After the dismissal of Nobunaga Onitou's post, the next thing is simple. The election matter is actually not the quarrel as imagined. In the eyes of Japanese players, the top bird must have the strength of the top bird. Otherwise, why do you want to be a winner? As far as the current situation is concerned, there are nothing more than three who have the strength and prestige to act as the leader among the leader-level players in Japan. Nobunaga Onitou, Masaga Matsumoto, and Guren Phoenix. Just after Nobunaga Onitou was deposed, there were only two people left. Honglian Phoenix itself is a woman. Although everyone is calling for equality between men and women, in the hearts of Japanese people, women can never be compared with men, so Honglian Phoenix is ​​directly excluded. The remaining optional characters are Matsumoto Masaga alone. Except for a few loyal members of Oni Shou Nobunaga who refused to participate in the voting and a small number of Guren Phoenix supporters voted for Guren Phoenix, Matsumoto Masakao voted by an absolute majority in the end. Became the new leader among Japanese players.

The new official Masaka Matsumoto is not as high-spirited and vigorous as he imagined, because the current Masaka Matsumoto is no longer the original Masaka Matsumoto. Although others don't know, but he knows very well himself. On the surface, he is now the leader of Japanese players, but in fact the situation is far less optimistic than imagined. First of all, Masaga Matsumoto is not really an independent person. He is now another spy sent by the Frost Rose League to Japan, so although he has now become the leader of Japanese players, he is still a part-time worker. of. If it is the arrogant Onijo Nobunaga, he might be overwhelmed at this time, but Matsumoto Masaka is not that kind of person, and his calm personality also reminded him of many things that Oniju Nobunaga could not think of. From his fall into the cloud and his rise to power again, Masaga Matsumoto saw a lot of things that ordinary Japanese players could not see or imagine. Being able to easily pull him down from the position of the Japanese player leader, and then send it up again, this shows the powerful layout and control capabilities of the Frost Rose League.

It is not a year or two for the Japanese to study Chinese culture. As a wise commander, Masaga Matsumoto naturally has a deep understanding of this aspect. There is a view in the Chinese Art of War: the best general can command the enemy's army, ordinary generals can command his own army, and the worst generals can't command any army. As the leader of the Japanese players, Masaga Matsumoto was pulled down from his position and sent up again. This all shows that the Frost Rose Alliance is capable of directing the actions of the Japanese. This command, of course, does not mean that the Frost Rose League issues orders and then the Japanese players follow suit. Rather, the Frost Rose League uses a series of actions of its own to influence the Japanese players, so that the Japanese players can act in the way that the Frost Rose League hopes. This is the so-called command of the enemy’s army. Now Masaga Matsumoto himself has returned to the position of commander, but he deeply understands that he is just a steering wheel in the hands of the Frost Rose League. The car as a whole is irreplaceable, but the steering wheel can be changed. If he is not obedient, let’s not say that his actual body is under my control. Even without this, he can easily be pulled off the altar again. . It is precisely because of this that Matsumoto Masaka did not do anything abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal, it was purely uncomfortable for oneself.

In addition to the pressure from our side that forced Masaga Matsumoto to show an unusually normal heart, another key to keeping him from being overly excited is the reaction of the Japanese players. Managed the first leadership era of Masaga Matsumoto, the second leadership era of Nobunaga Oniteda, and now the third era of Masaka Matsumoto’s comeback. It can be said that Japanese players have experienced the initial fanatical loyalty and later Following the big slip period, now when he comes to power again, the enthusiasm and loyalty of Japanese players have basically been exhausted. It can be said that Japan is far from the original unity, and the weight of his leader has dropped significantly compared to before. In the past, Japanese players could do everything for his words, but now it’s no longer possible. Japanese players will still listen to him, but that depends on what the situation is. If they think the action is correct, they will naturally listen. If If they think something is wrong, they will betray immediately. Matsumoto's failure at the time hurt not only himself, but also the enthusiasm and centripetal force of these Japanese players.

After being re-elected as the leader of the Japanese players, Masaga Matsumoto immediately organized his first strategic deployment meeting since he took office again. Not only did he overthrow all the strategic ideas left by Nobunaga Onishe, but also He came up with a plan completely contrary to the previous plan system.

"What? Give up all the cities?" After hearing Matsumoto's plan, the heads of many Japanese guilds almost jumped from their seats. "What the hell do you mean?"

