What I said with Masaka Matsumoto is actually very simple. The reason why Matsumoto Masaka now feels that it is not good for me to talk to him alone in front of others is purely a guilty conscience. Just because he knows that he and I are in the same group, he will try to avoid the chance of letting others discover our relationship. But in fact, this worry is simply superfluous. Normal people think that if there is a ghost between these two people, they will be secretly connected behind their backs. Just and honorable like me come to the door, others will not say anything.

Matsumoto Masayoshi understood it after hearing my explanation, but after thinking about it, he still asked: "Although that is what I said, but in case they ask me what I have discussed with you. I want How to answer?"

"I said you are getting less and less courageous now." Masaka Matsumoto was scolded by me for a moment. Even if he doesn't know how to answer, he should be scolded for being stupid. what. What is it about courage? Seeing that Masaka Matsumoto didn't seem to understand, I just said, "I don't even understand this? If someone asks you when you go back, you don't need to answer anything at all, just use your nose to hum him. Even if the other person asks urgently. You just need to raise your head to the sky, and then throw a sentence of "How old are you?". I guarantee that no one will dare to ask again."

"If there are two hundred and five in case, Do you have to ask?"

This time, I was stunned by Masaka Matsumoto, but there are indeed many such people. After all, like smart people, idiots cannot be underestimated. Because they get idiots and make you vomit blood. "If you really want to ask you two hundred and five, then you can just hit him, as long as you don't kill him, it's okay, no matter how hard you hit him, it won't not. Someone will say you or something. If you run into something stupid, it will be more powerful. If you still have to ask, then you can just curse the entire Japanese and Yamato people aside, then say that this is what I said, and tell them that I use this to make you surrender directly."

After listening to this, Masaka Matsumoto was taken aback for a moment before reacting. "Although I'm working under your hands now, I have to say...Purple Moon, you are really bad and hopeless."

"hahahaha...how can you be in this position if it is not bad?" After I finished speaking, I continued: "That's right, I have to talk to you about the future arrangements."

"Well, you said."

"A few are playing music over there Do you know the MM?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded. "I've heard of it before. It seems to be the only magical team in the world. I heard that the attribute is very partial, and many experts have stumbled in their hands."

I nodded confirmed. "You know my strength too. If they form a battle formation, as long as I am not a summon pet, I will still not be an opponent."

"So strong?"

"Nonsense, I This time, I’m here to help you in the town. How can you survive that thankless wretch without a little bit of power? Well, listen up. After a while, they will be responsible for the ghost hand Nobunaga and the Guren Phoenix gang. He was hitting the floor and looking for teeth. Then, when Nobunaga and the others were about to die, you pretended to have discovered the situation there, and then you quarreled loudly with me, pretending to want to help in the past. "

"Well, this is easy to handle. Then?"

"Then you zoomed in and forced me back, and then rushed over to fight them and beat the Japanese Both the chairman and Nobunaga Guishou will be rescued. But don’t save Guren Phoenix, I will let them kill her."

Although it’s strange why they should kill Guren Phoenix alone, Masamoto Matsumoto He knew this was not the point, so he didn't ask much, but said: "I understand. After that, I saved them and played against those beautiful MMs, and then they pretended that they couldn't beat me and was defeated. At this time, you are on the court, we fight Both sides suffer, and then each put a harsh word to flash people."

"Yes, not bad, is your brain still quite clever, but in the end it's a little different. You will save them later when you zoom in on the move." I will pretend to be unprepared to be injured by you, and then after I save the group of MMs, I will "play abnormally" because of "injuries". At this time, you suddenly break out, and I will start it when I find that the situation is not right. Teleport skills to escape, and then you moved towards the escaping I zoom in, and I will throw this thing at you." I pointed to the Storage Bracelet in my hand and said.

"Isn't this your Storage Bracelet?" This thing has been with me for a long time, and it is also a very famous equipment, so Masaga Matsumoto recognized it.

