Since I know that the other party is just a bluff, I am naturally not timid. Divine Race itself cannot intervene. The divine envoy in front of me is just a toothless tiger. I am afraid that he will have a ghost. After I said the cruel words, I raised my leg and walked towards the temple first, and the other party became nervous when seeing that I really dared to come up. "Don't move forward anymore. If you move again, I really have to do it." The woman pointed at me with the golden lance in her hand.

I didn't take her seriously, and I still walked towards the temple. Probably because I was really planning to go up, the woman was no longer polite, and after dancing the lance in her hand, she rushed towards me. Seeing the spear head sent by the other party, I had no fear at all. I reached out and pinched the handle behind the spear head accurately, but before I could move, I saw the spear suddenly flashed golden light, and an arc pierced it instantly. The gun shot hit my hand. Just listening to the bang, I was forcibly blown out by the arc, and I fell from the steps to the bottom before I was caught by the demons.

"Divine Item?" My armor attribute is already quite powerful. I can only rely on the attached attribute on the weapon to knock me into the air. The attribute on that lance is absolutely extraordinary.

The woman pointed at me with lance again, did not answer my question, but said to herself: "The temple is inviolable. If you dare to step forward, you must be ready to die."

"There are a lot of people who dare to speak loudly in front of me. There is only one existence that can survive so far-high level Divine Race. Obviously you are not one of them." I said, suddenly jumping up. , The man threw a throwing knife in mid-air. Originally I thought that woman would use a spear to block it, but who knew that a golden protective shield flashed out of her body, and all the flying knives were blocked in an instant.

Although the original plan failed to materialize, since I have entered an offensive state, it makes no sense to brake halfway. Following the flying knife, I ran into the protective shield myself. Eternity turned into a sword shape and easily split the shield in half from top to bottom, but the woman's lance immediately moved towards my shoulder socket. I pressed the ground with one hand, bang, and a blue arc spread out along the palm of my hand. Originally, ordinary people would definitely be charged by this electrostatic force field, but the woman seemed to be okay. The arc was direct. It jumped past her feet, without any intention of assaulting her. When I found that my counterattack was unsuccessful, the opponent's spear was almost reaching my neck. At the critical moment, I temporarily changed my move and rolled to the side. The opponent's golden lance hit my arm and wiped out a fire star.

After rolling away from the attacking direction, I did not stop at all, turned back and rolled back to the opponent’s feet, a sweeping kick kicked her throwing leg and flew backwards, and she fell forward. . Taking advantage of the chance of her falling, I immediately jumped up and slapped her back waist. The inertia of the woman's fall and the impact of my foot immediately caused her to fall heavily to the ground, but at the same time The golden lightning flashed from her again and passed along my feet. With a burst of crackle, my whole body was knocked out by the electric current, and there was still an arc flashing on my body until I landed.

"Damn, did you wear the Divine Race armory?" I have roughly figured out the situation of this woman just now in the short match. Her fighting skills are the best and she is a B-, but the equipment is definitely SS+ level. For the first time, she stabbed me with lance and was caught by the spear, which shows that her control is very bad. Later, when I threw the flying knife, she didn't mean to raise her hand to block it at all, which shows that she reacted very slowly. When I approached for the second time, she dodged an attack and was hit by my combo. This shows that her battlefield resilience is terrible. All this shows that this woman is a novice at all. But unlike her performance, the performance of her outfit is surprisingly good. Initially, when lance was caught, it could fly the electricity, indicating that the attack attribute on lance was very strong. Later, the mask that blocked the flying knife could automatically take effect when the owner did not respond, which also showed that it was a top-level protective equipment. Later, when I counterattacked with an electrostatic force field, she actually ignored the electrostatic ring, which showed that her magic resistance was so strong that she was abnormal. The most hateful thing is that in the end, I obviously got the upper hand and stepped it under my feet, but I was electrocuted by the automatic counterattack on her armor. My Divine Dragon suit itself is equipped with a lot of attributes, which is the same as hers. Than is just rubbish!