Guishou Nobunaga, who had just been deprived of his rights, also jumped out at this time and said sourly: "Very well, is this the new leader you elected?" It’s really a great plan for us to give up the city’s surrender!"

"Ghost Nobunaga, if you have a low IQ, don’t spray there." Masaga Matsumoto said unceremoniously. Nobunaga almost choked to death when he cursed, but before he could relax, Masaka Matsumoto no longer looked at him, but explained to other guild leaders. "Please don't worry, listen to me and finish. I am also a member of the Yamato nation, so naturally I will not do anything to harm the Yamato nation."

Although Matsumoto's words are all bullshit He is hurting the Yamato nation right now, but the presidents of the Japanese guilds present do not know this, so they still choose to believe in Matsumoto Masaka for the time being according to common sense. However, their so-called belief is only intending to listen to Matsumoto's explanation. If they find that Matsumoto's plan is completely unfeasible, they will definitely push Matsumoto's position as leader. Then sit on someone else. This is the difference between the current Japan and the original Japan. If Matsumoto was in power for the first time, no matter what he said, the people below would immediately execute it unconditionally. How could he explain it?

"Okay! We believe that Song this Monarch is not an idiot, so please explain what your plan means?" A guild president with a higher status in various guilds stood up and said .

Masaga Matsumoto expressed his gratitude to these chairpersons for his support, and then began to explain: "Actually, when I explained the wrong decision of Nobunaga-kun Onite, I already analyzed it for everyone. After that, the current situation is that the Frost Rose League has broken through the national channel that restricts its specialties. Then they will be able to run freely on the land of Japan. With their mobility, we will be restrained everywhere." Speaking of Matsumoto here Suddenly Zhenghe glanced at Nobunaga Guishou with harboring malicious intentions. Onihand Nobunaga, who was very embarrassed because Matsumoto Masakare mentioned his decision-making mistakes, suddenly felt a tremor all over, as if something bad was about to happen. The next situation really confirmed Guishou Nobunaga’s guess. After seeing him, Masaga Matsumoto continued to say: "In addition to Frost Rose’s opportunity to give full play to its mobility, it is also due to Guishou. Nobunaga’s selfishness has caused us to lose these strategically important cities. Although it seems that Japan is still in our hands, the actual situation is that almost all of Japan’s most important cities are occupied by the Chinese. The current situation It can be said to be extremely unfavorable to us. Therefore, no matter what strategic adjustments we make in the next period of time, we may not escape the fate of being gradually engulfed by the Chinese and eventually destroying the country like Indonesia. This is not because I have no command ability. It’s not the fault of everyone’s low battle strength, but because Nobunaga’s wrong strategy has forced us to this step. Now no matter how hard we try, it’s of no avail."

After listening to Masaka Matsumoto's words, the meeting site was a deadly silence, and all the presidents of the Japanese guilds looked sad. It took a long time for someone to ask: "According to the meaning of this Monarch, do we have no hope?"

"Yes!" Another person said: "Even if it must be To destroy the country, we can't make the Chinese people feel better. We have to fight them to the end. It is good to let them die a few more people!"

"No, I just say that we can't escape the destiny of destroying the country. But I didn't tell everyone to give up." Masaga Matsumoto corrected.

As soon as Matsumoto said this, everyone reacted. Matsumoto Masaka must have other plans, otherwise he wouldn't have said before that everyone should not resist, and later said that everyone should not give up. Is this clearly the opposite. So, Masaga Matsumoto must have other plans.

"Matsumoto this Monarch, you just tell me how you planned it? Don't worry about us!"

Matsumoto said with a smile: "Okay. I'll just To tell you directly, I do ask you to give up the cities that are still in your hands, but this does not mean to give up resistance completely. My strategic plan is to first shrink the forces and deliberately show weaknesses against the Chinese, and let them treat us Destroy the country, and then counterattack. Some of you may not know that, in fact, all personnel of the country that was destroyed after the country will be protected for a period of one month. During this time, the system will affect the country that is destroyed. Players provide a very powerful rule tilt. If we fight with the Chinese now, we will only fail in the end, and when the time comes, we are exhausted even if we get the tilting help of the system, we are no longer able to do so. We have a head-to-head contest with the Chinese. Therefore, we should take advantage of this period of time to shrink our defenses and preserve our vitality. When the system starts to assist us after the country is destroyed, we will use it in a spurt of energy This opportunity will drive the Chinese out and completely recover Japan."

