I have done this trivial thing like bribing NPC many times, and this time there is no exception. With my absolute pressure on NPC, I easily bought this NPC repairman. . Hearing his job title, I found out that this guy is not a general repairman. If the repairman is to be divided into three or six or nine ranks, even if this guy is not the highest one, he is also in the second and third class. Because the equipment he is responsible for is not a normal thing, but a magic detector.

Just like many people and creatures in the game can feel the magic fluctuations, some devices can determine whether someone is casting a spell in a certain range by monitoring the strength of the magic in the environment. Because most of the various skills in the game, including warrior and thieves' skills, have magic special effects, this device can almost detect more than 99% of the skills cast. Although the original game system gave this device its initial use as a self-starting guide device for the city magic shield, this does not affect the player's intelligence. Some players with more ideas have thought, since this thing can automatically activate the urban defense magic array by monitoring magic fluctuations, if it is miniaturized, can it not be used as an anti-theft alarm?

This warehouse of the Northern Lights obviously puts this idea into practice. According to the introduction of this NPC, there are a total of three magic monitors in the warehouse, and they are still connected to each other. Once someone uses the skills in the warehouse, these things will immediately find you and determine your exact location in the warehouse through triangulation, and this device will also do two things while determining your location. The first is to activate all the closing gates in the warehouse. When the time comes, all exits of the entire warehouse will be automatically closed, and a set of internal and external two-way protective covers will be activated. Even if you can remove the house, this protection The cover is also enough to trap you inside. In addition to this work, the second thing that the magic monitor does is to activate a transmission device to directly transmit the most valuable part of the item in the warehouse to a secret location, so that even if you possess great magical power to demolish the warehouse, you will also At most, you can get some garbage equipment, and the really valuable things have long been transported away.

Of course, if you insist on using a teleport jammer and martial power to demolish the warehouse to get something, then I can only say that you take it for granted. What is a transmission jammer? Is that strategic equipment, something only used in war? Who would use that thing to steal things? Besides, the size of the thing, even if you really took it, can people not find it? If you really have the ability to forcibly snatch something while that thing is in effect, it is not stealing but storming. If you have that ability, why don't you just kill all the opponents and take what you want to do? Wouldn't it be easier?

Although this magic monitoring device is extremely powerful, it can be ignored for me now, because no matter how powerful the device is, someone must control it. Now even the person who manages this thing is controlled by me. What else to worry about after buying it?

The guy was pulled to a hidden place, and then he helped me change into a set of work clothes, and then the two of us swaggered in in front of the guards, the two NPC guards even more. There is no thought to look at me. It is easy to mix the rest inside the warehouse. First, find the magic control core of the magic monitoring device, and then enter the control core under the leadership of this inner ghost to record my magic characteristics. Don’t underestimate the various magic devices in the game. In fact, many of the devices here are not worse than real electronic instruments. They are just like the magic monitor in front of you. Not only can the three machines be combined to use the triangulation method to determine the enemy’s Location, you can even block your own magical fluctuations by recording your own magical fluctuations, so that you won’t misreport your own information.

Easily mix into the warehouse area and get rid of the magic monitor monitoring me, the next job is much simpler. Under the guidance of the internal response I bought, I quickly found the real entrance of the warehouse. I have to say here that the special item warehouse of the Northern Lights belongs to a special building. It is not the same as the empty place that everyone imagines. Although this warehouse looks no different from a general warehouse from the outside, it is repaired inside. Same as the maze. The whole building is filled with various passages that turn around. Coupled with the up and down stairs from time to time, even if you have a good sense of direction, you can stun you. If you don’t have a map, even people who often come and go here may use it. Turned dizzy by himself. In addition, the passage in this warehouse is not a fixed structure. Some walls in the warehouse will automatically open every ten minutes, while other passages will be automatically closed, thus changing the route of the passage. If you can’t find it accurately within ten minutes Goal, then you will face a brand new map in ten minutes!

