"Sure enough!" After cutting the witch into two parts with a sword, I instantly stopped the previous slaughter and turned to look at the witch who was cut into two parts by me and said, "Don't you? Knowing the power of this thing is the most reliable only in your own hands?"

"How did you discover it?" Although it has been cut into two parts, the appearance of the maiden does not seem to be Not much affected, it felt as if the cut off was not her.

"Do you think you are the only one who can use Power of Faith?"

"We still underestimate you!" The witch used her hands to support the ground with difficulty and tried to climb to her own Next to the lower body, a fast-responsive player next to her saw her actions and immediately ran over and wanted to hug her by the lower body, but I was not so kind, and the right hand moved slightly with a sword qi and threw it out. As soon as the guy touched the witch's lower body, he heard a thud. The half of his body suddenly exploded into a dozen pieces and scattered all over the floor. He was shocked to retreat three or four steps and sat down on the ground.

"You know? You want to suffer less, the best way is not to treat me as an idiot. I can instantly switch from the assault state to the defensive state within a thousandth of a second and use big moves to kill you Cut off with one blow, you should know how good my battlefield intuition is. With my intuition, do you think I can’t see that there is a problem with your body? Want to repair your body? Or just go back and resurrect."

I immediately raised my hand and threw away a sword qi again after I finished speaking. "Wait..." Seeing my movement, the witch immediately stretched out her hand to make me wait, but she only yelled a word and stopped abruptly. People nearby only saw a sword light flashing by and the witch had become The two halves fell down. This time she didn't keep alive as before. Even if the mind body had some of the ghost characteristics, it didn't mean that it could be divided at will. If it was cut too much, it would still die.

After killing the witch, I raised my sword and pointed it at Nobunaga Onishu. "OK, the trouble has been resolved, should you lie down too? The brothers behind me are still waiting to attack the city. I don't want you, the coach to be dismounted, and sorry to go back!"

< p>"Don't think about it." Nobunaga Guishou himself is not afraid of me, but he knows what will happen if the coach is picked on the battlefield. The current situation is actually very simple. His escape to save his life can save the fighting will of Japanese players, but his personal image will be greatly affected. Of course, he can also choose to stay in a dignified battle with me, so that his personal prestige will not be greatly affected. After all, although no one wants to say, in fact, I am basically invincible in the hearts of Japanese players. So even if Guishou Nobunaga can't beat me, no one will blame him. But then again, if he died here, his personal image would indeed be preserved, but the battle would be completely over. Being picked before the coach is a morale-damaging thing. In addition, there is no leader among Japanese players. If I, Archfiend, break through a few key defense areas, the defense line will not be defended. There is no chance of winning at all.

Ghost Nobunaga, who hesitated for a long time, finally made a clever and stupid decision. He slammed the saber in his hand into the ground, and then began to take off his armor. Seeing Nobunaga's reaction, I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood his intentions, and there was a slight smile on my face. It is said that the Japanese are the most united. I admit that, but I have to admit that the Japanese are still humans after all, and as long as they are humans, they will inevitably have selfishness. It's just a matter of how many. At this critical moment, Nobunaga Onitou gave up collective interests and chose personal interests. He was obviously trying to fight me when he took off his armor, and taking off his armor was just a way to show his bravery. This behavior directly shows that he intends to save his personal image, so there is only one result waiting for him-I will kill him. As long as Nobunaga Guishou is dead, the battlefield is my world. It is too simple to deal with an army without a leader. As long as all their support points are destroyed, this huge group will definitely collapse in an instant, when the time comes, we just have to Just follow behind and kill the remnants.

"hmph hum ghost hand Nobunaga, I still look at you high!" After I said such a meaningful sentence, I shook my shoulder fiercely, and the Divine Dragon armor automatically broke away from my body. An image of Divine Dragon formed around me and fell on the ground. "Okay, you don't need to use aggressive action, I know you plan to let me take off my armor and have a fair duel with you. Okay, I'll fight you a game, and treat it as my reward for your choice. "

At this time, most of the people at the scene did not understand what I said, at least they didn't know what Guishou Nobunaga decided, and they were not sure why I should repay Nobunaga Guishou. Of course, among so many people are naturally impossible and not a few clever ones understand what I mean, but since these people can understand, they should know that you must not discourage Guishou Nobunaga at this time, otherwise the situation will definitely get worse. .