I nodded and said: "You also know that everyone in our guild has phoenix dragons that can be used as storage equipment. This bracelet is a waste in my case. On the contrary, you just need it now. Although you are actually mine, because of your identity, Fenglong definitely cannot give you this bracelet. This bracelet is too famous. If you suddenly take it out, others will definitely doubt it. After I enter the Transmission Passage, You just zoomed in on me. I would throw this thing out before the transmission. Others would definitely think that I was killed in the Transmission Passage, and then explode this thing. Anyway, as long as you enter the Transmission Passage, others will watch it. If you are gone, you are not afraid to wear it. In this way, in front of so many people, just and honorable to get this bracelet from me, not only will others not doubt it, you can still use it to suppress those who do not listen to you. Think about it, this is something that exploded from me, a super boss. In the hearts of Japanese people, this thing is simply a monument! In the future, as long as you carry it, who in Japan sees that you can’t give your thumbs up?"

Masaga Matsumoto almost didn't laugh when I told him. "I think you are completely underestimated by saying that you are bad just now. You are a devil! Specially playing with people's hearts!"

"hahahaha...The biggest hobby in my life is a player, and the most annoying thing is being someone else Playing, it turns out that the one who knows me best is my enemy. You have been my enemy for so long, and now you are my subordinate. I am afraid that in the whole game, except for my wife, you know me best!"

Matsumoto Masaga couldn't help but shiver and said: "Don't say it is so disgusting, okay! I don't know that we thought our two sexual orientations are abnormal!" At the moment, Guren Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga are almost overwhelmed. Bingbing and their magic music troupe is a special combat group designed specifically for experts. Even top-level existence or summon familiars like me can't beat them, not to mention the second-rate experts such as Honglian Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga. . If it's the Gunslinger or Black Widow, maybe there is still some hope, nobunaga and Guren Phoenix don't even think about it.

"Ah..." Not surprisingly, after more than ten minutes of fierce fighting, Honglian Phoenix just jumped up to perform his ultimate move, but was blasted down from the air by a sound blade of Crystal Flame. A Japanese guild leader in the back planned to use spell to cover her, but the huge pipe organ of Crystal Princess suddenly heard the strongest sound, and he spurted blood on the spot.

At the beginning of the battle, it was barely able to maintain balance. Now Honglian Phoenix is ​​injured, and the rear support team is pressured by the Crystal Princess's pipe organ to control the field and completely unable to shoot. The forms on both sides immediately began to appear The obvious deviation, coupled with the characteristic of magic music, is that it will accumulate damage, and the longer the fighting time, the more disadvantaged it is for Nobunaga's side.

Seeing that the situation is critical, Guishou Nobunaga is about to explode. Who knows that Bingbing stepped forward and tapped the flute to his mouth. "Chapter One of the Soul Rehabilitation-Silent Melody." The melodious music suddenly sounded, and Onihand Nobunaga's ultimate move was like a rocket that suddenly ran out of fuel. After a second, it suddenly withered. After the huge action, only a red ribbon-like thing was hit, and it was still fluttering, and it suddenly disappeared after flying halfway with the ghost fire like.

This huge contrast stunned Guishou Nobunaga, but the girls here were not in a daze. Zhen Hong took this opportunity to successfully kill a guild leader in front of him, and then jumped in front of Nobunaga Guishou, and before he could react, he smashed it. Oni Shou Nobunaga was suddenly awakened when he realized that True Red had appeared, and he hurriedly backed up two steps, although he barely avoided the front of the attack, he was still flew out by a huge force. However, a greater force hit the ground, and the entire square with a bang was The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

This overweight rubbish is the secret signal we agreed in advance. As long as Hong Yue succeeds in suppressing the Japanese and scaring them, then Zhenhong will deliberately miss the move. , And caused a strong vibration to notify us to play.

After receiving the signal, Masaka Matsumoto pretended to find out what happened here and I yelled at me. The presidents of the Japanese guild over there heard Masaka Matsumoto’s voice and saw He ran here, one by one, just as the disaster survivors found the rescue team, so excited in his heart! However, their excitement was soon suppressed by worry, because they discovered that I was actually stopped in front of Matsumoto Masaka. They are very afraid that I will hold Matsumoto Masaka, because the situation on their side is already bad enough, as long as Matsumoto Masaka comes a little later, they will all be finished.

