"Purple Moon? Why are you here?" Nobunaga Guishou looked very surprised at my appearance.

"So many of you get together early, why can't I come and mix it up?"

"Do you have a spy on our side?" Nobunaga Oni said suddenly .

When Nobunaga asked, I immediately laughed. "Did you just come out of kindergarten? Ask me this kind of question too?"

"hmph, what do you want to do here?" Guren Phoenix knew that Nobunaga was suppressed by me, and he came out. The sound interrupted our topic, lest Guishou Nobunaga would be speechless again by me.

"Of course I have something to do with me, but I didn’t come to see you, so I just stepped aside from the truth point." My words were unusually arrogant, basically equivalent to Fanning the faces of Guren Phoenix and Nobunaga Guishou in person, especially in this situation, if Nobunaga Guishou wants those Japanese guild leaders to follow him again, he must save his face. To put it bluntly, I was motivating him to fight with us so that I could achieve my goal.

"You..." Guren Phoenix was almost backed by me with a word, but there was no way to face my strength. She has tried many times before, and every time she thinks she can defeat me, but every time she fails. Unless she gets something to strengthen her strength, Guren Phoenix definitely has no information to fight me again. .

In contrast to the retreat of Honglian Phoenix, Nobunaga Guishou could only stand up by brace oneself. He is different from Guren Phoenix, Guren Phoenix is ​​only a Japanese celebrity now, she is not a Japanese leader, so on the contrary, sometimes she can choose to lose face to save strength, but Guishou Nobunaga is not the same, for him face More important than strength.

"This is Japan, yet dare to be arrogant in our land, don't you want to live anymore?"

I immediately laughed wildly when I heard the words of Nobunaga Oni Shou . "Hahahaha...you are so funny!" I suddenly got a stern face when I said this, and then said: "First, this will soon be not your land. Second, even if I am arrogant on your land, you What can I do to me? In this kind of place, I can come and go as long as I want. Who will stop me? Is it you? Or you? Sweeping up and down, the people who were seen unconsciously staggered their eyes from me, and no one dared to really confront me. After all, I've played so many times, the Japanese should know that I can't mess with them even if they don't remember to play.

Seeing the expressions of those guild leaders, Nobunaga wanted to back down like them, but standing in this position meant that others could hide, but he could not hide. Of course, on the surface, Masaka Matsumoto is still in power, but Nobunaga wants to fight for a position, so he must be brave, otherwise, why should people confuse him?

"Okay, since you want to say that, let's see under our hands!" Nobunaga oni was forced to do it. At this time, even if I kill it once, it is considered a The steps are down. After all, saying that he was killed in battle, not being able to beat others without shame, and not daring to make a move is the real shame.

When I heard Nobunaga Onitou, I knew that this guy was in the game, but this time I came here to beat the presidents of the Japanese guilds, and I would not be able to achieve my goal. Seeing Guishou Nobunaga's posture about to fight with me, I took a step back slightly, and Hong Yue took the real red and they immediately stood in a row in front of me to separate him from me.

"You are not worthy of letting me do it now. Besides, I am not here to find you this time." I directly ignored the existence of Oniji Nobunaga and turned my face to Matsumoto Masaga. "Matsumoto this Monarch, do you have the guts to talk to me alone?"

"hahahaha..." Matsumoto Masaga smiled very heartily, compared with Matsumoto Masaka when he was in power for the first time, now He is obviously more magnanimous. Of course, Masaga Matsumoto can have this kind of tolerance mainly because he is in the same group with me now, so he has a bottom in his heart. Because I have a bottom in my heart, the imposing manner won't be as faint as Nobunaga Guishou, and it will naturally give people a very generous feeling. After laughing, Masaka Matsumoto loudly said: "Isn't it just a few words! It's a terrifying death, what's terrifying?"

"Okay, Masaka Matsumoto is still the Masaka Matsumoto. Please." I made a request to the side, and Matsumoto Masaka immediately walked over there. Seeing him moving, I also walked sideways.

Nobunaga Guishou saw that the two of us were going to talk alone, and immediately wanted to follow him, but Hong Yue and the others stopped him again. "Our chairperson talked to Masaka Matsumoto, what are you going to do?"

"hmph, how can I know what they say if I don’t go there? If it’s Purple Moon that messes up and buys Masaka Matsumoto..."

"Idiot." Hong Yue didn't wait for him to finish, and then suddenly two words came out. The voice was not loud but it happened to be able to be heard by everyone present.

"What did you say?" Nobunaga Guishou came up with an irritation. It doesn't matter if he is humiliated by me, who told him that he can't beat me, but being humiliated by others will really lose his face.

Hong Yue is different from ordinary people. Although her battle strength is also very strong, her main job is to manage the guild, so her intelligence is even more exaggerated compared to a martial power. She didn't answer Guishou Nobunaga's words at all, turned her head and ignored his presence, and hummed a nasal sound through her nose, expressing her contempt for him.

The embarrassing ghost Nobunaga that I was involved in is completely outburst, no matter whether he will reduce his identity by working with Hong Yue, he will just draw a knife and slash it. What he didn't expect was that his knife was held back by a staff before it was taken out.

