"Purple Moon was exploded!" I don’t know who yelled out this first, and the Japanese guild leaders who followed immediately made a mountain cry out like a sudden eruption. and sea howl like cheers. I am simply a nightmare in the hearts of the Japanese, a sharp sword that hangs above their heads. For so long, no one has been able to defeat me on the frontal battlefield for so long. This huge psychological pressure seems to all Japanese people feel stuck in their hearts. Of panic. However, just now, Masaga Matsumoto actually killed me. Although this accounted for the light of the previous sneak attack, it has to be admitted that it is also a symbol of strength. After all, even if a lion is injured, it is not something a rabbit can handle. At least a wolf can kill an injured lion. The current situation of Masaga Matsumoto is that wolf, and what is more outstanding than that wolf is that the lion's injury was originally caused by this wolf. Although the wolf used some tricks, what does it matter? Anyway, the lion is dead and the wolf is still there. This is an indisputable fact.

While most of the Japanese guild leaders were celebrating my killing, a few cleverly discovered Hong Yue who were still there, but when these people who wanted to take advantage just rushed up After being knocked down for a large area, the rest of the people didn't dare to move anymore. And it wasn't until this time that they remembered that these people in front of them were not the little sheep hiding under the wings of the Archfiend bat, Purple Moon. They were a group of little demons, even if they were not as powerful as Archfiend, but also not sheep-like characters. Whether it is Archfiend or the little devil, they are invincible to these "good farmers".

Matsumoto Masaka waited until the guild leaders present had died for a little while before pretending to stand in front of Hong Yue and the others. "Your boss has been killed. Do you still want to fight with me?" Matsumoto Masaka's words can be described as imposing manner. The Japanese guild leaders present felt that their waists seemed to be straightened. A lot.

Hong Yue and the others looked at each other, and then Hong Yue stood up and said: "hmph, the sneak attack won by our president is just your fluke, next time you will have no such good luck. Yes. Today we will temporarily truce, and see you next time on the battlefield!" After the harsh words, Hong Yue turned and waved to the MM behind him: "Let’s go."

"Want to go" It's not that easy, right?" At this time, Nobunaga, who had been crushed and beaten, showed off one's military strength again. After all, I am no longer on the scene, so his imposing manner will naturally come up. "This is not the place of your branch. Do you want to come and go as long as you want?" Oni Te Nobunaga said as he walked forward, but when he passed by Matsumoto Masaka, he was stopped by Matsumoto Masaka's hand. . He was surprised and angry looking at Matsumoto Masaka and asked: "What are you doing?"

Matsumoto Masaka didn't pay attention to him at all, but said to Hong Yue: "You can go now."< /p>

Hong Yue turned around and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand to Masaka Matsumoto, and then evacuated the scene with everyone. Oninote Nobunaga still wanted to step forward, but was forced to come back, until after everyone started the Transmission Formation and disappeared in place, Onisite Nobunaga finally broke out. "Matsumoto Masaka, what do you mean? Honestly, did you just reach an agreement with Purple Moon?"

When I heard the words of Nobunaga Onitou, a small group of Japanese guild leaders He also rushed up and looked at Matsumoto Masaga angrily, but more people didn't move. After all, fools are only a minority. There are not many people with great wisdom these days, and they are somewhat clever. Besides, since all the guild leaders are present, they must not be too weak in intelligence, otherwise they will not be able to climb to this position. The previous lens that resisted me was repeated in a trance before their eyes, how could these people doubt Matsumoto's motives. As for Nobunaga Onita said that Masaka Matsumoto and I have reached some kind of agreement, this is right, but the president of the Japanese guild present will not believe him. After all, no one believes that there is really something between us. Black trade fair discussed in front of so many people so blatantly.

While these presidents were waiting for Masaka Matsumoto’s explanation, he didn’t expect Masaka Matsumoto suddenly spits out mouthful of blood, and followed the whole person back down. But he didn't really fall, but was supported by a person who rushed over. Everyone who was present also knew this person. He was Matsumoto's attendant. Although he rarely spoke, because he often ran around with Matsumoto, most of the people present also knew him.

Now after Masaka Matsumoto fell, he immediately rushed up, and after catching Masaka Matsumoto, he glared at Oni Shou Nobunaga angrily and said, "Don’t you want to know about the conspiracy of Matsumoto this Monarch? This is it." After a pause, he continued with everyone's puzzled and surprised eyes: "Do you really think Purple Moon is a soft-footed shrimp? Don't you think it was too easy for Purple Moon to be killed in the previous paragraph? "

No one felt that if I didn’t say it before, everyone found that it was wrong. Although I was injured at the time, according to the thoughts of the people present, even if I was injured. It shouldn't be so casual! They were patronizing and excited before, but now they have discovered something abnormal after thinking about it carefully.

