Just as Dan thought, after introducing their functions, I took the five mobile angels to the port together.

Air combat mobile angels and mobile angels for battleship both have wings. This can be clearly seen from the appearance, so when they take off, they are not surprised. However, when the close combat mobile angel ejected a pair of wings that seemed to be spliced ​​by hundreds of metal feathers from behind, Dan Xin's chin still fell. The biggest difference in appearance between the new mobile angel and the old one may be the wings. Although the wings of the previous mobile angel outfits did not look like airplane wings, they were actually just fake wings made up of three to five separate parts. Although that kind of wings can also move to a certain extent, in fact they are not much different from fixed wings on airplanes in principle. But the new mobile angel is different. Their wings are composed of dozens to thousands of parts according to their individual functions. Not only can they stretch their wings for high-speed flight like a fixed-wing aircraft, they can also flap their wings like a hummingbird to hover in place or even fly backwards. It can be said that this kind of difficult movement is obviously different from the original mobile angel in terms of movement.

After I and the three winged mobile angels were lifted into the air, the two water-type mobile angels also made a squat movement, and then in the surprised eyes of Dan Xin, these two The sound of the engine running started to appear in the Big Fatty mobile angel.

Dan Xin pointed to the two mobile angels in surprise and asked: "Would you guys also be able to fly?"

The two mobile angels did not answer him, but They proved their ability by action. Hearing a bang, the two mobile angels suddenly spewed out several thick flames at the same time. Following the two mobile angels, they kicked the ground fiercely, and they also jumped high into the sky with the previous mobile angels. But unlike those three who flew directly into the sky and entered the cruising state, these two men began to show a clear downward trend as soon as they ascended less than fifty meters, and then saw the two guys spraying fire behind their buttocks and crashing into a piece of land. ruins. However, the two did not stop there. As soon as they landed, they bounced up again with a circle of blown up smoke and dust, and then hit the ground again. They bounced repeatedly a few times. He finally fell into the water with a plop after the last bounce and disappeared quickly under the water.

In those mobile angels, apart from the female close combat type, the other four are not small. The Korean fleet naturally discovered them early in the morning. However, those in the sky are too fast, and most of the weapons do not attack the target in the sky from that angle, so most battleships aim at the two Big Fatty jumping and jumping. The battleship on the nearby sea almost aimed all the cannons here when the two underwater mobile angels fell into the water and began intensive shelling. However, to the surprise of both sides, the two were originally quite clumsy on land. Big Fatty completely changed after entering the water. The big guy who entered the water first sank and disappeared completely, but the other one suddenly surfaced in the heaven overflowing giant wave caused by the shelling, and then this guy began to fly on the water at a speed that was almost flying. Benz got up.

The surface speed erupted by the fighting mobile angel in the water shocked the Koreans. The artillery simply couldn’t keep up with his moving speed. Even the firepower of the small artillery was so flexible by this guy. The font route is easily bypassed. From a distance, the guy simply didn't seem to be advancing in the water, it was as if he was skating on the water.

Just as the Koreans were booming, a white trail suddenly appeared on the water, and then a huge black shadow appeared under the water. Until this time, Koreans and Chinese players on the shore also realized that the big guy ran faster than the small one, because he was now near the top Korean battleship. But what makes the Koreans strange is that the big guy does not seem to have the desire to attack. He passed under the battleship at a very high speed, and then all the way forward, until he was almost at the port lock, no one among the Koreans reacted. yelled: "Quickly stop him, his target is a battleship!"

The Korean interception plan was ultimately not realized, because the fastest air combat mobile angels have already begun to attack. I saw that guy flew over the harbor at a very fast speed, and then it was like a celestial flower scattered with dozens of white dots. These small white dots dragged a long tail flame after they were separated. To their respective goals, the battleships of the South Korean fleet bloomed all over the place, and all personnel exposed to the outside of the ship were cleaned up almost instantly.

