"I did this?" I stared at what was in front of me in disbelief.

"To be exact, you and Matsumoto Masaga did it together." Military God's answer was quite affirmative. "According to my calculations, the number of attacks that you two broke out in an instant seemed to exceed a certain upper limit of data, resulting in a cascading reaction. I guess you may have detonated the magical energy in the natural space near the entire passage. That's why there is such a big destructive power."

"We detonated the magic in the space?"

"It's almost like this." Military god explained: " Magic can be used in the world of "Zero", so there must be magic elements in the space, and just like iron can be fireproof under normal circumstances, the magic elements in the space are relatively stable. But when the temperature rises, Iron can actually burn when reaching a certain critical point, and what many people don’t know is that the burning process of iron is actually quite violent. Magic elements in space should also have similar properties, under normal circumstances they are relatively stable and can It is absorbed and used by the mages, but when the magic formidable power you release exceeds a certain critical point, the free elements in the space will be ignited, and then the situation just now happens."

"Does that mean..."

"Don't even think about it." Before I finished speaking, I was directly interrupted by the military god. "I have calculated during the process of you being killed. It takes at least an instant to detonate two of your energy ceilings to ignite the space magic and make it out of balance. It just reached the lower limit of that standard, so if you need to manually detonate the free element, you must have more than two energy outputs. At present, the energy generator that we can control has the largest output power under the Isinger Mobile Fortress. The super weapon, but its launch power is still 3% away from the offline, and that thing is actually a system reward. We don’t have the energy to research and dismantle, so there is no way to increase its output for the time being."

"Except for that, what about our other equipment?"

"Except for the super weapon, the maximum output of other equipment is only one third that needs to be output, even if the output is increased Not up to the requirements, and I can definitely calculate the result, even if we can make that kind of weapon, the energy source it consumes will never be our responsibility. To put it simply, it is extremely difficult to make, and capital investment and production It’s not proportional."

"That’s it! That’s it! Oh, yes, what’s the situation on the battlefield?"

"You and Matsumoto Masaga’s War Zone radius The active force within 30 kilometers was almost completely annihilated, and the more distant areas had some casualties according to the location and defense of different personnel. I can determine the farthest direct death personnel was thrown out by the shock wave generated by the explosion. When the rock was killed, the straight line distance between the person and you was 103 kilometers. It can be said that the explosion produced by you two has surpassed small nuclear weapons."

"Good guy, the formidable power is really enough. Big one." I thought about it for a while and asked: "I just received a lot of accidental injury reports. Are all the members of the guild who died in the bombing counted on me?"

"Not counting you Who is on the head?" A slightly angry voice suddenly came in from outside the door.

"Peacock?" I was taken aback when I saw people coming. The person in front of me is indeed the Peacock Pluto, but the peacock, who has the impression of being gorgeous like a female King-like, is now embarrassed like a soup chicken, constantly messing up his headwear and armor, and even his hair has a few burnt marks. . "What's the matter with you? Why did it happen like this?"

"Are you embarrassed to ask me?" Peacock Pluto rushed to me and said: "I will rush as soon as I receive the notice. I went to the National Passage to prepare for reinforcements. As a result, I heard a loud noise as soon as my front foot reached the back foot. Fortunately, I reacted quickly to cast a protective barrier with divine force, otherwise I will become a hairless peacock now!"

"Huh? We bombed this?"

"Nonsense, who do you think can beat me like this except your big bang?"

"Ah What a sorry sorry!" I was busy following the Peacock Pluto to apologize, but fortunately, the Peacock didn't really plan to care about me. After a few simple complaints, I turned the topic back to business.

"Although your big explosion is not a good thing, it is also not a bad thing. At least the national channel is now completely taken down, and you don’t even have to fight against nearby Japanese cities. Two is a one-time reimbursement."

I said embarrassingly: "I originally planned to make a big move so that I can escape. No one didn't expect such a thing! Oh! By the way, Rose and the others are okay?"

"It's okay for the time being." Peacock said: "You have reimbursed the Japanese. Even if they are resurrected and returned to the city, they will need some time to regroup. The battle has been fought all night, and all the cities that should be attacked have basically been attacked. The ones that cannot be attacked are all hard bones. It is estimated that they will not be able to attack a few after another day. It is better to withdraw all the troops and redistribute them. Mission."