"System still has such a rule?"

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Very good, if we say that, we have hope!"


The president of the guild was all excited after listening to Matsumoto Masaka’s explanation Come up, because what Matsumoto said is not an illusory promise, but a very detailed plan. This is very different from Onijo Nobunaga's slogan who likes to shout. Matsumoto's is more pragmatic and takes into account various factors, so it sounds more reliable.

When the excitement of those presidents passed, Masaka Matsumoto continued: "This is the strategic plan, but the specific implementation process needs your cooperation."

" Certainly, as long as we can defeat the Chinese, let us do anything." The president of the guilds at this time is called a happy one. If Matsumoto Masaka can not tell why, it is estimated that the opponents are in the team. They are also the vanguard.

"Well, everyone, now I'll talk about the next arrangement." Masaka Matsumoto said resolutely: "First of all, although I hope you can withdraw from your city, I can't let the Chinese guess. To our strategic intentions, so we can’t run away all at once."

"What should we do? Evacuate in separate times?"

"no no no, we can The city is sold."

"Huh? Sell it?" The presidents of the Japanese guilds all stunned. "Why do you want to sell? Who else do you sell to? Do we buy each other? Does it make sense?"

"no no no, of course it can't be an internal Japanese business, that would be meaningless. "Matsumoto Masaka explained to the president of the Japanese guilds: "My plan is like this. First, we need to find some people who have connections with foreign powers as intermediaries, and then find a way to sell our city to South Korea at a discount. , Laos, Vietnam and even the Chinese."

"Sell to the Chinese?"

"Yes." Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "No matter which country it is, as long as If we sell the city, then we won’t lose anything. Even if we are exterminated, we have already got the money anyway. When the country is restored in the future, we can completely take the city back. In this case, we will not only It won’t be a loss due to the destruction of the country, but a small profit."

Freowned, the president of a Japanese guild, asked: "I think it’s good, but will anyone buy it? Chinese. After annihilating us, those cities will become quite unsafe in the hands of buyers. Would anyone dare to buy such a city? Besides, we sold the city, and will it hurt our credibility to snatch it back later? "

Matsumoto Masaka immediately explained: "In this world, you can only sell what you don’t have. Never worry about buying anything you don’t have. Anyone will want to buy anything. Our city is naturally insecure in our hands. Yes, they will be attacked by the Chinese, but our buyers are not necessarily. The Chinese have not had any obvious conflicts with nearby countries, so if these countries bought the cities, then the Chinese are likely to let go. After passing through these cities, after all, what they want to eliminate is that we are not those cities. As long as the cities are not in our hands, the Chinese must not beat them down with their own hands. As for the Chinese, if there is something wrong with them, they want to destroy all of Japan. The city has been occupied, so what? Anyway, the city has been sold out. It is all about the new city owners and the Chinese. If it can cause conflicts between the Chinese and them, we will be able to have a few more. Isn’t it an ally? Regarding the damage to credibility mentioned by the president just now, this is not a big problem in my opinion. First of all, when we sell the city, we can talk to the buyer first. After the city is sold, our relationship will end. After that, anything that happens after that has nothing to do with us, including the city being snatched back by any other forces or even ourselves. Of course, when we sell the city, those buyers will definitely not believe that we have the ability to call it back. , So they take our words as a joke at best, and when we really fight back, they have nothing to say. Besides, why do we must fight the cities we sell by ourselves? Can you let him fight the cities you sell. I. It’s sold for you. Anyway, as long as you don’t attack your own customers, no one can say anything about us."

"Song this Monarch is really People are much smarter. "Hearing Matsumoto's explanation, those Japanese guild presidents slapped his horses in a hurry, and by the way, they damaged the ghost Nobunaga who was standing aside. The angry guy was afraid of his gnashing teeth. After all, he is now regarded as a national sinner. If you don’t bother him, you’ll be nostalgic. In which round he will go crazy!

Everyone is photographing horses, and a Japanese guild leader suddenly raises his hand. Asked: "Song this Monarch, what if we sell the city to Americans? When the time comes, think of a way to provoke the Chinese to take down that city, so that the Chinese and the Americans will be enmity? When the time comes, we will have a very powerful ally, which will be of great help to our country’s restoration."

