When I first appeared outside Xiaguan, I was spotted by a nearby Korean. Transmission Formation The interference of the jammer has a specific range, so after setting the jammer, it is generally possible to calculate the specific location of the intercepted person. The Koreans obviously thought that someone might send it over, so they had already set up an ambush here. As soon as I entered the stable space from the teleportation state, I saw a dazzling red light flashing past, but because the Transmission Formation had a freezing time after it suddenly ended, I couldn't hide it since I saw it. A red cloud suddenly exploded in front of me with a bang, followed me and it was lifted out. It flew for thirty or forty meters before hitting the ground with a bang, and then rolled five or six meters on the ground. Later, I suddenly supported the ground with one hand during the roll, and then my body suddenly bounced up in the air and continued to roll a circle. After that, my legs spread out and landed on the ground steadily, but the inertia still pushed me to keep my legs on the ground. Slide back. However, as the nail claws on the soles of my shoes automatically popped out and my hands clasped the ground one after another, sliding was quickly blocked. On the ground in front of me, four big ditches were pulled out.

When the surrounding Koreans saw me standing up from the ground with blue smoke in front of me, they all looked like ghosts. Originally, they attacked as soon as I sent it out, and they didn’t know who it was. After all, it’s definitely not their own people who dared to send it to the city at this time, so they attacked as soon as they found someone was intercepted. Who knew me? Not only did he not die, but he didn't seem to even suffer any injuries.

After standing up again, I stretched out my hand to hold the discus-shaped piece of metal on my chest, and then pulled it down forcefully. With only a bang, the metal fragment was pulled off by me.

"Your welcome ceremony is really warm enough?" Throwing away the deformed shells, I looked up and glanced at the Korean players standing nearby.

When I was swept by me, those people were still there with their mouths open, but soon someone reacted and shouted: "It's Purple Moon, quickly... it's Purple Moon... …!"

The sudden shout made everyone around him startled for a while, and then they began to become confused. Some people rushed forward and others ran back, without a trace of discipline at all. At all. This situation was not stopped until a player who seemed to be the leader appeared, and this player also brought a large number of NPC troops.

The riots on the Korean side did not escape the eyes of the Dadong Federation players in Shimonoseki. The players in the city soon rushed to the city wall excitedly and pointed at the back of the Koreans’ main formation. : "Look, look, it's Purple Moon!"

I can't hear the shouts of the players in the city, but even if I can't hear them, I can also provide them with morale. help. "Are you going to let me pass by a road? Or am I going to enter the city by myself?" I said to the Korean players and NPCs around me in a relaxed manner, but the Koreans around me didn't answer anything. Obviously they I also know that talking to me will only lead me into the ditch. "Since you don't answer, let's explain with actions." As I said, I started walking down the city gate of Guancheng at a walking speed. As I approached the front of the South Korean players, they started to retreat, but soon they were blocked by the people behind, and they became irresistible.

Those who are facing me constantly want to give way, but the people behind urge the people in front to go up, and the people in front are caught in a dilemma between me and the people behind. However, the distance between us is only a few steps after all, even if I walk slowly, I will finish. As I gradually approached the crowd in front of me, I casually held Eternity in the palm of my hand. The eternity that melted into a liquid began to flow down my hand, and recondensed into the form of a whip sword in the air.

"You guys are on the way! He is alone!" A player hiding behind yelled for the person in front to hurry up.

The person pushed by him immediately scolded: "You bully, you go!"

The person being scolded immediately disappeared. Asking others to meet everyone, but when it's their turn, they will all be misfired.

I have seen all the panic of Korean players, but I did not slow down because of this. Giving them time to think will only make them think that I am afraid of them too. These guys dare to challenge the power of the whole China with a small group like a few guilds, which has fully demonstrated how arrogant they are. At this moment, as long as I showed the feeling of caring for them even a little bit, it would immediately make these idiots think that I could defeat me, so I chose to ignore them and treat them like ants and air. Only this complete ignorance can show my contempt for them and make them understand a little bit about the gap.

I still walked to the front player in the push between the front and back players, but my pace did not stop in the slightest. Suddenly a red glow flashed through Eternal in my hand, and the three people who stood in front of me suddenly fell together.

The sudden killing of my companion finally aroused a slight reaction, and finally someone started dashing on bravely with no thought of personal safety and rushed towards me, but before they were near, I saw two The flying Moon Wheel has blocked me tightly. Anyone who dared to get close to me within three meters was cut into foam flying all over the sky.

At this time, the players of the Dadong Federation standing on the city wall saw me walking from behind the Korean army, and there were no Korean players and NPCs. Exceptionally fell under my feet. I walked out a avenue of flesh and blood in the huge army formation. Red blood mixed with meat foam formed a mud-like paste, which made the Koreans behind them dare not step on this avenue of flesh and blood. , Can only attack me from the front or from both sides.

Seeing me walking toward the city so vigorously, the players of the Dadong Federation all cheered with excitement. Many Koreans who had already climbed the city wall before were morale-boosted Chinese players. I was driven off, and the Korean players have not been able to organize a decent attack since they found out that I appeared.

After walking all the way to the city gate of Xiaguan City, I did not fly directly into the city, although it was actually the easiest way for me. I stood at the city gate and shouted to the people above to open the door. The people who started the Dadong Federation thought that they had heard it wrong, and they all froze there and didn't know what to do. But at this time, a person who looked like a leader quickly ran over and shouted: "What are you still doing? Open the door!"

"But there are Koreans outside?" said the member in charge of the gate.

"Do you think they can rush in with Purple Moon?"

The member shook the head and immediately ran to activate the gate. After the city gate gradually began to rise, the Koreans behind were immediately excited. They had been attacking this city gate for a long time without any success before, and now the gate has opened by itself, which just saves trouble. A Korean command player yelled: "While the door is open, everyone rushed in!"

When he heard his yelling, the Korean players immediately yelled excitedly and rushed up, just down In one second, I did something that made them rise from their three souls and seven souls to heaven.

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