After learning that the ship is from China, I continued to ask the guy for a while, and soon he told me everything he knew. Judging from the circumstances he said, what he said is probably the truth, because he didn't need it at first, and he didn't dare to swindle me at the second. After all, I have a deterrent attribute. Although it has no effect on the player, it is still very useful for NPC.

According to his statement, this fleet was indeed built by the Chinese guild, and it was built by several guilds separately. The original seller of the battleship was not a Korean, but a Russian. In other words, this fleet was originally built by the Chinese guild for the Russian guild, and then fleet ran into the hands of the Koreans for unknown reasons. Among them, only two situations can be speculated. One is that there should be no problems within the Chinese guild. After all, the ship is not sold directly to Koreans, but is sold through a third party, so the Chinese guild itself should be no problem. One thing that is certain is that the Koreans paid a lot of money for this batch of ships. The content that the sailor heard was about this, and from a common sense, it is unlikely that the Russians would make a loss-making business. Buy a ship from China at a high price and sell it to the Koreans at a cheaper price? The head of the Russian has been photographed by a polar bear.

After understanding the situation clearly, I left this Korean battleship with the melee mobile angel. Of course, I was impossible to ignore it. Just less than one minute after we left the battleship, he went diving with his companions in a loud noise.

Facts have proved that the proud Korean fleet is not much better than the toy model in front of the dedicated mobile angels. In less than half an hour, there are already burning battleship wrecks on the sea, and In more places, large and small vortices represent that a ship once existed there.

Hand over all the remaining fleet to the mobile angel, and I myself took the sailor who had surrendered back to Isengard. The real crisis in Xiaguan City is those battleships. On the land side, even if I’m not in the Dadong Federation, they can do it by themselves. Besides, when the Korean fleet is over, the mobile angels can turn their heads to support the city wall. battle. Even if those two underwater and battleship mobile angels are of little use, at least the air combat and close combat mobile angels are both soldier-killer. As long as the two of them participate in the battle, the form is absolutely one-sided.

Seeing that I came back so soon, Rose and the others were also very curious, but the main leaders of our guild have been cooperating for so long. Needless to say, we all know that I must have come back suddenly. matter.

"Want a meeting?" Rose saw me coming back with an NPC and immediately understood what I meant.

I am nodded. "Just get the think tank and Hong Yue back."

Rose nodded sent a notice, and soon Hong Yue and Su Mei sent them directly to the Conference Hall. Eagle and Asura purple clothed were here at first, so they joined together.

As soon as Hong Yue entered the door, he asked: "What is so anxious to get us back?"

"I think I found something."

< p>"Ming Tau? What do you mean?" Hong Yue asked suspiciously.

I did not directly answer Hong Yue’s question, but first told them about the fleet situation encountered in Xiaguan, and then I asked the NPC sailor to tell me what he had told me before. , And then waited for everyone to think about it for a while before continuing: "I don't know if you still remember that when we invaded Japan for the first time, in the end a Russian fleet intervened to make trouble with us."

Chuangwang nodded and said: "Yes, I had a fight with us at that time, but the fight was not intense."

After listening to Chuangwang, I continued: "That time The sudden appearance of the Russians did not cause much loss, so I didn't care about it at the time. We didn't take it seriously since then, but I know that everyone thinks that the Japanese contacted the Russians to help. I You're right?"

"Isn't that the case?" Eagle asked rhetorically.

"Of course not." Su Mei interrupted and said: "Since Purple Moon brought it up, then it shows what he found."

I nodded and said: "I did find Many questions have been raised. The first was the Russian fleet incident, and the second was in Indonesia."

"Indonesia?" Everyone thought for a long time and didn't expect the relationship between Indonesia and Russia.

I reminded again: "Remember the super protective shield we encountered in Indonesia?"

Did the Indonesians buy it from India?"