Although she was miserable by her equipment, this series of blows also made me want to understand a lot of things. Russia’s Divine Race is obviously in collusion with the Russians. They signed an agreement with Celestial Court to hold the Celestial Court from participating in the war, so that the Russians can take advantage of it. But later I took the initiative to harass the Russians' rear area, which made the Russians very distressed, so the Russian Divine Race started to help them deal with us again. However, because of the limitation of the agreement, they were unable to send their own forces, and could only come up with some gods and envoys to circumvent the agreement. However, although God Bless Knight can bypass the agreement, it is not a Divine Race itself, and the battle strength can only be said to be stronger than the player, not very useful. As for the divine envoy, this is even worse. It just spreads as soon as it is plain. There is not much battle strength at all. In order to allow it to exert enough power to block my sabotage, the Russian Divine Race can only take extreme measures. The quality is not good enough to equip this divine envoy with the highest Divine Item, so that it can be used in a short period of time. Within time, a super expert was forcibly created. Although the plan is shameless, it has to be said to be very practical.

"It’s really didn’t expect! The Russian Divine Race is really willing to pay for it! I actually gave you such a set of top equipment!" I spoke to the woman loudly, and put my hands behind me. Hooked a Demon. When the woman picked me up, I whispered to the Demon behind me: "Go back to Celestial Court, tell them about the situation here, and borrow something that can receive the other party's equipment."

Demon is not a decent person. He immediately understood what I said. Without saying anything, he turned around and disappeared into a black cloud into the distance. I started talking to that woman and procrastinated for time. The other party was probably afraid of my battle strength, so I didn’t move her and didn’t move. The Russian rescue team came back for a while, but the number of people was too small. It was all settled. In fact, I think it's not bad to consume it like this, at least it can attract the attention of Russians. But I know that they will not be able to increase the troops back as I wish. For this plan to attack China, they have planned for too long. They don't have time or patience to come again, so no matter how I destroy their rear base, they will not actually turn around and come back. All I can do is take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of it.

I just confronted that woman under the temple for half an hour. The Demon I sent out finally came back. There was also a monster who came back with him, and they also got back a very large Something big.

"What is this?" I asked in surprise, looking at the box the size of a double-door refrigerator.

"What you want!" Demon simply replied.

"What do I want? Is that big thing?"

"I don't know." The Demon explained: "I'll go back and tell you what you mean, they So I discussed it, and then let me bring this to you. I was afraid that you would be anxious, so I ran back when I got the thing. I haven't seen what it is inside yet!"

I nodded and walked to the side of the box. A small lock was hung there, but it opened automatically as soon as I touched it. As the padlock fell off automatically, the top cover and four panels of the box fell together, exposing the contents inside.

"Oh oh, this thing is really unexpected!" Seeing the contents of the box, I was a little stunned, because the simply was not a fairy magic weapon, but a plant. To be exact, it is an extremely gorgeous gem flower. "How does this thing work?" I turned my head and asked.

The Demon handed over a piece of jade. As soon as I took it, the voice of Supreme Taoist came out. "My little friend Purple Moon, this is the jade of divine sense. Only you can hear what I say now. Please listen carefully below. The plant in the box is an extremely dangerous thing. Please use you immediately after opening the box. The most commonly used weapon is inserted into the central stamen, and the stamen will wither within ten breaths, and the essence will be absorbed by your weapon. Please finish these first and come back and listen to me to explain its purpose, must be fast."

After I listened, I quickly drew out Eternity and walked to the side of the flower, but just as I raised the sword, the gem flower suddenly trembled, and then I saw that its branches began to move as if they had come alive. stand up. The whole gem flower stretched and stretched in front of me at a speed visible to naked eye. It was growing continuously, and the speed was extremely fast. I was so stunned that it grew from more than one meter to more than 2.5 meters. Scared, I quickly jumped up and inserted Eternity into the topmost flower. Strangely speaking, as soon as Eternal was inserted into the stamens, the plant immediately stopped growing, and it was still withering and weakening at a speed visible to naked eye, and the whole plant turned into a pile in less than ten seconds. The dark brown dead skin thing, even the Eternal Sword fell off.

"Purple Moon, why did you hack it to death?" The Demon next to him didn't know that this thing was meant to be used, and was surprised that I had done something wrong.