I don’t really care about this kind of complicated design. I have a map anyway. After waiting for 3 minutes outside the monitoring room, the channel just happened to be the last change cycle to start changing the map. Since the channel map is randomly set by a combat NPC, no one except him knows what the next map will become. But this is not important. Because my inner answer is from here, he has all the map templates here. No matter how the other party changes the map, he will not exceed the scope of the map here. After the map change was over, he immediately scanned the movement of people in the warehouse with the magic monitor, and after two minutes to determine what the new map became, he quickly pulled out one from the map set and handed it to me. .

"This is the map you want. But you'd better hurry up. The map will change again in at most eight minutes."

"Okay, there is enough time Yes." I took the map in one hand, and passed a bag of diamond coins in the other hand. "Happy cooperation."

The guy enthusiastically sent me out of the monitoring room after accepting the purse. Although that Nei Ying is in charge of important facilities here, he is not an internal patrol officer after all, so he can't enter the warehouse, so he can only send me here. I took the map alone and started running into the warehouse. After turning the first turn, I immediately changed back to the regular equipment and removed all the previous camouflage. In the next journey, management personnel are not allowed to enter except the soldiers on patrol. The kind of work clothes that I should have given me just now has no effect at all. It would be better to change back to my own equipment and increase my strength.

After changing the equipment, I quickly ran forward along the passage, turning around according to the correct route marked on the map wherever there was a fork in the road. Just after turning five forks, an NPC guard appeared in front of him. Since I didn't use any disguise, the other party immediately found out what was wrong, but I reacted faster than him, and before he shouted out, a magic ball blew it away. The guard who slammed into the wall behind and bounced back to the ground didn't hum and died. This kind of low-level NPC guard couldn't stop me at all. Someone may ask why there are low-level guards in such an important place. In fact, the truth is very simple. There are magic monitoring equipment in the warehouse. Most people encounter guards here, so they can’t use skills in order not to trigger the alarm. In such a long passage, when the guards find you, they are often separated by a long passage. They don’t need skills. You are basically impossible to kill him at a long distance, but when you rush over, the alarm will be sounded long ago. However, no matter how genius the person who designed this warehouse was, the person who designed this warehouse would never have thought that I would have bought the management personnel of the monitoring equipment so easily. As a result, the alarm system became a display. Not only was it unable to report my intrusion, but it made the guards vigilant. Sex is relaxed a lot.

After the first guard was brought down, I quickly rushed to him. At this moment, I just heard the voice of the guard at the next corner coming from the corner next to the guard. I rushed to the pass and didn't look at it. I waved my hand at the turn and threw a magic bullet in the past. In an instant, the guard who heard the sound came to check the situation was also blasted out.

The movement of killing two guards in a row was a bit loud. Although the guards behind did not see the situation, they heard the sound. However, because the sirens did not sound, they did not conclude that someone was invading, they just ran away. Come here to check the situation.

This time I didn’t use the magic bullet again, but cautiously lurked to the corner, and when the first guard who came over appeared from the corner, I used the right hand to hook his neck forward. With a pull, his left hand clenched a fist and slammed it on the guy's stomach, followed by the blade claws of his left hand that bounced out, and instantly penetrated the guy's stomach, and three bloody blade tips emerged from the back. As soon as the blade claws popped out, they quickly retracted, and I slammed the guy behind me, listening to the running sound suddenly flashing out of the corner, a ground shovel shoveled the guard who followed closely to the ground, and followed with the hand. The eternity that had turned into a sword shape was thrown out as a flying knife. The sharp eternity rolled in the air and instantly passed through a ten-meter-long passage, and penetrated the guard who had just run out from the next corner. The huge kinetic energy still took him to fly backwards until he hit the wall and was nailed to the wall. until. I let go of the guard at the end, and I quickly turned around. The guy I had just shoveled over was about to get up, but as soon as he raised his head, he was hit on the back of the head by an elbow. The whole person immediately again Lie down on the ground. After knocking it down, the blade-shaped barb at the back of my elbow immediately popped out, and instantly penetrated the seam between the guy's spine and skull, and cut off the nerve system in it. The guard didn't even hum. It completely died.

