"Yes! Even if mutation is a natural response, scarabs are not migratory birds, do they still have a migration habit?"

"Scarabs are definitely not It’s a habit of migration, so someone must have brought it to Russia.” Tetu concluded.

Anubis said: "The question now is who brought it to Russia, and what do these people want to do?"

Pull thought for a while and said: "Our scarab clan basically has no battle strength. Although Purple Moon discovered this scarab during a battle with the Russians, I don't think the other party did it to catch the scarab to deal with Purple Moon."

Titu also nodded and said: "With Purple Moon’s battle strength, unless it’s Kohopura you take it yourself, the other scarabs simply don’t make any sense. So this is correct, then the other party If it wasn't for Purple Moon, it would be..."

"For us?" Maat asked in surprise.

"It's not necessarily aimed at us." Tetu explained: "It may also be an action directed at Kohopura alone, not necessarily at our entire Egyptian Divine Race."

I interrupted their discussion aloud: "I don’t think the probability against Kohopura himself is great. I think there are only two situations in this matter. One is that the other party is an ordinary adventurer, and their purpose is only to experiment. Bio-improvement technology, perhaps the research on scarabs is only one of their many projects, it is a general sampling and not targeted."

Special figure nodded said: "This is also a kind of probability. Then in addition One possibility?"

"Another possibility is that the opponent is Divine Race, or a large guild connected with Divine Race. If this is the case, their plot must be your Egyptian Divine Race. As a Divine Race of one country came out to plot against a Divine Race of another country. In the end, it would only cause a war between the Divine Race of two countries. Therefore, the other party is impossible to plot against Kohopura alone. That is the same as plot against the same country. The Divine Race is actually not much different. Instead, you will put yourself in a dangerous situation because you are not thoughtful enough."

"So the other party may also be targeting our entire Divine Race in Egypt?" Anubis confirmed road.

I am nodded. "Probably that's the case."

Tetu suddenly said: "It's actually very easy to figure out the truth. Purple Moon has already figured out the maximum probability for us, so we just need to send someone to find out. The source of that insect is fine. If it is found to be a generalized study, then you don’t need to care, but if it is really a guild or Divine Race doing targeted research, then we must be careful. Maybe we have already I have entered the plot against of a certain Divine Race force."

After the special picture, I added: "Although everything is unproven now, I estimate that this matter is against your probability. It's bigger."

"Oh? Where did you see it?" Anubis asked.

"Because the biological improvement project is more complicated, there are not many guilds capable of doing this kind of thing, and the improvement of biological The experimental products that succeeded in the experiment were released, so I think the probability of the universal experiment is not great. Then there is only one probability left!"

After listening to my inference, all the people present were all Thoughtful. After a while, Kohopra raised his head first. "I think this matter must be taken seriously. We will send someone to investigate this matter immediately."

"But you are all Divine Race, can you leave the country?" I asked aloud.

Anubis asked back: "If we can't get out by ourselves, can't we send someone out?"

"Send someone?"

" Of course. For example, you." Anubis said.

"no no no, you have not figured out the situation now. Our guild is now at war with Japan and Russia at the same time. The two fronts have dragged us to death. I can’t wait for me now I can cut it into three parts and use it. If I can send you this larva, I will do my best to do the work of investigating the details. You should ask someone brilliant!"

A Spiritual God didn’t even have any intention to keep it. Only Anubis took out a gold scorpion bracelet and said, “Poor, I still plan to think that someone’s country is busy fighting, and I plan to take the opportunity to help. Here, now it seems to be purely passionate! People don't need it at all!"

"Wait." When I heard this, I rushed back, my eyes staring with green light. The table in Nubis's hand. "What is this...?"

"Do you know the Death God bracelet?"

"Death...God...hand...Bracelet...?" When he said a word, his voice rose by an octave. In the end, he blushed and his neck was thick, as if he had just stepped down from a wine court. "This, this...this is the Death God bracelet?" The Death God bracelet is nothing ordinary. Although the highest level of equipment in "Zero" is the Divine Item, the Divine Item itself must be good and bad. If "Zero" opens the category of Super Divine Item someday, I guess Death God bracelet will definitely be among them, and it will definitely be ranked in the top three of the Super Divine Item Ranking List, because although its attribute is single, it can have one Even players who just came out of Novice Village can easily handle a small group of players who are one or two hundred levels higher than themselves, and if the user level is high enough, its formidable power will be doubled.

