"Actually, you don’t need to be so nervous at all." Masaka Matsumoto said: "The plan we made before is actually very good. Since the Chinese plan to end our battle first, Then we will cooperate and let them end the battle as soon as possible. When they think we are not enough, we will jump out and give them a hard time, when the time comes, they have been dragged by the Russian troops. In mainland China, even if we want to fight against us again, we can’t get out. As for waiting for them to fight the Russians, then we don’t have to worry about it. After all, the Russians are not easy to deal with. How many people are left, and we have re-consolidated the national defense at that time, it will not be so easy for them to counterattack."

"Matsumoto this Monarch." Someone immediately took Matsumoto's admiration. Zhenghe's flattery. Now it’s different from before. They had been planning to abandon Masaka Matsumoto to support Nobunaga Onijo. Now they found that Nobunaga Oniju’s plan would not benefit them, but might bring everyone into consigned. To eternal damnation, in this situation, who is willing to follow Guishou Nobunaga? Isn't that courting death?

Just when Masaga Matsumoto smiled and responded to the many presidents who came to film the flattery, Nobunaga Onitaka quietly withdrew from the crowd. At this time, it’s meaningless for him to stay here except for being scorned, so he doesn’t think about staying here anymore. It's much better to stay here.

While a few families in Japan are happy and sorrowful, I have already met Hong Yue and others in Fulcrum City again, but I didn’t explain to them this time, except that Hong Yue knows the truth. No one else knows if I was actually killed once, especially the MMs of the Magic Music Team, they don't even know that Matsumoto Masaga has joined us. Anyway, this is not something that must be known. I think the less people know, the better, at least it is more conducive to confidentiality.

Because I have been stinking a face since I saw me in Fulcrum City, so they didn’t dare to ask me about my situation at that time. Besides, Hong Yue and I sang the double song. Simply fooled them over. After returning to Isengard, I immediately rushed to the military god's side, and the other MMs had to go to their own affairs. After seeing the crowd dispersed, Hong Yue followed to the command center of Military God. She laughed when she saw me. "You guy can really pretend!"

I smiled and asked: "They didn't see anything, right?"

Hong Yue shook the head. "Zhenhong and gold coin may guess a little, after all, they know that Matsumoto Masaka is ours. Although Bingbing knows the identity of Matsumoto Masaka, she is relatively simple, probably didn't expect this aspect, as for other things. People, I promise that they don’t know."

I clicked: "putting it that way, my play is not in vain. Oh, by the way, you will inform the next eagle in a moment and transfer to Japan. You don’t need to be so careful about soldiers. Now even if we mobilize soldiers in front of the Japanese, they will not react in any way."

Hong Yue gave me a clear look, and then Turning around and walking outside, he said, "You don't need to remind you. Usually you are not here, and Rose and I are handling all the things in the meeting. How many things have you helped?"

I didn't refute Hong Yue's remarks. Anyway, she just talked for fun, and she didn't really want to fight with me. After Hong Yue left, I turned to the military Shinto: "Where is the Russian army now?"

"Here." The military God zoomed in on a huge map of northern China. The size of the entire room. On this map, you can see the actual control area marked by clear black and white lines, and judging from the changing pattern, this is most likely a real-time map, otherwise it will not change every moment. of.

"What is this?" I asked, pointing to a red dot on the map that was completely wrapped in a white area.

"The elite squad of our guild." Jushen said random point, then pulled it in the air, the yellow dot in the picture instantly expanded in front of us and expanded into a clear live image , I saw a few of them were making traps in the forest, and a squad Russian player not far away was moving here. Obviously, this trap was prepared for them.

"Can you monitor the situation of each squad?"

Military god nodded said: "Not only each squad, in fact, I have almost monitored the entire northeast area. Region."

"That means you can actually find anything I'm looking for, right?" I asked with some excitement.

Military God’s answer was lukewarm, but it made me completely excited. "As long as the thing you requested is indeed within my surveillance range."

"Well, look at this." I took out the larva I caught earlier. This thing was brought back by Cohopura. It was mainly used as a reference to compare the target. Didn't expect just used it now.

Military God just glanced at it and asked: "Do you need me to find this thing?"

I'm nodded. "Help me see if there is still this thing in the surveillance area. Oh, by the way, wait a moment." I said and took out a crystal and shot the projection of the woman in the air. "Did you see it? This insect was hatched from the gem on the woman's chest. If you can't find the insect, you can see if anyone has a similar gem on her body."