Just as the Japanese guilds were entangled in their hearts, Masaka Matsumoto unexpectedly drew out his weapon and issued an amazing sword glow with formidable power, and I was "unprepared". Having endured this powerful blow at close range, the whole person suddenly flew out like a cannonball out of the chamber, smashed the big snake sculpture in the center of the square with a bang, and then flew over half of the square and fell into it. In the next building complex.

Since I almost passed through between the two warring parties, people on both sides saw this situation, but Hong Yue and the others stopped in "surprise". Because of this short pause, Masaga Matsumoto finally had the opportunity to rush to the center of the battlefield. But at this time, the MMs on our side also reacted, and they were about to attack immediately. Masaka Matsumoto jumped in front of Nobunaga Oniteda, then kicked this guy into the crowd of Japanese guild leaders under Nobunaga's stunned gaze, then turned and rushed to the injured red who fell to the ground. Lian Phoenix, it's a pity that gold coin attacked Honglian Phoenix. Her actions were faster. First Masaka Matsumoto used Thunder Palm to blast Honglian Phoenix out.

"pu chi...!" I almost couldn't help laughing while hiding under a pile of ruins and observing the battle. Masaga Matsumoto said that I was bad, but he was actually worse than me. The kick just now was called a ruthless one. If it weren't for the cure in the game, Nobunaga Guishou would have become the first Court Eunuch in the game! But so! Although Matsumoto's kick was not very local, On the surface not only was Nobunaga unable to trouble Matsumoto, he also had to thank Matsumoto's on the surface, because Matsumoto was going to save him and at the same time. Guren Phoenix really didn't have time to take it easy. Even if that kick is not authentic, but it is always saving him, and he doesn't thank him. If he troubles others, do he still have to be a man in the future?

Looking at the ghost hand Nobunaga who bowed like a shrimp after being kicked into the crowd, I squeezed hard and my face flushed. Masaga Matsumoto's acting skills are getting better and better. According to the plot performance I designed, he can still play freely to add drama to Oni Shou Nobunaga. Shino is also a talent! Of course, I can still peep here, and I also want to thank Masaka Matsumoto for his outstanding acting skills. Don't look at the exaggeration of the attack just now, in fact Matsumoto Masaka didn't hit me at all. The real situation at that time was that I and Matsumoto Masaka had a trick, and then the two attacks collided in front of me. I was actually blown away by the counter shock, and the attack damage itself did not touch me. Of course, the part of hitting the pillar and hitting the house is true, but with my defense, it's simply the same as scratching.

It was discovered that Masaga Matsumoto, who could not save the Red Lotus Phoenix, was overwhelmed by Anger Value because of "remorse" and threw himself into the flock of MM like a wolf. When attacking those Japanese guild guilds just now, the MM who looked like a pack of wolves suddenly turned into big sheep. They were driven by Matsumoto Masaga and ran all over the place, and their offensive and defensive momentum was completely reversed.

Originally, after seeing Masaga Matsumoto gaining power, there were still a few Japanese guild guilds who rushed up to take advantage of the opportunity. Who knew that he was bombarded when he joined the battle group. After landing, he was bloody crazy. Squirt, breathe out within a few seconds. Until this time, everyone reacted. The reason why Matsumoto Masaga killed the opponent was running around because of his high strength and he was an ordinary expert. Going in was purely a food delivery.

However, just when all the MMs were about to be "unsupported", they only heard a bang, suddenly all the rubble of the collapsed building on the edge of the square flew up, clutching their chests and supporting the ground with a sword. I was slowly walking out of the rubble, seeing the Japanese guild guilds present with eyelids jumping. I was thinking in my heart: The group of little demons in front of me hasn't been killed yet, and there is another big one. "Eh, that's not right!" Someone finally discovered the problem, and the presidents of the Japanese guilds who had been extremely nervous at this time realized that my condition seemed to be wrong. Whether it is the huge cut on my chest or the walking posture with a sword propped on the ground, it shows that my condition is very bad.

