Under the command of Hong Yue, the dragoon troops of our guild began to take off one after another, and soon the sky was filled with dragons. In fact, many guilds in Europe have dragoons, but most of those dragoons are bipedal wyvern or Earth Dragons, and some are just titles. Simply are ordinary cavalry. However, the dragoons in this guild are indeed genuine dragoons. The dragons riding on the backs of the dragons are all dragon magisters provided by the Temple of Chaos and Order, and their partners are the real giant dragons. Although there are only a few hundred dragons in the entire dragoon unit, even a few hundred dragons are enough to cover a large area with the size of a giant dragon. The Japanese players were all stunned when they noticed that the shelling stopped suddenly and rushed to the city wall, because they saw a row of giant dragons covering the heavens and shielding the sun rushing towards them.

"A team is cleaning the city wall, others don’t stay, and rush forward with me." Hong Yue riding on the neck of a red dragon loudly commanded the dragoon troops all the way forward, and the Japanese players cited The proud defense line was like paper in front of the giant dragon, and a big hole was poked out in an instant. Almost before they could react, the front line had moved from the first city wall to the 3rd city wall.

When a team of Japanese players hurriedly climbed up the city wall to prepare to resist our attack, a red dragon with an extremely large size suddenly hit the city wall with a bang, and huge dragon wings were produced. The wind pressure instantly blew all the enemies near the landing point.

Looking at the Japanese player who fell to the west, Hong Yue did not hesitate to point forward: "Dragon Flame Jet."

"ao ......" Hong Yue's body The giant dragon took a deep breath, and then it sprayed out a dragon flame at the nearby Japanese players. The flame instantly ignited the entire City Wall section, and a large number of Japanese players and NPCs who had not been burnt to death carried a flame. While screaming and running around, many of them even turned down from the edge of the city wall in a panic, but this relieved them of the pain of being burned alive.

After the Dragoons successfully broke through the first three city walls, the Japanese defense can be said to have basically collapsed. Although Onitou Nobunaga was rescued by Guren Phoenix at the last moment, he actually lost the ability to direct the battle, while the commanding staff among the Japanese players in front of them were badly behaved because their morale was hit. In addition, they lost the ghost. Nobunaga's mastermind led to the loss of the overall coordination of the troops. This series of negative factors eventually led to the complete collapse of the Japanese players. Although many Japanese players are still resisting, the problem is that NPC troops are more affected by morale than players, and morale in Japan can be said to have become negative. The large-scale rout of NPC has made some players with poor psychological quality. Also began to run away. In addition, although the player is the foundation of the game, because the game map is too large, and the player is often unable to be online for various reasons, the main force in large-scale battles has always been NPC. Served. Now the Japanese NPCs are fleeing on a large scale. Even if the remaining players can guard their posts, it doesn't actually make much sense. After all, the main force is passed away, and the remaining auxiliary force can't compete with our elite corps.

After saving Guisou Nobunaga, Guren Phoenix saw this situation and knew that the previous lines of defense could not be saved at all. Although she was a woman, she obviously surpassed Guisou Nobunaga in decision-making ability. a lot of. Now that she knew that the front was irretrievable, she simply did nothing and ordered the entire line to retreat to behind the national city wall of Japan on the other side of the national corridor for defense. Although this arrangement is tantamount to abandoning all the city walls in the national passage, but with the current situation where Japanese players, NPCs, and the vanguard of our guild are mixed together, if she orders a segmented defense, the final result can only be All Japanese players and NPCs were buried in the national passage. Onitou Nobunaga is now half-dead, the Japanese player power is equivalent to a state of semi-paralysis of the command system, and the perfect command rhythm of our guild is famous all over the world, and Guren Phoenix is ​​not stupid yet. To the point where Japanese players, NPCs, and the vanguard of our guild in this state can fight sports warfare.

"Purple Moon." After defeating Nobunaga, I was slaughtering nearby Japanese players. Suddenly, I heard the voice of Hong Yue from the crystal communicator I carried.

"What's the matter?"

"The Japanese players are speeding up their evacuation. Didn't you kill their command system?"

"Nobunaga has been I’m disabled, and now Guren Phoenix is ​​in charge."

"Then why don’t you kill her too?"

"I really wanted to!" I said. Suddenly, he raised his hand to cut off the limbs of a guy who was holding me firmly and kicked it out. "I really can't make time now. These Japanese people are all rushing towards me like crazy. They are completely covering Guren Phoenix to command the battle with their lives. I am simply inseparable by them. "

"Are you entangled sometimes?" Hong Yue asked in a teasing tone: "Where are your familiars? Aren't they all entangled?"

"Unfortunately, it really made you right. I just released the demonic familiar after I defeated the cannibal ghost Nobunaga. I plan to get rid of him and Guren Phoenix in the past, but it's a pity that there are too many of them. Now, all of my summon creatures are fighting, no one can go and kill Guren Phoenix and Nobunaga Ghost."

"Isn’t it? You have so many demons and summon creatures rushing Can’t come out? You’re too useless, right?"

"You really don’t have a backache when you stand and talk. Nobunaga Oni Shou ran away in just a few minutes, and I killed tens of thousands of people. You have the ability to come. Try it. I’m almost turning into a corpse hill here, and now there’s no place for my feet!"

"Okay, OK, I blamed you. You hold on for a while, Japanese player Give up all resistance and assemble on the last city wall. Our large forces should be able to reach you soon. When we get there, you will be fine."

"Don’t worry, I’m now It’s just that I can’t hunt down Guren Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga. My own safety is still okay. This bunch of miscellaneous fish can cause me some trouble, and they are not qualified if they want to kill me. You inform the large group to release Advance slowly, don't chase so fast."

"Why?" Hong Yue was surprised at my order.

"The Japanese took the initiative to retreat. Our large troops will definitely not be able to catch up with them. Anyway, we still have to fight on the last city wall. What are you doing so hard to pursue? Besides, the large troops are too strong. Too many, the speed is inconsistent, so desperately chasing the troops will soon run out of chaos. The country channel is so wide, when the time comes you want to have no place for the whole team. Also, you remember that we first established a fulcrum city in Japan. Is it a surprise for the Japanese when they fail?"

"Do you mean that these city walls are buried with explosives?" Hong Yue is not stupid, she immediately understood when I said it. We have used this trick to deal with Japanese people before, and with the spirit of learning from a little Japan, we will certainly follow the example again. In case when the time comes, our troops all rushed into the tunnel and the Japanese detonated the explosives buried in the tunnel together. Even if the tunnel itself is protected by the invincible state and will not collapse, our people are fleshy body mortal body. Can't help the devastation of explosives. After understanding the key point, Hong Yue immediately said: "I immediately stopped the army from advancing, and sent people to search the city walls to eliminate explosives."

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