Speaking so much, in fact, there is only one attribute of Death God bracelet-summon Death God guard.

On summon items, I only have a bunch of them, such as Qilin warrior and candle bees, which are all summon items carried by the item, but compared with Death God bracelets, the summon abilities of those summon items are simply rubbish. Because the summon method of the Death God Guard is really abnormal.

The first is quantity. The number of Death God guards that a Death God bracelet can summon is not fixed, but equal to the square of the user's level divided by one hundred. What is the concept of user level squared and divided by one hundred? A player coming out of a novice village is Level 20, squared is four hundred, divided by one hundred is four. In other words, a player who just came out of the Novice Village can use the Death God bracelet summon four Death God guards. You said that when everyone wore novice equipment and wandered around, if you brought four babies, how would others survive? One, two, three rushed up and hugged people's limbs. If you go over and make a knife, anyone will stabb you to death. This is still a Level 20 rookie, if you have a thousandth level, that would be great. One thousand times one thousand is one million, and then divided by one hundred, that is ten thousand. Isn't this number scary enough? What about me? I now have 17Level 32. After squared, it is 2999824. After dividing by 20, there is 29998.24. According to the rule of rounding, it is close to 30,000 summon units. Thirty thousand summon units, is this number scary? For the average person, it is absolutely terrifying to the sky, and at least people of your level will definitely be overwhelmed by this number. But for me, this amount is not too scary, because my Qilin warrior summon amount is equal to ten times my level, which is more than 17,000, which is quite a lot compared to 30,000. But there is one thing to pay attention to. The summon Qilin warrior uses a black liquid crystal, and my black liquid crystal has evolved N times to reach the current standard. The summon formerly used to be a 100-level white skull! Even now, Qilin warrior is only a 750 Level 10 creature. It's okay to deal with low-level players, but if you run into high-level personnel, it's a recipe. However, the Death God bracelet is different.

The level of Death God Guardian of Death God bracelet summon is not fixed, but is equal to half of the user level and rounded up to one hundred. What does this round up to one hundred mean? That is the level increase. If you are a Level 20 novice, taking half of the level should have been Level 10, but because of the setting of rounding up to one hundred, it is not Level 10, but one hundred. Before the player's level breakthrough is 200, his summon objects will all be at this level, because after dividing by two, it will not exceed one hundred, so it is automatically rounded up to one hundred. However, if this player is promoted to 200 Level 1, it will be different. Dividing two hundred and one by two makes it bigger than one hundred, and rounding up is two hundred levels. This level is almost the same as the player himself, and it is absolutely scary to take it out. As for myself, I am now 17Level 32, divided by two is 8Level 66, and rounded up to the nearest nine hundred. You said that I am carrying nearly 30,000 summons of level 900 by myself. How strong is that?

In addition to the abnormality of the two attributes above, the number and level, the battle method of Death God guards from the Death God bracelet summon is also abnormal, because they do not use a fixed summon method, but will Corresponding to the user's battle method automatically adjusted. To put it bluntly, it is what kind of profession you are, and what kind of profession is the Death God Guardian from your summon. I currently have three professions: adjudicator Knight, guide and spirit master. It is ruled that Knight is a warrior class, the guide is a legal class, and the spirit control mage is a summon class. Then the Death God guards from my summon will automatically imitate my combat class, which means that my summon will be It is a baby with 30,000 physical all-rounders who can bring their own babies. Although I don't know what kind of babies the Death God guards can summon out for the time being, it doesn't matter what they can summon out. According to the general rule that there must be more summon objects than summoners, how many summon objects do you have to make with 30,000 summoners? What's more, these summoners are not pure summoners. After summoning things, you can throw magic at the enemy. When the magic is thrown, you can direct the babies to charge forward and pick up their weapons to follow behind. How sturdy is that?

If this is the case, the key is that the Death God bracelet also has an attribute setting for the Death God guard. This is actually the most abnormal. This setting means that the offensive and defensive attributes of Death God guards are not fixed, and its value is equal to the user’s basic offensive and defensive attributes at the current level plus the Death God guard’s own equipment attributes. Is this value abnormal? I can say responsibly-absolutely perverted. Do you know why NPCs of the same level can't do the players? It's because the attributes of players of the same level are always higher than that of NPCs, and this will vary from person to person. My own attributes are very abnormal. If the Death God guards use me as a template, it means that they will have offensive and defensive attributes close to mine at level 900. Although the equipment of Death God guards is definitely not as good as mine, their offensive and defensive attributes will definitely be lower than when I was at level 900, but that is only a little bit lower, and their total value may still exceed level 900. Most players. In other words, the 30,000 summon objects I brought can not be calculated based on 30,000 NPCs. Their battle strength should be calculated based on the expert among 30,000 players.