"Purple Moon is injured?" The Japanese guild leaders exclaimed in surprise. In their opinion, I am immortal Archfiend, and Divine Vestige appears to make me hurt.

"Matsumoto Masaka! Have you ever asked me about the person who moved me?"

"Not only do I want to move your person, but you also want to move together." Matsumoto Zhenghe Wang's domineering spirit spouted everywhere.

"Okay, today I will let you know what is world number one."

"hahahaha...Usually you are indeed number one in the world, but now...you still Do you have the strength to fight?"

"hmph, you are a villain who can only play sneak attacks, this little injury does not prevent me from beating you disabled."

" Everyone can say big things, and in the end it depends on the strength." Matsumoto Masaka said and rushed up.

Seeing Matsumoto Masaka rush up, I immediately started to deal with it carefully. Don't get me wrong, I am not dealing with Masaka Matsumoto, but with the president of the Japanese guild. Masaga Matsumoto and I were in collusion, and they were impossible to fight with me. Besides, even if you really fight, do I have a chance to win if Matsumoto Masaga? So Matsumoto Masaka is not a problem, the key is to deceive the president of the Japanese guild. On the one hand, I have to act desperately, and on the other hand, I have to pretend that the injury affects the battle strength, and I cannot let people see the weak spot. This difficulty is much harder than letting go of the fight. Now, on the surface, there is a big wound on my chest, but in fact the wound was simply disguised by the Illusion Technique, and I didn't suffer any injuries at all. If I behave too normal, it would be abnormal.

After such a hard back and forth attack, I suddenly sent a signal to Matsumoto Masaka, Matsumoto immediately stepped up the offensive, flew a heavy blow and chopped it down at my shoulder. I hurriedly raised my sword to block, but I was slow because of the "injury". After the sword collided, I pretended to be injured and fell back.

Matsumoto saw me fall to the ground, and immediately rushed up, but a space door suddenly opened and Xiaochun appeared and stood in front of him. However, Masaga Matsumoto reacted even faster. Throwing his hand was a throwing knife that injured Xiaochun, making her unable to treat me for the time being. In fact, Masaka Matsumoto doesn't have that strong reaction power. I just need to think about it for my Summon Familiar. The so-called speed of thinking can be thousands of miles in an instant, and you can't keep up with the speed of thinking no matter how fast you react. The reason why Masaka Matsumoto was able to accurately intercept Xiaojun so that he could not treat me, as long as I greeted him before summon, he was simply prepared in advance, so he could immediately damage Xiaojun. . Of course, Xiaochun's release of water is also one of the reasons. He is the predecessor Goddess of Light at any rate. Although he has been doing the work of a nurse, you can't really treat him as a little nurse! I think that people were also the master of moving mountains and filling seas in the blink of an eye, and a few flying knives wanted to hurt her, that was a dream.

After hitting Xiaochun and not waiting for me to summon other familiars, Masaka Matsumoto rushed up and struck me with a knife. I hurriedly stood up and used the sword to block it, but because I just got up, I haven’t stood yet. Steady, so he was beaten out again. But this time I didn’t resist. People threw away a Transmission Scroll while still in mid-air, and shouted: "hmph, I will spare you if I hurt you today, and I will ask you to settle the bill next time."

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Masaga Matsumoto clamored to chase him, and then suddenly stood still, violently swung a huge blade of light and followed me into the teleport aperture, and it was in the aperture. The moment they contacted the sword glow, both disappeared at the same time. However, an azure bracelet flew out of the void and fell to the ground with a sound and rolled directly under Matsumoto Masaga's feet.

The Japanese guild leaders at the scene were all stupid on the spot. What's happening here? What's going on with that thing? Purple Moon dropped something? impossible. Storage space is not a leather pocket, so how can things drop? What is this thing...? All the presidents of Japanese guilds suddenly thought of a possibility at the same time, the possibility I made them think of-Purple Moon was blown up!

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