Judging by the volume of the box, the impossible inside is of course the ice Goddess, but the contents inside are more exaggerated than the ice Goddess, because the name of the thing is— -Polar Light.

This name may not be clear to many people, but as long as anyone knows what it is, no one will not be afraid, because in the game, it is the cause of the formation of the North Pole. In reality, the reason why the Arctic is cold is due to the lack of sufficient sunlight due to the angle to the sun, which leads to cold temperatures. But this rule does not apply in the game. Here, the reason why the North Pole is cold is because of the existence of polar light. It is actually a cloud of cold air, and it can be packed up and taken away with any sealed thing. But this thing has a characteristic, that is, it restores its position every twenty-four hours. In other words, if you take it away, it will automatically teleport back to its original point after twenty-four hours, and no matter what method you use, you can't prevent it from returning to its original place. However, if you have a good time, you can still move it to another place for a short period of time, but it is impossible for more than twenty-four hours.

Polar Light itself has no too complicated attributes, its only specialty is to cool down. This thing is basically an unlimited super cooler, as long as it exists, it will continue to cool down until the temperature drops to absolute zero. Originally, this kind of cold cannot be isolated. It is said that the Russians put it in a box, and the box itself should be frozen, but before I kicked it away, the box did not have any freezing phenomenon. From this inference, The Russians should have found some way to temporarily suppress its chill. But no matter what method they found, it must have been destroyed by me now, or else the box wouldn't be air-conditioned like a fountain.

No matter how the Russians sealed it before, anyway, now I am about to become ice sculpture. Compared with the coldness of this thing, the cold air cast by Banshee in the Snow Demon Castle last time is simply the difference between the sun and the candle. Although it is absolutely zero, she just liquefied the air last time. I froze.

Seeing the ice crystals gradually spread along my legs to my waist, and then quickly extended to my chest, I was really anxious. Let it spread like this and sooner or later freeze me in it. Although with the protection of the Divine Dragon suit, I may not be frozen to death, but this thing will be re-transported back to the origin after twenty-four hours. I don't know when it moved last time. In case it takes 17 or 8 hours before it starts to recover, wouldn't I have to wait here for more than ten hours? When the time comes, even if I regained my mobility, it would be useless. The Russian troops must have started offensive a long time ago, and my procrastinating mission will also fail completely.

Now the war against Russia in our guild depends on how my procrastination tactics are used. I can't have problems at this time. While I could still move, I quickly took out the Vermilion Bird Feather from my body and threw it into the sky. "Vermilion Bird transforms." With a bang, a powerful flame storm instantly ignited all nearby trees, and at the same time, with a clear cry, I, as Vermilion Bird, finally escaped from the shackles of the ice and soared into the air. Rise. However, just after I left the ground, the flames that had just burst out were frozen in midair in a burning state, and the burning trees were frozen again while remaining on fire. Although Vermilion Bird is powerful, the polar light is not something that can evaporate by flame. I just got off the ground. The previous flame was quickly frozen without the support of Vermilion Bird's mana, showing its coldness.

In order to save magic, I did not keep the Vermilion Bird transformed for a long time. With the help of Vermilion Bird’s strength of Raging Flames, I immediately took back the fire feathers and turned back to the original shape, and then summoned the bird to climb quickly. high. After all, Polar Light is a dead thing, it has no tendency to attack, and its coldness is also heavier. Generally, it only spreads all around along the ground, and it will be fine as long as it flies.

I didn't have time to think when I was frozen in the ice just now. Now that I got out of it, I really wanted to understand why the Russians got this thing here. Russia is different from other countries in that most of its territory is extremely cold, so their players and NPCs use the frigid zone very much. In contrast, people from other countries are not so good at fighting in World of Ice and Snow. The Russians took so hard to get this thing from the North Pole to this side. I guess they just want to open it in front of the battlefield, and then use the chill of the polar light to instantly turn the entire battlefield into a World of Ice and Snow environment. When the time comes, their people can get the environmental bonus, and our battle strength will be greatly weakened. This plan was pretty good, but unfortunately they were out of luck, so I ran into it. But speaking of which was dangerous enough just now. If I didn't run out in time, once the hand was frozen, when the time comes, I guess it won't work even if I want to borrow the power of Vermilion Bird.

After flying to the sky, my field of vision has also become much wider. Looking from the sky, a large area of ​​the forest below has become discolored, and the boundary of this white area It is still expanding rapidly to all around at the speed that naked eye can see. According to this trend, it will soon be affected in nearby areas, including parts of China. But after all, it is still far from the border. Even if it can spread to the Chinese region, it should not be too cold. At least it is much better than the Russians opening boxes directly at the Sino-Russian border.

