"Boss, please give me one!" The big pot of rice hung on my leg like a koala, and I couldn't shake it anyway.

"I said no more, that is the guild configuration, not for you to show off!" I explained aloud as I desperately tried to pull the big pot of rice off my lap.

"I don't care, I don't care, do I just want it!" The big pot rice guy actually followed the tone of a little child and acted like a child. It made me get goose bumps all over my body.

Looking at Sipi Lai Lianfei and I want the new version of Mobile Angel’s big pot of rice, I can’t do anything about it. This guy is simply a bovine candy, and my head is about to make him irritate. When I was worried, I suddenly saw a white armored Bing Ling approaching. "You dare to ask for a mobile angel for a useless thing, and immediately go to the team with me. If you don't be obedient, be careful when I unscrew your ears."

"Ah... Tap and tap, your ears are about to fall off. ......! "The so-called everything has its nemesis, the big pot of rice that I can't do at all was lifted away by Bingling with ease by pinching my ears. Looking at the big pot of rice, I was so angry and funny.

Suddenly Rose came over from the side, and found that I was watching the big pot of rice being dragged to the front and the whole team also laughed. "How? It's my trick?"

"You called Bingling?" I looked at Rose with a little surprise, really didn't expect she even thought of this trick NS. A few hours ago, when the improved mobile angels of our guild entered the battle sequence, Da Guofan fell in love with these super-fighting machines with gorgeous appearances like works of art. As a result, this kid has been grinding me for almost an hour. He has to follow me. Want one to be his personal bodyguard. The guild’s fighter machines cannot be issued to members, but except for guild missions, which can be collected for free, under normal circumstances, individuals who want to have mobile angels must use guild contribution points to exchange them, as provided by the guild. Like other benefits, this is also one of the benefits. After all, the battle strength of the mobile angel is considerable, and it can be used as a familiar with it at ordinary times. Except that it cannot increase the experience ratio like a familiar, there is almost no difference between a mobile angel and a magical familiar. . Now that the familiars in the game are so rare, it is very popular to be able to bring a mobile angel to run around. It’s just that the big pot rice guy just used all his contribution points to redeem a special upgrade scroll for pets and a set of high level pet special equipment. Now he has only a few contribution points left in his hand, let alone the new version of mobility. Angels, even if they are eliminated, they are not enough to be exchanged. Although Daguofan is the old man in the guild, the rules are that a multi-person organization, whether it is a company, an alliance, the military, or even a country, must have a rule and system, and the key to whether the organization is strong is to be strong. Look at the correctness of this system and whether the enforcement is in place. The Frost Rose League is the first guild in the world. There are countless guilds behind that are staring at our position. If you don’t pay attention, you will be surpassed. Therefore, we must pay careful attention to every detail, like this statutory guild. The system is a bottom line that can’t be touched. If I open the back door for Cauldron Rice today, there will be a second and third back door in the future. Sooner or later, the rules will be the same. That will not only dampen the enthusiasm of all members, but also seriously. Affect the loyalty of members of the guild. I don't dare to bear such a serious consequence lightly, so even if the big pot of rice bothers me to death, I will definitely not open the back door for him.

After the big pot of rice was dragged away, I started to set up a battle formation with Eagle and Hong Yue to command the guild Legion. The huge joint Legion put up a large circular array in front of the three Japanese fortresses to enclose all the three cities in the array. A large number of Japanese players and NPCs on the city wall are nervously prepared for our attack at any time. Under the city wall, our guild and several major domestic guilds formed a joint Legion battle flag that flew into the waves. Looking from the city wall, in the twilight, I saw the huge Legion stretched out into the darkness beyond the sight, and it felt as if the endless army completely covered the earth.

The choice of night siege is actually our plan. The first is in terms of time. This is the time when the staff is the most crowded. Whether it is an office worker or a student, most people can be online at this time.

The second is to create pressure on the Japanese. Nobunaga Ghost has magic crystal steam weapons in his hand. Even if we have magic crystal steam neutralization equipment, after all, there is no guarantee that the entire battlefield will not be hit. Therefore, if you choose to use twilight at night, Japanese players can’t visually see the battlefield situation. This makes it impossible to accurately place the magic crystal steam weapon where it is most needed. After all, the Japanese do not have a battlefield command computer like a military god, and the human discipline alone cannot fully guarantee the coordination of battle at night.

