The military god seems to be prepared for my question. "I don't know the specific arrangements of the Japanese side. I just infer that the Japanese should have at least some similar reserve teams based on the general state of war, and now it has been confirmed that the reserve team does exist."

I nodded said: "The analysis is very reasonable, and the reserve team seems to be more than that. At least I don't think the Japanese will only arrange such a few people to be the reserve team."

" I think so too."

"Then both of you are wrong." I was looking at the battlefield ahead and discussing issues with the god of war, and suddenly I heard Su Mi's voice coming from behind.

"Why did you run to the front line?"

Sumi said with an indifferent expression: "Anyway, we are the offensive side. Push back here?" Seeing my helpless head shook Sumei, she proudly brought the topic back to business. "I just received a message from our intelligence personnel lurking on the opposite side."

"What's new?" "Why don't I know?" I and the military god asked almost at the same time, just the content. Nothing more. What I care about is the content of the intelligence, but the military god is wondering why So Mi knows the news before him. In any case, the military god is equivalent to the information exchange center in our guild. Usually, information is passed to him first and then passed to us. Today, there is still news that he does not know.

Somi explained indifferently: "The news came from the NPC spies lurking in the Japanese guild. Because it is an NPC, there is no way to use space equipment, so it is not easy to carry a crystal communicator. The news is the verbal message he sent back through our combatants in the previous battle."

Unlike most guilds, our guild has a group of special NPCs, they are spy NPCs. Because the players in the game also have another identity in reality, the espionage behavior in the game can almost be said to be everywhere. It is possible that a friend who has been training with you for a long time is actually a spy for another guild, and the reason may be that the guild leader is his best friend, or simply his biological brother. Although you can also make friends in the game, you can't guarantee whether there are more iron friends outside the game. When the relationship between two friends conflicts, some people are likely to fall to one of them. For this kind of unprofessional, but almost indistinguishable spy, every guild has a headache. It’s better like our guild, because of the powerful control of the military god and the surveillance system in all the cities of our guild, so if a player has abnormal behavior, he will be discovered almost immediately. As for other guilds, those spies are almost indistinguishable. Unless they are exposed for some accidental reason, it is almost never heard of a guild that has successfully captured several spies.

Because the player spies in the game are too easy to obtain, so few people in the game will consider letting NPCs be spies. Of course, there are reasons why player spies are easy to obtain, but the more important reason is that the relationship index exists in all NPCs in the game. If you want to get information from an NPC, there are only a few possibilities. One is that he himself is your subordinate, and the other is that you have a super good relationship with him. Although the NPC spy obtained in the first situation is easier to cooperate, it is not easy to send your own NPC subordinates to the opponent's guild to ensure that they will not be discovered. Not to mention that the important sources of NPCs for each guild are almost all obtained from the official institutions set by the system. It is already a huge challenge to find NPCs with intelligence high enough to be spies. Of course, the second method can actually be considered, but compared to the first, this one is actually less reliable. There are only five types of NPC in the guild: free NPC, soldier NPC, interior NPC, high level NPC and special NPC. Free NPC is the existence of citizens in various cities by the system. There are many such NPCs and it is easy to buy them, but this kind of NPC is just like ordinary people. Unless you have the ability to buy hundreds of thousands of this kind of NPC, it is estimated. No news. Compared with free NPCs, soldier NPCs have access to some secrets, but these NPCs are too regular and rarely stand alone. More importantly, this kind of NPC will not have too much intelligence, almost always a tendon. If you show a little bit of wanting to buy him off, maybe he will turn your face directly with you. The political consciousness is much higher than those elite NPCs with much higher IQs. The internal affairs NPC is the easiest to buy among all NPCs, and it is also the easiest to access some information, but this type of NPC is also divided into high level and low level. Low-level internal affairs NPCs are easy to buy, but they have fixed positions, and it is not easy to access important information. Secondly, even if he knows, he can't actively contact you. High level NPCs in internal affairs often come into contact with some key departments, and they know a lot, but this kind of NPC only has help with the leadership and NPC of the guild. As an outsider, you simply can’t reach them, and you can’t find them if you want to buy them. To the way. Not to mention high level NPCs. These guys not only have their own personalities, but they are all ghosts and ghosts. They want to buy them. Maybe they are sold by others and don't know. As for special NPCs, this group is not unique to every guild. They have only one common feature-destroying heaven extinguishing earth general strength. For example, Vena and Peacock Pluto are special NPCs in our guild. These guys usually have good personal relationships with the guild leaders, and their strength is terrifying. If you want to buy them, you must weigh your own capital. Small guilds will not be able to afford to bribe, and big guilds will have money and bribes and will not do so. It is better to hire millions of NPC troops with so much money.