I nodded and said: "Then let’s go see Rose and the others first. Call all the guild troops back first, and increase defense forces in the newly occupied cities to avoid being counterattacked by the Japanese. ."


Take the Peacock Pluto and arrive outside the command center of Fulcrum City. As soon as you push open the heavy soundproof door, you hear a burst of food. The noise assaults the senses like the market almost rushed me out again. Re-entered the room and scanned the scene. Almost all the leaders of our guild were present. However, the source of the noise was not our people, but the leaders of other Chinese guilds. At this time, they were divided into several groups. That noisy is endless.

"Peacock. Do me a favor."

The Peacock Pluto took a step forward, and then snapped his fingers. The needle fell silently in the room instantly, and many people still They thought they had a problem with their ears or throat, and they pinched their throats or rubbed their ears desperately. Of course, that would not have any effect, because their ears and throats did not have any problems at all, and the reason they could not hear the sound was because Peacock Pluto's "silence" spell has only come into effect.

The people who calmed down quickly realized that the problem was not on their own, and they all focused their attention on me. Some of the smarter people knew that I was upset when they saw the expression on my face, so these people wisely calmed down and stopped talking. Of course, in this world there is always no lack of brainless idiots, especially in terms of the population base of our country, there are many such people. After they saw me, they even wanted to come over and hold me to judge them. Of course I won’t pay attention to them. Peacock Pluto, as our guild’s joining Divine Race, naturally knows what to do at this time. Before the few people came to me, the Peacock Pluto raised their hands at them, and the few people immediately flew upside down. Oh la la who went out to fall, the other guild leaders in the vicinity all held back a smile and shook their shoulders endlessly, but they were all wise not to speak out. Anyone with a brain knows that I'm polite to them to save everyone's face, and thinking that I can talk nonsense to me whether it is big or small is just a long life.

I finally reached the makeshift rostrum and I stretched out my hand and made a depressing posture. Among the guild leaders below, the smarter ones immediately found a place to sit down. They were stupid. Although there was no immediate reaction, but after seeing everyone sitting down, he also reacted and quickly did it.

Seeing everyone's decision, I signaled the "silence" that Peacock Hades canceled, and then said: "First of all, please keep quiet. I know that the previous battle was a bit chaotic. Rest assured, I will give you a chance to say you I want to say something, but now please keep quiet and listen to me.” The people below have no objections, and I continued: “Very good, then I will talk about the situation on the national corridor first. First, I must tell everyone. The city you attacked was attacked by the Japanese Demon not because our guild did not attract the Japanese, but because of the personal problems of the Japanese leader Nobunaga Onited. It can be said that this guy made a very stupid decision, although On the surface it looks like he temporarily saved some Japanese cities, but from an overall strategic point of view, he lost the whole of Japan, so I can assure you that Japan is not a problem, and it will belong to us sooner or later."

< p>Some of the more anxious guilds have now settled down after hearing my assurance. After all, what I said before has been fulfilled, so they are still very relieved of my credibility.

"Okay, after explaining the previous situation, let’s talk about other things. Maybe many of you don’t know yet. I died in Japan just ten minutes ago." I There was a commotion as soon as the words were spoken, but it was soon suppressed by me. Just like the current position of Masaga Matsumoto in the hearts of the Japanese, I am also the confidence of the Chinese. My invincibility can allow many Chinese players to fight with foreign guilds with peace of mind. Although I am unlikely to even support them in the fight, they will naturally have confidence if they think that there are undefeated experts in their own country. It broke out, this is purely a psychological effect, but I have to say that sometimes this thing is more effective than actual reinforcements. Now that I heard that I was defeated, the people in the Chinese guild were naturally surprised. If I lose my number one position in the world, I will definitely not be the only one who will be hit. It will be a huge blow to the entire Chinese players. . "Don’t panic, everyone. Although I was killed once, I was not defeated. In fact, I had a burn both jade and stone with my opponent, and I even pitted millions of people. Not at a loss."

"Who did you spell this result with? Is it Nobunaga Guishou? He doesn't seem to have that strength?" A guild leader asked aloud.

"It's not Nobunaga Onitou, it's our old rival, Masaka Matsumoto."