In addition to the above two points, we chose to have a third purpose at night, which is to hide our killing move. The new version of the mobile angel has undergone a lot of modifications. Not only is there a big difference in appearance from the old version, but it also has many special features in terms of power and armament. Although most people may not understand it, people who know how to read it can find the new version at a glance. The mobile sky uses not magic crystal but magic crystal steam as the power core. As a secret weapon, we certainly hope that the later the new version of the mobile angel can be figured out by the Japanese, the better the performance, so we chose to fight at night, using the natural environment to cover up the characteristics of the mobile angel as far as possible. At least let the Japanese. I can't figure out how many new versions of mobile angels we have.

As the sky gradually darkened, the situation became more and more tense. The Japanese side seemed to be a little unbearable after the whole afternoon of confrontation, and from time to time I could see the shining dots on the city wall. Shining, it was because someone couldn't bear the emotions and started the magic ahead of time, but it seems that the Japanese have prepared a lot of supervising teams, so no one has really thrown out the magic so far.

Compared with the nervousness of Japanese players, the situation of Chinese players is much better here. Many people are talking with familiar people nearby, and they are not at all nervous about the upcoming battle. There are totally two mindsets with the Japanese. Speaking of which is also thanks to the previous performance of our guild. Since we have shown extraordinary battle strength in the previous battles with the Japanese, the confidence of the Chinese players in us has not completely disappeared. Everyone is just because we retired before. It was too fast and a little lost, not completely disappointed in us. The Japanese are just the opposite. They know the battle damage rate against our guild, so they are more afraid of meeting force with force with our guild, but now they are the defenders of the city, although they can use the city wall defense But completely lost the initiative on the battlefield. When to fight and how to fight, we are in control. As long as we are willing, we can use refueling tactics to attack the city continuously for a week, and we can even arrange everyone in a dense formation within an hour after the start of the war. Forcibly flatten the city. In short, in the Japanese's mind, the defeat in this battle is certain, and the suspense is just how much the two sides lost. Our guild was successfully driven out of Japan’s territory because our guild has recently developed separate forces in various regions, which has led to a dispersion of forces and a decline in battle strength. Now we have gathered all our troops. The Japanese simply never thought that they would have a chance to win. After all There is too much difference in strength and strength.

After seeing that the time was almost up, I walked back to the makeshift command platform. Feng Yin Miaomiao and Misty Rain of the Northern Alliance brought their respective teams here to form a coalition with the people of our guild. Command, in order to coordinate the battle of the coalition forces, our guild even paid the blood to cover the battlefield command system to other guild soldiers in the coalition army. Although the investment in producing communicators for them is large, we also build the confidence of Chinese players. We can only pay by pinching our noses, who told us that we didn't think about the plan in the first place!

"Almost ready to start, right?" Feng Yin asked, looking up when I walked in.

I nodded and looked at Yanyu and said, "What do you think?"

Yanyu is nodded. "I think the time is almost there. If you wait, some players may be unable to control their emotions." After all, players are ordinary persons. They are always waiting for them to lose patience. They are not like trained NPCs. A player who can stand for a day without moving is a player after all.

Seeing that everyone agrees, I looked up and said to the member in charge of communication: "Let’s start the communication."


In the correspondent's After a lot of busyness, six dazzling red magic light balls suddenly rose up at the periphery of the circular battle formation, and the two troops were shocked at the same time when they saw the light ball lifted into the sky.

"Quickly, quickly, the Chinese are starting to move." The Japanese commander on the city wall shouted to remind everyone to pull yourself together, and the NPC troops under the city wall also automatically switched from the rest mode. In the battle mode, they began to run into the Tibetan soldiers' caves under the city wall.

Different from the tension on the Japanese side, our battlefield did not have any panic at all. The NPC troops did not watch the signal at all. They were all soldiers, and the work of watching the signal was only the responsibility of the player. All players who saw the signal almost simultaneously shouted to the surrounding NPCloudly: "Plan A."