The warrior and the mage's close combat was still restrained by a single move, and this was a loss of face. Nobunaga Guishou looked down at the staff on the hilt of the knife in surprise, and then immediately opened the distance between the two sides with a short jump. Normally, the mage is definitely not good at close combat, but Hong Yue is an exception. She has a special kind of werewolf bloodline. Although she rarely fights with this attribute, she is actually very capable of hand-to-hand combat and is just someone who knows. Not much.

Guishou Nobunaga is also pretty good. Normally, the warrior should be close to the mage, but when one of the tricks was controlled, he realized that Hong Yue was weird, so he took the initiative to pull Drove a distance. It's a pity that although he discovered Hong Yue's strong closeness, he forgot that Hong Yue himself is still a genuine mage, and keeping a distance does not mean that he is safe. To be precise, it should be that the distance is actually very dangerous.

Fuck Nobunaga took the initiative to move away from him. Hong Yue was also unambiguous. He raised his hand and pointed, and a black shadow jumped out from behind Hong Yue. Guishou Nobunaga saw the darkness in front of him, and quickly rolled away. As a result, he avoided the fatal blow by a few millimeters. However, as soon as he raised his head after he rolled away, a scarlet blade glow hurriedly followed. . Nobunaga Guishou quickly leaned back, and the red blade glow blew past him with a strong wind. When the red glow flew past, Guishou Nobunaga was already scared into a cold sweat. He realized how dangerous the cut just now was when he saw a handful of hair falling in the air.

After dodge two fatal blows in a row, Nobunaga Ghost finally waited for the reinforcements. The sound of weapon collision from the front finally gave him a chance to get up from the ground, and it was only then that he could see clearly What was it that attacked me just now. The one who is fighting against Guren Phoenix is ​​a skeleton whose whole body is wrapped in a huge black cloak, and unlike ordinary skeletons, this guy not only has eyeballs, but is also red like a light bulb. What's more frightening is that this guy is still holding a blood-red giant scythe nearly three meters long in his hand, plus it is suspended in the air, fools know that this must be a high level undead like Death God.

In fact, Hong Yue’s pet was originally the night spirit king, but as the head of the guild, he definitely has an advantage in resources. After such a long period of catalysis, the original night spirit king has already evolved. I don't know how many times. Now this thing that looks like Death God can no longer be regarded as a dead soul, but he has inherited the two most powerful attributes and two spell abilities of Death God: invalid physical damage, material penetration, death gaze and Death Decay.

The attribute of invalid physical damage is the simplest, but it is also the most terrible. It is simply a nightmare of the warrior department. Although many players now have several magical damage attributes, how many cuts do you have to cut to kill a high-level creature by relying on that point of damage?

Material traversing this attribute is not an attack or defense ability, but it is also very useful. It's not obvious in open places. When you encounter a creature with this attribute in a jungle with lush vegetation or a narrow building, you will suffer. They will walk around among the dense obstacles, making you dizzy, let alone attacking, you won't be able to figure out where the opponent will come out next time.

Needless to say the two spells, Death Gaze and Death Decay, are the signature skills of Necro creatures. Death gaze can directly show the target to death. Although there is a problem with the probability of success, as long as it is successfully launched, even if you are high-level and can't kill you, it will at least make you hemiplegia like polio within ten seconds, and you can walk. Like break dancing, don't count on fighting. As for Death Decay, this spell is not formidable power, but it can make your attributes lower and lower over time. As long as the opponent is patient, you can use Death Decay to toss you half-dead, and then come out to make the last shot. This is absolutely an extremely rogue style of play, and in addition to killing the undead who used Death Decay against you as soon as possible, or you There are priests who will be able to disperse at a high level, otherwise this is almost an unsolvable tactic.

The above four skills are all abnormal, and Hong Yue’s demon pet is only four of them, and it is different from the general undead. Not only does he know how to play, he also plays extremely smoothly. The most important thing is the two eyeballs in this guy's eyes, they are not ordinary things. There is a big hole in the eye socket of a real skull, and there is no eyeball at all. The two things in this guy's eyes are actually two magical devices, man-made objects. The function of that thing is to increase the probability of activating death gaze, and it is not increased by a little bit, but by several times. Basically, you have to be careful when fighting against him. Maybe he can successfully gaze once in a few minutes, and most people are also recruited. It is tantamount to being killed. Even if you didn't stare directly to death, the paralysis time afterwards would definitely be enough for others to slice and grind you.

While Guishou Nobunaga was observing the summon creature, Honglian Phoenix was fighting against Hong Yue’s summon creature. Although the night spirit king is not afraid of physical attacks, he can do physical damage himself, and the sickle in the night spirit king's hand can indeed become an entity. Nobunaga Guishou saw Honglian Phoenix's hard work and wanted to help him, but before he could take a shot, he suddenly found a blue ball of light appeared on the tip of Hong Yue's staff. He hurriedly yelled to Honglian Phoenix: " Be careful!"