After everyone’s expressions all changed from doubt to questioning, the player went on to say: “You think Purple Moon was killed by this Monarch without any resistance. In fact, he did not resist at all, but The attack speed is too fast, you all didn't see it. And you." Speaking of this, the player suddenly pointed at the ghost hand Nobunaga and said sharply: "If it weren't for saving you, this Monarch wouldn't be hit by Purple Moon at all."

The boss with open mouth Nobunaga said he didn’t know how to answer, because Masaka Matsumoto was injured. This is already a fait accompli, and no one noticed how he got caught. , So no matter what the player said, he couldn't explain it. However, if you don't explain it, it's tantamount to acquiescence. But according to this, it is equivalent to someone blocking a knife for him, and he also retreats to the Fire Pit. The ungrateful model is only this! If this charge is taken down, it would be really discredited!

Onitou Nobunaga was thinking about a countermeasure there. Who knew that Matsumoto Masaka suddenly supported him and said, "Don’t blame him, Onisou-kun didn’t mean to be beaten on purpose. To blame, you can only blame Purple. Moon is too despicable. He deliberately waited until I was in the same line as Guishou-kun to attack. It made me difficult to choose. If I avoid Guishou-kun, he will be unprepared. He will definitely die. I won't hide. I also know that he launched an attack. Reluctantly blocking the move is just an injury, and he won’t be killed on the spot."

All those present who heard Matsumoto’s words were nodded, but the ghost Nobunaga was sweating all over. On the surface, Masaka Matsumoto said that he did not blame him, but in fact he satisfactorily requite kindness with enmity. This is worse than just scolding him.

After everyone reacted, the player holding Matsumoto Masaka spoke again and said, "Now you know why Matsumoto Masaka didn't let everyone chase me?" Someone seemed to not understand. , The player hurriedly explained: "Don’t you understand this? Think about it, when Song this Monarch was talking to Purple Moon, what was your situation? You are simply not opponents. Just now, you dared to rush up and chase. Wasn’t it because Purple Moon was killed? But even if Purple Moon was killed, so what? Those women are not something you can do, and Song this Monarch is seriously injured again. If you really rush forward, Those women are bound to fight back. Once the two sides fight, you will definitely suffer from your strength. At this time, you will think of loose this Monarch, but he is simply trying to frighten those women and insisting on not falling. You want him to help. , Do you think he helps or not?"

Everyone was speechless when he asked him that way. Everyone is thinking: Yeah! If I really caught up at that time, wouldn't it be courting death?

On hearing this, Nobunaga knew that today was a bad luck. I thought Masaka Matsumoto was because he suddenly became muddled. Didn’t expect this is simply not his mistake, but himself. 'S fault. This is all right, there is no army coming to Matsumoto Masaka, but he has paid himself in! Although the depressed Nobunaga was very upset, he had already done things for him, and he was bachelor enough, so he took the initiative to stand in front of Matsumoto Masaka and bowed. "Sorry, I was reckless before!"

Matsumoto Masaka said with a grandiose appearance: "Forget it, although we had an unhappy past before, but now the Chinese threaten us. It’s getting bigger and bigger, and we Japanese have reached the critical moment of life and death. There really isn’t much energy for us to play internal friction!"

The people present were all very moved when they heard Matsumoto’s words. After all, the people of my own group had doubts about Matsumoto Masaga before. In the end, they didn't expect someone else to save themselves, and they didn't care about it. Where can such a leader go?

After a while, probably because the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, a quick-reacting president said, "That’s right. Before Purple Moon came, we haven’t discussed a result yet? Shinda-kun suggested before. Said that taking advantage of the opportunity of the Sino-Russian War, immediately launched a counterattack to drive out all the Chinese forces in Japan. How do you think about this plan?"

"This plan is very good." Nobunaga Onitou had eaten it before. Deflated, now seeing that it’s finally his turn to play, Bian Lima jumped out and said: “According to the news sent by my intelligence personnel, Russia’s tens of millions of troops have penetrated into China’s inland areas, and the Chinese are now gathering. The army resists their invasion, so the forces from various places are frequently mobilized. As long as we seize this extremely rare opportunity to counter the Chinese power in Japan, we will surely be able to take advantage of their emptiness."