How abnormal is the expert among 30,000 players? Just look at the elite squad of our guild guild. At present, the average level of the elite squad in our guild is only 980 Level 17, but they can often use a precise trio to attack the expert that can easily drop more than a thousand levels in a second, and even if the second does not fall, it is higher. If they can hit their opponents hard, if they face players lower than themselves, they can even win with a casualty ratio of one to ten. Although the Death God guards from my summon may not be as powerful as these experts, it is estimated that there will not be much difference in attributes. Even if their combat skills are slightly lacking, the number of 30,000 people is enough to fill in all the shortcomings. draw.

Of course, in addition to the above abnormal attributes, the Death God bracelet actually has a hidden attribute, that is, once the Death God guard is killed, the user can continue to summon to supplement, and the supplement speed is divided into Three stalls. The first gear is the basic gear, that is, if the user level is two digits, it will restore a summon amount every five minutes. In other words, if the enemy can't kill a Death God guard within five minutes, then your Death God guard can always remain full. If you kill one, you will summon another. Anyway, they can't kill as fast as you summon. If the user level is three digits, that is, from level 100 to Level 19, then you enter the second gear. At this time, the summon cooldown time will be shortened to 3 minutes, which is not exceeding the upper limit of summon Under the premise, you can replenish a lost Death God guard every 3 minutes. If your level breakthrough is 1,000, which is what I am now, then it will be the third gear. The summon cooling time in this state will be shortened again, only one minute. As long as the opponent can't guarantee that one minute will kill one, then I can replenish unlimitedly until the opponent is dragged to death. In addition, as far as I know, there is actually a fourth gear for the cooling time of the Death God bracelet, which is a five-digit level with a minimum of 10,000. At that time, the Death God bracelet will lose its cooling time, that is, it can achieve an instant replenishment state, and it can be replenished as soon as it dies. It is useless no matter how fast the opponent kills. But think about it from another angle. If someone really rises to level 10,000, it is estimated that the Death God guard at level 5,000 is just like an ant in his eyes. The number of summons and the recovery speed are meaningless.

After understanding these attributes, you can understand the extent of my yearning for Death God bracelets. It is no exaggeration to say that the Death God bracelet in my hand can definitely exert the battle strength of two mes or even three mes. Such exaggerated equipment, something that is almost on top of my body, how can I not be excited?

Looking at my wolf-like expression, Anubis was startled. "Hey, what's your face? You want to eat people?"

"No, no! How can I eat you?" Although my mouth is normal, my eyes are still green. Shining, there was a transparent liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth, which made Anubis shiver all over his body.

"Okay, okay, stop drooling, the floor will make you corrode holes in a while!" Anubis deliberately teased me.

"I'm not a Corruptor, how can it be so scary? But is your bracelet a mission reward? If it is, give it to me quickly! Isn't it just an investigation? I promise to help you complete the mission. "

"This was originally intended to be issued as a task reward, but it seems that someone is busy and seems reluctant to take the task!" Anubis said deliberately.

"Aiya, you are a great god, how can you be true to a mortal like me!" As I said, I stretched my hand to the side of the bracelet, but Anubis deliberately lifted his hand, which hurt I threw myself away. I basically don’t expect to grab something from Anubis. That guy is a righteous god at all. I can’t do it with my strength, and the guy’s height is much higher than me. He just needs to throw a hand at me. It's difficult to grab it anymore.

"You can get the Death God bracelet, but you have to complete two tasks."

"Ah? Isn't it just one task to investigate the other party's purpose? Why is it? Become two?"

