Just when a large group of Korean players screamed and rushed to the city gate, I suddenly turned around and slammed forward. I saw a flame shock wave of the same width as the city passageway passing through a distance of more than a hundred meters in front of me instantly. Anyone who was on this straight line almost instantly blasted the flesh and blood on the surface of the sky. Meat moo, and their skeletons were still standing in place, until the red flesh moo flew far away, and the nearly thousand skeletons fell together at the same time.

The Koreans outside the city wall were originally excited and thought they could rush in at the opportunity of opening the city gates, but they were all frightened by my might of a single sword until I took it. After Sword turned and walked into the city gate, no one reacted yet. If it hadn’t been for the players from the Dadong Federation on the city wall to take the opportunity to shoot down a large number of South Korean players who were already scared down below, it is estimated that they would have to be stunned for a long time before they could react.

After I walked through the city passageway, the Chinese players inside immediately cheered excitedly, but because someone was maintaining order, no one rushed over me excitedly. As soon as I walked through the city wall, the crowd parted a way. I saw the president of the Great Eastern Federation rushed down from the city wall with a group of energetic and bustling men. He was still far away from me. cup one fist in the other hand I performed an ancient Chinese gift. The Dadong Federation is a Taiwanese guild. Although it is not absolute, most of its members and presidents are Taiwanese. Because they have not experienced the turbulent years, Taiwan players have retained more ancient Chinese customs than continental players.

"It's amazing!" The president of the Big East Federation cup one fist in the other hand to me and said, "I thought the Frost Rose League would dispatch at most one or two elite player teams. Come for reinforcements, didn’t expect it was President Purple Moon that you came in person. It’s really unexpected!"

"I did plan to send one or two elite teams over here, but there are plans for the time being. Change, I'll come over and investigate something by the way. By the way, I haven't asked how to call it?"

"Oh, under the sword of loyalty, brothers like to call me loyalty."

I am nodded Then he asked: "How is the situation here now?"

Seeing my question, Dan Xin immediately cut to the topic introduced: "You have also seen on the land side. Although there are a lot of people, the whole of the sticks The quality is not very good. Even if you don’t reinforce them, it’s just a matter of time to beat them back. The key is the other side."

"You mean the sea?"

The head replied: "It's been a hell in these two days. I don't know where those sticks got a batch of large battleships to strike us from the sea. The original fort in Xiaguan City was completely destroyed when we attacked the city. Now we have almost few guns on the side of the sea, and simply can’t do the naval guns of the sticks. Before you arrived, our last gun was also bombed by them. Now we are almost relying on people to block the coast. The battleship over there has suffered a lot of casualties. Since you are here, President Purple Moon has transferred a few battleships from time to time to help us get rid of those nasty club battleships?"

I looked at Dan Xinyi The expression that the deputy looks forward to can only shook the head helplessly. "No need to keep it confidential now, let me tell you the truth! It's not that I don't want to transfer the ship, but simply can come without a ship!"

"Ah? Why?" Dan Xin and the people around him They all cried out in surprise. They originally expected me to send a battleship to help them out. Now suddenly they heard that there is no battleship to send. The shocking effect produced by this contrast is not as strong as normal.

"I’m not lying to you. In fact, when the Japanese first countered us with magic crystal steam weapons, the first unlucky thing was our fleet. You think the cities of China’s major guilds lost Disastrous. In fact, our fleet has suffered the most. Even now, Isengard’s port is full of battleships waiting to be repaired. The entire Asian fleet of our guild has almost been reimbursed by the Japanese one third. The remaining battleships are escorted on the channel, and I dare not mobilize at all. The European fleet and the Pacific fleet have their own missions, one can’t spare, and the other is too late!"

"Then why are we? Do it?"

"Don’t worry, since I’m here, I can’t let you be beaten all the time, right? Although there is no battleship, I am sure of sinking a few ships. You take me to the coast first. Let’s take a look at the situation first."

"Okay, I'll take you there right away." Dan Xin called one of his subordinates and ordered the defensive work of the city wall here, and then took me straight to the other side of the city. The line of defense is gone.

In fact, in terms of area alone, Xiaguan City can already be regarded as a super city, but in the system rules, it is only a second-class city. The reason for the difference is entirely because of Xiaguan. The defense level of the city is too low. The area of ​​this city has surpassed the area of ​​the first-class city by a lot, but the defense level has just reached the basic line of the second-class city. If it were not for its weak defense, the people of the Dadong Federation would not have been so embarrassed by the small boats of the Koreans.

Before we got to the port, Dan Xin and I began to hear violent explosions just a little bit after passing the city center, and it seemed that the blasting site of the shells was gradually advancing to our side.

"Has the Korean shelling extended to such a far place?" I was slightly surprised at the sound of the bomb explosion.

Dan Xin replied helplessly: "I didn’t come here yet, but wasn’t it our last cannon and let them blast away? So now the Koreans simply don’t care about it, battleship is almost Stopped in our port and bombarded."

"No wonder! I said that the bombardment has extended to the city center!"

As my loyalty is getting closer In the port, the artillery fire in the nearby area became more and more dense, because the city center was still far away, and only artillery could reach it. However, the battleship had the most small artillery, so the closer to the port, the more intense the artillery.

After finally passing through the area covered by artillery fire, when we climbed up to a watchtower near the port, the Korean fleet finally appeared in front of my eyes. Unlike the small fleet of three or five battleships in the imagination, the port in front of us has densely packed nearly a hundred battleships. There are also several huge super battleships and several escort battleships on the sea outside the port that have not entered the port. . The size of the entire fleet is initially estimated to be more than two hundred ships. Even in our guild, this is definitely enough for the size of a detachment fleet.

"Damn, why are there so many ships? Have Koreans met God? Where did they make so many battleships?"

Weeping and said, "Which is not to say! Although Xiaguan originally had few guns left, the shore defense guns were built in bunkers after all. As long as they were not hit directly, they would generally carry more than naval guns. It’s not that the Koreans suddenly brought so many battleships, and our port fortresses won’t beat the battleship!"

———————————————————— ——————

[The following is not the main text and will not be charged separately]

The battle between 360 and QQ in the past two days has broken me. I'm using both softwares, and I'm used to it. QQ forced us to choose one of the two. This approach is really overbearing. My computer is in charge. When is it the turn of others to make irresponsible remarks about what software to install? Today, Tencent said that if we want to use QQ, don’t use 360. If we succumb, will Tencent say that we don’t use Xunlei, Taobao, or devil beast world if we want to use QQ. We all have to listen to him?

The above paragraph is really out of anger, so I wrote it out. If you don’t like it, just don’t see it.

Also: If some readers want to use 360 ​​and QQ, they can go to the software called HopdotVOS in Huajun Software Park. This software can create a virtual host on your computer, then delete the QQ on your machine, reinstall it in this virtual machine, and then QQ can coexist peacefully with 360. (This software can also be used to install high-risk software or visit high-risk websites. Anyway, if it is poisoned, it is also a virtual system. The host is not affected. At worst, just restore the virtual system.)

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