When Masaka Matsumoto just joined us, the puppet plan for Japanese players was put on the agenda, but the original plan was not as complete or as complicated as it is now. . Originally, we just made a plan to push Masaga Matsumoto back to the position of Japanese player leader. As for the subsequent plans, all of the subsequent plans were temporarily increased due to changes in the environment.

The plan to support Masaga Matsumoto to the position of Japanese player leader was originally the whole plan, but now it has become the 1st Step. The second part of the plan should be for the Japanese to be wiped out once. Of course, in the process of destroying the country, we also formulated other plans, such as the plan to let the Japanese sell the city and pass on the war damage. In fact, the plans that Masaka Matsumoto told the presidents of the Japanese guild were all discussed in advance, and the purpose is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface. On the surface, the plan to sell the city seems to be the Japanese passing on the war damage, but it actually achieved two goals for our guild. One is to help us weaken the strength of neighboring countries, and the other is to preserve the strength of the Japanese.

For weakening the strength of neighboring countries, in fact, the main thing is to weaken the strength of South Koreans. When Matsumoto Masaka proposed to sell the city, he emphasized to the presidents of the Japanese guilds that the main target of this sales city will be South Korea, so the most severely weakened one will definitely be South Korea. . In fact, this decision was finalized after a long time of thinking, and its meaning is also very complicated. The current situation in South Korea is that the internal players are basically divided into four factions, pro-Japanese, pro-China, pro-American and independent set up Sect four forces. Among them, the independent set up Sect force that advocates Koreans is the first in the world and feels that no one should rely on is the weakest in itself and can be ignored for the time being. The remaining three forces are slightly less pro-American, pro-Chinese and pro-Japanese. Basically, it is evenly matched. After we formulate this plan, we will buy Japanese cities. Needless to say, the pro-Japanese forces are the most probable, while the pro-American and independent forces will be relatively less. After all, their communication channels with the Japanese are definitely not as good as the pro-Japanese forces. of. As for the pro-China forces, this part may suffer the least harm, because first, our guild will secretly inform the most important Korean guilds not to buy Japanese cities. Second, the remaining small guilds will be The reason for preventing leaks cannot tell them the truth, but as long as those people are not too stupid, they should notice that many guilds on their side are not moving. If they want to appear, it is courting death. However, even if someone in the pro-China forces is accidentally injured by this plan, they will definitely not be hurt more than the other forces, so in general, the benefits to us outweigh the disadvantages.

In this plan, in addition to weakening the strength of neighboring countries, our other purpose is relatively simple. Although it looks like we are fighting the Japanese, the problem now is that Masaga Matsumoto has acquired the position of leader of the Japanese players, so although on the surface the Japanese and us are hostile, they can actually be seen. Being a branch of our power, so preserving the strength of the Japanese is still good for us. After all, it took us so hard to control Japan. If we are crippled, what use is it for?

As I formally gave instructions to Matsumoto Masaka to enter the second part of the plan, the whole plan began to operate secretly and firmly. Some people who have some connections with neighboring countries have begun to contact the guilds of those countries to buy cities. Of course, this process cannot be completed in one or two days, and for the "convenience" of Japanese people selling cities, we also happen to be here. Stopped offensive behavior. However, we certainly cannot say that we stopped the offensive in order to facilitate the Japanese to sell the city. The legitimate reason we announced to the domestic guild was pre-war preparations. Before the continuous breakthrough of the Japanese national defense line and many key cities, each guild will inevitably encounter some problems of this kind, so it is very necessary to stop and rectify. Of course, we only announced this excuse to domestic guilds. As for external members, we don’t have to, nor will we explain to them. Anyway, they can also know the specifics through ordinary spies deployed in China.

Taking advantage of the time when the Japanese sell cities, we are not idle. First of all, we sent a group of special NPCs to various pro-Chinese forces in South Korea, but for the sake of confidentiality, we did not tell the South Korean presidents what these NPCs were doing. We just told them that these people brought them a message, and because this message is so important, we will only tell them when they need it. These NPCs will stay with them recently. If these guilds want to buy a city, these NPCs will tell the guild leaders not to buy a city. If the other party investigates the cause, the NPCs will give different offers based on the relationship between the other party and us. Explanation of the degree. Of course, the real reason is absolutely impossible to tell any Korean guilds. Anyway, they don’t listen to us. The unfortunate thing is themselves. We don’t need to risk exposing Masaka Matsumoto to defend their interests.

Different from the Korean guild, it saves a lot of trouble for the Chinese guild. We directly notified the presidents of the various guilds that we investigated the news that the Japanese wanted to sell the city, and informed them not to buy it. As for the reasons, we directly said that this would reduce the losses of the Japanese, so we cut off their reasonable excuses for buying Japanese cities from the national righteousness. Of course, there must be guilds greedy for small and cheap guilds to secretly buy Japanese cities. For these people who have no national spirit, they deserve their luck if they are cheated. We don't feel sorry at all.

In addition to these private activities, on the surface we are not idle. In fact, the excuse announced internally before is not entirely an excuse. Taking advantage of the period when Matsumoto Masaka organized the Japanese to sell the city, we are indeed busy preparing for the next offensive plan. Those guilds that failed to capture the city in the first battle were all trying their best to turn out the family property this time. The reorganized troops were not only several times larger than the previous ones, but also the quality of their soldiers. More than one grade higher. In this way, in the preparations of both sides, three days passed, and in the early morning of the fourth day, when many people were still asleep, the war broke out suddenly without warning.

Of course, it was not Masaga Matsumoto who fired the first shot. The Japanese are busy selling cities. After a few days of preparation time, they will sell to several cities. How could it be possible to provoke a war? Of course, this is not something we did, because for now, the interests of the Japanese and ours are actually unified, except that no one except the top of our guild and Masaka Matsumoto knows about it. Therefore, what the Japanese hope now is also what we hope, and naturally we will not start the war easily.

In fact, this battle broke out a bit unfathomable mystery, because the offensive is neither us nor Japanese, but Koreans. To be precise, it is Korea's unique set up Sect. What is even more puzzling is that it was not the Japanese who were attacked, but us.

"What? Shimonoseki was attacked?"

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