Although due to the above reasons, the guilds have given up the special existence of NPC spies, our guild has such a group of real NPC spies, and we directly use the first spies, which is Our own men.

In fact, the NPC spies in our guild are not trained by us. They are a ready-made unit, whose source is the Temple of Chaos and Order. As long as we have money, we can produce this spy in unlimited quantities, and we can send it to any guild and mix in easily. This kind of spy's entry method to deal with the general guild is actually very simple-catch an NPC with a similar status and kill it, and then pretend to be him.

The spy NPC produced by the Temple of Chaos and Order has the ability to transform itself and can disguise itself as any NPC species. Except for the mechanical lifeform and Spirit Physique, which require special spies to disguise, the general These spies, living organisms, can disguise. The disguised spy can not only use its own skills to read part of the opponent's memory, but also copy several of the opponent's special abilities, so that they can better pretend to be the opponent and penetrate into the enemy's interior. Of course, although this kind of NPC can read memory and copy skills, but also not to say that anyone can pretend. For example, if the Japanese get a spy like this, they absolutely cannot pretend to be Vina, because the premise of pretending is that the target must be killed. With Vina’s battle strength, who can kill her?

"What news did our spies bring back?" After the military god learned that the intelligence was brought back by NPC spies, he had no more doubts.

"It's what you just discussed." So Mi said: "The Japanese do have a reserve team, but it's not the same as you think. What you just saw knocked our people off the city wall Those ninjas are all the reserve teams."

"That's it?" I was very surprised by this intelligence and the military god. The military god asked suspiciously: "They only arrange such a reserve team. What will they do when the city wall is breached again?"

Su Mei did not answer the military god's words directly, but looked towards To my side. "Purple Moon, you should know why the Japanese didn't arrange a reserve team?"

"I should know?" I looked up and thought for a long time before suddenly reacting. "That super stimulant?" When I broke into the back of the Japanese defense line before, Nobunaga Guite took out something like Luminous Pearl with bumps on the surface. At that time, he only used a little bit to make himself and the people around him. The strength has improved a lot, if he uses such things when he breaks the city...not all, as long as one third, I guess the group of Japanese in front of him will instantly become a large group of super experts, it is estimated that when the time comes Unless the people on our side become as powerful as me, we will have to be beaten back even if we don't estimate it. If I understand the reason, I can be regarded as understanding the Japanese arrangement. "In that case, they really don’t need a reserve team."

"What's the situation?" The military god didn’t see the function of that special item, so he still didn’t understand it. After I explained it to him, he also understood the reason why the Japanese did not arrange a reserve team.

After explaining the reason with the military god, I suddenly thought of another question. "That's not right! So Mi. It's not a worst thing for the Japanese not to prepare a reserve team? Is it necessary for our spies to venture out on the battlefield for such a trivial matter?"

"The Purple Moon big brother is indeed the Purple Moon big brother. You are right. Of course, the spy’s words are more than that. The real intelligence is really about the reserve team, but it’s not that the Japanese don’t have a reserve team. But they have two reserve teams. You have already seen the first one, and then if we successfully break through the city wall, then Nobunaga will start the doping agent to strengthen the battle strength of Japanese players. But in fact, It doesn’t matter. The real key issue is that Nobunaga has a second reserve team, a Divine Race reserve team."

"Divine Race reserve team?"

< p>"That's right. A Ghost God Legion from Kamiyama, Japan, there are not many, but the battle strength is too strong. With our current offensive strength, it is estimated that if we can hold on for a long time, we will collapse across the board."

"Divine Race is not allowed to participate in other battles besides the siege wars of guilds of different countries? We are just fighting for the national channel, why can they intervene?"

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