After making sure that there is nothing to pay attention to here, I started to order the queen to help me find a second target, and this time the target was chosen very quickly, because the queen has discovered the Russian commander Department. By switching to the perspective of the ghost worm, I immediately saw a giant carriage that was moving. According to the information reported by the Ghost Worm, this vehicle is the mobile headquarters of the Russians. However, this car is basically empty at the moment, except for a few small guild leaders, only one NPC commander is considered an important target.

From the perspective of their movement, this command vehicle is still on the way to the front line. It is estimated that the guild leaders of Russia will arrive one after another after it reaches the target and unfolds.

Although there are not many people on the command vehicle, my purpose is not to attack for the purpose of attack, but to delay the progress of the Russians, so I must let them know that I am sabotaging. Although the attack command vehicle is of little practical significance, it can warn the Russians and let them know that I already know they are in action. In this way, their raid plan will be changed, and the best case is that the Russians believe that the raid has lost its meaning, so they decide to prepare slowly, and then launch a sure war. Although that will improve their battle strength, we will also prepare enough troops here. It is better than the current Russian soldiers, but our troops are still much better in Japan.

After determining the target, I quickly flew to the location of the command vehicle, but I hadn't seen the command vehicle yet, and I ran into the Russian army first. The grandiose team stretched several dozen li, the forwards had already reached the Sino-Russian border, but the ones behind were still on their way.

For my sudden appearance, the Russians below reacted very quickly, but none of the flying units they hurriedly lifted off could catch up with the birds. When I didn't want to be in love with war, I easily dumped all those people out of sight. However, although I got rid of the air unit that took off first, because I had been flying over the head of the Russian army, there were flying units below that were constantly taking off to intercept me, but they, like their companions, couldn’t catch up. My speed can only hang far behind. When I finally found the command vehicle, there was already a long list of flying units behind it. From the ground, it looks like a long ribbon floating in the sky.

"What is that?" Because I followed too many people behind my back, it was particularly conspicuous. Several people standing in the command vehicle of the Russian army noticed the ribbons floating towards them from a long distance.

Someone shouted so, and others noticed my situation. After the deputy handed the telescope, several people finally saw the true face of the ribbon.

"Not good, it's Purple Moon!"

"Why is he here?"

"It must have been our actions." That The NPC commander said: "According to the information provided by you, this Purple Moon should be almost invincible. He appears here at this time. Most likely he intends to attack us commanders."

"Ah. What should I do then?" The guild leaders who were present were all small guild leaders. Compared with the average players, they may be considered good, but compared with me, they are not enough. "How can this be done? Frozen Banshee, they are not there, just rely on us, and even Purple Moon can't stop it!"

"Don't worry, we also have dark moves." After speaking, the NPC commander turned and said to a subordinate behind him: "Notify the division, to target us, and immediately activate the seal formation."

"Yes." The NPC immediately turned around after taking the order. I jumped out of the carriage to inform the division, and for this time I have flown to the vicinity of the carriage.

The swooping bird suddenly disappeared in midair. The lucky huge body suddenly took the place of the bird and appeared under me and kept the speed of the impact and hit the carriage with a bang. Although this giant carriage is very big and is made of metal, it can't stand the impact of a dragon no matter how big it is! Fortunately, I overturned the entire carriage easily, but because the carriage itself is an all-metal structure, the car was overturned, but the car did not disperse. But luck is not easy to deal with. After turning over the body, luck is followed by a claw to smash a hole in a vent on the car, and then take a sigh of breath and take a full mouth toward the hole. Long Yan sprayed in. The remaining exits on the carriage suddenly burst into flames like a flamethrower, and several people covered in fire rushed out of the car.

The commander originally hoped that the division would trap me. Although he knew that division would take time to prepare, he thought that the all-metal car body would always be able to withstand it for a while, who knows Fortunately so fierce, if they hadn't run fast, this would have become a roast chicken.

After jumping out of the car, a few people hurriedly extinguished the flames on their bodies, but before they could check their injuries, they saw a red glow flashing by, and the fastest runners pounced one after another. land.

"Purple Moon!" After seeing the situation clearly, everyone was shocked again. In fact, I jumped off when I was lucky to hit the car just now. Having cooperated with each other for so long, Lucky and I are familiar. Before he breathed fire, I was waiting outside the car door to block those people.

After discovering that I was in the way, the few people present, including the NPC, were so scared soul flew beyond the heaven. I didn't get close just now, that NPC could still command the troops, and now as soon as I appeared near him, the deterrent attribute on my body immediately scared this guy and couldn't move it. However, the deterrence attribute is after all just an auxiliary attribute that plays a disruptive role, and it cannot really make the enemy completely afraid of counterattack. After a brief absence, the guy recovered. With a big wave of his hand, he suddenly grabbed a guild leader next to him and threw it at me, then turned his head and ran.