" Masaka Matsumoto? Isn't he ousted from the position of leader in Japan? "

"He was indeed kicked off the stage, but he didn't know where he got a set of very powerful equipment. Now the battle strength is strong enough to be terrifying. No summon. In the case of the familiar, I can rely on my own main battle strength to be evenly matched with him. Of course, my specialty is the familiar, not my own battle strength. After the summon, he is definitely not as good as mine."

"Why did you fight both sides suffer this time?"

"Because the Japanese have an enhanced item that can greatly increase the player's battle strength, after using that item, Masaru Matsumoto He’s battle strength can reach the same level as my summon pet queen, but the thing itself is limited in quantity, there are so many in total, and there will be no more when it is used up, and in today’s battle I have given that thing to It was broken, and part of it was snatched down. Now Masaka Matsumoto probably still has a weight that is less than one third, and it is estimated that it will not be used a few times."

The other president immediately said: "Since you have grabbed more than half of it, will he not be defeated again next time he uses you to use it?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." I said, "The way I use that thing is I don’t know, so I can’t make a difference. But firstly, there are not many chances of head-on collision between Masaka Matsumoto and I. Secondly, he uses external forces, and he must be like mine in terms of flexibility and durability. This time it’s not. Understand the situation, next time I encounter a similar situation, I can delay time with him, as long as the effective time of the thing is passed, the victory belongs to me. So you can rest assured that my golden sign is still the same as before, in the special battle In terms of strength, we don't lose anyone. In addition, there was an accident when I was fighting Matsumoto Masaka today..." I told them about the explosion and showed them the live video just obtained by the military god. I waited for them to finish reading, and then I said: "Given that my collision with Masaga Matsumoto may cause such a serious explosion, I think Masaka Matsumoto will try my best to avoid collisions with me. After all, we are attacking Japan. If this kind of thing happens again, only the Japanese territory will be blasted, and we won’t suffer. Take a step back and say, even if Matsumoto dares to fight with me, I’m not afraid. Today’s explosion made me feel better. I died once, but because I killed millions of Japanese troops in an instant, I was upgraded. Now I have 17Level 32. I don’t know the specific level of Masaka Matsumoto, but it will definitely not exceed one thousand two. The two of us fight against each other by level. When I drop to a thousandth level, he will soon become a newcomer. When the time comes, everyone can kill him, but how can I use it to shoot? Besides, I may not get caught every time. He died desperately."

After listening to my explanation, everyone was finally relieved. After all, my chances of winning are indeed much greater than Matsumoto Masaga. As long as I'm careful, it won't be too much of a problem.

"Okay, that's all for the previous question. Now, let me give you some time. If you have any questions, you can raise your hands. I can only speak when I hit it."

Although everyone seemed to be excited before, most of them wanted to find out how the previous battle was suddenly stopped. Now that I have said so much, everyone knows the reason, so I still want to talk. There are a lot fewer people than before.

"Amidst the rain, please speak first." Although it is said that it is a raise of hands to speak, the rules naturally start with the important large guilds, and those small guilds generally understand this choice. After all, they are big guilds, and the issues they are talking about are generally relatively important.

After being ordered by me, Misty Rain sat there and said: "I want to ask what the tactical arrangement will be? Most of our guilds here have already put the planned 1st stage. The cities that have been defeated are all captured, what about the remaining cities? What about the guilds that have not succeeded in occupying the cities? Are they self-financing?" Misty Rain’s words are actually for everyone, so listen to him. After all, everyone's eyes focused on me, and obviously everyone is concerned about these issues.

"The problem of Misty Rain can be said to be everyone’s common problem. I will explain this one by one. The first is the tactical arrangement afterwards. In fact, I don’t know what the specific arrangement is now. I have a strategic plan. It has been decided, but the staff of our guild is still working on the specific tactical arrangements, so there is no way to tell you for the time being. I can only tell you that the strategic arrangement is like this. You should try to control the occupied cities first, because of these. It is Japan’s major transportation hubs and strategic centers of gravity. They are equivalent to the life of the Japanese. As long as these cities are squeezed, Japan’s failure is a matter of time. As for those 1st stage cities that failed to hit the plan as planned After that, I will send the elite group of our guild and your guild to cooperate as the War General to fight separately. If there is strong resistance, such as the appearance of experts like Matsumoto Masaga, I will also participate in the war personally, so in this regard You can rest assured."