In the blink of an eye, kill the three guards, plus the two killed by the magic bullet. I have already killed five guards, but the alarm still didn't sound, and the whole passage was still calm. Quickly ran to the guard who was nailed to the wall. The guy wasn't dead yet, and he reached out to catch me, but I shot him away. I squeezed his neck with one hand and squeezed it hard, only hearing a click, the guy's head tilted to one side abnormally. After pulling Eternal from him, letting go of his left hand, the body immediately fell to the ground. In the listening channel, there is no sound anymore, obviously the other party has not arranged more guards. The defense system of this ghost place is really too strong, so the opponent never thought of sending heavy troops to guard it.

After putting down the corpse and turning a little forward, there was a long passage, but this time I didn’t run over directly, but walked to about one-fifth of the passage and stopped. In fact, this place is the most confusing organ in the entire warehouse. On the surface, this is just a connecting channel, but in fact, this is the only entrance to the real warehouse. If you don’t know the mechanism, you may run directly from the warehouse door without noticing it. When you know it It's too late to regret.

Now I am standing at the entrance of the warehouse, but I can't see any difference from the wall. The passages inside the warehouse are all made of rectangular stone strips, and there are black seams between the stone strips and the stone strips. Most people may not think of what is special about these gaps, but what most people don't know is that these gaps have caused many intruders to fail. Because there are such seams everywhere here, the intruder will not pay attention to the specific conditions of those seams at all. In fact, as long as you look closely at the wall, you will find that the other joints in the entire passage are actually only a little bit deep. There are actually filling materials inside to close the gaps, but there is a circle of joints next to the position where I am standing. It goes directly into the wall. In fact, this deep gap is the joint between the warehouse door and the wall. It’s just like hiding a tree in the forest, which is the most difficult to find. Such a door gap is assimilated by a large number of joints on the wall. No one would have thought that it was actually a Taoist door.

According to the method described by the insider, I carefully observed the wall for more than ten seconds to confirm the scope of the door, and then measured the correct jack position according to the scale written on the map. According to Nei Ying, a seam at this location is actually a keyhole, but because it is hidden, most people can't think of it. This keyhole is very deep, and the entrance is flat. Except for the special key, if you want to open it with ordinary wire or something, it is definitely a delusion. But this is nothing in front of me, because I have eternity.

After being pasted on the keyhole, the eternal melted into a liquid state flowed into the keyhole along the gap. After a few seconds, the exposed part of eternal suddenly began to shape and become A grip was formed and solidified into a solid state. I know this is eternal telling me that he has found the correct shape of the key. He stretched out his hand to hold the handle and turned it lightly, only to hear a click, and the whole wall suddenly began to fall back. As the wall retreated, a passage that did not exist before finally appeared on the originally flat wall. This passage is only three meters deep, and after walking in, you can see a very ordinary wooden door on the side wall. Although this is a very important warehouse, it is not surprising to install wooden doors here. Anyway, the equipment outside is already complicated enough. If the intruder can open the outside door, what will happen even if the gate is installed here? Woolen cloth? If the intruder can't open the door outside, it doesn't make much sense whether there is a door here, so it doesn't make much difference to install wood.

Although this is only a wooden door, I dare not open it rashly. The closer I get to the target, the more careful I am. Take a hundred steps, half ninety, and the last paragraph is the most important. Summon darts out and asked him to open the door, and I watched carefully from a distance. If there is any danger, I can flash people right away. As for the darts, even if there is a mechanism, it is estimated that there is nothing at his speed. And intercept him.

Sure enough, my caution is very wise. As soon as the dart pushed the door open a small slit, the entire door was split in half by a sharp sword qi. However, the opponent obviously had no brilliant where to go. They didn’t notice that the person who opened the door was not a person. The sword qi was indeed very sharp, but unfortunately the position was not right. The door was cut open, but the dart that opened the door was too small because of its small size. Covered by the sword qi, but hiding in the corner of the passage, I hurriedly blocked the sword qi passing through the door.

After smashing the door with one move, the guy inside immediately rushed out, as if he hadn't seen it. The guy ran directly past the darts, moved towards me and rushed straight towards me. Before I could react to the shock of the door being blasted, I saw a huge white shadow rushing towards me, but I didn’t hesitate at all. I backed up and gave up the impact, while holding Eternity in front of me. Well prepared for a positive response.

