"They can shoot because they are simply not Divine Race." Su Mi's explanation is quite simple, but it also allows us to fully understand the reason. The system restricts Divine Race from participating in mortal battles, but does not care about non-Divine Race forces. For example, Chinese Demons can participate in any kind of foreign warfare of our guild, but because it is not necessary for the time being, So I rarely go to the Demons to borrow someone. Compared to our situation, the Japanese are obviously in a lot of urgent situations, so it is understandable that Nobunaga and the others are looking for non-Divine Race high level NPC groups in Japan to participate in the battle. As for why they haven’t seen him summon before, I guess Maybe it's because they just got through the joints recently. Even non-Divine Race NPC forces are still very strong after all. They are impossible to be on call like mercenaries. Of course, they are much more expensive than mercenaries in terms of fees.

"Since the opponent has high level arms help, should we also prepare in advance?" The military god asked aloud.

"Preparation must be prepared, but we don’t need to prepare like them with fanfare." I thought about it for a moment and then said: "Vina is the lord of the guild. It’s not convenient to come out. Let Xinghuo or Peacocks can come here and sit alone.” NPCs without Divine Race status are definitely not as strong as the regular Divine Race. Spark and Peacocks are both genuine Divine Races. It should be no problem to deal with these Japanese sub-Divine Grade NPCs. .

This is the intelligence on the battlefield. If you don’t know it, you may end up defeated by a vital piece of information. If you know, you may be able to deal with the seemingly deadly situation as long as you make some insignificant adjustments. . Like the news just now, if we didn’t know it, we were suddenly attacked by the helpers invited by this gang of Guishou Nobunaga. Maybe the whole front would collapse. If we know the news in advance, just ask us from the guild. If an expert comes to sit down, everything will be worry-free.

After deciding on the solution, the God of War notified the Temple of Chaos and Order through the communication system, allowing Vina and the others to decide who they would send to see the scene, but Vina and the others have not yet sent back information about the details. Whoever comes, our side is the first to have a movement.

"Hold on! Hold on to me." Several Japanese players yelled loudly, and several huge devil beasts in front of them were holding on to the huge city gate in front of them. , There is a large group of NPCs helping out. However, although there are many people blocking the door here, the situation has not improved in the slightest. Boom, accompanied by a loud noise, the entire door shook violently. The devil beast at the top door and the door panels from which all the NPCs were shaken away, but they quickly pushed their bodies back again, but the next loud noise came. At that time, they will be rushed again for a while.

On the other side of the gate, the heavy siege vehicle of our guild is holding the city gate tightly, and the all-steel heavy hammer weighing more than 100 tons in the vehicle is More than a dozen magic puppets retreated backwards under the action of gears stirred with all their strength. The hammer as a whole looks like a seal with a huge handle. The upper and lower sides of the rear handle have huge slots and two sets of gears mounted on the car body are engaged with each other. At the front end of the hammer, that is, the part that directly hits the gate, a round hammer head slightly larger than the rear is installed. At this time, a magic array about the size of the whole hammer head is shining brightly on the hammer head plane. red light. This magic array is a new type of composite magic array provided by the Institute of Magic of the guild. Its function is equivalent to combining the three magic arrays of shock, heat and decay in a formation diagram. When the hammer printed with this magic array keeps hitting the city gate, it continuously transmits the three attributes to the city gate. The rotten attributes can make the durability of the city gate drop quickly, and at the same time it will gradually weaken the defensive ability of the city gate. Hot attributes can heat the city gate, if it is a metal city gate, it can melt, and if it is wood, it can be burned directly. Of course, if you run into a stone city gate, the effect will drop a lot. The final shock retreat attribute, although it has no effect on the city gate itself, it can indirectly damage the people behind the top gate of the city gate and even the bearings and latches of the city gate. This attribute will appear especially when the city gate is about to collapse. Exceptionally useful.

The hammer with three attributes was gradually pulled to the limit under the winch of the heavy magic doll. With a click, a mechanism finally successfully locked the hammer, and then the magic dolls quickly Let go of the handle and change it against the armrest on the wall of the car body next to the car body to make the car body tightly against the city gate, but at this time the hammer did not hit the city gate, but was stuck in the ready position by the fixed lock. superior. The hammer in the heavy siege vehicle does not rely on the pendulum principle to hit the door, but is driven by the spring force and the lever acceleration principle. As long as the winch is turned to pull the hammer to the ready position, it can be operated like a bed crossbow. It hits the city gate in the same way. Of course, its formidable power is much larger than that of a crossbow.

