"Master Goddess, he..."

The ghost Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix who ran to the woman were stopped by her hand when they wanted to speak.

"I know, don’t worry, since I’m here, he has nothing to terrifying. Okay, now lend me your Power of Faith."

When I saw that woman organizing Japanese players to stand behind her, I knew she must be preparing some big move. At this time, I would not wait for her to prepare a big move stupidly. Even if I have confidence in my own defense, Can’t be stupid enough to stand there and fight the others? Before she gathered people together, I rushed forward first, and the woman's expression changed when she saw me rushing past, but she didn’t panic until she threw the bow in her hand to the side. A player next to him, he drew a long knife from behind and rushed towards me.

To our surprise, the first encounter between the two of us did not happen as expected. I originally thought this woman should be very fierce, didn't expect our two arms were like elephants and rabbits hitting each other as soon as they touched. I didn’t feel much impact. The woman was hit by me directly. If it weren’t for a large group of Japanese players to catch her in time, I might have killed her directly. To talk about her strength, I feel that the only thing I can see is her equipment. A knife that can hold eternity is definitely not an ordinary commodity.

The woman who was hit by me jumped up immediately after being caught by many Japanese players. After turning her head and vomiting the blood in her mouth, the woman immediately shouted to the person behind her: "Concentrate your thoughts, don’t Afraid of him!"

"Yes." The Japanese players behind all fell silent collectively, their eyes fixed on the woman without blinking, and at the same time the woman had started again Rushed towards me.

When. There is no suspense, but the result is a little unexpected. The woman was still shocked by me more than ten meters and leaned on the Japanese player to catch her, but my feeling was significantly different from last time. In the last collision, I hardly felt any force of the collision, but this time I felt a huge force on my arm, forcing me to retreat three or four steps to stabilize my figure.

After the woman stood up again, she smiled and said to the Japanese player behind her: "Good job, work harder, continue to strengthen your will."

"Goddess will win "Many Japanese players roared together, and the woman suddenly disappeared from where she was, almost stepping over a distance of more than ten meters to reach me, and the Toyo Sword dragged by her was from bottom to top. Xiang Dizhan flashed in front of me with a shining sword glow. Because of the speed and the angle of attack, I couldn't use the sword to block it. I barely stepped back and flashed out of the range of the blade, but the blade glow pulled a white mark from the lower waist on the right side of the armor to the left armpit.

"So fast!" I only had time to say such a comment, and the woman posted it again. The long knife that had just been picked up was turned over in her hand, and the blade turned and slashed back again. , But I didn’t prepare last time, this time it’s different. Throwing Eternal to the left hand and raising the arm to support the cutting blade under her, at the same time the right hand claw popped out and punched the woman's stomach. Three sharp claws penetrated her abdomen and the warrior armor went deep into her body. At the same time, the heavy blow from my fist made her take a step back and then pulled the claws out again. Taking advantage of the opportunity of pulling out the claws, I slammed my fists up in the direction of the claws. The claws in motion easily pulled out three half chi long wounds on her stomach. The whole belly is cut open.

One hit was completed. I suddenly threw away the eternity of my left hand. Before her knife was cut down, I stepped forward to catch her wrist and completely blocked her blade. At the same time, I quickly posted it. Going up, she pulled her wrist with her left hand and moved her whole body to lean towards me, and her right shoulder took the opportunity to send a moment is big, power is deep to the woman’s chest, and immediately sent the woman out more than ten meters and fell. Into the Japanese players, by the way, also smashed a group of people.

I thought that a blow of this intensity would be enough to kill a person instantly, but I didn't expect that not only did I fail to kill the woman, I even failed to inflict a heavy blow on her. This is not to say that my attack is not strong enough, but that the woman's life force is not at the human level at all. The belly is cut open and there is no fart, not even a drop of blood. Her body seemed to be simply not made of biological tissues. After I was knocked out, the wound on her stomach not only did not bleed, but also white smoke came out, and it felt as if the steam boiler had been blown out.

