The reminder of roses also immediately understood its importance. "Don't worry about this, I will pay attention. At worst, let's sell the hue again!"

When I heard that I was going to betray the hue, Hong Yue immediately laughed. "Speaking of which the first beauty in our guild is really Yinyue!"

I can only scratch my head embarrassingly when Hong Yue teases me like this. For speaking of which, blame the bastard of Daguofan. It’s okay to organize the Frost Rose League number one beauty election. All players in the guild, including high level NPCs, can vote. The vote statistics are in charge of the military god. Originally, I didn’t have any comments on them for playing this game, but the problem is that I don’t know which part of the problem went wrong. They even put my trumpet Yinyue on the voting list, and in the end I was unexpectedly upset and let Yinyue be upset. Took the first place. Later, I privately ordered the military god to help me check the statistics. The result was very unexpected. The high level NPCs in the guild actually had each one, and all voted for me. The military god analyzes that NPCs are all affected by Yinyue’s infinite charm value, so Yinyue is the most attractive person in the eyes of NPCs, and on the player’s side, because other beauties in the guild have no obvious advantage over Yinyue. In addition, I am the president. Some people may vote for me in a joking manner. This is the result. Afterwards, the big pot of rice was of course severely kicked by me, but I can't get rid of this remark!

Rose said with a smile: "It's really not easy to find your appearance with the image of Silver Moon, but you'd better change the equipment. Although most players are not very familiar with the appearance of your trumpet , But your equipment is still too eye-catching, it’s easy to be recognized."

I nodded and said: "The oath suit is really exaggerated, but it’s okay. I can go to the equipment library to find one. Set up different styles of equipment temporarily."

Next, we discussed various arrangements, and then Rose and the others went to arrange the coordination work of each department during this period. Among them, the most important task is Rose. First, she is in charge of the economic power of the guild. Second, this investigation of Russia is likely to have their disguise removed. Once that happens, this has been The guy hiding behind is likely to tear off his camouflage and go shirtless, so in order to prevent it, we must prepare early. At least we must prepare a large number of troops on the Sino-Russian border to prevent the other party from launching a surprise attack. Of course, this kind of thing is definitely not busy with our guild family. Hong Yue will be responsible for liaison with the Hot Blood League and the Northern Alliance during the time I am away. After all, most of the Sino-Russian border is in the Northern Alliance. Within the sphere of influence.

After explaining the guild, I went through Transmission Formation and arrived at our guild in Russia, but it took me 30 minutes to get here, mainly because we were in Although Russia has cities, it does not have a transnational Transmission Formation, so it must transit at the border.

I just walked down the Transmission Formation here, before I got out of the transmission hall, I saw the Transmission Formation behind me suddenly flashed, followed by a dozen long unusually burly Russians from the Transmission Formation. Ran out noisily.

"Get out of the way." The first person was an unusually burly warrior. As soon as he appeared, he clamored to pull aside the person in front of him who was about to enter the Transmission Formation, and then he rushed towards him rudely. Walk outside the teleportation hall.

Because I looked back at these people, I didn't have time to leave the teleportation hall, but just stood at the door. Originally, places like the Teleportation Hall belonged to places with a relatively large flow of people, so the gates were generally very wide, and large cities with a lot of people would even build rows of gates like airports or train stations. Although the gate of the teleportation hall of this city is not so exaggerated, it is not too small. At least with my position, it is definitely not a problem to want to pass by my side. But... if these few people are not used to being arrogant, they must have come to find fault deliberately. When they walked in front of me, the burly man did not show any "have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex" to my current image, but directly ran into it with a big ass, and his mouth was still Shouting: "little girl, stay away a little..."

The yelling of the big guy turned into a scream, because the moment he pretended to come over, I had put a finger against his side At the waist, the powerful fire Power of God instantly penetrated his plate armor and scorched a large area of ​​his side abdomen. Not everyone can withstand the stimulus of being roasted alive, even if the guy in front of him is as strong as a polar bear.

Hearing the screams of the big man, the people who came with him immediately formed a semicircle with a faint envelopment, but because I was standing at the door, they couldn’t get past my door. Wrap it up, so this encirclement looks like a line of defense that prevents me from entering the teleportation hall, not an encirclement.

" whore..." The big man who took off his armor finally found that his entire side waist was roasted into golden, and he was still venting oil. He was the only one who bullied people. , The big guy who had never been bullied by others immediately broke out. "I want you to pay..."

