The one sitting next to me is not someone else, but the Russian secret mastermind I killed once and Banshee in ice.


"Surprised, aren't you?" Frozen Banshee looked ahead and said in a tranquil voice: "Actually, I knew you had come in a long time ago. "Seeing that I was about to stand up, she added another sentence. "I advise you to stay still. A special device has been added to this place. As long as I give a signal, you will be suppressed immediately unable to move even a little bit."

"Do you think I am can believe?" Although I said so, I still sat back.

Frozen Banshee turned his head and glanced at me, and then said, "If you don't believe me, what are you doing sitting back?"

"Is there anything wrong with being cautious? It's you. Sit down." Are you afraid of my sudden action at this close?" I said and looked up and down the frozen Banshee with harboring malicious intentions. "Others may not know my strength, but you really played against me. I have how many catties and how many taels. You know better than anyone. If I really want to do it, do you think others will have time to save you?" /p>

"You won't be better if you kill me." Banshee, who had a calm face, became angry when he heard what I said. She was almost humiliated by me in public last time, but she remembers clearly. , And now I immediately aroused her anger as soon as I mentioned it. "You're playing with fire!"

"Playing with fire without strength, I should be called contempt."

"humph." Frozen Banshee suddenly caught up here. The cup on the table slammed into the ground, but I didn't stop her. I only heard the bang and the cup smashed to the ground, but when the ice-bound Banshee looked back, I found that I had disappeared. "Where is the man?" Bingfeng Banshee suddenly jumped up and yelled.

A large group of guards rushed out from all directions of the auction house, but everyone was shaking their heads, and obviously no one found me. An angry Banshee left some people to search the inside of the venue, but he took a group of people to the outside of the venue and looked at the street at the obvious at a glance outside the venue. They lost the confidence to pursue it again.

"President, that Purple Moon seems to have invisibility skills, maybe he is already invisible." A player who followed the ice-bound Banshee prompted.

Frozen Banshee shook the head and said: "Very few invisibility skills can remain invisible while moving. As far as I know, Purple Moon doesn't have that ability. He should still be in the venue."

"But we have searched all of them inside?"

"You said that Purple Moon knows the Invisibility Technique, can't he hide in a certain place and activate his invisibility? Go , Immediately convene the people of the reconnaissance technique to fully search the venue. Also, let all the guild leaders participating in the auction leave through the alternate passage, and everyone must be checked to prevent Purple Moon from mixing in."


Following Banshee's order from Frozen Banshee, the people below began to get busy. Soon the presidents of the auction site were notified to leave the venue in order, because they were notified separately, so there was no big commotion. It should have been a good thing that there was no commotion, but I am planning to go out now. The quietness of the venue is really not suitable for my departure plan. Seeing fewer and fewer people in the venue, I started to get more and more anxious. Do you think this damn Pantheon is abnormal? It’s silly to build a city and call it the City of the Gods. Even the metal structure of the city has been built into the space below, so that I want to rely on pioneers to make holes. It's not going to leave. As for sending it out, I thought about it. My teleportation skills can teleport as long as I can see it. In theory, I only need to find a window or door. But the problem is that this Pantheon is really abnormal. Not only did they equip the auction room with ventilation equipment, so that the entire venue did not have a window. What's more annoying was that their doors were actually divided into two interior and exterior doors, and they were not in a straight line. , Even if someone enters and exits, it is impossible for me to see a certain location outside through the open door to teleport, and if I choose a place to transit between the two doors, it will inevitably be discovered by many guards at the door. I'm not afraid of what people here can do to me. I'm worried about the new device that Banshee just mentioned. Seeing how she was solemnly vowed at the time, I guess that thing might really trap me. Now no matter whether that thing really exists, or whether it can really trap me, in short, I don't try to try the law in a big election. Regardless of whether that thing really traps me, it's better for me not to give them a chance to test.

With the efforts of the guards, the venue was quickly emptied, and then many guards rushed in to start a dragnet-style pomp, and this group of guys also brought in a lot of anti-stealth high level equipment Or skill players, but even if they are exhausted, don't even try to find me, because I am simply not invisible. If they can find me with anti-invisibility skills, it would be a hell!

In fact, I knew that it was a secret sign when Banshee fell the cup in the ice, and I started the shadow transmission the moment she fell the cup and disappeared in the front seat under the light. In the shadows, as for where I appeared, it was magical. In fact, I have always been hiding in a focal point of ten thousands, but no one can see me, because I am actually under the central display of the auction house. That thing is actually just a high platform built of wood. The structure is entirely made of wood. If it weren't for the pillars, it would be enough to put five or six billiard tables inside.

Because this table is built of wood, it is inevitable that there will be gaps, and I enter the inside of the table through these gaps. Of course, these gaps are actually very small, let alone people, dogs can't get in. The reason why I was able to get in was the ability to transmit shadows, but because I was teleporting in, it was even more confusing, because a complete platform would make the investigators outside never think that there are people hidden inside. Normal people think that this thing is sealed. If I hide it inside, it will definitely create a breach, but the table is now intact, so no one would think that I was hiding under that thing.

"Ice-bound Miss Banshee, we have all searched for it, but there is nowhere!" After a round of search, the leaders of the guards all gathered near the podium where I was hiding. Frozen Banshee reported.

Frozen Banshee frowned said: "No, he is here, you go and search again, must find it for me."

"But we really searched all of them. We even flipped under the seats. There really is nothing!"

"Impossible, he is here."

Seeing the ice-bound Banshee so firm, a guard endures I couldn't help standing up and asking: "I don't doubt you, but I want to know, why are you so sure that he must be in the vicinity?" Hearing this player's question, the eyes of other people present immediately focused on the ice. Feng Banshee's body, even me hiding under the podium is no exception. speaking of which Compared to those outside, I am the one who most wants to know the answer. How did this ice-bound Banshee make sure that I didn't leave here?

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