" Wait a minute!" Masaga Matsumoto's weak voice came over. Before, when he spoke in such a low voice, others would definitely not pay attention to him, but now Matsumoto Masaka’s status and reputation are not comparable to before, so even though everyone only heard a little voice, they immediately quieted down and turned and looked towards Masaga Matsumoto awaits his next message. Seeing everyone turning around, Masaka Matsumoto motioned to the player next to him to help him up, and then he first took a pill from the opponent and swallowed it, and then said: "This is not the case. "

"Why?" Guishou Nobunaga is really going to go crazy now. He said he was going to chase Hong Yue and the others, but he was stopped. Although it was proved that he was wrong afterwards, this The time is different. This time he has sources of intelligence, and it is completely reasonable to infer from the general situation. But Masaga Matsumoto is now opposed to his proposal again. If this is proven to be wrong again, then he will still be confused in the future?

Matsumoto Masaka has long known that Oni Shou Nobunaga wants to ask, but he is also ready to say something a long time ago. "You may not know that when Oni Shou-kun took over me in charge of the various guild forces in Japan, I was actually not idle. During this time, I continued to work hard to improve my strength, and I also used the last funds to buy it. I have some Chinese as my internal support."

"Do you have a spy in China?"

"To be precise, I have a spy in the Frost Rose League." Masamoto Matsumoto He was like a blockbuster that fell into a pile of people, and instantly turned over the people who had been bombed by the president of the Japanese guild at the scene. Our guild’s counterintelligence measures are abnormal in all guilds. If you can insert a spy into our guild, it will be as admired by the Japanese as defeating me.

"Can you actually put people in the Frost Rose League?" Guishou Nobunaga asked in disbelief.

Matsumoto Masaga is nodded, very said in a tranquil voice: "I have my own method to allow spies to enter the Frost Rose League without being discovered, but this method has many limitations. So so far, I have only sent a few people in."

Casually Matsumoto said, the people next to him were frightened. It’s not easy to insert a spy into our guild. Matsumoto Masaka actually said that he can only insert a few, which is simply a miracle among miracles!

"You, you...how did you do it? Tell us!" some guild leaders excitedly asked.

"Do you think you can say that I will hide it?" Masaka Matsumoto said: "Tell you the truth! Many of you have a large group of Frost Rose Alliance spies in the guild. As long as I tell you this method here now, I guarantee that not only will you not be able to get in alone, but also my people will be swept out."

"What?" Someone cry out in surprise "How do you know that there are spies in our guild?"

"This is the news that my spy heard back, but I haven't figured out who they are for the time being."

"What?" The guild leader present almost jumped up. Matsumoto Masaka said that his spy was engaged in news about the spies of the Frost Rose League lurking in various guilds, which meant that Matsumoto Masaga's spy level had been quite high. After all, espionage work is an absolutely confidential thing in any organization, and those who can access this will certainly not be ordinary people.

Seeing that everyone’s reaction was a bit big, Masaka Matsumoto calmed down and said: "Don’t get excited, if I get the list of spies in the guild, I will definitely inform you immediately, but now everyone is still Don’t be too preoccupied, and don’t go back and search for spies. Let’s not say whether they can be found. If you accidentally hurt yourself or beat the grass to scare the snake, that’s not worth the gain. Now we should. The focus is on the action plan of the Chinese."

"Yes! Tell me what kind of plan you have heard?" At this time, everyone turned their attention back, but didn't expect them Unconsciously, I have already admitted in my heart that Masaka Matsumoto had a spy in our guild.

Matsumoto groaned a little and then continued: "According to the information returned by my spy. The Russian army was actually put in deliberately by the Chinese."

"What What do you mean?"

"It means that the Chinese did not resist at all. They deliberately opened the door of the country and let the Russian army into their country."

"Why did they do this Do?" someone asked.

"Do you remember how China was founded now?" Matsumoto Masaka asked suddenly.

Someone replied: "It seems that a person surnamed Mao brought a bunch of peasants and defeated our country's army and another force in China at that time to establish a new country."

"Yes." Masaka Matsumoto said: "That man is now the great man of the founding of China, and one of his military's best tactics is guerrilla warfare. The core content of this tactic is to strengthen the enemy and we are weak. Under the circumstances, instead of fighting a frontal battle with the enemy, we will use constant harassment and interspersed to gradually erode the enemy’s vitality, exhaust the opponent’s strategic materials and drag the fighting will, until the strength of the two sides is reversed, and then a few large-scale battles The frontal battle destroys the enemy’s battle strength in one fell swoop. This is his most classic tactical theory."