The second half of the big man didn’t say it, because a two-meter-long Icicle was stopping less than a centimeter in front of his eyes. As long as he dares to say one more word, he will have a new back eye in the next second.

"Very good. Quietness is a virtue." Seeing the big man was frightened, I said aloud: "Now tell me you are the resident players here?"

"Yes." The big man quickly replied, and his surrounding companions also followed nodded, but at the moment of the answer, a shield was inserted between the eyes of Icicle and the big man, and the big man quickly jumped from the ground desperately. Pulling a distance back, all the other people's attacks hit my side.

Whhhh, a blue ice shield that suddenly rose up blocked all the attacks, and then I saw a sweaty Icicle suddenly appeared in front of me. Then suddenly disappeared into everyone's eyes, almost disappearing at the same time it appeared in front of the backing man, and instantly nailed into his eyes. Icicle squeezed the eyeball through his eye socket in an instant and continued to move forward. After penetrating the brain tissue, he made a hole behind his skull and drilled out. When the people around him reacted, the big man had fallen straight down.

"If you don't mind dying all once, you can continue."

My words shocked most people. The momentary shot just now has explained the absolute gap between me and these people. I can hardly accept the joint attack of all people under the situation of sneak attack, and I will kill the previously scheduled instant after the attack. The goal, this strength is no longer strong enough to describe it. The game has been running for so long, even if you are not at that level, you can still tell the performance of the expert. The hand I just showed is definitely not something anyone other than a first-class expert can use. Such a skill is definitely a top-line elite in a big guild, and they are not the same as the small guild assistants who are not on the stage. The magnitude!

"That... it was just a misunderstanding before!" After discovering that my strength could not afford to offend, the attitude of the remaining few people obviously came to a 180-degree roundabout.

"Go away, I'm too lazy to work with you." I don't want to waste too much time with these little characters. After I said this, I turned around and walked out of the gate, but after only a few steps, I suddenly turned around. A Russian player holding a bow pointed at me with a dagger stuck in his forehead, with a face full of disbelief. Went down, and the group of people behind him was frightened by me. I don't care about those people anymore, I turned around and left after I killed the archer.

When I arrived at the contact station here, the manager here had already received the message that I was coming, and was waiting at the door early. But this guy obviously didn't expect me to change into a new outfit, so that until I walked up to him, this guy was still looking for my silhouette from a glanced around.

"Where do you look? I am here!"

"Are you...?" The guy stared at me for a long time before he suddenly reacted, but he hasn't come yet. And when I shouted it was interrupted by me.

"Okay, go in and say."

"Oh." The guy immediately followed me in after recognizing me.

The Russian branch of our guild is more individual. It looks like a small room on the outside, but it uses hyperspace inside. The actual volume is much larger than it looks outside. Of course, this space is still just a guise. After entering, walk through the hall and enter a corridor, enter a spiral staircase from a hidden secret door, and walk up several times before entering the secret stronghold of our guild.

Seeing me appear in the room, all the people working here stood up vigilantly, drawing swords, looking for weapons, looking for weapons, they seemed to be extremely vigilant Look like. As a whirlwind passed by, I switched back to the size of Purple Moon, and then stretched out my hand to signal everyone to sit back. Seeing my identity, everyone responded and returned, and the Chief-In-Charge just ran in at this time.

"Why did you come here suddenly, President Purple Moon? This time it's to trace the magic crystal steam weapon again?"

"No, we just found something worthwhile Doubts. I’m just here to prove it. Have you found anything here recently?"

"Don’t you meet the president?" I just finished asking, the Chief-In-Charge said When it comes to asking me.

"What happened?"

"Just those guys who are looking for trouble!"

"Oh, you mean them?" I am very He said casually: "I saw it. But I killed two of them, and the others were scared away." When I heard my words, all the people present stood up in shock, making me nervous. "What are you doing with such a big reaction? It is just a few arrogant hooligans, do you need to care so much?"

"President, you are in trouble!" Chief-In-Charge finished this sentence and said He didn't continue to explain, but turned around and started directing the other people in the room to get busy, listening to him as if he was about to prepare for war. Could it be that those guys just now were relatives of the president's family of a certain big guild? How do you think they reacted as if I hit someone who shouldn't be hit?

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