Anubis knocked on my head and said, "You also know the attribute of the Death God bracelet, you want to get such a powerful equipment to complete an investigation task. Isn’t it too whimsical?"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Said it is two tasks, in fact, it is one task." Anu Bis said: "After this investigation mission is over, you must first tell us the results, and then we will decide whether we need to respond to the other party's behavior based on the situation. If it's just the general research you mentioned, then you can. One task is waived, but if you find out that the opponent is against our Egyptian Divine Race, then you will not only tell us, but also be responsible for the subsequent damage to the opponent’s behavior. Of course, if you really want to fight with the opponent’s Divine Race. Race battle, we will send someone to help you, impossible to make you singlehanded and the entire Russian Divine Race to do it."

Hearing what Anubis said, I immediately said with a sad face: "It seems that I am the first The second task is impossible to escape. Although this investigation has not yet started, I am 90% sure that the other party is not just doing extensive research this time, because there is no other industry in the world that has so much spare money. Do this kind of thing. I think you might as well send out the support staff now. I happened to investigate and destroy the other party’s plan by the way, so I won’t use it to toss back."

"Do you think we don’t want it? "Anubis said depressedly: "Our Divine Race is also subject to many restrictions. If we find out that the opponent is against us, then we can go abroad to fight under the banner of protecting ourselves. After all, is this a legitimate defense. But if No, we ran out of the border rashly. That would be a violation of the regulations. We are going to be unlucky!"

"Understood, then you will wait here first. I will immediately help you investigate and investigate. Someone is doing something." As I said, I stretched out my hand to Anubis: "That...reward is prepaid, right?"

"Why? You haven't completed the task yet!" Anubis asked unhappy.

I said with a smile: "When I get something, I can be more motivated! Besides, my strength has improved. Will the investigation be a bit smoother. Anyway, I have a family, and you Don’t be afraid that I will run away. What’s the worst thing about paying a reward first?" Down and threw it to me. "I'll give you things first, you have to take care of the things for us, don't make us regret it!"

"You can rest assured when I do things." After I finished speaking, I put the Death God bracelet on my wrist. With one click, it turned out that I couldn't bring it. "Huh? What's the situation?"

Anubis came over and grabbed my hand and looked at it, then said: "Your armor is too compact, my Death God bracelet is a bit big , Or you should do the task first, I will help you modify the bracelet so that you can bring it."

"Huh?" You still have to wait for the task to be completed before you can get the bracelet. I'm wilting again.

Kohpura also saw that I was not at ease without getting the bracelet, so he said to Anubis: "You should help him change it, anyway, it's your thing. It should be modified quickly, right?"

"Well, you can wait here a moment." Anubis finished speaking and went back to the back room, while Cohopura and the others were in front. Continue to discuss what should be done in the future if the Divine Race of Russia really has any intentions against them.

While Anubis is going to modify the equipment, I am also busy adjusting the equipment. I used to have two bracelets, one concealing bracelet and one Storage Bracelet, but before the concealing bracelet, my evil value was too high and it burst. Although the remaining Storage Bracelet has been carried, I have a phoenix dragon. Space, Storage Bracelet is almost a waste of equipment except for the function of automatically picking up equipment, and this function of automatically picking up items is actually not very useful, because Fenglong does not participate in the war at all, and there is really something to be collected by her to help me pick it up. Now, it doesn’t make much sense to have a bracelet or not. After thinking about it, I decided someday to find a bracelet with good attributes to replace the Storage Bracelet. As for this Storage Bracelet, it can be put out for auction. All members of our guild have phoenix dragons, so people in the guild don’t use it at all, but for people in other guilds, this thing is extremely precious. After all, storage equipment with such a large capacity is quite rare.

I was planning to change a bracelet there, and suddenly I saw Anubis running back, but what he was holding was not a bracelet, but a huge seal. "Hey, you said to modify the shape, how did you change the bracelet to a seal?"

"Who told you that I changed it to a seal?" Anubis said with a disdainful expression. : "I'm here to help you. Come on, stretch out your arms."

"What are you going to do?"

"Just leave it alone, there is no harm anyway. "

I always feel a little unreliable when I hear Anubis's words, but it is estimated that at this time he It shouldn't be harmful to me, so I still stretched out both arms carefully. . "Which one do you want?"


When I heard Anubis' words, I took the right hand back. "Let’s go over here."

"Okay, take off all the armor on your arm first." I obediently dropped all the equipment on my left arm and exposed my arm, Anubi Si immediately waved to Cohopura and the others. "Come and help." Cohopura and the others felt weird when they were called, and they didn't know what Anubis was going to do. After they walked over, Anubis said to them: "You can help hold his hand."

"How to catch?"