Honglian Phoenix was fighting with night spirit Wang Zheng, and he was suddenly reminded by Guishou Nobunaga that he didn’t know what was going on, so he could only step back subconsciously. And just as she retreated, the night spirit king suddenly sank into the ground. Without the cover of King Night Spirit, Guren Phoenix finally saw the blue ball of light shot from behind King Night Spirit. Because of the distance backed up before, Honglian Phoenix also had reaction time. Seeing the ball of light flying, she immediately set the long knife in her hand upside down, and then made a bottom-up chop, and instantly cut the ball of light in half, but she hadn't waited for her to hit the sword from the ball of light. He recovered from his strength, but saw that the night spirit king, who had sunk into the ground before, came out again and appeared right in front of her, and appeared almost next to her face less than two centimeters in front of her.

Guren Phoenix realized that when the night spirit king appeared, it was too late when she found the night spirit king’s eyes suddenly lit up. I only felt a painful and numb sensation erupting from my eyes and spread all over his body in an instant, causing Guren Phoenix to lose his mobility on the spot and fall backwards. The night spirit king who saw the opportunity immediately waved the blood-colored giant scythe and cut it over, but just as the giant scythe was about to sweep to Guren Phoenix, the ghost hand Nobunaga suddenly rushed up and held the giant scythe with one hand. The other hand supported the falling Red Lotus Phoenix.

"Hey, don't stand stupid, come and help!" Nobunaga Guishou has worked hard to deal with the night spirit king in front of him alone. Now he is still holding a person in his hand, of course. Even worse, he had no choice but to ask the others behind for help.

Those guild leaders didn’t want to control, after all, Nobunaga's current status has not been established yet. Helping him may not necessarily be good. Maybe he will offend Masaga Matsumoto, but because The current enemy is the people of our guild, so they have to take action again. After weighing it for a long time, those people still rushed up. After all, even if they are not Japanese leaders, they are at least guild leaders. If the people below know that they dare not fight the Chinese, who will listen to them in the future?

The people who rushed up helplessly were divided into two groups. One part quickly evaded King Night Spirit’s attack, and the other part dragged Honglian Phoenix down. I was lucky just now. Death Gaze only exerted half of its formidable power, and it just paralyzed the nerves of Honglian Phoenix. If she encounters the mortal eye, which has a total probability of less than 1%, it will be completely hopeless. .

Originally, Hong Yue alone blocked Nobunaga and Honglian Phoenix by the surprise of the raid, but now suddenly rushed to a dozen people. Naturally, she couldn't stop it alone. But we are here prepared this time, how could Hong Yue suffer here?

Just when those people rushed up to besiege Hong Yue, a golden shadow suddenly fell from the sky, and with a bang, a large spider web-like crack appeared on the ground of the square. Those who were about to rush up Everyone was knocked out by the golden aperture flashing on the ground, and fell into a ball for a moment. When the smoke cleared, the crowd saw a red armor standing in the cracked center of the square and said to them: "You are too useless? Can't we be beaten by more bullying and less?"

"Yes." Gold coin also jumped out and said, "Purple Moon is the number one in the world, so you can't beat the group fight. Sister Hong Yue is an ordinary player. Do you want to play together? Come and come, we still have a few people anyway. Everyone gang fights against gang fights. We don’t care if you take advantage of the number."

Gold coin is never an honest person, this The words are also quite dishonest. Although on the surface it does seem that the Japanese dominate in number, but it is not a little bit more. The number of Japanese people present was at least twice as many as the number of people I brought. On the surface, it was indeed a great advantage, but in fact, these people were all presidents and followers of various guilds. Although the strength of these people is definitely higher than that of ordinary players, they belong to dozens of guilds, and their cooperation is almost zero. It is good if they don't get in the way of each other. If you want to form an overall battle strength, that is a fantasy story. But our side is different. Although Zhenhong and gold coin don’t fight together very often, they have done several missions together. In addition, their equipment happens to be the two sets of our country’s national equipment. They match each other, so the battle The degree of cooperation is obviously higher than that of ordinary people. Although Hong Yue hadn't cooperated much with other people, she was Vice-President, and all those present were her subordinates, which was equivalent to being under a unified command. Naturally, there was no coordination problem. As for the remaining Bingbing and the others, because their musicians are extremely rare, they have been intensively trained together. Simply is a combat group, which has been used in cooperation for a long time, and can use many combinations of attacks. So our side is completely the effect that one plus one is greater than two, and although the Japanese side is not at the point where one plus one is less than one, it is definitely less than two. It seems that there are many Japanese people, but they are actually at a disadvantage.

The crowds on both sides of the square fought together. On the other side, Masaka Matsumoto and I were chatting very happily.

"Why do you think of meeting me in front of so many people?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

I explained with a smile: "Aren't you feeling worried and unable to suppress these people? Am I here to help you increase your popularity?" See Masaka Matsumoto shook the head and don't understand what I mean. , I said directly: "The leaders of the two sides who can negotiate before the battle are bound to be the leaders of both sides. Even if those people don’t want to admit it, since they let you come out to talk, it’s equivalent to an acknowledgement allegiance on the surface, although it may not be able to form many constraints. Power, but it’s always righteous that you can crush them. As for their hearts... Isn’t Hong Yue beaten for you over there?"

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