As our offensive pace slowed down, the Japanese side quickly realized our changes. One of Guishou Nobunaga's men said: "Looking at this, the Chinese don't plan to pursue it anymore. Let the demolition team detonate the explosives now. Let's count as much as you can kill!"

"No." Guren Phoenix hurriedly stopped when he heard his words.

"Why?" The player said slightly unhappy: "Now the situation is obvious. The Chinese have no intention of chasing them. They are probably sending someone to check the city wall. Once they find out, We buried the explosives and removed them. The preparations we did before were all in vain!"

"Because the Chinese are removing explosives, they can’t detonate."

"Your head Is there a problem?" Hearing the answer from Honglian Phoenix, the player became even more angry. "We worked so hard to bury so many explosives to create some casualties for the Chinese, but you said that they should be dismantled. What do you mean? Tell you, although you still have some status in Japan, it is Nobunaga-kun Onitou that we are. The leader of, even if he can’t command now, the command will not be in your turn."

"Baga! A group of guys with lard in their heads!" Honglian Phoenix rushed to that guy. He pinched his neck in front of him and lifted him in the air. "Hmph, I’m not uncommon for you to break the command. You’d better not use your brain to measure my behavior. You don’t let you detonate explosives to buy time. Even if you don’t have a brain, your eyes are not blind, right? Look at the situation outside. So many people evacuated from the front, do you expect them to immediately form a line of defense to block the Chinese people over there? Dream about you? Now that the Chinese have discovered the explosives in the passage, That's just right. They still need time to dismantle the explosives. Before the explosives are completely removed, their large forces will never enter the tunnel. We just take this opportunity to organize the troops and quickly form a new line of defense. If you detonate now Explosives, at most, can kill some of their mine-detecting troops, and it has no effect on the main force of the Chinese. Moreover, when the explosives explode, the Chinese don’t even have to look for them. They just drive all the way to the bottom of our city wall. The time comes, what do you use to stop them? Relying on these rout soldiers who have no command and no formation and can't even fight the squad?" After Guren Phoenix said this string of words, she angrily squeezed that one out. The guy threw to the ground, then turned around and said to the others: "You can choose not to listen to me, but if our country of Japan is defeated by the Chinese people, who of you will bear this responsibility?"

The group of players who originally wanted to follow Guren’s Phoenix theory and theory were all scolded by this general training. They looked at Nobunaga, who was sitting on the ground with Both eyes are spiritless and similar to the dead, and they all closed obediently. mouth. It is clear now that Japanese players need a commander. Nobunaga oni must not be able to count on it anymore. The people they are there really don’t have that ability. Although Guren Phoenix is ​​not an insider to them, she is still Japanese at any rate, and she is also active against the Chinese. People on the front line of her, so in the end these people decided to temporarily obey her command.

After gaining command, Guren Phoenix immediately began to order the leaders of the various small guilds to summon his subordinates to rearrange the chaotic player team. Of course, in addition to the players, the most important thing is to use NPCs. Regroup.

When the Japanese are racing against time to build a line of defense, our side is not busy. It seems that Little Japan suffered a lot from Fulcrum City at the beginning, otherwise it would not have such a deep memory. They did the same thing as a gunpowder depot on this not-so-long national passage. There were blasting points everywhere in the city wall, and all kinds of large and small explosives were stuffed everywhere. These scattered explosives forced our search team to search carefully and cautiously everywhere, and then notify the EOD team to dismantle the bomb after determining the location. However, there are two points that are not bad for us. First, fortunately, our guild has more ghosts, so searching for explosives has become much easier. Ghosts have no entities and cannot touch explosives, and they can penetrate in and out of buildings. It is much faster and safer to search for explosives buried in walls or underground than people with entities. In addition to ghosts, we are also lucky that the game does not have as many high-tech equipment in reality, so the bombs made by the Japanese are also detonated by soil methods. There is no need to dismantle the bomb in reality as troublesome, as long as it is not careless. The foolishness of the bombs can basically be eliminated safely if the location of the bomb is known in advance. However, not all bombs are easy to eliminate.

Although most of the bombs installed by the Japanese are arranged by ordinary players or NPCs, which can be dismantled by humans, there are still a small number of bombs at key positions by professional players such as thieves and hunters. Set up with special mine-laying skills. This kind of thunder deployed with the special skills recognized by the system is not something that anyone can touch. The thieves who understand the mechanism's cracking skills must use the skills to remove them, and most people don't even want to touch them at all. These special mines are not only difficult to dismantle, but there are often magic traps mixed in them. Our guild killed more than 30 thieves in order to dismantle these mines. Fortunately, in the end, a player thought of a way to solve this problem. The player’s method is to collect the equipment of the high-defense players in the guild and temporarily lend them to the bomb disposal thieves. For example, things like my Divine Dragon suit can be used as explosion protection, even if the mechanism is mistakenly removed. It's not so easy to faint a person, want to blow up to death. Of course, just relying on people to dismantle is actually still not fast enough, but we don't dismantle all bombs. Only bombs that play a guiding role in key positions and those bombs with too large formidable power will we work hard to dismantle. Generally, we can directly detonate the archer remotely after determining the location of the scattered bombs. This is comparable to bomb dismantling. Much faster.

When we struggled with suffering untold hardships to deal with all the dangerous goods along the way and drove the army to the front of the last city wall, the Japanese finally barely completed the defense line and built it. Work. Both sides are just getting ready. The Japanese are nervous for fear that we will come up with some unconventional means to break through their defenses. Our side is also cautiously afraid that the previous efforts will be in vain. However, unlike the tense atmosphere in Japan, we are not really worried, because our task is to feign, not breakthrough, and we don't necessarily have to fight the Japanese to the end. When the battle of other Chinese guilds in Fulcrum City begins, our side will become very relaxed instead.

"Military god, where are the other guilds in Fulcrum City?" I stood on the city wall built by the Japanese and looked at the last city wall on the opposite side and asked the military god.

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