"It's just one person holding his hand. Just hold your shoulders."

"Is that so?" One of Cohopra and Tetu grabbed my hand, the other grabbed my shoulder, and then looked at Anubis and asked road.

Anubis nodded said: "You can catch it, don't shake it, this is only one chance, if you screw it up, there will be no next time." Do it, scared, I quickly called to stop.


"What are you doing?" Anubis asked unhappy.

"What do you mean, don't shake? What are you doing to me?"

Anubis grinned, showing his wicking teeth and said: "It's okay, It’s just to stamp a stamp on your arm, but it’s a little bit painful, so you can bear it. If it’s not printed, your Death God bracelet will be completely useless."

"What do you mean? "

Anubis explained: "It is too much trouble to modify the equipment, I think you can't wait, so I simply extracted all the magic array on the Death God bracelet and put it into this processing Divine Item I will use the divine force to activate this engraving, and then the magic array on the bracelet will be directly covered on your arm in the form of a stigma, so that not only can you use all the attributes of the bracelet, but also does not account for it. You can find individual bracelets to wear for your equipment position in the future. The attributes will not conflict with each other, which means you have brought one more bracelet than others. How? I mean enough for you?"

"Oh, it turns out to be like this! That's really good, you can bring an extra bracelet."

I seem to agree, Anubis immediately said excitedly: "Then don't delay Now, let's start, the magic mark will disappear after a long time."

"Wait!" I suddenly reacted. "What did you just say? It hurts a little bit?"

"Aiya, you are afraid of a little bit of pain. Are you still a man? Hurry up, don't delay, we are still waiting for you to investigate the situation for us Yeah. Kohopra, Tetu, hurry up." Anubis didn't give me a chance to speak at all, so he raised the seal. I saw that with the injection of Anubis's divine force, the bottom of the stamp, which was the size of the old big brother, began to quickly turn red. Where is this seal? Is this an electric soldering iron?

"Hey...hey...what are you doing? Are you sure this thing just hurts a little bit?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure, you just have to hold on and it will pass. ."

"But why do I smell a burnt smell?"

"That is an illusion." Anubis said, turning the red soldering iron into a red. , Oh no, it was his so-called seal, which slammed on my arm.

Hey... "Ah..." The moment my arm touched the "seal", there was a sound similar to fried meat, accompanied by a burst of green smoke and roasted meat. The stale smell floated together.

"What is it called, isn't it over!" After pressing the stamp on my arm for a few seconds, Anubis picked up the completely black stamp. , Kohopura and they also loosened my arms.

As soon as I was free, I hurriedly checked my arm. Now I simply don’t feel the pain anymore. I feel a tingling sensation on my arm. I don’t know if that’s what it feels like, or The skin is too hot and has lost consciousness. Now I can see the image of a scorpion on the outer part of my left forearm. Different from the burnt black skin in imagination, this mark is golden, and the surface will shine, which looks very beautiful. I tried to reach out and touch it, it didn't hurt, and it didn't feel any special to the touch.

"How about, I said it won't hurt you?" Anubis said proudly when I saw that I had touched the mark, "Now you have all the attributes of the Death God bracelet. Moreover, this seal is better than equipment, it will not burst out, and others will not be able to grab it if they want. Even for some equipment-restricted tasks, this seal can still exert a small amount of strength, after all, it is not completely equipment now."< /p>

I nodded and said: "It seems so. But why is there an extra string of attributes?"

"Ah? An extra string of attributes?" Anubis ran in surprise Came over and grabbed my hand and watched for a long time, and then asked me to show him the attribute, but he screamed first. "Aiya, I forgot that there was a piece of Divine Race equipment that I recovered on the seal, but it was printed on your arm together! I said how can this stigma shine!"

< p>"Oh, it's okay if there is no problem."

"What can I do, wait for me to get the extra stuff down."

"No need for it Ah, I'm still in a hurry, so you don't have to give it away, I'm leaving now!" I said as I ran out. At this time, the fool stood there waiting for him to take down the attribute.

Actually, the attributes that are printed more are not useful, but I have added 50 points to the basic attributes such as strength and agility. Although the number is not small, it is relative to my current total value. It's not much. In addition, in addition to the basic attribute, a thousand points of mandatory damage are added, which means that in the future, even if I encounter a super BOSS that I cannot break, each attack will deduct at least one thousand HP of the opponent. This is the rule Sexual reduction of blood, unless the opponent has an attribute such as damage absorption or damage resistance, the defense will have to withstand this damage no matter how high the defense is. Finally, the most important attribute: bravery.

