"Focus on combat." This is the only way I can think of.

The number of Russian troops is definitely not comparable to that of Japan. The troops in the game are players first, and NPC troops bought by money. Russia obviously has more people and money than Japan, so the Russian offensive troops will inevitably be several levels higher than the Japanese. Moreover, one of the more important reasons is the existence of the navy. Japan is a Great Island country with sea on all sides, so relatively speaking, the money spent on battleship will account for the bulk of their spending. But Russia is different. Although their coastline is not short, they are basically connected to the Arctic Ocean, and there is no need for defense at all. The remaining Black Sea has to pass through a narrow channel to connect to the outside ocean, so relatively speaking, the Russian coastal defense The pressure on the side is very small, and naturally they can concentrate more money on the army, which has caused the further expansion of Russia's ground forces. I now have to rely on my own strength to hold the entire Russian army in the footsteps. It is definitely not enough to kill the vital power alone. Even if all the Russians stood there and let me kill them, at most they would be terrible to destroy them. I couldn't stop them all in Legion. Therefore, my only hope is to combat their most important core existence.

It's like no matter how big a country is, it can always only have one leading agency. No matter how big the Russian Legion is, their command system is definitely one. As long as I can continue to harass their command center, then the Russian offensive will inevitably be greatly affected. And I don’t have to keep staring at their headquarters. I can also destroy their logistics, such as their artillery groups and high level devil beasts. Anyway, the more important things that are difficult to add, the more they will be attacked. value.

After making up my mind, I started a personal war. The first thing to do is to release all the ghost worms that I can summon out. Our guild’s reconnaissance force is still in Japan, and the mission there is also very heavy, and there is no time to spare at all, so I have to deal with the battlefield reconnaissance here. Fortunately, there are as many as two million ghost worms, enough to cover the entire battlefield.

After releasing a large number of ghosts, Insect Empress, I found a place to hide. The focus now is to let the ghost worms help me find valuable targets as soon as possible, so I just stopped to analyze the ghost worms. The report returned.

In fact, what I saw was not the message directly sent back by the ghost worm, but the message sent back by the queen. There are as many as two million ghost worms, and their own intelligence is extremely low, so the information they return is messy. Except for the attributes that can simply distinguish between friend and foe and distinguishing objects, ghost worms basically don’t have any advanced thinking. . No matter how advanced my intelligence is, I will definitely get confused when receiving feedback from 2 million insects at the same time. But I don’t have to work so hard. The Queen is an Insect Queen. She is born with the ability to command insect swarms at the same time, and she also has high intelligence, at least able to analyze which information is important and which is not important. After the Queen’s filtering, the number of reports I finally got was significantly smaller, and it only lasted a few minutes. Because the final target of the attack has to be decided by me, the queen can't decide on her behalf, as long as she thinks the more important things will be passed to me for me to choose.

After half an hour of reconnaissance, although the headquarter of the Russians was not found, the insects finally found a few worthy targets for me.

"Okay, that's it."

Just a few minutes ago, the Queen sent me a message about the goal. This is a small team with only a dozen people in total. However, according to the report of the Ghost Worm, these dozens of people are all high level players who are about to break through 1,000 levels, and the car they escorted only pulled a small box. Although the ghost worm did not detect what was in the box, it has confirmed that there is a strong high-energy response in the box, which means that if the box is not super magical equipment, it must be some kind of extremely powerful Weapons, in short, this thing is very important.

After selecting this target, I immediately took the bird and flew towards the target location. Because the distance itself is not far away, I reached the sky above the team in a few minutes. I'm in a hurry now, and I don't bother to talk nonsense with them, just catch up from the back of the team and start the fight directly. With my skill and another surprise attack, I killed three of the people in the team before they realized what was going on. The remaining dozen people were also turned on their backs by the air waves raised by the birds.

"Not good, it's Purple Moon!" The person who took the lead recognized me at a glance, but when he finished shouting, I was riding a bird and came back. This time the other party is prepared, the raid will definitely not work, but for such a person, it doesn't make much difference whether a raid is not a surprise. Asuka first blasted the bomb open for me with two pronunciations, and then quickly passed over the head of the crowd again, while I jumped off Asuka's back and landed directly in the middle of the group of people.

I didn't care about the people around me, but kicked the box away. There are not many things in the box, but as soon as it is opened, it shows its extreme extraordinaryness. Originally, I thought the box was filled with precision equipment. Who knew that when I opened the box, a large white mist appeared first. Before I could react, I saw that my feet had been frozen in the car. The carriage has become an ice sculpture.

Being frozen in the car like I am now, it was a good opportunity to attack me, but the people on the scene saw me opening the box instead of rushing to protect it, but turning around and running. At first I thought this was a trap specifically for me, but soon I discovered that it was not the case at all. As the white fog in the box continued to emerge, the white fog that was obviously heavier than the air began to quickly cover the ground around the car body, and then spread all around, and as the fog spread, the surrounding ground and nearby The forest of swiftly was frozen at a speed visible to naked eye, and even the few people who turned and ran away did not run away, all of them were frozen nearby. However, compared to the frozen ground and forest, I am more concerned about myself, because the ice shell on my feet has spread to my thighs.

"I am dizzy, am I not? My armor has attributes that can't be frozen? How can it be?" I muttered to myself while smashing the ice on my legs, hoping to get myself When he came out, the cold air continued to spread upward, and it had already reached his waist for a while. "Oh my God! Isn't the ice Goddess in this box?"

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