Listening to my arrangement, everyone is nodded. Anyway, everyone who can appear here knows some strategic things. The current situation is very obvious. We have controlled all the important cities of the Japanese. In fact, the remaining cities do not have much room for activities. It is a matter of time before they collapse after being gradually oppressed by us.

After everyone digested the information in the words, I went on to say: "About those guilds that have not succeeded in occupying themselves, this is my opinion." The guild leaders who had been the most noisy before immediately pricked their ears. Obviously, they were the guild leaders who failed to occupy the city as planned. "Before I talk about the specific arrangements, I would like to emphasize that you are voluntary when allocating cities. As for the cities that you failed to defeat, I also looked at them. Almost all of them are the cities with the most oil and water. Right, so I can’t blame anyone for failing now. We decided that the guilds that didn’t capture the city would not be compensated."

"No..." The guild leaders just uttered a word. The silence that Peacock Pluto threw down again caused the collective to lose their voices. After they called for a long time, they found that they couldn't make any sound and quieted down again before I let Peacock Pluto lift the silence.

"I just said that the cities are chosen by you. Especially you. The cities you are assigned to are the most oily cities. The Japanese have priority when they find that the situation is not right. It is understandable that these cities should focus their defenses. Since you have chosen such a city, you should be prepared to take risks. I don’t owe you anything, and other guilds don’t owe you anything. There is no reason to benefit you. , If you suffer a loss, you still have to make up for it?" A few words of mine immediately left those people speechless. Seeing them all sitting there downcast, I added: "But don't be too sad. Although you have to bear the battle losses, you can still be a little bit policy-oriented in the subsequent battles."

As soon as I heard that there was a political tilt, the presidents immediately became excited. "What kind of tilt is it?"

"In fact, it can’t be regarded as tilt. After all, there is no return if you don’t pay. If you give all the good things to you, other guilds will definitely be unbalanced. "My words eased the expressions of other guild leaders who were a little unhappy. I just smiled slightly and didn't care about it. "Your previous battle did fail, but you can't say that you didn't do your best, so the task of assaulting the remaining key cities is left to you."

I said that I would take these The key city was handed over to them, and the guild leaders all jumped up and wanted to talk, but they were scared back by the outstretched finger of the Peacock Pluto.

"Don’t get excited, just listen to me. That’s right, the Japanese will definitely make some strategic adjustments after the previous battles, and now Matsumoto Masaga has once again entered the Japanese players In the future, the Japanese tactics will no longer be as rigid as Nobunaga Oni’s leadership. We believe that the key cities are bound to be conceivable by the Japanese, so these cities will definitely become key defense targets. On the surface, offensive. These prepared key cities will inevitably cause a large number of casualties, but I do not intend to use you as a stormtrooper. As I said before, the first stage attack on these key cities will involve the elite groups of our guild. So you It’s just to provide auxiliary and main combat forces. The tough tasks are all contracted by our people."

A leader of the defeated guild suddenly stood up, but he saw the finger raised by the Peacock Pluto. He quickly sat back, but raised his hand high. I looked at him, and then pointed at him. He immediately jumped up and said, "I know that the defenses of these key cities are strong, but once they are defeated, the oil and water in them must be massive. If President Purple Moon is willing to use it. The elites of the Frost Rose Alliance come to help us pull out some difficult nails, then we naturally don’t mind paying a little sacrifice in exchange for benefits, but in this case, how do the Frost Rose Alliance’s contributions count? Plunder the resources from the cities we smashed down. As compensation, should our guilds pay for the cooperation in the form of employment? I know that there is no free lunch in the world. Even if you don’t care about it, your guild is always impossible to do white work, right?"

< p>I explained with a smile: "Don't worry about this. Since our Frost Rose Alliance dares to take the lead, we won't care about this small interest. It can be said that the interests we seek are not exactly the same, so what you care about I don’t care. I’ve said too much in detail. I can only tell you that. What we need for the Frost Rose Alliance is the overall benefit. This benefit cannot be seen intuitively, but it does produce benefits, so we don’t We are not doing white work. After all, our Frost and Rose League is not a charity. Impossible helps you work for free, but you can’t understand the benefits we need. In addition, we will actually take some things from the city. "At this point, I paused for a while, and then continued: "We need the library in the city and all the intangible wealth. Of course, we won't take them directly. If you don’t need us, just take these things. Move away, if you also need it, our guild will send someone to make a copy of these materials. The original belongs to you, and we only need to copy the materials. This article is not only for the city that is about to be captured, but everyone here has already occupied it. We also need the library in the city. I think it’s convenient for you to be unaccommodating, right?"

