Along with the cheers of everyone, Masaka Matsumoto put down another mobile angel while raising his hands. Originally, some Japanese who had not joined the cheering ranks finally started to get excited. After all, they have seen the power of mobile angels. Matsumoto Masaga can easily solve two mobile angels. This record is definitely worth cheering for him. Of course, when Masaga Matsumoto performed his high-spirited and vigorous performance, the rose standing behind the city wall felt distressed.

"To raise Matsumoto's position, is it necessary to sacrifice so many mobile angels?" Rose finally couldn't help connecting to my crystal communicator and asked loudly.

I shook the head helplessly. "I'm afraid it has to be so. Matsumoto used to suffer from insufficient personal battle strength, but now it is the most important thing for him to show him. Although mobile angels are expensive to build, it is because the core materials are more difficult. Yes, as long as the wreckage can be recovered, it will not cost a lot of money to rebuild a mobile angel!"

"However, the production process of mobile angels is also very complicated, and the actual manufacturing cost is much higher than that of ordinary magic dolls. Many, even if you want to use mobile angels to increase Matsumoto's prestige, there is no need to kill two of them at once, right?" Rose said angrily: "Frankly explain, how many mobile angels do you promise he can destroy?" /p>

"Four parts."

Hearing this number, Rose paused for a while, but she quickly re-said: "It's not too exaggerated, but I hope you will do it again next time. This kind of promise of great generosity is best to breathe with me first."

"Yes, my wife, there won’t be a next time!" After assuring Rose for a long time, I was finally able to pay attention again. Turn back to the battlefield.

After killing two mobile angels in a row, Masaga Matsumoto immediately rushed to the third mobile angel. However, even though I gave him four spots for mobile angels, I did not intend to let him one. It was all used up in an instant. If Matsumoto's dealing with mobile angels is like cutting melons and vegetables, it will not increase his prestige, but will make Japanese players feel too simple, so when he rushes to the third mobile angel again, a sparkle Suddenly, Bai Ying stopped in front of him.

Masaka Matsumoto, who noticed that there was an obstacle in front of him, didn’t panic at all. Although we didn’t arrange specific battle details before, he knew that the things I sent would not really threaten him. , So he was unusually calm from the very beginning. Of course, no one besides himself and me knows what his calmness comes from. It seems to Japanese players that he seems to behave very calmly, without the rashness of Nobunaga on the surface at all.

Suddenly found that there was something more in front of Masaka Matsumoto, under the command of a calm mind, he slashed with a sword by inertia, but the white shadow in front of him suddenly flashed, and the sword light passed directly through the opponent. His body cut off a large section of the wall behind him, and accidentally injured many NPC soldiers brought by Japanese players.

Originally, Masaka Matsumoto thought that I had sent a player, but he was surprised by a miss. He carefully looked at the white silhouette in front of him before he could see clearly. It turned out that this was still It is a mobile angel, but it is obviously not the same model as the previous ones. The body of the mobile angel in front of me is much smaller than the big guy who is nearly four meters tall. The height is only about 1.8 to 1.9 meters. Although it is still quite tall compared to humans, it is still quite different from the previous one. Those big guys have made a big difference.

In addition to the difference in height, the appearance of the mobile angel in front of me is also quite special. It or her appearance is obviously female, although the face of the mobile angel is a metalized mask, not the shape of a human face, but the overall structure of the mobile angel in front of you can make people obvious at a glance I can tell that she has a gender, because this mobile angel is not only much slenderer than other models, it even has a very obvious S-curve. Although all she can see all over her body is metal, it is an anomaly. Soft feeling. Moreover, compared to the rugged large mobile angel, the shape of this one is obviously much more gorgeous. A lot of red, black and golden gems are inlaid all over her body. It doesn't look like a combat weapon, but it is more suitable for decoration in the lobby of a hotel.

Although he was shocked by the gorgeous mobile angel in front of him, Masaga Matsumoto quickly reacted, because he suddenly found two red lights lit up behind the black helmet goggles of the mobile angel. point. In our guild for a short time, Masaga Matsumoto received our assault training. He knew that the red light was the energy overflow caused by the sudden increase in the output power of the mana core, and this situation is usually accompanied by mobile angels. Appeared suddenly.

The mobile angel in front of me suddenly flicked its wings after the eyes suddenly flashed. With a blasting sound like an explosion, the mobile angel flashed a few meters away in an instant, and then she A hexagonal metal cover at the center of the eyebrows suddenly popped open, revealing the golden gems inside. Before Masaka Matsumoto could see what was going on, the golden gem suddenly lit up, and a golden ray shot out instantly. Masaga Matsumoto flashed subconsciously to the side, and the ray instantly swept across the top of the city wall. There was a big explosion in all areas along this route, and at least a few hundred people were reimbursed by the blow.