The guy saw that I was retreating and had no intention of slowing down. He rushed to the corner of the entrance and hit the wall with a sword and frightened me. I had to take a step back. I heard a bang and the gravel flew around, and the other party even cut the corner of the wall together. If I hadn't taken a step back sooner, I might have been hacked together with the wall.

After a sword cut the corner of the wall, the opponent immediately flashed out from the corner. The long sword went up from bottom to top, and I passed it dangerously on one side, but the opponent didn’t seem to take me at all. The dodge is a matter of course. The blade that provoked suddenly turned halfway and slashed towards my neck sideways. I hurriedly put Eternity upright to cut the heavy sword of the other party, but what was unexpected is that Eternity is not only non-existent. After cutting off the opponent's sword, there was a huge force that smashed me back and hit the wall hard to withstand the violent force. However, although I could not cut the opponent's sword, the opponent was also very surprised. He thinks that his strength is abnormal enough. Even if ordinary people can block his sword, they will be directly shaken to death by that huge power. But not only did I not die, but I even held his sword so that he couldn't. Inch advance.

The guy who has never encountered this situation immediately increased the strength in his hand, and the huge oppression force pressed my eternal forcibly back. Knowing that I don't take advantage of power, I am not stupid. I fight the other side's strength. The blade crooked, and slid down the other side's blade with a chuckle, pulling out a fire star. The guy didn't seem to have very good reaction ability. After I slid out, he still slashed the entire sword into the wall with too much force.

After sliding sideways, I didn't pull the distance away. The defense of a powerful person is bound to be exaggerated. Long-range strikes may not be able to hurt him. In the end, I still have to stick to melee. The opponent is tall and strong, the weapon is also long, and the mid-range attack can just give full play to his advantage, and it's not so easy to post it again. So I didn’t hide at all. I just slipped out of his sword and I slid my toes and turned around behind his back, but before I could move, the guy suddenly turned around and hit him with a punch. I hurried. The sword was blocked, and the other party hit the Eternal Sword with a punch and struck me back several steps before stabilizing my figure. It turned out that his sword was cut into the wall and couldn’t be pulled out for a while, so he abandoned the weapon instead. Attacked with bare hands.

Although the sharpness of the weapon is missing, the power of this guy is really terrifying, even if he only uses his fists, it is scary enough. My strength is considered abnormal among ordinary players, but the arm that was stunned by his punch just now was still numb. This is still an eternally buffered collateral damage. If you hit the body directly, it is estimated that you can directly hit the muscles. Exploded.

"Your really strong power, I don't know how to feed..." Anyway, I have been distanced. I just stopped and planned to communicate. Even if I can convince my opponent, I can at least get a sense of it. Who Knowing that this guy didn't eat this set at all, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the giant sword on the wall and killed him again. When the other party didn't answer, I had no choice but to say it alone, so I had to push it up again.

After regaining the weapon, this guy’s battle strength immediately began to rise straight, waving the super giant sword that seemed to be two big swords butted back to back again and again, smashing and slashing at me, I couldn’t force it. Retreat discontinuously to avoid its edge. After chasing me and hitting it a dozen times in a row, people didn't cut it, and the wall was almost demolished for him.

"Hey, what are you...!" I tried to communicate again, but this guy simply ignored me, his eyes crimson rushed up and he was still hacking and slashing. It was supposed that he was so big and had a sword that long, so he shouldn’t be able to use it in such a narrow passage, but this guy’s power is so amazing that he completely regards the wall as nothing. How to cut it? How to chop, on the contrary, I was restricted by the passage. It's really not easy to avoid that guy's huge sword in such a narrow passage. Fortunately, although my strength is not as good as him, I can still block a block. So although I was forced to retreat again and again, it was not enough. What is the danger.

Seeing this guy gets more and more excited when he fights, I know I can’t play with him anymore. After taking a sword, I directly used the impact uploaded by the sword to float out seven or eight meter away. As soon as I landed, I picked the eternally fierce one diagonally: "dragon blood flying blade." A red sword glow flew out in an instant. He arrived in front of that guy. The opponent's reaction was pretty good, and he held the giant sword in his hand. The super wide blade just blocked the flying blade, but this is a standard skill, not a normal attack, and the formidable power is naturally extraordinary. Although the flying blade was blocked, the huge impact knocked the guy out.

