"Well, I will tell you about the task while on the road now. After we arrive in Russia for a while, you will do a task with me first, which is a study, and then you We must separate and complete our own tasks. When I am away, I will select a temporary commander from among you. No matter who is selected, everyone else must obey, otherwise I will tell Monster King when I go back. Let the Monster King trouble him. Understand?"

A monster dressed up like a pampered young master said: "Purple Moon, president, don’t worry! Our Monster Race is not very disciplined. , But we are not stupid. We dare not do things that offend your old man."

"It is good for you to have such an idea, but at a critical moment, I am afraid that your nature will attack and you will not obey the command and make trouble with each other."

A guy with a long body muscles said: "It is impossible to make trouble. There are some powerful Demons here. Although they are not in line with those Great Demons, they are still considered to be ordinary Demons. Personality, we still have this kind of self-control. But, I don’t know how President Purple Moon wants us to harass us this time? It’s not our strong point to advance and retreat against the enemy with a degree like an army!"

"Don’t worry about this. I don’t need you to go head-to-head with the other's regular army. Our targets this time are all non-military units in the rear, so the defense force will not be very strong. As for our mission... In fact, it’s just sabotage. You only need to follow me to steal something, demolish a few buildings, and assassinate a few people."

"It turned out to be this kind of thing!" The demons immediately heard my words. Became active. "Killing people, stealing things and demolishing houses, this is our old line! Hahahaha..."

"Don't be too happy, the first few targets may be easier if the opponent is not guarded, and then they will be alert. It’s not so easy to start."

The monster dressed up as the pampered young master asked: "If the other party is prepared, demolishing the house and killing people should be able to do it, but stealing things can be troublesome. It’s okay."

"It’s okay. Anyway, we don’t have to steal something. If we find it when we steal it, we just grab it. If it’s too difficult, we just destroy it. Drop."

"So that’s easy, but it’s not easy to destroy it?"

Taking advantage of the excitement of the demons, I quickly finished them alone for a while I was assigned to the tasks of the army god. These things were originally the tasks listed by the army god. However, the original army god meant that I should choose some of them to destroy, but now I suddenly have so many helpers, so the army god Temporarily helped me change the plan, and directly divided the task list into more than 20 parts. After a while, the more than 200 Demons can form 23 teams, plus I am a 24 team, and then each team Complete part of your own tasks, this will cause more damage, and the harassment effect will naturally increase.

After the Demons got the task, I divided them into groups, and then selected a Captain and a Vice Captain for each team. This selection process is mainly determined by their intelligence. Captain or not must be the most powerful role in the team, and good brains are the most important.

The speed of our guild's Airbus is quite a bit, and soon we entered the territory of Russia. After landing in a deserted area with no people, we started to move forward in accordance with the mission goals marked on the map. The first target of this attack was a city called Christmas Stone. Although the name is a bit strange, this city is not simple.

The Christmas Stone is the headquarters of the third largest guild in Russia, the Northern Lights. It is the largest city in the entire Russia, and according to our intelligence, this city happens to have what we hope to attack Of all target types. There are three mining areas outside the city of Christmas Rock, one is an open-pit mine, one is a deep mine, and the other is a cave mine. It just so happens that there are three main types of mining areas. Because Christmas Rock City is the headquarters of the Northern Lights, the city construction is of a high standard. There are a total of eight large and small characteristic buildings in the city. Although it is not comparable to Isengard, it is already quite a lot in other guild cities. It is important to know that the city with more than ten special buildings in the whole world is less than double digits plus one, and it is definitely not less that Christmas Rock City can have eight special buildings. In addition to special buildings, there is also a special item warehouse. It is estimated that there should be a lot of good things in it. It is said that there are three special NPCs guarding this warehouse. This is equivalent to gathering the items and personnel in our target. One piece, is it just saving us time?

It was difficult to get into the city with more than 200 people, but the more than 200 Demons I brought are all experts in penetration. I just observed it from a distance from the city gate. The look of a native Russian was transformed into a standard Russian native. In contrast, the face of me, an Oriental who only changed equipment, blinked a little bit. Of course, I also know that the two families are at war now. My oriental face can easily attract the attention of each other, so I specially found a set of Japanese warrior armor this time. It doesn’t matter if I can’t play the attribute. NS.

After successfully mixing into the city, we didn’t start immediately. Instead, we went around the city for a while, and after observing the environment everywhere, the people in the team were broken into pieces and scattered. Everywhere is ready to observe my sabotage. As for myself, I changed back to the Divine Dragon suit and asked Emmenes to impose an illusion on me, turning myself into a big Russian man and swaggering towards the Northern Lights. Special item warehouse.

The high level item warehouse in Christmas Rock City itself is a special building, and its defensive power is far from comparable to ordinary urban buildings. Of course, no matter how strong the building is, it is just a building. If there is no one to guard it, it is extremely easy to remove them. However, Northern Lights arranged three high level NPCs in this special warehouse, and these three NPCs are all battle-type personnel. One can imagine how difficult it is to break through. However, although the forest is defended here, it does not mean that I cannot enter, because although the line of defense is the strongest, it is also the weakest.

After traveling around the warehouse, I chose my target, a free NPC responsible for warehouse equipment maintenance. The special buildings in the game are managed by a large number of NPCs. Except for guards, most of them are non-battle-type NPCs, and these NPCs have the general characteristics of human beings-greedy for money and fear of death. Knowing these two weaknesses, then everything is easy to handle.

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