Boom. With a neat sound, the NPC troops who had been sitting on the ground suddenly stood up at the same time, followed by another neat footsteps, and the battle formation that had been protected by a heavy shield suddenly began to cross motion like shaved electric scissors. Soon thousands of passages appeared in the dense battle formation from the back of the battle formation to the front. Then, before the Japanese could figure out what was going on, tens of thousands of very special vehicles suddenly appeared behind the battle formation. . These vehicles are all tightly wrapped in a huge rectangular steel shell. Even the wheels are tracked. If it weren't for the turret on the top, the Japanese would have thought these were tanks. But after these heavy and slow big guys moved to the front of the battlefield, the Japanese became nervous, because those things finally showed their fangs.

Qi Teng Saburo is the leader of neither too big nor too small in this city defense battle. He has hundreds of players and tens of thousands of NPC troops under him. It can be said that the strength is also counted. Quite tough. But at this time, he didn't feel safe at all, because the Frost Rose League outside the city had more troops than theirs. Looking at the dark and overwhelming battle formation, you can't simply see the end, just naked eye can see it. Not less than a million, and I don’t know how many there are. Let alone these people rushing over together, just standing there has already made Qi Teng’s calf cramp. However, what really made Qi Teng nervous was the rectangular armored vehicles that had just drove out of the rear of the battlefield. Although these guys move slowly, it is not difficult to infer from the track marks behind them that are clearly visible in the dark night.

Qi Teng was worried, and suddenly saw that the car in the City Wall section that was guarding him suddenly moved again. With the help of the wizard's eyes, Qi Teng could clearly see the rear of the car. Eight sturdy metal supporting legs stretched out to the side. These supporting legs stretched out to the ground and pressed deeply into the mud before stopping. Then the upper armor of the car body suddenly shook, and then the rectangular piece was seen. The armor began to stand up, and at the same time that the armor plate opened, the armor on the front and sides of the car slowly opened downwards. After the armor plate was fully deployed, the equipment inside the body was finally exposed to the Japanese players, and after seeing these things, they only felt that all the cold hair on their bodies had stood up.

"My Great God Tian Zhao! What is that?" Qi Teng was already shocked and almost shouted to God! He rubbed his eyes desperately, but the picture remained the same after opening it again. It was not his illusion at all.

In fact, what was in that car was not a magical thing, it was just a cannon. The reason why Qi Teng was scared like this was entirely because of the caliber of the cannon. Because the image seen through the wizard’s eye magic is as if seen from a close distance next to the object, what Qi Teng sees in his eyes is not a small black spot in the distance, but a mountain in front of him. The same huge cannon, the terrifying barrel is as thick as the city's underground sewage channel, and people don't even have to bend over when standing inside. How big is the cannonball fired by such a big barrel? Qi Teng was in a daze when he heard his subordinates shouting to himself. He turned his head in doubt, but found that his subordinates were pointing to the rear. When he turned back, he saw that the messenger was playing the semaphore, and the content of the semaphore was : "Everyone hid under the city and prepared to deal with the shelling."

The high level commanders of the Japanese players obviously thought of the consequences of the city wall being struck by such heavy artillery. With such a large caliber, even if the shot was solid. The iron ball can also smash a big hole into the city wall. Even more how Japanese players know that the Frost Rose League’s weapons are never the strongest but stronger, so they thought of the cannonball falling as it should be by rights. Possible results. At this time, I take the initiative to evacuate people to the city. Maybe there will be some living people left after the shelling is over. If you stand directly on the city wall, it will be really cannon fodder for a while.

"Come under the city wall!" Qi Teng began to yell loudly, and as soon as he yelled a few words, he suddenly started kicking and beating people down the city wall as if his ass was on fire. Hurry, because he has seen those cannons start to load shells.

What Qi Teng didn't know was that when he hurried people down the city wall in a panic, the players behind the gun wagons who were responsible for loading bombs were talking and laughing.

"I said weasel, do you guess the Japanese would scare their souls when they saw the caliber of our cannons?"

The player called the weasel said with a smile: "I guess it will! After all, the caliber is there. I just don't know if they will see the contents of the cannonball and die for the current decision."

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