Under the persuasion and persuasion of Masaka Matsumoto, the Japanese players finally returned to their respective defense sectors. Of course, with their return, the NPC troops also returned to their respective fronts. However, because this group of people failed to leave the line of defense, the Japanese cities that are being attacked by various Chinese guilds have suffered.

"Is the situation like this now?" Sitting on the city wall, while looking at the city wall that is covered with heads on the opposite side, I asked about the current situation of the military god.

"The situation is smoother than expected. Masaga Matsumoto has successfully temporarily taken over the command, and the guilds in the sneak attack Japanese cities are progressing fairly well, such as the Northern Alliance and the Hot Blood Alliance. Such a more powerful guild has already joined several cities."

I nodded and said: "This progress is not too slow, but our feint is about to become troublesome. The prestige that Ruth Matsumoto has built up with great difficulty may be lost again, and this time he may not be able to climb the position of the Japanese leader again. But if the fight is too soft, the Japanese will find us. Deliberately discharging water may be more harmful! This degree is really difficult to control."

"I don't think there is anything difficult to control." The voice of the military god said with certainty: "As long as you can be sure What kind of fight needs to be made? With my battlefield control, It shouldn't be a big accident."

"Okay, the next command is up to you. My request is very simple— —Don’t beat the Japanese players away, and don’t make them feel that the defense is too easy."

"I think I understand what you mean!"

Actually, follow the normal combat strategy , When we discovered that there was chaos on the Japanese city wall, we should have rushed in a spurt of energy, but because Matsumoto Masaka had time to control the Japanese players, we gave up this very good Opportunity, I just waited until now. Of course, the Japanese won't care why we didn't attack when they were in chaos. Even if someone suspected it, they would never be able to contact Masaga Matsumoto. After all, although Masaga Matsumoto did not perform well in the previous battles leading Japanese players against us, he can be regarded as an important person on the front line of resisting Chinese players. Normal people will never associate him with us. of.

The Japanese players who climbed up the wall again just sorted out the team and found that there were changes in our team. The first thing that appeared was the city wall that they left behind on the opposite side. Bai Yan then saw hundreds of humanoid weapons dragging a long tail flame from behind the city wall, and then rushing towards them at a very fast speed against the hole.

“It’s the Chinese mobile angels, stop them.”

Although the shouting player pointed out what Japanese players should do in time, it’s a pity that he didn’t give it to Japan. Players leave time to react. Since the national passage itself is not long, the Japanese have built more than a dozen city walls in it, so the interval between each city wall is not large, and the terrifying speed of mobile angels is almost before most people see it. When the mobile angels took off, they had already flown halfway, and when someone called for defense, the mobile angels had actually reached the top of the city wall.

The mobile angel who just flew to the top of the city wall suddenly turned off, and was directly on the city wall in a very rude manner. The first mobile angel flipped its wrist as soon as it landed, and the large spiked chain saw sword roared and revolved, and nearby Japanese players and NPCs were swept over a large area in an instant. Without waiting for the response of the peripheral Japanese players, more mobile angels landed one after another. After deploying the same giant weapon, the assault line formed by many mobile angels immediately began to move forward steadily. The nearby Japanese players could not only use magic to attack one of them remotely. You can't get close at all. These three or four-meter tall guys are simply siege weapons. Players and NPCs do very little damage to them. Worse still, when the situation is unfavorable, some mobile angels will instantly activate the transmitters on their shoulders and arms to shoot outwards. Magic crystal steam missiles, although these small missiles are only the size of a pen, their formidable power is no less than a heavy artillery shell, almost a large bomb.

Seeing the mobile angel slaughter all sides on the city wall, when Japanese players were beaten and unable to fight back, a white light suddenly swept across the battlefield. A mobile angel that was still wantonly slaughtering Japanese players suddenly freezes as if the pause button was pressed. The huge chainsaw sword suddenly stopped less than two above the head of a Japanese player who was squatting on the ground with his head. Centimeters away, the cold wind brought by the high-speed rotating spike saw blade has even blown his hair. However, that horrible murder weapon did not fall on his head by a few cents, and the guy who waited for a long time to find that he was okay did he dare to lift the head to observe the situation, and he just saw the mobile angel in front of him. Suddenly it split into two halves and fell down on both sides. An obvious red line on the fracture position of the machine body indicated that the machine body was instantly cut off by the high temperature.