After taking off the armor, Nobunaga and I appeared in front of everyone naked to the top. The nearby Japanese players all automatically gave up a field for us to single out. Of course, no one had thought about it. I took the opportunity to sneak attack me, but the cold arrow that was secretly shot was blocked by the Divine Dragon composed of my Divine Dragon armor, and the armor automatically rushed over to tear the sneak attacker to pieces. After that guy, the people around me became honest, and they understood that even if I didn't wear armor, I wasn't something they could deal with.

"Okay, let's have a fair duel." I smiled and said to Nobunaga Guishou: "Before you can say that I have better equipment than you, but this time I have everything I'm stripped. Look, I even dropped my ring." Nobunaga nodded, Nobunaga said: "Okay, I will let you know the strength of my Yamato nation." He didn't know. From there he took out a wooden knife, then put the knife body on the side waist, and locked the knife body with the left hand instead of the scabbard, while the right hand firmly pinched the handle to make the knife ready to be released. This should be the famous Japanese Blade Drawing Technique. Its principle is similar to that of a bullet finger. First, a force is used to block the blade to facilitate continued force. When the force reaches its peak, the blade is suddenly released, but all the power is released in an instant. , Reach the speed and strength that can't be achieved by swinging a knife and hacking normally.

Since Oni Shou Nobunaga has even used the Japanese martial arts, I am sorry to use it again. The legs are differentiated into a posture that looks like a horse step but not completely on the road. The left hand stretches and accompanies the right hand to draw a semicircle in the air and then presses it downward. The right hand moves with the left hand to complete the circle and then rises to position. The whole movement process is seen It seems to be slow, and it seems to have little strength.

"Primal Chaos Fist?" Japanese people know some Chinese culture. Naturally, many people know something as famous as Primal Chaos Fist, but I don’t use Primal Chaos Fist, it just looks like That's it.

"It's said that you can't learn at home, and you don't even say that you are orthodox. Don't look away, I am not Primal Chaos Fist, as for what it is, you don't need to know."

"Okay, let me see the real Chinese Kung Fu or our Japanese Blade Technique today, which is more powerful." After Nobunaga said, he suddenly bent over and rushed over, his posture when he was running felt very strange. It seemed that the whole person was squatting, and he only landed on his toes, and his legs alternated very fast. He almost rushed in front of me in the blink of an eye, and then he suddenly stopped and stayed on his waist. The wooden sword flung out from his waist like lightning, and completed an oblique cut almost instantly, and the whole process was so fast that it was almost impossible to distinguish with naked eye.

Seeing this sharp knife, the Japanese players around are so excited that they are almost jumping up. They are all Japanese. Although they may not all know how to use Blade Drawing Technique, they still know what others use. Good or bad. The knife that Guishou Nobunaga just now was definitely a perfect level, and even some people couldn't help but scream. However, it was this perfect cut that failed to make any achievements.

Just when Guite Nobunaga made a diagonal cut, I used my right foot as a support and turned around and bypassed the mortal blow. I moved to the side of Onite Nobunaga. I hadn’t waited for him. The response was already waved and slapped. At that moment, Guishou Nobunaga felt the cold hair all over his body stand up, no matter what the image was or not, he quickly rolled out of my side, and then he heard a bang from behind and turned his head back. At first glance, the cold sweat came down. I slapped a palm print where he was standing just now. Although the depth is not deep, it is because it is a national passageway. Everything else except the rock on the surface is invincible. Simply untouchable, but Being able to take such a palm print on the surface of the stone is very exaggerated, at least Nobunaga Guishou is sure that his head is definitely not as hard as a stone. If the palm was slapped on his head just now, even if his head can't be opened, his neck must be broken.

"What is your trick?"

