"What's wrong? What's the matter?" I became nervous when Hong Yue said something was wrong.

"It's not a big deal, but it's not a trivial matter."

"What the hell is it?"

"The Japanese invaded the country. "

"Invaded the country?"

After some explanations by Hong Yue and Su Mei, I finally figured out the situation. Before we left, the Japanese players, led by Nobunaga Onit, used the formidable power of the magic crystal steam weapon to successfully reverse the area occupied by a large number of Chinese players. As a result, in the end, only our guild had a few remaining cities in Japan. Originally, after Chinese players discovered that their cities had been wiped out, they expected us to be able to do more for a while, and let them regain control of the city by relying on our cities. However, something went wrong in the middle. Because our guild is implementing an asset conversion plan, that is, transferring the cities we control to the name of Masaga Matsumoto on the grounds of "being captured." For us, this plan is actually a left-handed right hand, which has no meaning at all, but it has a great external meaning. In our hands, the city must meet force with the Japanese. This is not what we want for the time being, and once the city is transferred to the name of Matsumoto Masaka, there is no need to worry about this issue at all. However, our plan itself is nothing. The key is that Chinese players expect us to be able to withstand the Japanese for a period of time, but what they didn't expect is that we "fallen" so soon. Although the morale of this thing is relatively ethereal, we have to admit that our asset transfer plan has severely affected the morale of our players. This was completely didn't expect before us, so that after the end of our asset transfer plan, the entire China The players' desire to fight has plummeted, while the morale of the Japanese has skyrocketed because of their previous consecutive victories, and finally hit China through the national channel opened by the national war. Now the Japanese not only hit the Chinese side, but also built three horned Fortress City on our side. No matter which of the three cities we attack, we have to face all the defensives of the three cities. The amount of power, so the only way to fight these three cities is to fight the three cities together, but now the morale of Chinese players is low and there is no way that they will have the ability to organize a large-scale counterattack. The Chinese player did not counterattack here, and the Japanese player had a little lack of stamina for consecutive victories, and both sides were unable to fight again. As a result, a magical state of silence appeared on the battlefield. Now the two sides are so stalemate around these three cities, as if they have signed a temporary ceasefire agreement.

"Really didn't expect us to make this kind of thing accidentally!" I shook my head and said, "Do you have any plans now?"

" The plan is there, but it’s a little troublesome to execute.” Hong Yue said: “The city replacement plan we implemented before was not wrong. The fault was that we didn’t take into account the emotions of domestic players. It’s enough to reinvigorate your emotions, and to do this, you just need to drive the Japanese back to Japan."

"You mean to lay down the three cities built by the Japanese?"< /p>

"No, not only will the three Fortress City be knocked down, but also a bridgehead in Japan."

"Isn't the pivot city still in our hands?" I asked in confusion road.

"That's different." Hong Yue originally wanted to explain, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know how to say it. "Aiya, Fulcrum City can be compared from time to time anyway!"

Sumei said that Hong Yue didn't know how to say it, so she helped explain: "Sister Hong Yue means Fulcrum City is the forward base established by our guild. Although it can be considered that our guild has a bridgehead in Japan, after all, the composition of our guild is a bit complicated. In the eyes of many Chinese players, we are not actually a Chinese guild, at least not completely. What they need is a guild. It's completely a pure offensive base for the Chinese, a bridgehead."

Somi's words make some sense. The original foundation of our guild was a group of like-minded friends brought up by Ying and I. After the incorporation of Hong Yue’s Goddess alliance, the strength of our guild suddenly rose to the top in the country, but the situation began to mess up afterwards. NS. We first incorporated the Sakura Club in Japan, and then annexed the German Technical Alliance. With the addition of some foreign players who later gathered together, the actual composition of our guild is basically enough to form a United Nations, except for Eskimo. People, our guild has even black people. Multinational players’ guilds like ours simply cannot be regarded as guilds in a certain country. At best, we can say that we are more biased towards China, but it cannot be said that Frost Rose League is a Chinese guild. After all, we also have many cities and members in foreign countries. exist.

"putting it that way we not only have to fight and establish a stable offensive base, but also give it to a pure Chinese guild to manage it?" I confirmed.

Sumei nodded. "Theoretically, this is the case, but again, the ordinary person is the ordinary person. Although the ordinary person constitutes the main body of this society, they are the most vulnerable group to be deceived and exploited. We can hit the city, but we don’t need to. We play independently by ourselves. If we want to start the enthusiasm of domestic players, we should take them to play together, and then win the victory to make them feel fulfilled, otherwise it will be useless to beat the city down silently. After the forward base is established in Japan, there is no need to hand it over, as long as the name of the Chinese guild is displayed in name. The Northern Alliance and the Warm Blood Alliance are both good agency guilds. Just hang up an account in their name. The city is still in charge of the city, and the name is given to them."

"How do you think your little head grows? It's so big that you have a bad stomach?" I couldn't help holding Su Mei's little head. I rubbed it hard, and I ignored the subsequent protests.

The plan proposed by So-Mei has basically explained the entire course of action, purpose, and operation methods. There are really not many things that need us to improve. After convening the chief Chief-In-Charge of the guild to discuss with Isengard, the entire battle plan was initially finalized by us.

This kind of siege may be a troublesome thing for other guilds, but it is not a problem for us, because we also have magic crystal steam weapons now, to deal with the city wall this kind of trouble Moving things We have at least hundreds of ways to throw magic crystal vapor bombs into the city, and as soon as those bombs explode, the siege will immediately evolve into a field battle, and one side is all wounded.

"Okay, the plan is so set, we will start to gather troops immediately, and we will go and pull out the Japanese forward base."

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