Seeing that the mobile angel that threatened him was killed, the Japanese player immediately stood up. After regaining his courage, he angrily kicked the wreckage of the fallen mobile angel to vent his depression, but before he kicked it down, he heard the mobile angel make a sudden metal crash. All the launch ports on the mobile angel were opened at the same time, and then dozens of magic crystal steam missiles were seen flying out like celestial flowers. These missiles suddenly made a collective turn and flew back after they jumped into the sky for a few meters, and instantly centered on the mobile angel itself, the area around 30 meters in radius was intensively bombed by these magic crystal steam missiles. Not only the mobile angel itself was bombarded. It was bombed into a pile of Divine Immortal scraps that came and didn't know what they were originally, and even the Japanese players and NPCs standing in the vicinity were bombarded.

With the massive investment of funds since the establishment of the association and the technical experts and various materials that I have been digging around, the guild’s magic puppet production technology has entered a fairly high-end stage. It can be said that as long as we have enough funds to make it, we can even rely on the magic puppet troops to push down any guild in any country in the world without sending a player. From this we can see how powerful our guild’s magic puppet production technology is, and as a representative among them, mobile angels can be said to be the pinnacle of the combination of our guild’s magic puppet technology and the undead spell, especially the most The new magic crystal steam type mobile angel, its craftsmanship has reached a level beyond the reach of other forces. Naturally such important things cannot be left to the enemy to study, and mobile angels must rush to the front line for assault operations. It is basically inevitable to be destroyed and captured, so we have installed every mobile angel. A fairly powerful self-destruct system, once it is confirmed that the body may be set in the sun, the opponent will immediately self-destruct, ensuring that the technology will not be leaked. Of course, because the self-destruct system is jointly controlled by the internal Soul Body and the mechanical system, simply being destroyed will not cause the self-destruct system to start, and will only self-destruct if it is confirmed that it may be captured.

After the mobile angel self-destructed, everyone thought of looking for the source of the white light that destroyed the mobile angel just now, and this source is now very eye-catchingly suspended above everyone's heads. This person is not someone else, it is Masaga Matsumoto who just persuaded them to come back to form the battle line. Wearing a suit of the Emperor of Light Battle Armor I gave him, the current Masaka Matsumoto is not the same Masaka Matsumoto who was ousted. In the past, Masaga Matsumoto was an intelligent commander who was known for his commanding ability. Although his battle strength was not bad, it was not particularly outstanding. But now the situation is different. The Emperor of Light Battle Armor is both practical and attractive enough for appearance, plus the special training done some time ago for future leadership. Now Matsumoto Masaka has gone from the original pure strength. The faction leader has transformed into an idol and strength dual leader.

"Long live Matsumoto Masaga!" This is certainly not what the average Japanese player yelled. Although Matsumoto Masaka just killed a mobile angel in front of them that made them at a loss, but not yet As for moving them to the point of shouting long live immediately. However, people's emotions are easily incited, especially when a large group of people gather together. As long as you are not a pervert without humanity, put you in a dense occasion of tens of thousands of people, assuming that the people around you enter a state of extreme excitement, even if you don’t know why they are excited, you will still be infected by them very quickly. Enter a state of excitement, even though you don't know what everyone is happy about. The current situation is like this. The first one to shout long live there is the second one. Several pre-arranged support to coax together. Some emotionally unstable and easily excited people start to shout, and then they will drive more. People, everyone joined the ranks together in the end.

I looked at Masaka Matsumoto, who was called long live by everyone on the city wall through the scenes returned by scouting mosquitoes. The idol’s talent is just that he used to be too pragmatic, and he knew he would die with us. Even if he allocates one-tenth of his energy to manage his personal image, he won’t become so miserable later."

The military god said in a calm voice without the slightest temperature: "According to my analysis of previous battles in the guild, Masaka Matsumoto was very tightly pressed by us at the time, and he had no intention of operating personal image publicity. Don’t say it’s about one-tenth of the energy, so Japan will lose even more miserably."

I shook the head helplessly when I heard the comment from the god of war. "Your silicon crystal head is really not as flexible as Nuwa's biological computer. I don't mean to say battle strength comparison, but Matsumoto Masaka doesn't pay attention to his own image. But now he doesn't need to worry, our guild’s professional propaganda team The image-building plan tailored for him will make him the perfect leader of Gao Daquan, but he may eventually lead the Japanese players as a leader to the enemy."

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