"Yes, not bad, the world first is indeed the world first." The witch stood up from the crowd, and then reached out and touched her belly. The three wounds followed her. The fingers slid over and all disappeared, and even the cracks in the armor were restored together.

When I saw this, my brows wrinkled. "Who the hell are you?"

"I didn't introduce myself before!" The witch said as she walked here: "I am the daughter of the gods, that is, the daughter of gods. Of course, this It’s just my race. Of course I’m still a player. In terms of strength, I may not be as good as you, but as long as the Japanese nationals do not disappear, you will be impossible to defeat me."


"Forgive me for not telling you about this." The witch suddenly stretched out a hand when she walked to me a few meters away. The war knife that was thrown away by me just now Turning around from a distance, he flew back, and fell into her hand.

I became alert again after seeing her regaining the weapon, but instead of holding the eternity, I let it spread out and envelop my claws, fingers, and various blades all over my body. superior. This woman's attack frequency is very high. If I use a sword, I may not be able to block all her attacks. The best way is to use short weapons for close combat.

Seeing me attaching eternity to various weapons, the witch suddenly stopped, and then raised the blade to her right shoulder, the tip of the blade was facing me and instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed come over.

When. The crisp sound of impact sputtered along with the fire star. The collision between our two sides was simply not clear, but the result was obvious at a glance.

"That's great!" The witch looked down at the three cracks that stretched from her side to her back. She was cut in four by me only a little bit, but the problem was her 'S body is too abnormal. The white light flowed on the huge wound, and then disappeared quickly at the speed that naked eye could see. Finally, when she turned to face me again, the wound was completely invisible.

While the Miko was recovering from her wounds, I also looked down at my waist. There is now a long white mark, but I didn’t cut it in. I think the defense of the Divine Dragon armor is too high. Although her age can hold up eternity, she still failed to completely break through my defenses. However, I feel that her attack power seems to be gradually improving. From the impossible to withstand a single blow that she showed in the first collision between the two of us, to the almost evenly matched collision just now, the guy's battle strength has been constantly improving. Although I don't know exactly what she relies on to improve her battle strength, I can be sure that she is rapidly becoming stronger. At this speed, I may not be able to stop her for another two or three rounds.

It is said that "Zero" uses the Nuwa system, and the intelligence level of its artificial intelligence is already higher than that of humans, so it is absolutely impossible to make a judgment error. Since I am ranked first in the battle strength list recognized by the system, it means that Nuwa believes that I am the strongest, and the witch in front of me is not even the top 100 in the battle strength list. Why can she have such a strong battle strength? ?

"Attention." I started contact in the heart and connected all the familiars into my thinking system. "Help me think about what circumstances can make a person have strength beyond me but not be included in the battle strength list by the system?"

"Disguise items." Ling's reaction was the fastest. "Props like the shading ring you used before, or a certain shading attribute."

“Probability is not great.” Xiaochun retorted: “The shading props are only the system display. If there is such an expert, the corresponding position on the battle strength list should be displayed as empty, so that everyone knows that there is such a person, but no specific information is displayed, but now there are people in every Level 1 of the battle strength list, so she is definitely not in battle. In the strength list. In the previous battle, everyone felt that the woman’s battle strength was absolutely terrifying. If calculated according to this value, she was at least among the top three."

"Is it possible she Is the identity of the magic puppet?" Inverrit said: "Like Brigitte and I, if the construct is registered under the name of the guild, it will appear as an independent individual, and the system It shouldn't be counted. Enter the battle strength list."

"No, when we first collided, Xingpu read her rough data. This woman is a player or a guild creature, so the system won’t commit this. Low-level error."

"In fact, there is a higher probability of probability." Princess suddenly said.

"What probability?"