After the magic puppets against the car body, the only player in the car immediately pulled the trigger. With a ding sound, the fixed lock bounced off, and the hammer immediately began to accelerate and hit the city gate ahead. Past. A hammer weighing more than one hundred tons can be accelerated on an eight-meter-long slide rail to a speed of more than 80 kilometers per hour. It doesn't sound too fast, but considering the weight of the ram itself of more than 100 tons, the kinetic energy released when it is reversed at the moment it hits the city gate can be imagined. That is to say, the super city gate of the national city wall can last for so long. If the city gate of a general city, unless it is built like Isengard, it will be hit by this kind of heavy hammer, and it will usually become a piece of debris after three hits.

The heavy hammer that was just released hit the city gate again. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the whole city passageway oh la la oh la la fell straight down, and the city gate Behind was another group of people turning their horses back, but before they re-energized the hammer, the people over there quickly got up and pushed the city gate back again.

When the military gods and I were discussing who to send to the town, the siege hammer happened to be launched again, but unlike the previous few times, there was obviously something broken in the impact. the sound of. Although it is not visible on the surface, people who are close to it know that the support beam inside the city gate skin is probably broken, or at least it is cracked.

The Japanese noticed the unusual sound, and we naturally noticed it too. The player operating the siege vehicle was immediately excited to make the magic puppets hurry up, and after quickly completing the continuation, he immediately pulled the trigger again. Boom, click. The sound was unusually clear this time, and the hammer had clearly passed through the door. People stuck behind the door saw that the middle of the door was suddenly pushed up by something. Although the central part of the city gate did not fly out because of the skin, the door was obviously perforated.

Seeing that the gate was actually knocked through, the player operating the siege vehicle immediately shouted in excitement. "Quickly, go on Jin, do it again, and smash it completely!"

After re-strike, the hammer flew out for the last time. The city gate that had been hit last time lost its structural strength. It's resisting this kind of shock. With a bang, several large devil beasts blocking the gate, along with nearby NPCs and half of the city gate, were blasted out. Many people had turned into a pile of flesh when they fell on the ground. Even the heavy devil beast of the door was smashed half way. The siege hammer this thing is specifically used to bomb city gates and city walls. Although it moves slowly and has a low attack frequency, and has almost no protection, it has an attack of close to five million. Power, let alone human beings, even a giant dragon gets seriously injured. In terms of absolute attack power, the siege hammer is definitely the super equipment of Ranked 1st among the guild's large weapons.

As soon as the city gate was knocked open here, the crowds on both sides immediately became confused. A large number of people on the Japanese side quickly gathered behind the city passageway to block the door. On the other side, our personnel also gathered behind the siege hammer and planned to rush along.

We have fought so many battles, and Japanese players have enough technology to block the city gate. As soon as the city gate was breached, a team of archers immediately blocked the door, and then a dense rain of arrows instantly shot in from the front of an unobstructed siege vehicle. However, it is a pity that the remaining space on the front of the siege vehicle except for the oversized hammer head is blocked by the magic puppet, and ordinary arrows can't hurt the magic puppet at all. As for the hammerhead, that thing is a solid iron lump, not to mention that it cannot be broken, even if it can be broken, the thing is only worth a lot of money?

After discovering that the first round arrow rain had no effect, the Japanese players did not respond slowly. With a big wave, the archer quickly drew away, and a magic crystal cannon was pushed out. But the people on our side did not intend to be passively beaten. Just as the magic crystal cannon was pushed out, the siege vehicle moved. Driven by a large group of magic dolls, the heavy siege vehicle flew out of the city passageway like a cannonball, and the magic crystal cannon was successfully fired at this time, but the cannonball hit the huge siege vehicle as soon as it flew out of the cannon. Hammerhead. With only a bang, the cannonball exploded suddenly between the siege vehicle and the cannon. The Japanese players and NPCs standing near the cannon were swept down by the blast like wheat. The magic crystal cannon itself was instantly restored to one. Pile of parts flew in all directions. Of course, the siege engine did not catch it well. In the explosion, the hammer was shaken off the slide rail and flew out from the rear of the car. The car body itself was not scattered, but the outer armor skin was completely blown by the blast wind, and the steel beam used as the support was also twisted. Like twist, as for the player inside... the steel was deformed, and he naturally had no reason to survive. When it came to those magic puppets, even though they were knocked down, they staggered to their feet after a while. The bodies of these guys are much stronger than humans.

After the shock wave of the explosion dissipated, the Japanese players quickly rushed back to the city gate, but unfortunately our people also rushed through the city passageway and collided with the Japanese players and NPCs inside the city gate. People on both sides know that this is the key point. If it is blocked, the Japanese will win, and if it collapses, the Chinese will win.

When the army god noticed that the city gate was rushed open, he immediately notified me: "President, the city gate is open. Did you help our people in the past stand first?"

I nodded directly out of the city wall. Now that I know that the two post moves of the Japanese are useless, then I don't have to worry about playing too hard. On the contrary, if we don’t behave a bit stronger and wait for the Japanese to be recruited, it will be difficult for us to handle it.

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