Matsumoto retorted immediately after hearing this: "No, sell it to Asian countries Yes, but you should never sell it to Americans, and even if you want to sell it, it is estimated that Americans may not buy it. "

"Why? "

"First, Americans and Chinese have fought many battles before. The Frost Rose League has more than one city in the United States. Do you think that if they don’t fight the Americans head-on, the Americans will let them build a city in their own country? Therefore, it is not true to say that it is to instigate the contradiction between the Chinese and the Americans. According to the information provided by my intelligence network, Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League, has a good personal relationship with the presidents of several major guilds in the United States, and the Frost Rose League and some American guilds also have various types. Therefore, whether we sell the city to Americans or not, they will not change their attitude towards centering as a result. Second, the Americans are different from other countries in Asia. They are too strong, so it is difficult for us to trade with them on a fair basis. If we sell cities to them, I am afraid that the price will be very low in the end. I believe you all have a deep understanding. The third and most troublesome point is that if we sell our cities to the Americans, what will we do when we fight back against the restoration of the country? Haven't these cities taken back? When the time comes drove the Chinese out and attracted the Americans, wouldn’t we be in vain? As for taking back the cities sold to Americans, I think no one who is sitting here will have illusions, right? Therefore, for the above reasons, the city must not be sold to Americans, it is best to sell to Koreans. "

"Why is it best to sell to Koreans?" "

"Korean people have a lot of money and people are stupid. Isn't that enough?" "

Matsumoto’s words immediately caused a big laughter. The downturn caused by Nobunaga’s decision-making mistakes in the past was almost completely swept away. The presidents of the Japanese guilds present are all How much benefit can I get after planning the restoration of the country, and how can I still feel a little bit lost?

"Okay, alright. "When everyone was happy, Masaga Matsumoto calmed everyone down again and continued: "In addition to the sold cities, we must have a lot of cities left in our hands. After all, we are impossible to take the whole country. To sell. First, the surrounding countries don't have that much money, and second, the intention is too obvious, so we can only sell one-fifth of the city at most. "

"What about the rest? "Someone asked.

"Of course, the rest will be used to make the Chinese fall. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "We need some cities to confuse the Chinese, so we must ensure that the Chinese capture some cities, but it does not mean that we will withdraw as soon as they hit. That would be too fake and easy to be caught. The Chinese found the problem. "

"Then what shall we do? "

"It's very simple. We just need to make the Chinese feel that we are resisting, but don’t resist too fiercely. We can pretend that our morale is low because the overall situation is determined, and finally leave some cannon fodder troops in the city to carry out the jade smashing operation, and the Chinese perish. together. After we shrink the defense, there is no way to hide so many troops, so we only need to be elite, and all the cannon fodder is used to perform the jade fragmentation operation. "

"Is it necessary to bury all the Chinese with explosives in the city like before in the national corridor?" "The head of the Japanese guild with a flexible mind asked aloud.

Masaga Matsumoto shook the head. "Using it once is a surprise win, and using it again is superfluous. However, we can use cannon fodder troops to carry explosives to carry out suicide attacks. I believe there will be some unexpected surprises. In addition, even if the city is about to be conquered by the Chinese, it does not mean that it must be completely surrendered to them. I suggest that you deal with it in advance in the city. First of all, take away all the valuable items that can be taken away in the city, but don't destroy the building. "

"Take away the valuable items, we can understand, but why not destroy the building? "

"Because we still need to use it ourselves. "Matsumoto Masaga explained: "Except for the mining facilities for mineral resources, do not destroy any buildings. The mineral facilities need to be destroyed in order to prevent the Chinese from mining our minerals during the time we are away. Anyway, they will build mineral facilities after they occupy the city. When the time comes when we take it back, even if they destroy it again, estimate how much There will always be some left, so there is no need to worry about affecting our own mining. As for other buildings, those things will not affect our future counterattack anyway. If they are damaged, we will have to rebuild them ourselves. What if we just borrow the Chinese temporarily for a period of time? Those shops and buildings will not produce any benefits in this short period of time, so they will not be cheaper for the Chinese. Originally, the city wall should be demolished. After all, it will have an impact on our future siege, but I thought about it and let it go. Firstly, we still need the city wall to help us resist when we evacuated. Secondly, it is too obvious that we will give up when we demolish the city wall, so it is better to stay. However, I suggest setting up some hidden blasting points on all city walls, not too many, as long as we can blast one or two gaps when we counterattack so that we can penetrate the interior of the city. In order to prevent them from being discovered by the Chinese, these blasting points should be better concealed, and the number must be controlled. If they are too many, they are useless and easy to find. You'd better be careful when burying explosives and let your confidants deal with it as much as possible. The Chinese now have a lot of spies in Japan. If they find out, we will be in vain. "

"It makes sense. "The presidents of the Japanese guilds took out their portable notebooks to record Matsumoto Masaka's arrangements. After all, Matsumoto Masaka and Onitou Nobunaga are different types of people, so their characteristics are also very obvious. , If the commander Nobunaga Onitou would never divide the matter so finely, he could think of things like burying explosives that there would be ghosts.