"Her strength is not her own." Princess explained: "Like the phosphors used by Nobunaga Onishu, or you My Divine Beast transformation mode, the battle strength generated by these things after they take effect are not counted in the battle strength list. After all, the strength is not my own, and it is not guaranteed to use it."

Princess like this Everyone seems to be more inclined to this judgment, but the question now is that since her strength is not her own, what is the source? "Who knows what she relies on to improve her abilities?"

"I don't know." Most demons have sent helpless messages, but not all of them.

Hong Ling, who rarely speaks, suddenly spoke. "It's faith."


"Similar to Power of Faith, but not exactly. Humans cannot use Power of Faith, but faith can. In Japan There is a kind of thing called spirit ghosts in the legend, they are things that do not exist, because many people believe in their existence, so they gradually gathered from the beliefs of these people to produce spirit ghosts."

" Are you talking about the mind body?"

"The names are different, but they are actually the same thing." Hong Ling continued: "The spirit ghost or the mind body is purely a Spirit Physique creature composed of beliefs. The shape is somewhat similar to a ghost. The woman is a witch, and her identity just needs to be in touch with these kinds of things frequently. If she encloses her body of thought in her body and integrates it, she can completely transform herself into a human body of thought, or call her It’s more suitable for Desolate God."

"You said she is a kind of Demi-God?" I asked with some surprise.

"It should be correct." Hong Ling said with certainty: "I can feel the energy emanating from her is the power of faith."

"Why are you so sure? "Ling asked rhetorically.

"Because I used to be like that."

Hong Ling's answer was a complete confirmation of the woman's identity. According to Hong Ling's statement, her power should be faith, and this is a good explanation for why she had to focus on the players around her before. She actually does not need their concentration, but the support of their beliefs. After working for a long time, this woman is a power output device, and so many Japanese players behind are equivalent to her energy battery. On the surface, I was fighting with her alone, but in fact I was fighting with everyone present. Their attacks and defenses of so many people are all concentrated on one person and scattered on so many people. That is simply not a concept.

After understanding the characteristics of this woman, I once again turned my attention back to the battlefield. The communication with the familiars just now uses thinking, so the speed is not as slow as normal conversations. It seems that we have said a lot, but in fact it was only completed within a second. Direct communication of ideas can be much faster than words.

Since I already know where the strength of this woman comes from, I naturally won't fight her stupidly anymore. Of course, you have to pick the key to kill the enemy. I haven't heard of where the strong will fight, right? This woman is the fist of this group of Japanese players. She is the strongest sword and the hardest shield. What I want to deal with is people holding swords and shields, not swords and shields.

"Ah...!" As soon as my mind moved, I rushed into the crowd of Japanese players behind me and started massacre. I was taken aback by the witch.

"You despicable fellow, don't bully the ordinary person. You have to single me out."

Looking at her behind flustered and exasperated while cursing and rushing over, I simply Ignore her, still rushing through the crowd according to the plan she had thought before. Among the Japanese players present, except for Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix, who could block me for a while with their own strength, none of the other players could receive my move positively. For a while, I was like a wolf falling into a chicken coop. Normally, the people who killed me were jumping around, but the witch could only run around after chasing my back. The corpses all over the floor and the people nearby have seriously affected her movement speed. Although her attribute has been greatly improved by Power of Faith, she is different from me. I have a reaction nerve far beyond human beings, and can completely control this speed. , But she can't. If the terrain is complicated, even if the attribute allows her to exceed my speed, she will not be able to run at that speed, because at that speed, even if she sees a tree in front of her, she will hit her head because she has no time to react, but at the same speed. At speed, I can easily bypass it. Now the ground is full of corpses, I can step over one by one, but she can't move flexibly in the pile of corpses.

"Don't run." The witch flustered and exasperated shouted.

"Okay, as you wish." After running for a long time, I suddenly slammed the brakes, turned around and smashed the witch who couldn't dodge, until her upper body flew out, her face still remained. Wrong expression.

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