"hey hey hey ......Purple Moon, do you think you can kill me?" Although he was not scanned, Masaka Matsumoto kept jumping in his heart. If he hadn't flashed past just now, the result was absolutely miserable. Although he might not be killed directly, it would definitely not be much better.

Of course I can’t hear the complaints in Matsumoto’s heart, but I am not much better than him at this time, because Rose is worryingly interrogating me whether to include the latest high-mobility mobile angels. Included in the vandalized list. This kind of female-looking mobile angel is actually an experimental mobile angel. Its armor thickness is much thinner than that of general mobile mobile angels, and she has no internal core mobile parts installed, which means that once she is destroyed, it will be damaged. It will be completely broken, unlike a large mobile angel with a skeleton-shaped core inside the shell. Of course, the benefit of saving a core system and reducing the armor is that we can fit more power systems in a limited body, and due to the decrease in self-weight, the thrust-to-weight ratio of this mobile angel is very large, and the mobility is better than The general mobile angel has improved significantly.

The ultimate goal of this experimental mobile angel is to deal with high level players. Anyway, high level players have super attack power. Even with heavy plate armor protection, ordinary mobile angels are definitely not good. The attack of the high level player stays, so instead of increasing the defense, it is not increasing the speed. No matter how high your attack power is, it will be useless if you can't hit it.

Masaga Matsumoto, who exploded two mobile angels in a row, was completely suppressed when facing this special mobile angel. The two guys called on the city wall several times at an extremely fast speed. , The two sides themselves were not injured, to the point that the Japanese players below were accidentally injured by the attacks of both sides. There are high-speed personnel on both sides, the attack frequency is constant and fast, and usually they can’t hit the other side, so the attacking tactics of the hit fly finally fell on the head of the Japanese player below. Afterwards, where did the two of them fight? Where is Japan? The player quickly gave up a large area for fear of being injured by mistake.

My purpose of arranging this mobile angel to entangle Matsumoto Masaka is actually to save money. Sacrificing the mobile angel is actually meaningless, and if Matsumoto Masaka can’t slaughter all sides, it will not show His level, so I arranged such an opponent for him. Although the Japanese players below see Matsumoto Masaka being entangled by a mobile angel, they will feel that Matsumoto Masaka is not good, but because the frequency of accidental injuries between the two is quite high, the Japanese players will understand the lethality of the two. Masaga Matsumoto and that mobile angel are tough.

Here, Masaka Matsumoto and the new mobile angel are playing in the dark, and the city wall on the other side is also in a frenzy scene.

Due to the interference of the mobile angel Vanguard Team, Japanese players and NPCs missed the best long-range strike opportunity. When they recover from the interference of the mobile angel, our heavy infantry team is away from the city wall It was already less than 50 meters. During this period, Japanese players had only sporadic magic and arrows successfully shot the city wall, but due to the small number, they were either blocked by the shield array or blocked by the interception spell. In the end, our infantry advanced to the city wall with almost zero casualties.

Because the defensive value of the country’s city wall is too high, it is obviously not suitable to dismantle the wall, so in the end, you still have to use the standard tactics in general siege warfare. One is to send people to climb up the city wall, and the other is the breakthrough city gate. For these two tactics, we adopted a simultaneous approach. Most of the city wall areas were equipped with siege towers, and a heavy siege vehicle was assigned to the city gate.

The siege tower is actually a wooden tower about the same height as the city wall. It is equipped with steel plates supported by wooden keels on three sides except the rear, which can block the magic of Liu Shi and some small formidable power. There are many floors in the car body, and each floor is connected by stairs, and there is a springboard on the top floor. Of course, since the columbine is a car, there must be wheels under it. When the battle begins, you can push it under the city wall, and then lower the springboard to connect it with the city wall. Because there are stairs inside, the soldiers on the siege side can use the upstairs car as a ladder to continuously rush up the city wall. Compared to climbing simple long ladders, this kind of columbine has a certain degree of protection, and the internal stairs are also much easier to climb than wooden ladders. As long as it is leaned against the city wall, it can almost instantly create an occupied area on the city wall.

The siege vehicle is different from the locomotive. This thing is actually an enhanced version of the siege hammer. The difference is that it is equipped with armor protection, which can safely rush to the bottom of the city gate and smash the door without worrying about it. Throw magic and arrows down.

Because of the interference of mobile angels, when Japanese players regained control of the city wall and began to attack externally, there were already several trucks on our side that were leaning on the city wall. The infantry who had been waiting on the roof of the car immediately lifted a heavy shield and rushed up the city wall. The following infantry followed the people in front and rushed up the city wall along the stairs, instantly cutting the Japanese players on the top of the city wall into segments. In the future, our large forces are still rushing to the city wall.

Seeing that the battle went so smoothly, I became a little nervous. "Hey, military god, what I want is to put pressure on the Japanese, not to let you break through their defenses. Your attacking rhythm is too strong, right?"

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