"It’s not India, it’s Russia." Sumei corrected: "At first I thought it was sold to Indonesia by India, but then I discovered that India has no such technology. , And some Russian characters were found in some hidden positions on the bracket of the thing. But I remember that the original analysis result was that the Russians sold the things to India, and then the Indians sold some to India in order to reduce the cost. Huh?"

I nodded and said: "At that time, we did analyze this way, but now it seems that it is just the opposite of what we think. It’s not that Indians sell Indonesians secretly, so it’s simply Russia. People are sold to Indonesia through India. Indians are just a cover."

"A cover? Who do you use to deceive?" King Chuang asked suspiciously.

Hong Yue responded swiftly and said, "So we need to ask? Of course it is used to deceive us."

"Yes." I continued: "More There is a third article, that is, there was an outbreak of a large-scale disease in the game for a while, remember?"

"Yes, you also went to the medicine to treat yourself, and then we made a big profit. It's a comparison." Rose's memory of money is always so clear.

I went on to say: "The origin of the outbreak of the disease I found at the time was Russia, but I feel that there are a lot of strange things. Disease this thing is usually associated with bacteria or viruses, but according to the Russian climate, In fact, this thing is not a suitable area for development. Of course, some settings in the game are different from reality, but designers generally do not change those basic concepts. Cold areas are not suitable for outbreaks of infectious diseases, this kind of common sense The game production staff could not think of it, so that kind of infectious disease that broke out from Russia, it feels abnormal. If it is said that Indonesia or Africa is a virus Place of Origin, I would not be surprised, but Russia is really It's not like."

Sumi said while holding her little head in one hand, "Purple Moon big brother means that it is not an infectious disease but a bacterial weapon?"

< p>"Smart." I first showed Su Mi, and then continued: "It broke out from Russia, I guess it was just because of an accident in the experiment, which caused their internal problems."

"Games Are there any conditions for conducting bacterial weapons research?" Hong Yue asked, "There is no electronic tunnel scanner and supercomputer. The two basic conditions required for biological research are not available!"

"No "Woma, who is in charge of the technical department, said aloud: "Although I don’t know if the large-scale infectious disease is a bacterial weapon developed by the Russians, from what I know, I want to develop bacterial weapons in the game. Research is still possible. Although there are a lot of equipment lacking and there is no way to do basic research, the application can still be used. And you all overlooked a problem, that is, there is a magic type of toxin in the game. If it is changed The germs on the devil beasts with some kind of infectious toxins are made out to make germ weapons. This process does not require any technology, as long as one of these devil beasts is caught, then samples are taken and cultured, and finally directly Just throw it into the opponent’s camp. This process does not require any equipment or professional skills, almost everyone can do it."

Hong Yue objected again: "Even if the feasibility of the bacterial weapon experiment is proven , I’m not sure that the Russians are studying bacterial weapons?"

"Then I don’t know." Woma shook his head: "I’m just certain that the bacterial experiment is feasible."


I took the conversation and said: "Although I am not sure that the infectious disease outbreak was caused by the Russian bacterial weapon accident, I know a doubt."

"What is the doubt? ?"

"Russia’s country is very large, most of which are located in Asia, and a small part of it is located in Europe. However, the Russians are divided Bucho and land distribution are just the opposite. The European part of Russia is very densely populated, but the Asian part is almost no man’s land. Basically, there are endless forests everywhere, and human activities are rarely seen. The disease Place of Origin I discovered in Russia that time was located in the European region of Russia, but what happened in the end? In the end, almost all people in China were recruited, but the Europeans were not affected much. Don’t you think this is weird? An infectious disease can spread to China across a large area of ​​forests and thousands of kilometers, but it has spared other European countries that are close at hand. Is there such a weird disease? "

While everyone was still thinking about it, Su Mei suddenly said, "If this is a bacterial weapon, then it’s not surprising, because bacterial weapons can be artificially dropped, so it’s the first to infect where it is and then to infect it. Where is controllable to a certain extent. "

With Sumei's supplement, everyone finally reacted. If the source of the disease is difficult to determine, then this method of infection is a bit weird.

