Hearing Dan Xin’s complaint, I also think they are wrong. The dignified port fort group can't beat the battleship, which is really embarrassing.

In fact, we really need to talk about formidable power. The main gun on the battleship is actually stronger than the port fort. After all, the difference in practical value determines the difference in investment. The cannon mounted on the battleship can be used in various battles as the battleship moves, and the port is definitely not moving, so the port gun is definitely not as frequent as the naval gun. Therefore, from an economic point of view, most people are more willing to spend money on naval guns, but few guilds in port guns are willing to invest a lot of money. After all, the benefits are different. It is because of this difference in capital efficiency that port guns are often inferior to battleship main guns in terms of caliber and formidable power. However, this does not mean that the battleship is better than the port fort, because the actual shelling effect is not entirely determined by the battleship's main gun. Although the artillery of the port turret is not comparable to the battleship main gun, it is generally much larger than the Level 2 gun on the battleship. Moreover, there are two huge advantages of port fort and battleship. The first is strong survivability. Naval guns are mounted on ships, and ships will sink, so if one shot to one shot, the battleship will definitely be over before the turret. There is also the battleship, although it can avoid shelling by moving, but conversely, the movement of the battleship itself and the interference of the sea waves make the hit rate of the naval guns much worse than that of the fixed shore guns. In addition, port gun emplacements are usually built on mountain peaks facing the sea. They have an advantage in height, and their range generally exceeds that of ordinary battleship guns. If the fleet is far from the shore, it can only be consumed by a few sect master guns and shore artillery. Considering the number of shore artillery, the battleship will definitely suffer a loss, and once it gets closer, the probability of the battleship being shot will also be greater. Increased. The last gap is that the port artillery itself is built on land, and the rear can continuously replenish ammunition, personnel and even artillery. Therefore, if it enters a protracted battle, the sustainability of shore artillery is generally much stronger than that of naval artillery. After all, it is lost. Anything can be added, but battleship won't work.

Considering that the port artillery group has been bombarded by the Korean fleet under such an advantage, it is conceivable that the Dadong Federation is aggrieved. However, considering the number of Korean fleets, it is at least certain that the resistance of the Dadong Federation is still very tenacious. Otherwise, the South Korean fleet, which can be forced by the player's surprise attack alone, would not dare to dock for so long.

Dan Xin stood by my side and waited for me to observe the situation before asking: "President Purple Moon, can you solve so many battleships alone? Battleship is not a player after all. It takes a lot of trouble!" After all, "Zero" is just a game. Unlike in reality, players actually pose a great threat to battleship in the game. As long as someone dives next to the battleship with a huge might bomb, and then loads the bomb to detonate it, he can severely damage an originally powerful battleship. Of course, these tasks are generally ten deaths without life, and those who go there must be mentally prepared to hang up once. And this method is usually only suitable for offshore areas. After all, once the battleship runs, the swimming speed of people will definitely not be able to catch up, so unless it is entering the offshore area for landing operations, or the ship is stopped because of something. It is difficult for players to get close to battleship. Besides, the people on the boat are not stupid. You know that you dive in, and they know that you will prepare interceptors and devil beasts in the water. Without certain underwater combat capabilities, you may not be able to rely on them even if you are not afraid of death.

For Danxin’s worry, I easily replied: "I didn’t say that I need to solve the problem alone. For a while, just let your people stare at the people on the boat and don’t let them take the opportunity to swim and land. , Call me all things on the water."

"Then it’s up to you!"

When Dan Xin ordered his hand to convey the order to gather the manpower, I also went from Feng Those new mobile angels were released in the dragon space. Of course, what I released was only five of them. On the way here, I have probably learned about the specialties of these mobile angels, and now it seems that only five are more appropriate in this situation.

If you look at these five mobile angels separately, you will think that they are all gorgeous, full of a sense of beauty of metal and magic, but when five of them stand in a row, it just makes people feel Very funny. Because these five mobile angels are all tall, short, fat and thin, they stand together like a bunch of extras!