After the air combat mobile angel flew over, the mobile angel for the battleship was followed immediately. This guy had already held his amazing ship-cutting knife in his hand at this time. He rushed directly to the top of a relatively large battleship, then suddenly stopped and suddenly turned off, with the help of the falling gravity sword, he split the battleship's command tower in half like tofu. After landing on the battleship deck, he quickly drew out the ship-cutting knife. First, a horizontal slash cut off the entire ship island that had been broken, then the ship island was thrown off and a small object was thrown into the hull, and then violently One step on the deck jumped directly to another battleship. Less than five seconds after he jumped away, the previous battleship without the ship island suddenly turned into a huge Fireball with a bang. The entire battleship was lifted off the water by an explosion, and then it happened twice in the air. With three explosions, the entire ship was instantly fragmented and turned into a pile of metal fragments scattered on the surface of the sea within a radius of several kilometers. Some nearby boats were even slightly damaged by scattered parts.

The South Korean fleet that had caused the Dadong Federation to be struggling to parry was sunk in an instant, and it was lightly wounded, and the Dan heart was throbbing on the shore. Fortunately, this is my own person. If the enemy has these things, it is better to surrender directly.

After destroying the first battleship, the battleship used a mobile angel to cut off the first half of the second battleship beneath it with a single knife, and then the battleship in the vicinity cut the ship off. When the gun turned to take the opportunity to retaliate, he plunged into the water and disappeared without a trace. The Koreans only remembered at this time, although they flew over, they didn't say that he would not go into the water!

After the battleship disappeared on the sea with the mobile angel, the underwater fighting mobile angel that had been attracting firepower also quickly sank into the water, because the Korean fleet also had a large number of people and devil beasts launching into the water. NS. After the underwater battle strengths of both sides entered the water separately, the water surface in the harbor continued to churn up like a boiling pot, but looking at the continuous red color on the sea surface, the fool knew who was the loser. When the mobile angel is blown up, it can give out some lubricating oil at most. They don't have blood this thing.

The attack in the harbor was not over yet, and there was a loud bang from the open sea. I saw a huge Fireball suddenly rise from the center of the second largest battleship in the South Korean fleet. With the launch of the Fireball, the battleship itself quickly broke away from the sea, flipped over ninety degrees in the air, and smashed into the sea sideways. In the spray of the sky, the battleship slammed into the water. The violent impact instantly twisted the battleship into a strange arc, and then the whole ship broke into two pieces and quickly disappeared into the sea with bubbling.

"What is that?" On the flagship of the South Korean fleet that was only several hundred meters away from the sunk battleship, a South Korean asked loudly and proceeded. "What the hell is that? It can destroy our strongest battleship in Korea with one blow? Didn't you say that our battleship is the number one in the world? Why was it sunk in one blow?"

"This...!" Numerous Korean players in the command room screamed for a long time and didn't say why. In fact, they themselves are strange. Although their battleship is the number one in the world, this is a bit exaggerated, but even if it is not the number one, the ranking is not false. But even so, it was sunk by a single blow, and it was still the most defensive battleship.

Just when the South Korean fleet commanders in the command room were at a loss, outside the battleship, there was another explosion of formidable power on the sea. Another battleship close to the flagship was suddenly hit by two white tracks, and then was swallowed by two Fireballs that were flying at the same time in a loud noise. This explosion did not lift the battleship up, but directly destroyed it on the sea, and it was a complete destruction. In the end, the Fireball that exploded and disappeared, leaving only a large piece of scattered floating objects on the surface of which the original shape could not be seen at all.

There were only six battleships in the South Korean fleet that came to participate in the war this time. In a blink of an eye, everyone will be tense when they are on the third. However, the nervousness of the Korean players cannot prevent the approach of underwater demons. Just as the second battleship was blasted into a pile of fragments, a mobile angel stood on the seabed tens of meters below the side of the third battleship in the sole fleet. This is the large battleship mobile angel that rushed out of the harbor at high speed. At this moment, the two circular holes on the protrusion on his back suddenly opened at the same time, and then two torpedoes nearly four meters long were accompanied by them. A lot of style came out of the two round holes together, and then rushed straight toward the bottom of the boat that looked like leaves on the sea.

