Since all the Russian players have gathered around me, I don’t need to use any precise skills anymore. Now everything is time-oriented, and the most time-saving way to kill the enemy is to use Sacred Beast to transform. Faced with a large number of Russian players who surrounded me, I quickly took out the Black Tortoise Armor film from my body and activated my transformation skills. With a huge rumbling sound, a large area near the overturned command vehicle suddenly rose, followed by a large amount of mud began to slide to the sides, and the people standing on it were turned down by the mud.

In order to save time, I did not use the real size of Black Tortoise to appear, because Black Tortoise is not the same as the other three Sacred Beasts. He appeared from the underground. If the size is too large, the appearance speed will be slower. . However, after I got out of the ground, I immediately regained Black Tortoise's real body. The mountain-like giant mysterious tortoise jumped off the ground fiercely, then retracted its limbs into the body, and smashed it directly to the ground with its hard abdominal carapace. Imagine what would happen if Mount Tai suddenly jumped up and then smashed down again? Although Black Tortoise is not as big as Mount Tai, it is not much smaller. For Black Tortoise's body, although jumping is not his specialty, he is about the same size as a mountain after all. Even if he doesn't jump high, two to three hundred meters is not a problem. Such a heavyweight body, jumping up two to three hundred meters, and slamming to the ground without any cushion, the shocking effect is definitely not much smaller than that of the comet hitting Earth. Almost instantly, all personnel within a 500-kilometer radius of the scene were all knocked to the ground, while those within a 100-kilometer radius were all injured more or less. As for those within a 10-kilometer radius, basically Few people can still get up. Just now, I have killed 400,000 or 500 thousand people just now. Even at my current level, I can see EXP suddenly jump up.

Because I still have to retain magic power to deal with other targets, I don't dare to use Sacred Beast to transform for a long time. Just now, after six or seven seconds of coming to Black Tortoise, my magic power has been killed by a half, and I can't stand it even if it consumes such a small amount. Taking advantage of the surrounding people are still in shock damage and did not slow down, I directly removed the transformation and restored it back. Before the person landed, a bird appeared under me and took me to the sky and flew into the distance.

I landed on Asuka’s back and was about to see what other targets worth attacking. I suddenly heard the system hint, but this time it’s not the kind of voice prompt, but the di di di sounded three times. After that, a scroll suddenly appeared and fell into my hand.

"Quest scroll?" Which player doesn't use this thing? There were no one thousand or eight hundred that passed by my hand, and I recognized its identity as soon as the scroll in front of me fell into my hand. It's just that the previous mission scrolls were all those that were picked up by the mission issuing agency, and it was the first time I met them that they were thrown out without asking.

No matter why the system suddenly sent me a scroll, it's better to open it first. It was strange enough for me to receive the scroll, but when I opened it, it almost didn't make me turn off Asuka's back. I saw the beginning of the scroll: "God of Killing Scroll: Has actively killed more than 5 million players, has actively killed more than 1 million players, and has actively killed a player more than 50 times. , I have actively killed more than 10 million NPCs of various types, and have killed more than 100 million wild monsters. Those who meet the above five requirements at the same time can get this scroll."

I was really scared when I saw this beginning. After a jump, he couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Have I killed so many people?"

"It's almost the same." Ling's voice suddenly appeared behind me, scared I almost threw the scroll.

Black Tortoise's damage does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, so when I was transforming just now, I collected all the familiars, and the Asuka was only recruited after I restored it. This Hui Ling suddenly appeared, but I was unprepared.

"Huh, scared me to death, why did you suddenly run out?"

Ling took the scroll in my hand and said, "I just felt your thoughts fluctuate. It's very big, I came out to see the situation, didn't expect you to receive such a task scroll!"

"What did you mean by almost? Have I killed so many people?"

Ling pointed to the scroll and said: "Looking at a lot, but actually not too much. Look at the first one, actively killing 5 million players, which is actually not much at all. Just now, you At least you killed more than one million people. In the previous battles, you killed a lot of people. Moreover, this thing is to calculate the total number of people, not the number. You kill a person ten times in a row, but it is ten person times, so count it. You must have been close to five million person-times. The latter one actively killed a total of one million players, this should also exceed the standard. Just now, this number is probably enough. But this one has killed five players. It’s strange that I’ve been there ten times. Who was so unlucky to be killed so many times by you?"

I shook the head. "The ghost knows. I don't remember it anyway, but if nothing happens, this must be a Japanese, and he has participated in the battle with our guild many times. Otherwise, it can't be counted as fifty times!"

Ling continued to point to the following and said: "Killing 10 million NPCs. This is easier than the first one. After so many wars, you must kill more than this number of NPCs directly. Ten million is almost the same. As for killing one hundred million monsters, this one is the easiest one. The kills of our demons should be counted on you. When leveling, we have always cleared the map piece by piece. One hundred million should be more than one hundred million long ago."

I was in a cold sweat when I saw those numbers, but now listening to Ling's analysis, it might be too much. I guess I didn't get this scroll before, probably because the first attribute was not reached. Today, I have completely filled it up.

From the beginning of the mission scroll is the introduction of the reason for the mission release. Roughly speaking, I have killed so many people, so I am murderous aura, especially publishing such a mission to test my strength. The following is the mission goal. The goal of this scroll is simple, but what I mean by simple is that the content is simple and easy to understand, not that the task is low in difficulty. The content of this task is to start the scroll when I have time, and then the scroll will transport me to a special space full of enemies. My task is to fight these enemies in this space, and the task can be paused at any time. If I want to do the task, I can continue with the previous progress at any time. Anyway, the task space is prepared for me alone, which can be completely based on my needs. Pause or continue. However, although the task may seem simple, it is actually extremely difficult.