" The Russians' maritime assistance to Japan, the later Indian Shield incident, plus this infectious disease incident. How do I feel that the Russians are targeting us? "Rose finally found the key.

I went on to say: "In fact, there is more to this. Remember how the Japanese magic crystal steam weapons came from? "

"Russia! "Everyone yelled in unison.

"Yes, the last time I went to Russia to investigate, I have been chasing after Russia's magic crystal steam research site-Snow Demon Castle. That castle is the base of the Snow Demon House, and the leader of this Snow Demon House is the ice-bound Banshee. "

"Isn't the ice-bound Banshee the strongest in the polar region?" "Eagle suddenly asked.

"That's right, it's her, and more importantly, she is actually Chinese and Russian. "

"You mean she is the leader of this series of events? "Hong Yue asked.

I nodded and said: "Yes. I feel that she dislikes or even hates and hates me or the whole of China. Although the reason is not clear, her performance is like this. The magic crystal steam weapons provided to the Japanese were probably from her hands and the previous incidents, and the purpose was nothing more than to weaken us. "

"So this time the Korean is just another fool who is being used as a tool? "Rose asked.

"Probably that's it. Anyway, I don't think they will lose anything. Both China and South Korea have nothing to do with their bad luck. They can also change hands and earn the difference in battleship. It is me and I. "

"Listening to your analysis, the probability of the Russians playing tricks in it is really great! "After the eagle finished speaking, he suddenly asked again: "But they are acting against us like this. Is it because the ice-bound Banshee you said is biased against China?" "

Rose said: "I don't think it's possible. Even if the role of personal behavior in the game is magnified, some basic concepts in reality will not be affected. Such a large-scale plan cannot be driven by the will of one or two people, so there must be some kind of appeal for interests in it. Only in this way can most people be mobilized to work for this plan. "

"Then should we send someone to investigate?" "Hong Yue asked.

"If it is as we speculated, it is really necessary. "Sumi said, and focused her attention on me. "As for the personnel...does this still need to be asked?" "

"I can see it, I'm just working hard, you don't see me being idle! "I half jokingly stood up and said: "Okay. I went to see the situation in Russia, and the Koreans notified Park Eun and let them deal with it internally. As for Japan... "

"In Japan, let's tell Masaga Matsumoto not to move. "Hong Yue said. According to the plan, these two days should be the time when the Japanese were busy contacting buyers to sell the city. However, the plan to investigate the Russians is estimated to be unfinished in one or two days, so Hong Yue said that Matsumoto Masaga. Let him stay still, so that I can execute the plan when I come back.

For Hong Yue's statement, I shook the head. "No, Matsumoto let him get ready as soon as possible. "

"What? "Hong Yue was a little surprised. "Hey, once the Japanese plan is started, the battle will continue after that." You will be suspicious if you don’t show up when the time comes! "

"It won't be a big problem if I don't show up in the first few days, anyway, I just show my face in the end. "

"So don't you need to be so hurry? "

Rose watch Hong Yue still didn't understand, so he explained to me: "Purple Moon wants to use this plan to let the Russians show themselves." If our previous inferences hold true, then we assume the posture of destroying Japan this time, and the Russians will definitely be unable to sit still. They will definitely think of ways to cause us trouble, and our attention at this time is on the Japanese side. The Russians must not have thought that Purple Moon would observe them in Russia, so if this inference is true, the Russians will definitely show their feet immediately. . This is much faster than Purple Moon's own investigation. "Speaking of this, Rose suddenly turned to me and said: "But husband, you'd better pay attention, don't use this large size to appear as well. You are like a sign now. Where you are, the Frost Rose Alliance’s attention is on. Once someone sees you, I guess that group of conspirators must have thought of us paying attention to them. When the time comes, it won’t be easy if you want to find out something! "

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