I reached out and stopped his words, then re-input the magic power and started listening to Supreme Taoist's words. "My little friend Purple Moon, in fact, the plant you just killed is the flower of the flourishing age. It will open when a world develops to its peak, and then quickly absorb all the substances and creatures in this world and convert it back to energy. Status, that is to say, this is actually a flower of extinction.” When I heard this name, I couldn't help but shake my hand and almost threw the jade pendant away. The flower of extinction? This name is too scary! Fortunately, I was killed! It seems to be estimated that after hearing this name, there will be a period of shock in my mind, Supreme Taoist's voice also deliberately paused for a while before continuing: "Don't worry, the flower of extinction only develops in the extreme state of the world. China will open up, our world is still far from that step, so even if we don’t care about it, it will not be able to destroy the world.” I said, how dare Celestial Court send such a dangerous thing out? Things that can't take effect, but Supreme Taoist's voice continues. "Although this world-killing flower cannot be formed, the restoration rules on it will be absorbed by your weapon after you kill it. In the future, when you use this weapon to attack anything, it will have a certain restoration effect. But this After all, this effect is absorbed, and it will not be too strong, so it will take effect through multiple blows. For the enemy’s equipment, as long as the enemy’s equipment is hit continuously, it can be forced to return to an unowned state and fall off from the opponent. , If you continue to strike, it may cause the equipment to disintegrate and restore to the raw materials that make it up. You will understand the specific function after experimenting."

After understanding the characteristics of the new attribute, I turned back to the temple again. . Before I got the pot of flowers, the woman had already expressed abnormal nervousness, but because her excuse was to defend the temple, and she herself was afraid of my strength, so she never dared to rush down to make trouble, and now I She became even more nervous when she came back on the initiative.

"Don't you think something new can do to me? Tell you, the only consequence of invading the temple is death." The woman screamed bluffing.

"I have invaded the headquarters of Dark God Palace and Light God Palace in Europe. You are nothing compared to that here. But I know you won’t let go of anything I say, so I still Let me kill you!"

Actually, what I really care about right now is not the temple behind the woman, but the pile of things on her body. You must know that since entering the game until now, I have always been absolutely advanced in equipment. This may be the first time I have suffered such a big loss in equipment. But thinking about it the other way around, for someone who makes me feel at a disadvantage in terms of equipment, how good do you think her equipment is? Our speaking of which action this time is to attack the enemy’s rear to attract the attention of the enemy, but there is another meaning that can’t be relaxed! Anyway, we know that the Russians will probably not come back for rescue, so why don't I just turn the attention-grabbing behavior into a robbery? This woman is not very strong but wore a top gear that even I admire and dangles in front of me. Why do you say that this is not tempting me? Wouldn’t I be sorry for the party, the people, for going home, and I’m sorry for myself?

Since I am determined to rob, I no longer hesitate. The eternity in his hand has absorbed the restore attribute, but I don't know how many times the Supreme Taoist said that it takes multiple blows to take effect. It happens to be an experiment with the woman in front of me this time.

After stepping on the steps in front of the temple again, I suddenly slammed on the ground, and the whole person quickly rose up, and I instantly reached the top of the woman's head. The other party quickly raised a gun to stab, and I turned around in the air to avoid the tip of the spear, shaking forever in my hand, oh la la, the eternity of the sword suddenly became out of touch and turned into a long metal soft whip. When the eternity changed, I shook the handle, and the front end of the eternity immediately wrapped around the woman's waist as if it had come alive. The woman backed in panic, but the speed was obviously not fast enough, and was finally wrapped up by the eternity.

When I succeeded in eternity, I had already landed successfully, and with my hands forced back to the area, the woman was pulled and flew up with a scream of exclamation, like a spinning top. Before she landed, I waved Eternity, which had been retracted into a sword shape, and rushed up. However, I didn’t cut her hard. Instead, I tapped Eternity on the woman’s waist. She in the high-speed rotation immediately struck her. The sword body continuously collided. Supreme Taoist said that it takes multiple strikes to work. If you follow the normal strike method, when will you have to strike? So I used this method to test how many times it takes to make it effective. But probably the number of collisions needed was more, until the woman fell to the ground without seeing any changes in her armor.