Different from me who practiced Tai Chi, that guy obviously didn't understand Chinese skills. Although he was powerful, he was unstable in the bottom plate. After being knocked into flight, he immediately fell on all sides. Seeing that the attack worked, I didn't dare to delay. I quickly rushed up and raised my sword, looking towards the guy's throat pierced past. Who knows that when I was about to succeed, I suddenly felt a huge threat coming from the front.

The current situation is that although I can easily kill this guy on the ground, the threat ahead can pose a huge threat to me in the next second. Although I am not sure that it will kill me, but I don't want to exchange injuries with others, so I decisively retracted my sword and stepped back and blocked it. With just one sound, an Icicle hit my arm shield and was bounced out. At the same time, my Divine Dragon shield was freezing fast. Fortunately, the ice only spread to half of the shield and then quickly. Backed back, and finally disappeared completely invisible.

Seeing that the frozen white area on the shield suddenly disappeared, lightly exclaimed came from the darkness on the opposite side. Obviously, the other party was also surprised by my performance.

"The legendary adventurer number one expert is really extraordinary." With the voice, an old man with a staff walked out of the darkness.

Adventurer is what the NPC calls the player. Since the old man said so, he is definitely not a player. Combining the previous information, he and the giant-like man on the ground should be the second of the three special NPCs of the Northern Lights mentioned in the mission, but I don't know where the rest is now.

I was not proud of Old Yu's praise. On the contrary, I became more careful. Although I don't think any NPC outside of Divine Race can really kill me, it's always good to be careful. Many experts who have broken through winds and waves over the years have been planted in the gutter.

"Who you are?"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am God Bless Knight Oscar Lennon."

" God bless Knight? Are you not a mage?" The old man, wearing a long robe and holding a staff in his hand, said that he was blessed by Knight. This sounded very strange.

"God Bless Knight is not the Knight you imagined. He refers to people who are blessed by God, not a special kind of profession that rides a mount to fight."

I nodded Asked: "Since you are God Blessing Knight, you should always be a loyal god?"

"Of course."

"Why? Your Russian Divine Race decided to violate the agreement Help the Russians participate in the war?" Celestial Court was unable to participate in the war this time because of the damn agreement of the other party. Fortunately, we found Monster Race to replace Celestial Court's job, but if the other party had to tear up the agreement in this case, take the initiative to help. For Russian players, that would be too hateful!

"I don’t think you have figured out the situation." The old man explained: "We God bless Knight is a person blessed by God, not under God’s hand. God cannot command us. Everything we do It’s our dedication to God."

"Okay, I understand. You mean you successfully bypassed the agreement, did you?"

"No, we The gods did not violate the agreement, we do...!"

"Okay, no need to explain, I won't believe what you say, why waste time?" What do they say are their actions are for God Who believes the dedication made? Even if they are just a group of mercenaries, so what? As long as the Russian Divine Race did not blatantly send out its direct subordinates to fight against us, it would be regarded as a violation of the agreement. I see a lot of such small measures.

"There is nothing I can do if I don't want to listen to me, but the truth is that we are believers of God, not subordinates of God."

I faintly smiled and said: "Okay , Even if your identities are legal, then why do you appear here? It took you so hard to bypass the agreement and dispatch the battle strength amount, but why did you not appear on the front line but stay here?"

< p>"I have no comment on this."

"No, you are not without comment, you dare not tell me."

"Whatever you say!"

"haha, you don’t even want face, you would rather admit that you are as timid as a mouse than dare to tell me. This shows that you must be deliberately hiding something. Let me guess what it will be. What?" I thought for a while in a contemplative way: "You have worked so hard to bypass the agreement. Impossible only sent three people. That means you have more than three companions, but there are only three here, so what about the others? According to normal circumstances, the place where you are most needed should be the front line of the Russian army, so do you mean that everyone else is there? That is to say, you didn’t send people to the front line, but you didn’t go all the way. The three of you should It’s the one responsible for guarding the house."

"You know too much!" The old man suddenly complexion changed and raised his hand to point at me. A white light bullet took shape and flew towards me.