Boom. In the two loud noises, the third battleship also followed in the footsteps of the first two, and in a blink of an eye the backbone of the Korean fleet was reduced by half. in the sky, the air combat mobile angel who turned around and flew back suddenly released a very large magic crystal steam guide arrow from behind, and the magic crystal steam guide arrow automatically ignited after exiting the cabin moved towards the distance One of the large cruisers rushed past.

Although I have seen that dangerous air-launched weapon a long time ago, the battleship in the game lacks the weapon to intercept such high-speed targets, so I can only watch that thing hit the stern of the ship. The side of the hull below the third turret penetrated into the ship like a window paper and detonated. With the violent eruption of flames, the tail section of the entire battleship instantly turned into a pile of fragments, and the battleship, which was instantly shorter than one third, lay like a dead fish on the sea and began to sink rapidly.

Before the unlucky cruiser was completely sunk, the fourth battleship in the fleet was also attacked by heavy torpedoes and sank instantly, and then the fifth battleship was shot by the previous battleship. A large torpedo was also hit within the next ten seconds, but it was lucky. Only one shot was hit, and the bow was only cut off. Although the battleship lost its ability to sail, it sank.

At this time when mobile angels attacked battleships in the water, the air combat mobile angels and the anti-ship mobile angels each reimbursed a lot of battleships, of which the air combat type was the fastest. Before the weapon is fired, his strike efficiency can be described as horrible, but one of the luckier aspects of the Korean fleet is that the air combat mobile angel is not a bomber after all, so there are not many large magic crystal steam guide arrows that can destroy the battleship. He is enough to kill the entire fleet.

Just as the explosions in the entire fleet happened one after another, the battleship as the flagship of the Korean fleet was miraculously not attacked by any large weapons. However, not attacking it does not mean that I intend to let him go. In fact, while the Korean fleet commander was still paying attention to the nearby naval battle, I had already landed on the battleship deck with the close combat mobile angel.

"Not good, Purple Moon is on the ship!" Seeing us landing, a sailor called out immediately, but the call was cut off by me soon. Those who manipulate battleships are all technical units, and their personal battle strengths are very good. Basically, combat players can easily bully them. However, the first yells finally played a role. The door on the battleship suddenly opened, and a group of armed men finally rushed onto the deck.

The melee mobile angel that landed with me first retracted its wings into the backpack, and then suddenly accelerated towards the front combatant. Just as the two sides were about to come into contact, the other party suddenly waved a weapon and planned to slash the mobile angel, but the mobile angel deliberately fell to the ground as a crouching body, and then slipped between the guy's legs. Before the guy turned back, the mobile angel slammed into the ground, and pointed it into a knife, and instantly cut through the guy’s neck. With the appearance of the human fountain, the mobile angel had already rushed towards the second player. .

The mobile angel solved the speed of the first player so neatly, and the second fighter was a little unresponsive. When the mobile angel rushed in front of him, he was still a little stupid. . However, the mobile angel has no sympathy. Immediately after rushing to his side, a whip kick hit the guy's stomach and kicked him horizontally. The purpose of the melee mobile angel using lightweight armor is to obtain a substantial increase in mobility, but her output power is not less than that. In fact, compared with those big seniors, due to the drop in their own load, the melee mobile angels actually have a lot more striking power. Let alone kicking a person, even kicking him off is not impossible.


Storm I encountered a supernatural event last night. I woke up to go to the bathroom at about two in the morning, and I saw the seesaw in the small park downstairs and no one was moving on it. It made me stand up with all my hairs on my body. I went underground to study for a long time in the morning. I didn't figure out how it would move on its own. Could it be that the ghost doll failed? Bless sister Ling! I don't want to see the undead!

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