When the woman landed on the ground, I stepped on her back and slashed her back quickly. Now what I want is not the strength, but the speed, so I just continuously and quickly attack her armor, and I didn't really use much energy. The woman became anxious when she discovered that I kept attacking her behind her back. Although I haven't broken through her defense yet, she also knows that no defense is truly invincible, and any armor will be broken if I hit too much. In desperation, she had to activate the skills on the body protection ring again, but this time I also learned how to behave. As soon as the arc appeared on her body, I kicked her out. After the arc formed on her body, it disappeared invisible again without finding the target.

The woman who was kicked by me flew a long way before landing again, but as soon as the arc on her body disappeared, I chased it up again, and the eternal sword turned into a afterimage quickly on her There were dozens of hits on the waist armor. The woman found that I was still attacking the same place on her body and thought I was going to click to break, so she quickly swept the lance and forced me back.

After being pushed back by that woman's lance, I simply distanced myself from her. The series of strikes just now must have been quite a lot, but her armor hasn't changed in any way. Although Supreme Taoist said that this attribute requires multiple blows to take effect, it is a bit too much. After frowning and pondering for a while, I felt that the so-called number of strikes may not only be calculated based on the number of attacks, otherwise it would have to be tens of thousands of times to take off the opponent’s equipment. Then how can I get the opponent’s equipment? Just now I deliberately lightened the attack force to test the attribute. In the real battle, with eternity and my lethality, let alone a thousand times, 30 or 50 effective hits are enough to kill a person, when the time comes I haven't restored other people's equipment, I killed them first, and the dead players' equipment can't be taken off. How can I get the equipment?

Since the equipment is not calculated by the number of strikes alone, there must be other calculation methods. I thought for a long time and felt that the number of strikes mentioned by Supreme Taoist might refer to the durability of the equipment.

After thinking of this probability, I rushed up again, but this time I did not use the previous quick attack method, but turned the fierce quick attack into a powerful blow.

The woman became a little scared when she saw me rushing up again. The previous series of blows were almost impossible to fight back. Originally, she was hoping to block me because of her equipment. Didn't expect still behaved like an adult beating a child in front of me, and there was no room to fight back at all. All of her attacks were dodged or separated by me, and she couldn't dodge one of my attacks. If it wasn't for some reason that she didn't know, I didn't use all my strength, she would have been killed long ago. Now seeing me rushing up again, she could only hold lance in vain and try to stop her, but what she didn’t expect was that I didn’t play any tricks with her this time, but suddenly changed eternity before rushing to her. A sledgehammer hit her lance and smashed it.

When. Accompanied by a violent metal impact, the woman and the spear were all smashed into the air, banging through the door of the temple behind and flew into the great hall. The woman felt that the lance in her hand was still shaking violently until she landed, and she felt that it was not a hammer but a mountain that had just hit it.

The woman was supporting the ground just as she got up from the ground and saw that I also walked into the great hall and rushed up again with the sledgehammer. Although she knows that she is not an opponent in strength, her speed is even worse. In desperation, she can only choose meet force with force. At any rate, her equipment attributes are good. Although there is a difference in strength, fortunately, the gap is not big. It's better to fly than to be killed directly.

Bum...Unsurprisingly, the woman's second counterattack was smashed into the air again. This time, it was the reception desk in the temple that was unlucky. The entire counter was smashed into a pile of shredded wood along with the file cabinet at the back. As soon as the woman got up from the flying paper, she saw a red shadow hitting it again. when. With another heavy blow, the woman finally could no longer grasp the lance in her hand, and the whole person and lance flew out in two directions respectively.

After falling three times in a row, the woman is a little dizzy, but the sound of coming one after another shows that my attack has come again, but when the woman instinctively shrank her head to prepare for the upcoming impact, I was surprised to find that nothing happened after waiting for a long time. Before she could react, the impact sounded again, and this time it was one after another endlessly, just like the sound of iron strikes in a blacksmith's shop. After getting up again, the woman immediately looked at her voice, but was surprised to find that I was laying her golden lance horizontally on the ground with one foot, and then swiping the sledgehammer in my hand and slamming her. lance. As my hammer fell, the golden light on the surface of the lance flashed randomly every time it was hit, but the rays of light were obviously gradually fading at a speed visible to naked eye. Finally, after not knowing the number of attacks, Lance suddenly flew up by himself, and then condensed into a golden badge in the air and dropped to the ground. The woman remembers the badge. Her lance was not a lance before. That thing was a badge when it was handed over to her by Divine Race. It was she herself who turned it into the lance she was used to by following the instructions of the Spiritual God. , But according to that Spiritual God, lance should maintain a form that cannot be changed after recognizing Master, right? Why has it changed back to a badge?

