walking for a while, I walked through the outer circle area of ​​the city. Here is the Transmission Formation used inside the city, which can transport people to other areas in the city. This thing is in large cities. Yes, after all, most cities in the game do not have buses or taxis, and mounts are generally not allowed in the city, so these big cities must install transmission devices, otherwise it will be tiring to run from the east to the Western District. You can't die.

Because I took a brief look at the periphery of the city just now, I don’t plan to walk anymore, and directly use Transmission Formation to enter the core area of ​​the city.

Large cities generally have two or three city walls, and the core area of ​​the city of the gods is located inside the second city wall. After the Transmission Formation, I felt that the style here is quite different from that of the outer city. Both sides of the inner city wall are almost like two cities. Although there are some technical equipment in the outer city, it doesn't feel much different from the general city, but the inside of the second city wall is completely different. Huge steel buildings and various grotesquely shaped devices are everywhere. If my coordinates were not displayed in the city, I didn’t know if I had mistaken Transmission Formation and sent me to the hometown of Cybertron Planet, which is deformed Vajra. Woolen cloth!

"Hey." I was sighing about the size of the building, and suddenly I heard a voice yelling. But I didn't care, but after a while the voice screamed again. "It's you, the one in the white armor, don't be in a daze, come here."

This time, I don't need to call me again to make sure he is calling me. "You call me?" I asked, pointing to my nose.

"Nonsense, who don't you call you?" The man said impatiently: "Come over and get in the car, so many people are waiting!"

"You know what I want Where are you going?" I asked in surprise.

"What you said." The guy said impatiently: "What else can those who come to the inner city of the City of Gods do besides participating in the auction?"

Although I don't know what the auction will be for, I am an expert who has sneaked into hostile cities many times. Of course, I know that I must not ask any more at this time, otherwise I will definitely wear the help. "Haha, I forgot about this." I ran over haha ​​quickly, then jumped into a car parked there. Said it is a car, in fact, this thing is not much different from those rail buses outside the city. The only difference is that this thing runs faster than that kind of buses, and secondly, this thing is equipped with a steering wheel, which can be manually operated. Manipulate, don't need to walk the track.

After I got in the car, the flatbed truck quickly drove into the city under the control of the driver. On the way, several shuttle buses from other Transmission Formation were merged. Finally, It turned out to be a convoy of more than a dozen cars, and there were hundreds of people pulling on the cars alone.

After a period of driving, the convoy finally stopped in front of a huge building, and then the people in the car jumped off. Although I don't know anything, the best way at this time is to go along. After jumping out of the car with the crowd, the crowd began to stand in opposition, and many people even took out a small black card from their bodies. At first I was still wondering about the function of the card, but soon I realized the trouble.

I saw a gate in front of this line of mine, and eight guards stood in front of the gate. Next to the guards was a machine the size of a refrigerator, with a socket on the machine. Anyone passing by the device will insert the card in their hand, and then a red area will light up on the device. The visitor puts his hand on the red area, and the red area will turn green in an instant, and a clear beep will sound. The receptionist in the door will quickly lead the person into the building.

Although I don't know what principle the thing is used for, but I know that it is simply a secure recognizer, and it is also a two-way recognition type with a special key and palm print. It is estimated that as long as one thing is wrong, it will be surrounded by guards immediately. I'm not afraid of those guards, anyway, no one can stop me if I really want to run, but the problem is that once the grass to scare the snake beats the grass to scare the snake, the subsequent investigation work will become more difficult.

Although the team's movement speed is very slow, after all, I am approaching the security gate a little bit, and now it is impossible to leave. Seeing the team move forward a little bit, I became more and more anxious. However, the so-called quick witted in an emergency, at this time, I happened to be anxious enough, and that wisdom was finally born.

"Emmenes." I connected Emménis directly with my heart contact, but did not release her.

"What's the order?"

"I will release you immediately. You first use absolute mirroring to copy yourself into a mosquito, and then help me take the guy behind me Can a copy of the palm print and paste it on my hand, can it be done?"

"I can copy the palm print with the mirror technique that I used in Egypt last time, but there is a time limit, so... "

"Just a few seconds will do."

"That's definitely no problem, there will be no weak spot within half an hour."

"Then do it quickly."