"Okay, wait a minute." After the military god said, he suddenly took down a giant crystal summon on top of his head, and then drew his hands in the air a few times, and the picture in the giant crystal suddenly began. It flashed at an extremely fast speed. Every time that huge crystal flashes, one of the floating crystals in the room will inevitably sparkle and correspond to it at the same time, and the screen displayed in the huge crystal will also be synchronized with the content displayed by the corresponding crystal at the moment of shining. . Because the flashing speed is so fast, it seems to me that the crystal above my head is flashing alternately at a terrifying speed. As for the crystal in front of me, it is so fast that I can't see the flashing. Except for the abnormality of the military god, most people are probably the same as me, not to mention the content of the screen, even the screen flash can't be seen.

After the picture in the huge crystal flickered for more than ten seconds, the crystal suddenly lit up. The reason why I can see this flicker clearly is because the crystal had been flashing white light before, but this time it suddenly shone in green, and then a small crystal suddenly flew out of the floating crystal array and stayed there. In front of me, the big crystal flashed a few times one after another, and every time it flickered, a small crystal would fly here. Soon there were more than 30 small crystals lined up in front of me. I stopped looking at the crystal above my head and returned to the original position.

"These are your search results?" I asked.

The military god immediately projected the picture on the big screen and explained: "The monitoring points I can control did not find the kind of insect you mentioned, but they found them." The picture showed I have taken photos of more than 30 people, but the angles of the screens are quite special. Some are viewed from above, and some are viewed from the side. However, without exception, they have all captured a gem-like thing hidden on their chests. The military god explained: "Because the equipment is buckled outside the body, the gems on these people's chests are obviously not equipment. However, unlike what you said, the colors of the gems on these people are not all yellow. Some are red, blue, and green. There is also a black one. I don’t know if these are the results you want, so I show them all."

I didn’t directly In response to the military god’s words, he asked: "Where are these people now?"

The picture above his head suddenly changed. More than 20 people were gathered together, and five people were divided into groups. There are two groups, one group has four, and the other group has only one. "Here, more than 20 people are located in a Russian city on the border between Russia and China. Among the other five people, four of them are in this place." The military god said and showed a map. "They are marching and their positions have been changing. The other is currently in the Clear Sky City before the Northern Alliance."

After reading the introduction of the military god, I immediately turned around and walked out, and said as I walked: "Tell me the coordinates of the two dozen people. The five people who have entered our country immediately sent elite squads to catch them. Those who can catch alive will catch them alive. If they can't, they will be brought back to me. Attention. Don’t hurt the gem on their chest."

"Understand, the coordinates have been uploaded to your personal crystal communicator."

I walked towards the Transmission Formation and looked at the communicator. Then put away the communicator and enter the Transmission Formation. After passing through Isinger’s Transmission Formation, I quickly arrived at a city very close to the Sino-Russian border. From here, I went out of the city and took a flying bird to quickly cross the border into Russia, and then flew to the coordinates given by the military god according to the coordinates. past.

The marked city is not far away from me, and soon I discovered this city which can barely be regarded as a city. Generally speaking, the cities in "Zero" are classified by levels, and the one in front of them is obviously between the city and the village. The "city wall" on the periphery of the city is just a mixed wall composed of two rows of wooden walls and a mixture of soil and rock sandwiched between them. This thing is much stronger than the fence in the village, but it is still similar to the real city wall. A relatively large gap.

From the appearance, it can be seen that this is obviously not the other side's stronghold, it should be said that this is just a temporary foothold. After thinking for a while, I took Asuka back, and then summon sent Eminis to add an illusion to me, and then activated the cloak's invisibility ability, and finally got into the shade of the tree without worry. I am a walker in the dark. As long as there is a shadow, I can blend in perfectly. In fact, I can use the shadow to jump from one place to another. To me, every shadow is a Transmission Gate. As long as the two shadows can see each other, I can transmit from one shadow to the other.

With this ability, I quickly penetrated into the shade of the tree, and then walked out of a small shadow on the inner side of the city wall. After I got here, I took out the communicator again, took a closer look at the location of the group of people, and then carefully touched it.

Because of the dual protection of shadow and invisibility, I easily sneaked into a low building with unconsciously Russians in the city. There are several huge carriages parked on the other side of the building. Different from ordinary four-wheel carriages, these carriages look the size of an extended bus, and there are more than thirty wheels installed underneath. It is not a horse that is pulling the cart in front of these carts, but an ice bear, a powerful combat creature.