The woman was wondering there, and I had reached out and picked up the badge from the ground. "Oh, it's not so powerful, how can the attribute be exaggerated!" I said while holding the badge while looking at it.

"Replace it to me, that's mine!" The woman didn't realize the problem until this time. After the equipment is acquired by a player, only two kinds of people can actively see its attributes, one is the Appraisal Master, and the other is the owner of the equipment. But there is a prerequisite here, that is, Appraisal Master wants to see the attribute and must agree with the owner of the equipment, and the owner of the equipment can only see the equipment that has been authenticated. But the woman obviously did not agree with me to look at her equipment attributes, but my appearance is that I have seen the attributes. This can only explain one problem-the owner of the equipment has changed.

I didn't take seriously the hysterical screams of women. On the contrary, I am still very happy now, because the experiment just now has proved that hitting durability is the correct way to restore equipment. With this badge in my hand, my happy mouth is almost grinning to the door of my ears. Don't underestimate this badge, I just glanced at its attributes. Although the performance of this thing is not as perverted as eternity, its attributes are exceptionally concentrated, which means that it is slightly inferior to eternity in terms of omnipotence, but in some respects it is much stronger than eternity. The attribute of the badge says that it will change its appearance according to the user's request, and then it will be permanently fixed, unless it is exploded from the user or actively traded to accept the new owner's request to deform again. Every time it transforms, it will update its attributes according to the characteristics of the new weapon. For example, when the woman just used the lance mode, its attributes were all focused on piercing damage. But I think about it this way, thanks to the fact that I haven't been stabbed by that woman, otherwise the characteristics of the weapon transformed from this badge, even if I just stabbed it, would definitely be enough for me. Fortunately, this thing belongs to me now. Even if I don't need it for eternity, it's not bad to go back as a guild reward.

Hearing the woman screaming and rushing over, I slowly put the badge away, and then turned to the woman with green eyes. Don't get me wrong, I am not looking at her, but looking at her equipment. Now the equipment on that woman is my benefit in my eyes!

Seeing my expression, the woman seemed to realize something, and the subconsciously under her feet began to slow down, and at the same time, I had started to rush towards her. The woman realized it was bad when she saw me rushing over. She was not my opponent with such a strong Divine Item before. Now the main weapon is robbed, and she has only a short sword in her hand, so she has no deterrent effect. . Although the problem was thought of, it was a pity that the two of us had already rushed together, and the woman instinctively handed out the dagger, but it was a pity that I was knocked out by a horizontal hammer before stabbing the thing.

The ever-changing Warhammer's light grip is more than one meter long, and the front hammer is as large as a pile of eight red bricks. It is not comparable to a short sword in terms of length or weight. In addition, I was originally taller than the opponent, so I hit the woman's head with a hammer, and flew it horizontally.

After landing, the woman slid from the center of the great hall to the corner of the wall and then stopped, and it was not until I walked from where I was standing to her side that she regained consciousness in a daze, but she hadn't waited for her. When I reacted, I was thrown into the air again with a hammer. To get the equipment on her body, you must hit the same equipment enough times in a row, but no matter how strong her defense is, my attacks will always produce some damage, so I have to stare at only one piece of equipment every time. I was afraid that she would be smashed to death before she took off a few things.

Now my goal of choice is a woman’s helmet, which looks very cool in shape. According to the settings in the game, the more gorgeous the shape, the better the attribute. I guess the attribute of this helmet It must be very good, so I plan to take it off first. In addition to continuously increasing the wear and tear of the helmet, the continuous attacks aimed at the head also caused the woman to be dizzy. This is also thanks to her high defense. If ordinary people were smashed to the head by me like this, they would have exploded like a rotten watermelon.