First of all, this task requires me to kill enough talents to be considered qualified. Originally, with my battle attribute, as long as the system does not use all the high level NPCs of the big BOSS-Rank, it would be nothing to kill a thousand people. But the problem is that this mission does not allow me to use any equipment. I think that after launching, I will appear in the mission like in Novice Village when I first entered the game, and what is worse than Novice Village is that I will not even have novice equipment. There are weapons in the mission, but they are all in the hands of the enemy. My first task is to find a way to grab a set of equipment, otherwise I will kill a thousand people with my bare hands, even if the opponent is all polio patients, I will be exhausted to death.

In addition to being teleported to the mission naked, this mission will also deprive me of all the additional features, such as deterrence and temptation can not be used. The only attributes I can bring into the task are basic attributes such as my strength, agility, and health. However, this value is not my basic attribute value. It is obtained by dividing the attribute when I wear a full set of equipment by one hundred. The numerical value. Although this value is inferior to ordinary players in a normal game environment, I think it shouldn't be so abnormal in the task space. Since I have been weakened so much, the enemy shouldn't be too exaggerated.

Without equipment and 1% of the attribute left, this is nothing. The most troublesome thing is that I can only summon two creatures in this task, whether he is a familiar or a servant or whatever. Summon objects, anyway, I can only summon two individuals at most, and the mission space only recognizes the two creatures that were first summoned out. No matter what they are, I cannot replace the summon objects until the end of the mission. Fortunately, although I can only summon two creatures, I can summon and recover these two summons many times. Of course, although these two summon creatures can help me fight or do other things, their attributes will be divided by one hundred like me, so they are probably not much better than ordinary people.

These are the restrictions on my battle strength. If this is the case, it won’t matter. At worst, I will kill slowly. Anyway, the mission can be suspended at any time. But system will not make me so easy. Although this task can be suspended at any time, there is a total time limit for this task. The task does not count down when it is paused, but as soon as I enter the task, it will start to count down. The entire task has a total of 100 hours, which means that I have to kill at least ten people per hour to complete the task. It is not difficult to do this task in normal times, but in the task space I have no equipment and no attributes. I have only two demon pets left, and I have to kill ten people in an hour, easier said than done! Especially in the initial period, before we get a decent weapon, it is estimated that our progress will be very slow, let alone ten in an hour, five are all problems. What's more, this task is not one enemy coming up to challenge you one by one. According to the instructions, this mission space is a village located in the forest, and my mission was completed near the village. In other words, I was likely to be besieged by the enemy, and it would take time to find a weapon. The enemy had to wait for the battallion. In short, there was not much time for combat in this mission. With ten people in an hour, this progress is definitely more difficult than imagined.

In fact, it's easy to handle only the task time limit. Ten people in one hour, a total of 1,000 people were killed. Although this task is arduous, it is not impossible to complete, but the key issue is the reward for this task. Unlike ordinary tasks, there is no penalty for failure in this task, but there is no reward for completing the goal other than a title of Killing God. It is not that the task itself is not rewarded, but that there is no reward for completing the task objective. The reward for this task is to overfulfill the task. After killing a thousand people, as long as the time limit has not expired, I can continue to attack the village. After completing the 1,000-person goal, I will get a murderous aura suppressed attribute. At this moment, every time I kill a person, I will get one-thousandth of the suppression effect. If I can kill five hundred people before the time limit ends, then I can get 500-thousandths of the suppression attribute. No matter who it is, as long as he fights with me, his attribute will be only half left. This is the suppressing effect of murderous aura. If I can kill a thousand people before the time limit, I can get a 100% suppression effect. At this time, no matter who it is, as soon as he enters the combat mode with me, all his attributes will immediately become zero, that is, more than the dead, I just need to go up and make a knife and it's OK. Of course, it is absolutely impossible to kill a thousand people within the time limit, and the system will not let me cheat like this. In fact, even five hundred people are fantasies. I guess that if I can exceed one hundred people, it will be the sky. No matter how many, it is pure dreaming, or I stepped on shit when I went out.

"Wow, what an exaggerated task reward." Ling said to me after reading the task introduction: "Who do you want to take to complete the task?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. , I plan not to summon your help first, and wait to find out the situation before selecting people. Although the task is said to be a forest environment, it does not rule out special circumstances. I have to choose the type of assistant according to my needs."

" If you need a mage-type person, remember to find me."

I said with a smile: "I guess you don't count on it!"

"Why?" Ling was surprised.

"There are only three of us, at least two thousand people on the other side. I have no weapons and no attributes. Is there any other way besides sneak attack and assassination? Although your spell is powerful, the movement is not small. , If it’s discovered, it’s completely over!"

"Who said that my spells are only loud ones?" Ling defended, "Isn’t it always to kill the enemy quickly? ? My auxiliary spells and some small spells for single targets are still quite a lot. Besides, I can cheat with me."


"Yes. The task says that you can’t summon creatures, but I didn’t say that I can’t be summoned. People are dark Goddess, undead spells I play very slippery. Familiars can’t be used, summon skeletons, zombies, etc. are always okay, right? Skeletons don’t fight, they can always be decoys, right?"

"In this way, you are indeed the most suitable. However, when I plan to do the task, I will look at the specific situation first. However, as long as the task is not It’s too big a problem, I should let you come out to help."

Ling said with a smile: "I see you summon, I am absolutely right. As for another summon, I suggest you choose night Shadow."


Ling explained: "Because the enemy in this mission may besiege you, and although Night Shadow is not the main battle creature, his dreamland The traversal and void walking abilities can help you easily approach the lone target. Even if you are found by the opponent, as long as you are not besieged, you can escape at the speed of the night shadow."

I nodded and said: "Okay, if there is no problem, just do as you said. But now I have to find out what worthy targets the Russians have, and I will do the task when I have time."

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