Under the command of Chief-In-Charge at the scene, many members quickly got busy, and in the process, a person in charge of logistics who had nothing to do also explained to me clearly. The reason.

It turns out that during this period of time, I don’t know what the reason is. Anyway, the major guilds in Russia suddenly become active. Many guilds are hoarding a lot of supplies, which is obviously a posture to fight. . However, although the preparations are so obvious, the major guilds in Russia are currently behaving very quietly with the surrounding countries. In other words, they only know that they are preparing for a war, but it is completely unclear who they are fighting with. However, starting from two days ago, the behavior of the Russians suddenly became weird. One of the most special thing is that people often provoke in this city where our guild is set up in Russia. The Chief-In-Charge here quickly figured out that Russia's purpose was probably to find an excuse to go to war, but because there was no evidence for the time being, he had not reported it yet, and planned to spy on it first. Of course, in order to prevent the fighting from breaking out early, he has told the members here to be patient as much as possible and not to cause war in advance. However, human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation. Although the Chief-In-Charge arrangement is not a problem, I didn’t expect that I will run at this juncture, and I also beat the provocative Russians very much. The crying father and mother, this is obviously right in the middle of her arms!

Knowing that I had caused such a major event, I was also a little stunned, but I didn't pay much attention to it. The Russians are ready to go shirtless, even if I beat those guys who came here deliberately, they will inevitably provoke trouble elsewhere. Anyway, they are now deliberately looking for things, can they still make problems or not? So I don't care at all that I caused a war. Anyway, I just happened to be the fuse. Without me, things wouldn't be any better. As for going to those few people to justify or something, that's what a fool would do. People came to look for things on purpose, isn't it what's gone can never come back if you go to apologize? Even if I'm an iron bun who can break their big teeth, I don't bother to do this kind of useless thing.

I originally planned to go to Russia to investigate the conspiracy of the Russians, but now it seems I can save everything. They are all ready to go shirtless. If I can't see that everything was done by them before, it's better to find a piece of tofu and drain myself to death.

"You should report in advance!" After listening to the report, I can only sigh like this!

"Did we do something wrong?" Chief-In-Charge here looked at me suspiciously and asked.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. The mistake is that we didn't find the problem earlier."

In fact, I just complained about this. If it weren't for the fact that the Korean fleet was too weird this time, and I had specifically arrested a prisoner out of curiosity, the Russian conspiracy would simply not be exposed. To be honest, there are many complicated reasons why we haven't found out that the Russians are behind the scenes. This is just a coincidence.

Our guild needs an enemy to improve cohesion. The Japanese meet this standard very well. Therefore, our guild does not show too much attention to the support of the Japanese. After all, as long as there is an enemy to fight. . Besides, Russia has always given people the impression of being stupid and big. If it weren't for the gunshot hit this time, I wouldn't believe that the Russians could make such a huge plan. This is simply not their style.

Thinking of style, I suddenly thought of someone. The Russians are not good at tactics. This is for sure. A country can hide many secrets, but it cannot hide the national characteristics of its citizens. Russia is not good at playing tricks in the sky. To say that they have both greed and ambition, it just doesn't have the oblique way of thinking of our Chinese. However, purebred Russia does not have this characteristic, but what if it is mixed?

Frozen Banshee must have played a vital role in this conspiracy, and her appearance also shows that she is a mixed race, and it is a mixed race of Asia and Europe. Her Russian bloodline can be easily distinguished from her appearance, so what about the other half? China? Japan? South Korea? No matter which one, as long as she has an Asian bloodline, she should not lack that kind of Chinese conspiracy. After all, the culture of Asian countries has basically been infiltrated by Chinese culture, and some of them have some Chinese characteristics, regardless of whether the ice-bound Banshee is Which country is mixed with Russia, anyway, she must have accepted similar things in her bloodline.

Looking at I was still meditating there for a long time, Chief-In-Charge, the area where the task was arranged, ran back again. "President, are you going to help us defend the city or perform the mission by yourself?"

"Shoucheng?" Suddenly, what was wrong with my sentence, but I couldn't remember it for a while. I was in a hurry. Turn around in circles. The Chief-In-Charge, seeing my performance, knew that I was thinking about the problem, and didn't dare to speak any more, but just waited quietly by the side. After turning N laps on the spot, I still didn't expect the problem. I simply ran to the large communication machine next to it and connected to Isinger's communication directly.

"Military God, help me get through the communication between Soumi and Rose."

"It's connected." Military God's work efficiency is still so fast.

"What's the matter?" Rose and Somi asked as soon as they connected to the communication. So Mi is in Isinger, so she uses a large communicator, and the image can be seen, but the rose has only sound.

After talking about the situation in Russia, I said: "I always feel that it is not the time to defend, but for a while I can't think of what I should do."

I As soon as he finished speaking, Rose immediately said: "My husband, you are really dull sometimes! Don't you understand this? How could the Russians arrange such a big plan to attack a small town we built in Russia? What's so competitive about the city? Their goal is here!"

At first, I thought of the problem just a little bit. Now Rose reminded me and immediately reacted. "Yeah! The Russians' goal should be domestic. This is probably just a cover!" "Then what should we do now?" Chief-In-Charge, who has been standing next to me, also heard it. Our conversation, this time hastily asked.

Sumi quickly replied: "Do you still need to think about it at this time? Evacuate all the people in the city immediately. That small city originally served as a post. If the enemy comes, it will of course be guarded. It’s a big city."

"Understood, I'm going to make them prepare to retreat."

I grabbed the guy and said: "Also prepare a fart! Let's Everyone immediately teleported away, and the ones that could be brought were taken away, and the ones that could not be brought were blown up in a concentrated manner."

"Does it need to be in such a hurry?"

"Chairman, the Russians are calling here. !" The member who suddenly rushed in from outside gave a loud reminder to completely dispel Chief-In-Charge's doubts.

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