After memorizing this matter, there will be a president again. Asked: "Song this Monarch, how will our people arrange after the evacuation? "

Hearing this question, Matsumoto Masaka smiled weirdly, and then said somewhat proudly: "Hehe, I actually arranged this a long time ago." You may not know that my staff and I have done a lot of things during this time. One of the most important is that we have built a lot of underground cities in the mountains, but none of these cities have applied for system confirmation, so they are just It has the structure of a city, but it is not a city recognized by the system. It is at best a temporary camp. But don't worry, I have set up Transmission Formation in those places, so the traffic is definitely guaranteed, and I also stock up a lot of things there. If you save a little, one month is enough. As long as we can hit the next two cities, we can immediately restore the supply of materials, when the time comes, there is no need to worry about anything. "

"Song this Monarch is really much better than someone. Such a big project was built on the secret of his own power. It's really admirable! "

"hahahaha, I'm sorry. "Matsumoto Masaga said with a triumphant smile: "Actually, it's not all my credit alone, and the efforts of a group of my subordinates are in it. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing to talk about. Although we have stocked up a lot of things in Underground City, you still have to pay when you use it. After all, it was bought by me and my subordinates who pooled all our assets. You can't let us go bankrupt, right? "

"That is that. "Everyone quickly agreed.

Seeing that everyone has no comments, Masaga Matsumoto added: "Actually, you don’t have to buy from me. It’s okay to prepare some for yourself now, so when the Time comes will be more abundant. However, you have to evacuate valuable items during this period, so I guess you don't have much remaining capacity, but if you can prepare, please prepare as much as possible. Well, if you have any questions, just ask. "

A Japanese guild president raised his hand and asked: "Matsu, this Monarch said that Underground City did not apply for system confirmation, so what if the monster comes out from the city? "

"Don’t worry about this, the monster refresh in "Zero" does not appear to be monsters out of thin air like other games. The monsters here all appear by giving birth to offspring, although the reproduction speed is very high. Exaggerated, but absolutely will not suddenly emerge a monster from a clearing. These cities were originally excavated by us underground, and there were no monsters inside. Even if some natural caves were opened occasionally, the monsters inside were cleaned by us. As long as the city gate is guarded, there will be no monsters. And in order to prevent me from deploying emergency forces in every city, in case there are monsters that suddenly appear in the city in some way, we can immediately find and destroy them, so safety is absolutely guaranteed. "

In the following days, many Japanese guild leaders asked questions like this. Masaka Matsumoto answered their questions one after another. I came up with this strategic plan. Later, it was passed to the think tank of the guild to tell Masaga Matsumoto after it was perfected. Although the internal details cannot be said to be exhaustive, at least there will be no major loopholes, and we also have some details that require attention. All the corresponding methods have been found. As long as this huge plan is successfully implemented, Matsumoto's position in Japan will be unshakable. In the future, we can use Matsumoto to manipulate the actions of Japanese players, although it will not be like It’s so convenient to command your own troops, but you can still use it.

After all the Japanese guild leaders have asked, Masaga Matsumoto again said some points that need attention, and then announced the dissolution of the meeting. .. It is completely different from the gloomy atmosphere before the meeting. The presidents of the current Japanese guilds are all high-spirited and vigorous. Where do you feel that you have been defeated for a long time? Those who are not qualified to enter outside the Conference Hall The attendants of the president of the small guild and the president of the big guild saw all the expressions of the presidents with question marks on their faces, and then they gathered around to ask about the meeting and why everyone was so happy. The presidents who attended the meeting It’s proud to show off the plan that I heard before.

The situation of these Japanese guild leaders will not be mentioned for the time being. At this time, the Conference Hall is a pair with swords drawn and bows bent. The state. Matsumoto and his group are facing off with Nobunaga's people. There is a big sign of the situation.

