"Hey, God of War, what I want is to put pressure on the Japanese, not to let you break through their defenses. Your attacking rhythm is too strong, right?"

For my questioning, the God of War did not pause at all and explained: "Only when the offensive is fierce can the other party think that we are really planning to break through here. As for the degree issue, I think you don’t have to worry about this. As a battlefield command computer, I In this respect, I can be 100% guaranteed that there will be no accidents."

Military God’s explanation made me a little relieved. In any case, Military God’s initial research direction is to conduct battlefield command in complex situations. Yes, and the complex equipment and logistics management in modern warfare is far more responsible than the battlefield in the game. Since the military god can accurately control the field in that environment, there is nothing difficult for this small problem in the game. .

Facts are just as the military god said, after a large number of soldiers rushed on the city wall, our soldiers and Japanese players began to enter the fight at close quarters. On our side, a large number of heavy infantry formed a defensive circle on the city wall, while on the Japanese side, a large number of Japanese warriors and ghost forces charged our defensive circle one after another. Although there are not many people on our side, the victory lies in the battle strength. Although the individual battle strength of Japan is far inferior to ours, they have a quantitative advantage on the city wall. Under the premise that our soldiers’ individual battle strength is not high enough to be negligible, Japanese players still firmly control the battle on the city wall. It’s not so easy to just drive our people off the city wall. .

The crowd is crowded together like ants on the top of the city wall. In this state, any fancy skills are no longer available, and they can only rely on the most basic attack power and defensive power. The soldiers on both sides slashed me with one sword and I stabbed you with one sword, utterly ignoring their own safety in exchange for life. However, even those who died in the battle could not leave the battlefield immediately, because the dense crowds were already crowded to the point where even the bodies could not fall down.

"Charge, rush!" Because he is not good at commanding, this guy is now holding up his sword and taking the lead on the city wall. He is still following his loyal demon by his side. Pet and mount-the armed boar. Although there is no innate talent and a sloppy personality, the battle strength of the big pot meal is still good. In addition, he himself is a high-level guild, and his equipment is definitely better than that of the grassroots players. In such a melee, he can show his formidable power better.

"Huh? How did you rush to the city wall with the big pot of rice?" Seeing the big pot of rice slicing left and right with a big knife, a player from the unit that rushed on the city wall suddenly asked .

"haha, what's the fun of staying behind? It's better to rush up to meet force with force to chop people. Ouch..." While talking about the big pot of rice, he was chopped by the enemy next to him, but hurt It was not heavy, and he immediately slashed it back with a big knife. "Tell you to chop me and watch me kill you! Aiya, who the hell stepped on my head?" The Japanese player who had chopped him down hard while the foul-mouthed cauldron suddenly felt his head heavier, and he looked up. A red silhouette stepped on his head and flew into the opposite crowd, and cleared a large area instantly after landing. Da Guofan, who wanted to continue to yell at him, immediately lost his voice as soon as he looked at the person's equipment. It wasn't that he was afraid of her, but he knew that he was definitely not noisy.

Zhenhong actually stepped on Cauldron Rice deliberately just now. Of course, this is just a joke among friends. However, she was not so polite to the Japanese. As soon as she landed, she hit the ground with a heavy fist. The huge golden aperture instantly opened, and all the people within a radius of ten meters were lifted out. .

The people on the city wall are quite dense. The vacuum area that has just been blasted out soon has a tendency to be filled up by the crowd again. However, the real red is different from the big pot rice. Although the attack power is very high, the big pot rice The attack power can only be a single body. Although it is fast to cut people on the battlefield, it does not have the speed of real red. Of course, although the attack power is very high, but there are also different levels of high. Relative to the average player, the attack power of both of them is called high, but the absolute damage output of True Red is more than a little stronger than that of Cauldron. Just as the crowd was about to close together again, she suddenly turned around in a circle and drew a strange pattern in the air with her fist, and then hit the center of the golden pattern hovering in the air with a fierce punch. Accompanied by a thunderous dragon roar tiger, a huge golden Divine Dragon suddenly flew out of the pattern and jumped directly into the opposite crowd, while the crowd in front seemed to be run over by a bulldozer, and was forcibly instantly. A big passage was opened.

Faced with such a formidable power attack by True Red, the surrounding Japanese players were not timid, they still dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety, but the result was still the same as before—— Before getting close, they flew out in groups.

Different from the real red attack, in another place on the battlefield, gold coin is showing Japanese players what precise combat skills are. Although her attack looked soft and did not cause the shocking effect of heaven shaking, earth shattering, the people around her were falling down at a terrifying speed, and the only wound that could be found on those people was It's just the small cut in the throat.

Of course, no one is close to the two main killers of the guild, but in other sectors, Japanese players have the absolute initiative. After all, this is their home court. As the offensive side, they can do it. The one-to-one casualty ratio is already our great achievement.

"Lie down..." The battle was fierce, and suddenly there was a loud shout from the Japanese side. All the Japanese players collectively took to the ground, followed by the sound of wū wū wū wū. , A large swath of white objects flew over like shotguns. The small areas just occupied by our guild on the city wall were covered by these objects, and hundreds of people were knocked down in an instant. The nearby Japanese players took advantage of the destruction of our battle formation and attacked the top of our car in one fell swoop, followed by a few huge wooden barrels that were pushed up and thrown down from the edge of the car. The wooden barrels were smashed as soon as they hit the ground, and the large amount of white liquid in them instantly covered a large area under the columbine. Although our staff responded quickly and tried to cover those things with mud, the Fireball dropped afterwards ignited the liquid. The fire instantly turned the entire columbine car into a large burning torch, and the people in the columbine car were forced to He jumped directly from the back without the armor plate. Although he might be injured in this way, it was better than being burned to death in the car.

"Did you know that the Japanese had such an arrangement?" Seeing that the troops who had just rushed onto the city wall were driven down again soon, I relaxed instead. If triumphant progress is necessary, the subsequent strategic plan will be difficult to implement!

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