"Splitting Mountain Palm gossip. Have you heard of it?"

"Aren't you using Tai Chi?" Guishou Nobunaga asked in surprise.

"Do you know what Tai Chi is?" My hands once again walked out a perfect gossip picture in front of me and said: "Tai Chi is Heaven and Earth, it is Yin Yang, it is nothing, it is all, it is everything , Is this world, is everything you can understand and what you cannot understand. Therefore, Tai Chi is simply not a boxing method, but an all-around theory that integrates physical fitness and offensive defense. If you just think that Tai Chi is Boxing, then I can only say that you just saw its shadow!"

"Okay, I have been taught today. But I will not be afraid of you." Nobunaga Guishou said suddenly. Rolling back again, the wooden knife in my hand suddenly raised upwards, but I was flashed over by half a step back. But he didn't give up until he raised upwards, and he missed the backhand and slashed the blade down, but it was even worse. Suddenly, I slipped through between his wrists one by one, my fingers snapped a sharp belt of his wrist. The people around only saw us touch the ghost hand Nobunaga and suddenly flew up. After a dozen or so times in the air, he slammed on the ground with a bang. He fell blood and didn’t know the knife in his hand. Where did you fly?

Without waiting for Nobunaga Guishou to get up, I stepped over to him and touched his shoulder upwards. "Tai Chi pays attention to stickiness..." After I lifted Guishou Nobunaga up, I slammed his shoulders. "Bring." When he was pulled towards me by me, I slammed sideways and pushed my shoulder to his chest. "Damn." With a boom, Nobunagato flew up again, but before he could fly completely, I pulled an ankle again. "Unloading." The ghost hand Nobunaga, who lost his inertia, slammed onto the hard rocky ground, and blood and his teeth spurted out. After pulling him up again, I jerked his arm around, and the noodle-like Guishou Nobunaga was turned around by me, and then I suddenly stretched out my foot. "Trip." Guishou Nobunaga's rotating body flew out in an instant, but before he could fly far, I jumped to keep up, and at the same time said, "The last and most important combination of rigidity and softness. "A stubborn slash hit Nobunaga's waist in an instant. If this kick is hit by me, even if he is wearing armor, I can surely fold his waist in two, but it's a pity. This kick still failed to hit in the end.

Gulian Phoenix suddenly flashed out from the side and used a war knife to force me to temporarily retract my foot. After all, the thing in her hand is something of the same level as eternity. This kick can hit my leg with a knife. It's over. But I am not a person who likes to suffer. After the temporary hands and legs, I turned around in the air like lightning and used the other foot to make up for Guren Phoenix and kicked him out with Nobunaga Onishou, without waiting for the landing. The Divine Dragon armor has automatically flew over to complete the dress in the air. When I was fully armed and landed, the Japanese players who began to stir around had no idea of ​​sneak attack. They still have some hope if I don't wear armor. Now I am fully armed and they are simply rushing to die.

I looked at the dying Guishou Nobunaga and said, "Do you understand now? Even if you don’t wear armor, you are not my opponent, so don’t expect to save face in front of me. Unless one day you become a rival. I have a stronger presence, otherwise everything is nonsense. But unfortunately, you probably have no hope of surpassing me in this life." After I said, suddenly raised my hand to the sky, and a white magic missile flew directly to the top of the cave. It exploded into a snow-white rose pattern and slowly fell down.

The guild army who had been waiting for a long time outside the city suddenly moved when they saw the dazzling frost rose pattern.

"Quick, quick, always attack the signal." Eagle loudly reminded the departments to move quickly, but even if he didn't call the leaders, they had already seen the signal. The heavy artillery at the rear of the battlefield all raised their barrels, and then groups of red light flashed past, and the first city wall on the opposite side was instantly flooded by the fire sea. Although the first city wall cannot be destroyed by artillery, it is good to be able to reduce the defense value.

Hong Yue stood on the head of a giant red dragon and pointed his staff forward. "The Dragoons lifted into the air. Burn to ashes everything that prevents you from advancing."

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