After making a small hole in the back wall of that building with eternal care, I successfully got into the building. This building was originally a house where free NPCs lived. Now it has been emptied and there is no one. It is just suitable for me to hide.

After successfully entering the house, I quickly ran to the side of the house facing the street without borrowing the windows and doors to observe. It was too ostentatious. I carefully used Eternity to make a small hole in the wooden wall, and then put my eyes together. Because the distance is very close, not only can I see the situation on the street outside, but I can even hear their conversation.

"I blame you." A woman's voice yelled angrily.

A simple-looking guy next to him fucked with a standard bass and said, "How can you blame me? I just looked at the sign for you. The words on it are written long ago, and so are the signs. You smoked it yourself. I’ll just see. Can I change the content above?"

"hmph, blame you on you, anyway, it’s your fault." He said he was kicking that honest guy.

Looking at the two people arguing there, the people next to them all had a lively expression, and they didn't mean to come up and fight. However, I suddenly got excited, because when the woman hit the man, I accidentally saw the red gem-shaped object on her chest through the corner of her clothes.

"Ling." I let Ling summon out, and then let out the small hole to let her see the situation outside. "Let’s see if there is life fluctuation on that thing?"

Ling quickly moved his eyes up, and after only one glance, he said with certainty: "With the things on the woman in the cycle It's exactly the same, except for the color of course."

"That means I got it right?"

"It must be."

"Okay, I understand, you go back first." After taking Ling Ling back, I went to the hole again and observed it. At this time, a woman who seemed to be older had appeared next to the two of them and pulled the woman back. opened.

"Don't be fooling around. The order of the tasks is determined by drawing lots. Whatever is drawn is your own business. What are you doing to bully Eric?"

"hmph!" Woman Coldly snorted, but didn't dare to quarrel with this older woman, turned around and walked aside to sulking.

The person who was called Eric at this time spoke out instead: "Elder sister, stop scolding Sasha! No one knows if this thing on us is really useful. , Isn’t everyone in a hurry to try formidable power?"

"You know to protect her. What about your masculinity? Now the gap in the ratio of men to women in Russia is so big, you want such conditions Beautiful woman, I can find a few trucks for you, but you just fancy her! I don’t know what is good about her, her intelligence, education, social experience, appearance, family background, which is satisfactory? Me too I don’t beg you to find a woman like Princess, but at least she has to reach the average level! I don’t want to say anything else. Now I just grab ten women here, and nine of them are better than her. What do you think of her? Click it? I ask you to think about it? You are the future heir of the Yuri family, how can you do this?"

"Sister, I am not...!"

"Okay, don't say it, let's talk about it again!" The woman stopped the honest man's explanation and continued: "I didn't say this. Now the important thing is not your mate choice, but our pantheon. The question of whether my new experiment can be successful."

When I heard my frowned here, I immediately took out the communication machine and connected to the communication of Military God. "Help me check our guild information database and see if there is any information about the Pantheon."

"Yes." The military god's speed is so fast that there is almost no delay. "According to the information collected from Russia, I found three pantheons in total here. The first one is a building, located in..."

"Next." I didn't wait for the military god to finish. Interrupted him.

The military god immediately changed the order of the report and said: "The second one is a task, which can be repeated and used for..."


"The third is the name of a guild."

"This is it. Do we have any information about this guild?"

"Yes, but not much. The Pantheon is a relatively low-key guild, rarely involved in various events in Russia, but the scale of this guild is not small. The entire guild has only one city, the name is called the city of the gods, I will send you the coordinates in a moment. This city is very large. It is the fifth Great Cities city in Russia in terms of area, but its defensive ability is Ranked 1st among Russian cities. The Pantheon seems to have a large research facility, and occasionally sells some very useful small magic equipment. Or special creatures. There is so much information I can find at the moment."

I immediately said: "Send me the coordinates immediately. Also, activate the Babel Tower and destroy it for me in 30 seconds. A city."


After the communication was over, I immediately ran out of the city using the shadow crossing ability, and then rode on the flying bird sent to the military god The coordinates of the city of the gods flew past. Behind me, a beam of light more than three meters in diameter suddenly fell from the sky. With a loud explosion sound, the small city behind turned into a huge Fireball. Both people and buildings were burnt to ashes in an instant.

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