Emmenes quickly turned into a mosquito, and then flew out of the Phoenix Dragon space. Because of the small size of the mosquito, the Phoenix Dragon space only opened up a little bit, and no one noticed the slight change. Emiennes, who successfully left the Phoenix Dragon space, quickly flew into the palm of the guy behind me, and activated the mirroring skill, quickly copied the palm texture of that guy, and then flew back to my palm to mirror it as it was. On my hand. Judging from the palm prints, there is no difference between the two of us.

After completing this step, I quickly withdrew Eminis, and then suddenly activated the power of Death God tattoos, and instantly summon a dozen Death God guards. The level of Death God guards is rounded up to half of my level, which is 900. This level is not too high, but with the addition of Death God guards can partially copy my attributes, so their battle strength is actually better than Players at the same level are much higher, at least this group of people on the scene instantly messed up.

"How did it happen?" Seeing the mess here, the guard rushed over quickly. Some guests who had reacted also joined the guard and started besieging the Death God guard, facing the number and quality of the guard. The above were not equal, the dozen or so Death God guards were quickly killed, but my goal was also achieved. At the moment when the Death God guard appeared, I turned to be frightened and retreated, knocking the guy to the ground, and I also pulled the card in his hand off, and then I took Emiennes. Another fake card copied in advance was thrown at his side. Sure enough, when the guy noticed that the card had fallen, he picked up the fake card next to him, got up and ran out of the combat area without seeing it, for fear of being implicated.

Because the battle just now messed up the team, I also took the opportunity to squeeze to the front. When the audit restarted at the gate, I was very close to the gate. After reviewing a few people in a row, it was my turn. I walked to the machine as usual, and then stuffed the card in according to the movements of the people I had seen before. Because that was originally the real card I stole, I successfully activated the square area, and then I covered it with my palm.

Ding. The crisp prompt sounded, the light turned green, the waiter inside quickly ran up and led me to walk inside, and the team behind began to move again. As for the guy whose card was changed by me, then It’s not my concern anymore.

After entering the interior of the building, I realized that it was a bit like the entrance of a cinema, but instead of entering the cinema, it was a strange venue. This place has a huge slope-shaped audience area like a movie theater, densely packed in a semicircle, and it seems to have at least one or two thousand seats. In addition, there is a small room above us, which is obviously a VIP area. The waiter took me to a seat for me to sit down, and then began to explain to me. Under his introduction, I quickly understood how to use some things on the spot.

As the driver said before, this is an auction, and I am sitting in the position of the buyer. The seats here are quite wide, as long as it is not the kind of super Big Fatty, three people can sit side by side. The backrest behind the seat is very high, and there are baffles on both sides to completely separate the adjacent positions. Although it is not completely enclosed, as long as others do not leave the seat, you cannot see what people in other positions are doing. Of course, people on the auction stage can see the audience. There is a small table in front of the seat. In addition to drinks and some fruits, there is also a crystal ball on the table. Just now the waiter mainly explained the usage of this thing. According to his introduction, this thing is equivalent to the remote control for asking price. Every time you want to make a bid, just touch the crystal ball and it will automatically increase the price once. If you want to add a price that exceeds the standard limit for a single bid, you can directly press your hand on the crystal ball to figure out that number, and then the crystal ball will automatically add that much price, which is more convenient than a computer.

As the people entered the venue one by one, the scene gradually became noisy, and at this time I also became nervous, because I found that many of the people who came to participate in the auction did not come alone. The seats on the site are so wide, obviously for many people, and the people here are often two or three together. I didn't start to worry until this time. What if the guy whose card was dropped by me just now came with a few people? The people around him must be able to come in. If you contact the organizer of the conference, you will be able to confirm the identity of that person very quickly. When the time comes, am I not directly exposing it?

Although I was a little worried, I didn't leave this position. Anyway, I might not be found out, and even if I was found out, it might not happen. With this mentality, I waited until the beginning of the conference and didn't wait for the guards to come. It seems that I have a good character. The guy came by himself, and there is no way to prove his identity in a short time.

As the conference began, the originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet, because a woman walked onto the central showcase. The moment I saw this woman, my eyes suddenly shrank. That woman turned out to be Banshee Frozen. She actually appeared in the venue, and appeared as the organizer, which is really surprising.

The ice-bound Banshee wearing an ice-clad armor looked unusually glamorous under the stage lights. The cold temperament with Death Aura made the males present look like drugs, knowing the danger. But still can't help but want to get closer.

"First of all, thank you all for coming here at this time to participate in this auction." Bingfeng Banshee said thanks in her warm voice, but the following words made me right The question as to why she appeared here was swept away.

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