The first mobile angel on the far left of the team is also the smallest one here. She has a shape similar to a human female. A faint brilliance is always flowing on the surface of silver white's body, which looks like a gem. The slender figure is less than 1.7 meters tall, but because of her unusual slenderness, she feels very tall. However, the gorgeous and slightly sexy appearance just makes people think that she is very beautiful, but what makes me the most unbearable is the chest and feet of this mobile angel. The mobile angel itself is a combat machine. What do you think the designers did when they made two obvious big packs of her breasts? If you want to show that she is a female, don't you just need to have a slightly outward arc? Who are you trying to attract by making such an exaggeration? There are her feet. I don’t know which designer’s idea was, and she installed a pair of high-heeled soles for her. I really don’t know whether this sole intends to reduce the grounding area or use the ten-inch nail-like heel as the sole. For weapons.

"Purple Moon, who is this lady?" Seeing this first mobile angel, Dan Xin actually regarded her as a player.

"This is the mobile angel of our guild, not the player."

"Huh?" Dan Xin was taken aback for a moment, then pointed to her chest and said with a tape: "Then these two...?"

I haven't answered yet, the mobile angel explained by himself: "This is M2system. The smallest model can only be reduced to this size."< /p>

"What is M2system?" Dan Xin was stunned by this mobile angel's words, but I finally understood why this mobile angel had to have such a big breast. The reason why this thing is inside.

The mobile angel explained: “M2system is the second-generation model of the Mirage system, also known as the miniature device of the full-spectrum shielding and interference magic instrument. It is used to distort the normal transmission of all spectra in a specific area near the instrument. In order to achieve the effect of invisibility."

"I rely on, these two things are invisible devices?" Dan Xin was explained by the mobile angel that the thunder was not light, but he quickly recovered and was tentative Asked in a tone of voice: "Then how many are left?"

"They are all mobile angels, let them introduce their own specialties."

I have been introducing myself before. The mobile angel heard what I said and immediately continued: "I am a fighting mobile angel. I have greatly reduced the external armor and unnecessary equipment. At the expense of defense, I have gained super agility and stealth ability."

When the first mobile angel is finished, the second mobile angel will automatically step forward and introduce it. "I am an air combat mobile angel. I am good at fighting for air supremacy and ground attacks. I generally rely on long-range weapons to fight. My characteristics are long in the air, fast flying, strong air movement, and strong firepower. I have compression inside my body. -Style space storage, built-in small weapon library, standard equipment is 200 air combat magic crystal steam guide arrows, 200 killing type magic crystal steam guide arrows, 200 explosive magic crystal steam guide arrows, piercing One hundred A-type magic crystal steam-guided arrows and ten super-detonation-type magic crystal steam-guided arrows. In addition, I am equipped with auxiliary weapons such as flamethrower, miniature magic light cannon and fighting sword."

"That...? What is the magic crystal steam guide arrow?" Dan Xin asked with a look that I didn't understand at all.

I quickly explained to him: "Do you know the guiding arrow?"

Nodded. "Well, I know. It seems to be a skill of the archer profession, which allows the archer to launch an arrow with automatic tracking ability, just like a missile."

I followed him after hearing this. Explained: "The magic crystal steam guided arrow is actually the same thing as that. It still uses the guided arrow skill to launch a flying weapon, but this arrow is modified. The arrow shaft is very thick and the inside is hollow. With the magic crystal steam in it, it will explode as long as it hits the target."

"I rely on it, isn't that a missile?"

"Yes, it's actually a missile, just a The guided arrow skill is used as a proxy for the navigation instrument. Basically, as long as the target is locked, it will definitely be hit. And the advantage of using this weapon is that the guided arrow skill is printed on the launcher in the form of a magic array, and the launched missile itself It’s actually a rocket loaded with explosives. Not only is it cheap, but it can also be mass-produced."