When the woman landed, I rushed up and hit her head again. Her head suddenly tilted to one side, but the person did not respond, as if flying like a dead body. Going out, she was obviously in a coma. When she ran to the woman again, she really didn't react at all. Now that she is dizzy, she can't use a sledgehammer. The formidable power of this thing is too large, and she might be smashed to death. What I need is to consume the equipment to be durable, it needs to have a certain hitting strength, but not too strong, so I simply turned Eternal into two small hammers, just like the hammers often used by ordinary carpenters, the formidable power is not large. And it just happens to destroy the equipment.

Raising two small hammers, I squatted beside the woman like a drum and knocked her on the head. Although the hammer has become smaller, the strength has not dropped much, and now I am using two hammers to strike in turns, which is much faster than a sledgehammer. After dozens of knocks, the helmet suddenly fell from the woman's head with a click, and then restored to a badge again.

"Huh? Why is this thing again?" I picked up the badge and used Appraisal Technique and looked at the attribute, only to find that this thing seems to be a complete set with the weapon. I guess there are other things on her body. It should be the same after the fight. The difference is that the badge that lance turned into before is engraved with the cross mark of a sword and an axe, and this badge is the mark of a helmet.

I took the helmet badge and checked it on the woman again. As a result, I found a lot of jewelry on her. Although the attributes of jewelry equipment are not as many as other equipment, they are generally equipped with very powerful attributes, and the jewelry is too small. If the woman fainted now, I think it is almost impossible to accurately hit them, so We must hurry up and knock on these things now. Once she wakes up and there is hope for other equipment to be taken off, these jewelry can be completely hopeless. Of course, it’s okay to stun her again. It’s just that she had a helmet to protect her before. I can slap her cruelly. Now the helmet is gone. Nothing to expect.

I first pulled out the necklace she hung on her chest from the woman's neckline, and then supported it with one hand, and quickly tapped it with a small hammer in the other. Because jewelry equipment itself does not need to withstand blows, it is generally not durable, and it will be restored after a few taps. In order to hurry up, I stopped looking at the attributes, so I put the woman's hand up after putting away the badge. There are two bracelets and six rings here. The number is not average. Fortunately, these things are not durable, and they are knocked down in three or two.

After all the jewelry was picked, I aimed at the woman's belt again. High level belts generally have storage functions. People in other guilds are not like our guilds who use a phoenix dragon as a portable space equipment. If they want to carry things outside, they can only rely on space except for carrying them on their own. Equipped. This woman's belt is obviously not low grade, so it is most likely to have a storage function, and it must contain a lot of things. when the time comes Once I knock off the belt, the things that woman put in the belt will definitely burst out together, just convenient for me to snatch.

After identifying the belt, I used two hammers together. After dozens of times, I finally knocked the belt down. It turned out to be like I guessed. Just listening to the sound of it was a big explosion. , There was a lot of mess on the surrounding ground instantly, among which there were two small piles of diamond coins. Although the coins in "Zero" can also be taken out in physical form, because the player has a digital transaction system, in most cases we store the money in the account, and we can see the amount and can communicate with others at any time. Players or shops conduct transactions, and the money in the account is not only easily stolen, but also takes up a lot of space. I often carry physical coins on my body to facilitate bribery of NPCs. It is strange for this woman to bring so much money with me. But no matter what her purpose is, the money is now mine anyway.

After putting away the pile of money, I didn’t care about other things, so I just let Ling and Xiaochun out to let them help me screen out the pile of things that burst out for me, and put away the valuable ones. Throw away the used ones, as for myself, I continued to knock on the equipment.

The more oily and easy-to-hand things have been done first, and I plan to start typing the remaining things in order of size. First is the breastplate, then the skirt armor, then the leggings and boots, then the shoulder guards, the arm guards and the gloves. After all these things were taken down, apart from the invincible underwear on each player's body, all the woman had left was a shield and a golden gem.

I left the shield on purpose, because the durability of the shield has always been surprisingly high. After all, it is the most frequently attacked equipment. If the durability is too low, it will definitely be damaged frequently. Besides, she was almost stripped by me. Even if she wakes up later, as long as I attack, she will definitely use the only shield to block her, so she will have a chance after knocking down the shield. As for the gem on her, the speaking of which really surprised me.

This golden gemstone has an oval shape, about three to four centimeters long, the size of an equivalent to small egg, a

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