Listen to me, the following presidents immediately smiled and said no, after all, the information is this It doesn’t matter if you copy it, so everyone doesn’t care about it. As for technical secrecy, these guilds dare not, and there is no need to block us technically, so everyone is still willing to do this with a smooth favor.

After I said this, I went on to say: "In addition to the book, we need something in your city." Seeing everyone calm down again, I continued: "Same as before, this is also For everyone present, it doesn't just refer to the cities that will be occupied."

"Purple Moon, what do you really need?" someone asked.

"NPC." I said aloud: "I need you to occupy the NPCs in the city. It doesn't matter what kind, we have our own selection criteria. What we want may be combat NPCs. It may also be just a free NPC that you don’t care about at all. In short, the standard is very complicated, so I won’t explain it to you. When the time comes, we will send people to find in your city for your own convenience. Once we find what we need NPC, we will notify you, and then we will negotiate and resolve according to the actual situation. We can pay for funds, strategic materials, special materials or help you lay down a certain city or something. In short, we will negotiate on the spot according to the actual situation. When the time comes, everyone I’m the lowest price, just don’t kill me." In fact, what I said was just a joke. Don’t say these guilds dare not kill me. Even if they want to kill, they have to figure out what NPC we want. . Our criteria for selecting NPCs are confidential. They cannot make random prices without knowing their value. They can only assess the impact of losing these NPCs on their guilds. This price will definitely not reach the actual price of these special NPCs. So we are not losing money.

"These are nothing at the worst President Purple Moon. What we are more concerned about now is what should we do about the Japanese counterattacks we will face in the next time? We have occupied so many Japanese Cities, they are impossible to act at all. Once they start to counterattack, what should we do? There are too many cities, and the defense will naturally be diluted. If we fight so many cities down, what if we can't defend it?"< /p>

"The president said very well." I praised the guy first, and then said, "But I think your worries are completely unnecessary. We will be They are in an offensive state, so the Japanese have no extra energy to attack our city. If they come to attack better, as long as they dare to attack, it will inevitably lead to a decline in their city defense, then we will attack theirs in turn. City, at worst, it’s quicker to see who demolishes the house. This is Japanese land, not ours, even if it is occupied. So I also draw your attention here, and don’t repair it until the war with Japan is completely ended. For any unnecessary city facilities, all you have to do is to attack, occupy, and repair the city wall. Leave the rest alone. We won’t lose anything if the city is destroyed. Anyway, our base camp is in the country, and the loss here will not be allowed. We lose any battle strength, but the Japanese are different. Without a city, there will be no commercial activities, no minerals, and insufficient supplies. This is a huge blow to them as a whole." After that, there was warm applause immediately. I waited until the applause was over and then I said: "Okay, now let’s talk about the specific arrangements for the future. Our staff has just made a detailed report. Please listen carefully to your tasks. ."

While I introduced the fighting arrangements for the next period of time to the guilds of many Chinese guilds, representatives from all sides in Japan are also gathering together to discuss future plans.

"Guishou Nobunaga, didn’t you say that we can hit the hinterland of China in a spurt of energy? What is this now?" A grumpy guild leader pointed to the ghostshou Nobunaga’s nose questioned loudly, but he was cursing vigorously, but after hearing a sudden metal rubbing, the guild leader’s finger suddenly fell off, and the leaders of other guilds nearby were all startled from his own. Stand up in position.

"Guishou Nobunaga, what do you mean?" another elder president asked angrily.

Guishou Nobunaga glanced evilly at the guy whose fingers had been cut off and the older guild leader, and then took the knife back in an indifferent manner. "You dare to come out and yell at such a rubbish!"

"Guishou Nobunaga, we are your allies, not your subordinates. You'd better figure out the situation." The guild leader said angrily.

"hmph, it is not your turn to judge my behavior." Nobunaga Guishou said looking towards the guild leader and walked over, the threat in it couldn't be more obvious.