"The art of cutting water." A scream of white light was cut in half by me in midair. It didn't play any role at all, but the one I didn't expect was just lying on the ground. That guy got up without knowing when, and rushed towards me behind the light bullet. After I cut the light bullet, he rushed in front of me, and it was too late to hide. I could only use a sword to block, but the guy hit my wrist and sent eternity away. After going out, he slammed into my arms like a bull, slammed my waist with both hands and ran forward looking towards me.

The guy in front of me stood up straight and was at least two meters tall. After I was hugged by him, my feet were off the ground. People can’t use force in mid-air, and no amount of power can make it out. , He can only be held by him and rush forward all the way. The passage soon came to an end, but the guy in front of me didn't have any intention to turn, he still hugged me and hit the wall. We knocked out a big human-shaped hole when we heard the bang of the wall. The two of us passed through the wall and hit the opposite second wall all the way forward. I struggled desperately on him, but this guy didn't let go. Using me as a siege hammer, he smashed through a dozen walls all the way, and finally ran through the entire warehouse onto the road.

The two guards at the gate of the warehouse didn’t know that there was a battle in the warehouse, and they were still standing there, but suddenly the wall next to them was knocked away from the inside with a bang, and then they saw them One of the chieftains fell out from inside holding a man in his arms, and the two guards froze for a long time without knowing what they were going to do.

After brawny man and I fell out of the warehouse together, the other party still had no plans to stop. They continued to hold me and rush to the opposite side, but I would not let him continue to do this. The space in the warehouse was small just now. I couldn't help it. How can I let him take advantage of it now?

Princess suddenly appeared behind me, just different from her usual sweet smile. This time, Princess's expression suddenly became extremely cold, and she glared behind me: "Spirit Burst." "A faint blue barrier suddenly flew out from Princess, hitting my back straight and passing through my body like smoke, and then hit the "barbarian bull" in front of me. Just listen to a groan, the guy who sees the wall as cardboard is as if he was hit by a sledgehammer on his head, his hands suddenly loosened, the whole person staggered and fell back, and at the same time he spits out mouthful of blood. .

After completing the attack, Princess once again restored her until now sweet expression, and began to slowly tidy up her messed-up hair. Although it has always used charm skills, Princess's real specialty should actually be soul manipulation. Whether it is charm or soul attack, it is only an external manifestation of soul manipulation.

After working with the familiars for so long, my reaction can be described as extremely smooth. When the guy let go, he kicked his stomach and flew out of his arms, and the person was still in the air. I threw two throwing knives, but they were all blocked by the armor on that guy. I guessed right before. This kind of power-type bull defense is also abnormal. Although my flying knife has a low damage value, it may not be possible for ordinary people to fly it. It's a pity that Eternal was beaten and let go before. If Eternal was in my hand just now, and I threw it out as a dart, I would definitely stab him in the opposite direction.

After landing steadily, I looked towards the front and stretched out my hand, and the eternal whistle flew out of the dusty warehouse and landed accurately on my hand. As soon as I started Eternal, I flipped my wrist. Eternal quickly melted and became longer, forming an exaggerated scarlet long spear in the blink of an eye.

Although the big man on the ground was stunned by Princess' soul attack, he knew that he couldn't get close to me now, and crawled toward the warehouse while rubbing his head while supporting him. The two warehouse guards didn't remember to rush up until this time, but some were faster than them. The old man suddenly flew out of the smoke and dust with a ball of light. Before landing, he threw an Icicle more than three meters long and stabbed at me, but it was too big and slow, and it was easily shaken by me. Broken.

The old man was about to talk after putting away the mask and landing, and suddenly found a beautiful woman standing beside me, and this beautiful woman was winking at him. Before he could figure out what was going on, he suddenly felt wrong. As soon as his magic shield was activated, he saw two long spears sliding over his protective shield. If it weren't for his quick reaction, it would have to be skewered into skewers. . The old man immediately slammed his stick to the ground after propping up the protective cover. A blue and white halo suddenly spread, and the two people who attacked him instantly became ice sculptures. The old man didn't have time to see who attacked him until this time, but it didn't matter if he didn't look at it, but he was very surprised at this look, because he discovered that the two guards who attacked him before.

After seeing the guard attacking him, the old man was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized something, and ran to the side, but unfort

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