"Wait, this seems to be a bit problematic." A president said: "According to you, Purple Moon, they are playing guerrilla warfare with the Russians, but shouldn't guerrilla warfare be used when their own strength is weaker than their opponents? Even if the Frost Rose League can't take care of two wars at the same time, they won't be able to defeat the polar bears, right? Why do you want to play guerrilla warfare with the Russians?"

"This is the key point." Masaka Matsumoto said: "According to the information returned by my spies, the Chinese have not only failed to increase troops to the Sino-Russian border. Instead, all the troops were transferred to Japan."

"What?" everyone present yelled.

Matsumoto didn’t care how surprised they were, but continued: “In fact, there are simply not many people in China’s border area. It’s gone, and now the entire northern part of China is almost a piece of no man’s land, where the only remaining Chinese army is thousands of assault squads. Each of these squads ranges from ten to one hundred people, and they are all equipped. Sophisticated, with combat capabilities far exceeding the average player's average strength, basically equivalent to a thousand special squads. And these are the Chinese guerrillas. According to the intelligence sent back by my spy, there are currently more than one thousand. Only the guerrillas have fought the Russians no less than 10,000 times, which means that each squad has fought the Russians at least ten times. Do you know their results and losses?” Before those present could ask, Masaka Matsumoto replied: "They killed hundreds of thousands of people in Russia. Although most of them were NPC soldiers, the direct value of war materials destroyed or stolen by them was as high as 200 million crystal coins. The Russians can be said to be. It was a heavy loss, but they themselves have died a total of more than a hundred people, and the total economic loss is less than one in 10,000 people of the Russians. The war is fought with money, and the loss of money is the loss of strength. One to ten thousand. Battle loss ratio, how long do you think the Russians can last?"


"I can tell you that this battle loss ratio has allowed the Russian army to advance at a faster rate. It has dropped drastically. Almost all of their current troops have been shrunk into a large group. Every time they move, they have to explore back and forth before they dare to dispatch. They say that they are conservative at every step. Imagine the Russians in this situation. When will we be able to break through to the position where the Chinese have to guard?" After a short pause, Masaka Matsumoto continued: "Although we don't know how long it will take for the Russians to advance to the position where the Chinese have to guard, but But I know that before the Russians arrived there, their main force was completely idle. You think that with the command ability of the Frost Rose League, it is possible to idle the whole country's troops at home, but only rely on those thousands of troops. Will the small team perform the harassment mission?"

Everyone shook their heads, obviously everyone felt that this inference was not very reliable.

Matsumoto Masaga also continued: "Yes, they won't, because in addition to the Russian invasion war, they still have a war to fight, and that is their invasion of our war."

Speaking of which, if anyone can't react anymore, then he should really commit suicide. Our guild is now going to fight two wars, and one of the wars only used a thousand small teams to temporarily stabilize the situation, so what are we doing with so many troops left? Of course it's hitting Japan.

"Do they want to end the battle on our side first, and then return to fight the Russians to the death?" Someone finally guessed what Matsumoto meant.

"Yes." Masaka Matsumoto said: "This is not my inference, but the exact information that my spies brought back. In fact, the Chinese are already doing it, so I dare Let me tell you at this time because their troops have already been transferred. Even if they know that the news has been revealed now, they are absolutely impossible to change their plans. They can't afford to delay, so even if they know they are exposed, they will still fight over. Of course, it’s not very nice to say. Now with our strength, the Chinese really don’t care if we know their plan. Anyway, we can’t beat them. Do you know that it will not affect this result.”

"Then what shall we do now?" Many people present panicked when they heard the shocking news from Matsumoto Masaka. However, they are also very fortunate now. Thanks to the fact that Nobunaga didn’t listen to Onizuke Nobunaga’s immediate counterattack, otherwise they would just meet us and launch a full-scale offensive when they counterattack. The strength of the Japanese would have been beaten. This will play a great decisive battle with us. There will be no surprises. The Japanese are determined to lose the battle, and it is different from the plan Matsumoto said before. This defeat is complete, because they will take Japan to the last point. The battle strength was also defeated, and even if we dropped the large forces to fight the Russians, they would no longer have the strength to resist us. At that time, I really want to cry without tears!

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