When we finished, we returned after introducing our air combat mobile angel, and then the third mobile angel went back. Came out. Unlike the slender and streamlined body of the second mobile angel, although the third mobile angel looks like a streamlined structure, his body is obviously much bigger than the second mobile angel, and it looks a little chubby. feel. In addition, unlike the images of the first two with a lot of barbs on their bodies, this one's body surface is quite smooth, giving people a very round feeling. And this guy's neck and limbs are very short, and it feels like he's about to shrink into a ball.

"I am a water fighting mobile angel." The third mobile angel self-introduced: "My specialty is water fighting. Because I have to fight against water pressure, my body is relatively round, so I can use my body. Its structural strength resists water pressure. In addition, because I fight in the water, I don’t have wings, but my speed in the water is much faster than fish. My main weapon is the steel spurs on my hands, because it is equipped with two sets of power The device, my strength is much greater than that of my companions, so I can use various fighting skills in the water without being affected by the resistance of water. In addition, I am also equipped with magic crystal steam guide arrows, but each has only a dozen shots. , Only used in special circumstances to attack the water surface or the opposite shore."

"It turned out to be a water type, no wonder it looks so fat. Then is the next one also a water type?" Dan Xin and other third mobile angels After the introduction, he looked at the fourth mobile angel and asked.

Similar to the third mobile angel, the fourth mobile angel also looks short and squat, but this guy looks very short because he is too fat. In fact, this guy is the largest of the five mobile angels, standing more than ten meters tall, standing there just like a small three-story building. If it weren't because he was too fat, it is estimated that looking at our height from under his feet would definitely feel that this guy is like a Heaven Supporting Pillar.

After the Danxin asked, the third mobile angel introduced himself: "Yes, I am also a water-type mobile angel, but I am not a combat type, I am an anti-ship attack and shore support type mobile angel. . My auxiliary weapon only has two steel cones. I usually rely on the magic crystal steam guided arrows carried by the hyperspace weapon arsenal in my body to attack, but unlike the brother in air combat, I mainly carry the water-type opponent ship magic crystal steam. Guide arrows and water-type target creatures use magic crystal steam guide arrows. In addition, I have a large number of projectile magic crystal steam bombs, which can replace cannons in offshore areas to perform cross-shore bombing missions. By the way, because of the larger size, I still Equipped with a new type of city-level magic shield, ordinary shells and magic will not work for me."

"You are simply a small battleship!" Dan Xin exclaimed.

After the introduction of the first four mobile angels, the fifth mobile angel also came out. Unlike the previous four, the fifth mobile angel is neither as fat as the underwater type, nor as slender as the air combat type and close combat type. This fifth mobile angel is a bit like the previous heavy golem. However, this guy is much larger than the heavy demon. The height of seven meters away is only a little shorter than that of the mobile angel that is used to attack the ship in the water. But compared to his height, the most noticeable thing about that guy was the super sword that was slanted on his back and was longer than himself. The blade light is at least six meters long, and the widest part is close to two meters. It looks stubby and stubby, just like a door panel. Although he hasn't introduced himself yet, Dan Xin has guessed that this guy is definitely not responsible for slashing people.

In Danxin’s guess, this mobile angel himself introduced: "I am a standard type of attacking mobile angel against ships, cities, and large creatures. The main weapon is the ship slicing knife behind it."

"Ship-slashing knife? Is this thing used to chop battleship?"

"Yes, the ship-slashing knife is made of special materials, and it is carved with melting and sharp edges. The three magical arrays and armor piercing can easily cut the armor of any battleship, and can also be used to cut city walls or buildings."

Daxin said with certainty: "I don't doubt it at all. This thing can be used to demolish the house. Even if your knife has no blade, it can be destroyed when used as a hammer!"

After understanding the work of the five mobile angels, I can be confident that it can be solved. The issue of the fleet is no longer doubted. Although he doesn't know what I released the fighting-type action angel for, he knows that the other four mobile angels are definitely battleship nemesis. It is estimated that the Korean fleet is in trouble.

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