This brave attribute is strange, anyway, I have never seen a similar attribute before. I took the time to read the detailed introduction just now and realized that this attribute is quite useful, especially for me. The function of this attribute is that when I fight with multiple enemies at the same time, the brave attribute will strengthen all my attributes at a rate of 1% for each additional enemy. Suppose my attack power is 100, and the bravery attribute does not take effect when I play heads-up with an enemy. That is the standard attribute 100. At this time, if another enemy comes, and the opponent hits one with two, then my bravery attribute will take effect and add 1% of the attribute for me, then my attack power will become 101 at this time. Of course, in fact, this bravery increase is not only attack power, such as defense, health, life recovery speed, magic power, speed, endurance, and so on. Anyway, as long as it is my attribute, it will increase by 1% in a direction that is beneficial to me.

However, it is not only this 1% that actually promotes bravery, because it actually has no upper limit. If the opponent hits one with two, my attribute increases by 1%. If the opponent hits me one by ten, then I will get a 9% increase in attribute. If one hundred and one people attacked me together, my attribute would be improved by 100%, which was twice the normal value. And if one thousand and one people attack me together, then I can get an attribute increase of 1000%, that is, an attribute that is eleven times the normal value. That value can definitely instantly drop most of the Divine Race, including Erlang Shen. Gods who can fight very well can't stop it. Of course, in fact, this value is unlikely to appear. Because the enemy mentioned above refers to people who are directly fighting with me, not to all the enemy's personnel. Otherwise, like this time the Russians invaded China and counted the entire Russian Legion as my enemy, wouldn't I have to get tens of millions of times the attribute? One move and half of Russia is gone. Who would dare to move?

The real calculation above is the enemy who is fighting with me and has not been killed. To meet the criteria for adding attributes to me, the opponent must have attacked me at least once. It doesn’t matter if I miss a shot. As long as the shot is taken, there is a time limit. If the opponent does not attack me again within five consecutive minutes after the shot. If you launch an attack, you will be kicked out and no longer count as the enemy. Another rule of elimination is that the person who attacks me must be alive. If he is killed by me, unless he comes back to attack me after he is resurrected, he will no longer be counted as an enemy. Of course, in addition to the enemy’s active attack on me, if I actively attack the enemy, I can also pull the opponent into the enemy category to increase my attribute, but if the opponent does not fight back after I actively attack, it will be the same as the opponent attacking me. After five minutes, it doesn’t count. Now, unless I attack him again in five minutes, I won’t be able to kill him.

In fact, for this attribute, I think it’s not difficult to really use it. Just find a few players in our guild, and let them stand in the distance with a trumpet that has not joined our guild and shoot me a few lines with bows and arrows. Trumpets won’t be considered their own if they don’t join our guild, and if they actively attack me, they can be counted as enemies. Although due to system restrictions, they must actually shoot me with arrows to inspire the state of engagement, but the trumpet level is low and hits me. The rate is very low. Secondly, even if the hits are not too huge, on the contrary, the 1% attribute they provide is very useful. If I were to find a hundred trumpets to follow me like this, it would be equivalent to double the attribute. If there is such a state, even if I run into a gun god, it is definitely a move. However, it is not easy to carry so many people's trumpets all the time, so this method may only be useful in positional warfare. It is estimated that there is nothing to expect. But even if I don’t cheat, as long as I rush to the enemy group and beat people indiscriminately, it is estimated that an attribute increase of 30 to 40% is not a problem. With my attribute, even a 30-40% increase is enough for my enemies to have a headache.

After leaving Anubis’s mansion, I quickly ran back to Isengard. The current situation is just right to give full play to the role of Death God tattoos. There are nearly 30,000 Death God guards, and they can supplement casualties at a rate of one per minute, and each of them has a battle strength close to my 900th level. Such an army is fighting a 100,000-strong Russian army. The army is not a problem at all. Although the number of Russian troops invading China is more than N times more than 100,000, I have no plan to destroy everyone on the other side alone. Definitely annoying the Russian army.

I walked out of Isinger’s transnational teleportation while thinking about the next plan, but Hong Yue came across before I took two steps. "Hey, Purple Moon, a

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