Just when the president was forced to take a step back by the imposing manner of Oniju Nobunaga’s imposing manner, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly intervened between the two and blocked the president. Behind. "If you think they are all small characters, do you think I am the one who is qualified to judge you? Or do you think anyone here is qualified to judge, or do you think no one here is qualified to judge your behavior? "

"Matsumoto Masaka, don’t provoke discord here, I didn’t say that." Matsumoto glared at Nobunaga Onitou and said: "This is the meeting site of our Great Japan Joint Headquarters. I seem to remember that you are not one of us, right?"

Masaga Matsumoto was nodded and turned to the other presidents around him and asked: "Then you also think that I am not a member of this organization. Should I leave? If anyone thinks I should leave, please raise your hand. I hope those who stay will sit down." Hula, there were only a few loyal loyalists of Nobunaga on the court. The presidents of the Japanese guilds are not stupid. Before, Masaka Matsumoto fought with me undefeated for hundreds of rounds outside the national corridor, and finally he and I played a perish together, which made the presidents of the Japanese guilds see. When it comes to hope, no one wants to offend Masaga Matsumoto. Besides, soldiers who don’t want to be generals are not good soldiers. Who has no ambitions? Although everyone now acknowledges allegiance to Nobunaga Onishou, if there are more people who can check Nobunaga Onishou, these presidents will naturally raise their hands to welcome, how can they drive Matsumoto Masaka away?

Seeing this situation, Guishou Nobunaga also knows that people’s hearts are no longer there, but his position has not been completely lost, and he doesn’t want to get too stiff with everyone, so he just left coldly snorted. go back.

Masaga Matsumoto is now exuberant. Naturally, if he catches the opportunity, he will lose Nobunaga. "Since everyone agrees that I stay here, it means I have the right to participate in the meeting. Then I hope Nobunaga-kun Onizuka can explain my previous question. Do you think anyone here can comment on you?"

"Don’t pick my thorn, this defensive failure is not my fault alone. No one didn’t expect the Chinese to get the same, even bigger formidable power magic crystal like us. Steam weapons, and they also have equipment that can suppress our magic crystal power weapons. What do you want me to do?"

"No, this is not what I want to ask." Matsumoto continued to expose the ghost The long scars of the letter. "The previous defensive failure was entirely due to the Chinese tactical adjustments and the emergence of new technologies. This is not to blame you, and I didn't want to say anything on this, so don't get excited. What I want to know is the ghost afterwards. God."

"Ghost...What's wrong with Ghost God?" Of course, Nobunaga Oni knows what Matsumoto Masaka is talking about, but he is impossible to admit it voluntarily.

Masaga Matsumoto sees the expression of Nobunaga, so he knows the outline. "Okay, I won't fight mystery with you. Let's get it straight. Why did the Ghost God Legion, which was originally used to reinforce the national channel, run to the defensive battlefields of various cities?"

"That was my transfer "Nobunaga Onitou said frankly: "The city is our foundation. Is it wrong to mobilize defense forces to defend the city?"

"Wrong, and it's a big mistake." The intelligence level of Naga and Matsumoto Masaka are simply not in the same line. He wants to trick Matsumoto Masaka into it, which is completely dreaming. Masaga Matsumoto smiled slightly with disdain, and then turned to the many Japanese guild leaders around him and said, "Everyone, although some of you are new faces, most of you are old people. Even if you are new, I believe you There is no lack of understanding of Purple Moon’s Frost Rose League. If you are able to do so, you must have more or less contact with the Frost Rose League in your current position. What is the strongest aspect of the Frost Rose League in your impressions?"

"Attack power." "Magic technology." "High level NPCLegion." "Magic puppet."...The guild leaders around said a lot.

Matsumoto Masaga reached out and stopped everyone's speech. "Very well, it seems that everyone has a deep experience! However, you all only talked about the superficial, or some side details. Now I will tell you what the real trump card of the Frost Rose League is. Before I leave the position of the Japanese leader After that, I was much more relaxed than before. Sometimes when there was nothing wrong, I would reflect on the previous battles with the Frost Rose League, and then summarize what we did right and wrong, and finally let me find Frost Rose. The true strength of the league." Speaking of this, Matsumoto Masaka deliberately paused, and the guild leaders around also wanted to know where our guild was strong, so they all put their ears up. After seeing everyone’s interest, Masaga Matsumoto continued: “The real strongest attribute of the Frost Rose League is actually his speed. In fact, for a top guild, the Frost Rose League’s staffing is actually very small. , Many of you here have guilds that are much larger than the Frost Rose League, but why we can’

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