"Damn, there are such superb NPCs too?" To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such shameless NPCs, and even throwing players out as a shield is too personal. !

Although this NPC is shameless, he has to admit that his wisdom is still very high. After throwing his companions, this guy immediately jumped into the troops rushing to rescue. Although there are not many people in the command vehicle, the command vehicle is after all the headquarters of the Russian army, and there are still quite a few guards nearby. The reason why I was successful in my surprise attack just now was entirely because the birds dived too fast and they didn’t react. Afterwards, they were lucky to knock over the command vehicle, and the nearby guards rushed up, but because they were blocked by the vehicle body, they had to go around. The circle just turned here.

After receiving the protection of the soldiers, the NPC immediately began to command the troops proudly to surround me, but his smile was frozen before it bloomed on his face. Originally protected by many soldiers, he thought he was safe, but when a cute and beautiful little girl suddenly appeared before and after the battle, the situation was completely reversed.

"Aiya... why are there so many people?" Princess was still wearing her signature Princess dress, and said in a coquettish tone with her sweet and greasy voice: "You guys Why do you use weapons at others? They are so scared!" After saying this, Princess immediately covered her eyes with her hands, pretending to be very weak and looked very pitiful with her invincible big shiny eyes. Towards the NPCLegion in front.

Originally, Princess's performance was just pretending to be cute. From the player's point of view, she is nothing more than a pretty and very coquettish little girl, but the situation on the NPC side is different. Charm is really not very useful to players, but its lethality to NPCs is absolutely natural enemies. Just when the Russian players hadn't figured out the situation, the NPC troops present suddenly put away all their weapons.

The player who found that the situation was not right immediately began to curse at the NPCs around him, but the effect was minimal. Except for the hesitant expressions of individual NPC soldiers, most of the NPC soldiers were hypnotized. Looked at Princess silly with a smirk.

A player immediately discovered the problem and pointed to Princess yelled: "She is releasing her charm skills, get rid of her!"

This guy’s observational power is pretty good. It's a pity that he didn't call it at the right time. Before the others could react, Princess said to the large number of NPCs in front: "Aiya, there is a bad guy who wants to kill me! I am so scared! Which big brother can protect me?"

The last sentence is almost like a starting gun on the starting line, tone barely fell, and all the sluggish NPCs around suddenly woke up, but their target of attack became the Russian players they wanted to protect before. Unsuspecting Russian players were recruited by many in an instant, and even the NPC commander was not spared. Princess's charm skill is basically to defeat low-level NPCs. As long as the level difference with her is more than four hundred, no matter how many NPCs there are, you can never hurt her. On the contrary, these NPCs will be turned around by her command, and their original masters will be driven around by them.

The NPC troops suddenly rebelled, and all the Russian players engaged in this hand were completely unprepared. Those who react quickly can barely get out, and those who react slowly and be surrounded by their own NPCs can only consider themselves unlucky. However, Princess's skills are also impossible and too defying. Although they can kill low-level NPCs, they still have a range of effects. Almost all NPCs near the command vehicle were controlled, but there were no problems with more NPCs outside. As a result, under the separate command of Princess and the Russian players, the controlled NPC troops fought against their previous comrades, and the battle between the two sides caused the rapid attrition of the Russian NPC troops, which was actually nothing to us. Any harm.

Princess does have limits on the scope of NPC manipulation, but as the NPCs she controls die during the battle, NPCs that are not controlled outside will enter the control range. At this time, Princess only needs to control these NPCs again. NS. So although people have been dying, the number of NPCs controlled by Princess has remained at the same level and has not changed much. Only the Russians' own NPC Legion is really reduced.

After silly hu hu fighting for a long time and losing a large number of NPCs, the Russians finally found the problem. Under the command of a few clever players, the NPC troops were ordered to withdraw from this area, and then a large number of Russians The player came up.

Actually, the charm of Princess can also be effective for the player, but it is more difficult to charm the player compared to the easy freehand charm of the charm NPC. Not only does it consume a lot of magic power, but there is also the problem of success rate. However, once the control is successful, the player's body will be manipulated by the intelligence temporarily generated by the system. Although the player is still feeling the surrounding environment from the perspective of this body, he cannot manipulate the fleshy body. Although this kind of charm can also play a control role, Princess is rarely used, because although the temporary intelligence generated by the system will take over the player's body, the battle strength is not as high as the player's own control, so it is not as difficult to control the player. , It’s better to control more NPCs.

In order not to be killed by the NPC troops controlled by Princess, all Russian players were forced to come up. However, just when they thought they had found the problem, I was secretly smug. The NPC itself is a consumable, it doesn't make much sense to kill more, but the players in the battle are hidden in the big army, it is difficult to remove them in a concentrated manner. Now they are actually concentrating themselves to let me kill, which is simply helping me save energy!

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