"Nobunaga, you are no longer a Japanese player. The leader is now, what do you want to do if you dominate the command of the ghost army? "One of Masaga Matsumoto's men stood up and pointed at Nobunaga Onitou.

Nobunaga Onishou did not answer, until a subordinate next to him stood up and scolded the person: "hmph , A dog dare to bark? Don't think that you can now walk sideways in Japan with the support of those fools. Let me tell you, here is the strength to speak, the ghost army is still in our hands, and we are still the strongest in terms of battle strength. If you want to fight with us, it is best to weigh yourself first. "

Matsumoto's subordinates were stopped by Matsumoto's as soon as they wanted to speak back. He said to himself: "Kimitsu-kun, we are all sensible people, and I won't say anything cruel to you." , Just tell you two things. First, you and I are all Japanese, and we are all members of the Yamato nation. You should be aware that if we fight internally at this time, it will never be any one of us who will benefit in the end. Second, the ghost army is indeed in your hands, but it does not belong to a certain person, but to the entire Yamato nation. So if I want to take it back from you, no one will help you speak. As for stopping me, do you think you have that strength? "

Matsumoto Masaka’s previous paragraph of Guishou Nobunaga didn’t take it seriously. Who wouldn’t tell the truth? But the last sentence seemed to hit everyone with a heavy hammer. In my heart. Yeah! If Masaga Matsumoto intends to grab it, who can stop him? He is only tied with Purple Moon! I am afraid that this group of people is not enough for others.

< p>Onitou Nobunaga was frustrated by Matsumoto's words, but he didn't dare to fight Matsumoto's shogan if his skills were not as good as other people. He could only panting with rage and panting with rage. Matsumoto's men met the boss. The imposing manner suppressed Oni Te Nobunaga and became even more arrogant. Except for the support staff I arranged for Matsumoto Masaka, these people are basically the irons who were driven to the altar along with Matsumoto Masaka. It can be said that they have also experienced the oppression that Matsumoto Masaga was subjected to at the beginning, but because their identity itself is not as high as Matsumoto Masaga, they are not as angry as Matsumoto Masaga. However, anyway, After all, these people have suffered with Matsumoto Masaka, and they are not like Matsumoto Masaka knows that there is still an existence of me above them. In their hearts, they have really turned over and become the masters, so they were released in a moment. The emotions are far more than Matsumoto Masaga.

Under the overbearing words of Matsumoto Masaka’s subordinates, Nobunaga Oniji and his subordinates finally failed to hold on and handed over.

After commanding the token of the ghost army, he left in a desperate manner. However, although Nobunaga is now considered to have fallen to the altar, it is not as unlucky as the original Matsumoto Masaga. For one thing, Matsumoto will not be like the ghost letter. To be so boring to fight each other, secondly, Nobunaga is not as unselfish as Matsumoto Masaga.

The reason why Matsumoto Masaga was so miserable was completely because he was so unselfish at the beginning. It can be said that all the benefits he gained during his tenure were the national benefits of the Japanese. He didn't leave anything to himself, instead he posted a lot of money into it. But Oni Shou Nobunaga is different, although he is also Japanese. The leader uses his power to develop his own small guild in a decent way. Even if he is not the leader of Japan now, his guild is still there, so no one dares to provoke him. In addition, except for his own guild. Yes, there is another crucial thing in Nobunaga's hand, which is the resources of magic crystal steam weapons. The Japanese themselves do not have the technology to produce magic crystal steam weapons. All these things are given by the Russians. As the matchmaker in the middle, Nobunaga Guishou is fully capable of breaking this line. Therefore, even if he is not the leader of Japan now, the Japanese still have to rely on him.

Look at Guishouxin After the man with him left, Masaka Matsumoto sneaked back to his guild residence and entered the secret room. After starting the large crystal communicator, my image immediately appeared on the screen.< /p>

"Congratulations You loose this Monarch. How do you feel about climbing back to the top of Japanese players? "

"things have remained the same, but people have changed! "Masaga Matsumoto made such a sentence when he recalled that year, but after seeing me stunned, he immediately changed his tone and said: "But thank you for your cultivation. If it weren't for your help, I might still have it. Where to be a coachman! Well, now that I have climbed back to the top, can I start the Second Step plan? "

I am very serious affirmed: "You can start the Second Step plan. "

"Hey...Start the s

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