"Do you know how to use magic?" We asked as soon as we entered Lucky's room.

"haha, come and see, master, I just learned it, it turns out this thing is so simple!" Luckily, just like a little child who just learned a skill, he rushed to us to show it in a hurry to find an adult to offer a treasure. Up. I saw that he stretched out a paw and flicked each other with two nails, and a ball of Fireball suddenly appeared on the tip of the lucky paw with a thud, and it was not the kind that flashed away, but it was like fuel provided. It has always maintained a constant burning state as if it was burning, but in fact, there was only air left except for the lucky claws.

"How did you do it?" We all looked at Lucky Claws in surprise. Although we Dragon Clan can control electromagnetic induction, the problem is that the flame does not belong to the scope of electromagnetic induction. We can indeed use electric current to start a fire, but to maintain such a flame seems a little weird.

"hehe, this is what Fayana just taught me." Lucky said, suddenly the color of the flame in his hand began to turn blue, and the frequency of the flame itself began to slow down. In the end, it condensed into a frozen flame. "Although the flame was taught by Fayana just now, I found that we are actually more suitable for using magic than the creatures of their world."


For the lucky It is said that what we heard was a misunderstanding, but the image of Nuwa soon appeared on the scene to explain our doubts.

"Nuwa, are you lucky to be able to use magic?"

Nuwa is very sure nodded and said: "In fact, we just didn’t understand this technology system before. After researching, I found that magic is not magical at all. It is a brand-new application of energy technology. Just like you can see light with your eyes, all creatures in the world that Fayana are in are able to use magic. There is a special organ that we don’t have. This organ can sense the existence of magic power to help these creatures understand and master magic. We can’t even sense it, so naturally we can’t understand it."

"How did you discover that we can also use magic?"

"This is very simple." Nuwa explained: "In Fayana, their world technology is extremely weak. They only I know that the brain is related to the use of magic, but I can’t explain and study it in depth, but it’s a lot easier for us. I asked Fayana to wear a tester and try to release magic through monitoring Fayana. The brain area used to release the magic determines the specific location of the magic controller. Then I adjusted a small devil beast caught in that forest and studied the difference between it and Fayana’s brain characteristics. Finally, we analyzed that the locations where they use magic power are actually the same. After that, I let people Dissection the devil beast and successfully extracted its brain and magic-related tissues, and then use the Heavenly God virus in your body. The structure of this organ tissue was artificially simulated. Just before you came, we performed a small operation for Lucky, artificially implanted the DNA code corresponding to that organ, and now the cell tissue in Lucky’s body is still being adjusted, for the time being. Only low-level spells such as Fireball and Freeze can be released. After the full adjustment is completed, the magic of the huge might should be released."

"But Fayana didn't say that we don't have magic power here? "

"Yes, we really don't have magic power here, but what is magic power? Those forest creatures can still use magic when they reach us, which means they can store magic power in their bodies, and after Fayana The explanation and our verification, the magic nucleus in their brain is the magic battery in their body, and later we discovered that the energy stored in the magic nucleus is actually just a kind of very active basic energy, and the energy can be transformed into each other. Yes. So I spent a few minutes designing such a small thing." Nuwa stretched out his hand, and a robotic arm on the roof lowered and pushed an instrument on the wall in front of us. "This is a charger I designed. The principle is very simple. It uses a synthetic synthetic that mimics the molecular structure of the magic nucleus as a converter to pass electrical energy into this material, and then obtain pure magic from the other side. Using this method can artificially generate magic power, and the conversion rate is quite high. The one you see is a little big because it is a verification machine. If it is sent to the processing workshop for precision treatment, the volume should be reduced to a lighter. Size. You can output electrical energy, so I plan to implant this device into your body, when the time comes, you can get magic power by inputting electrical energy into it. How about it? A simple design, right?"

I and Rose listened to Nuwa's explanations as straight nodded. In fact, the things in this world are almost the same, the so-called meeting is not difficult, and the others are not. You will feel very magical when you watch the magician perform magic in the audience, and when you know the principle, you will feel that it is only this. Although magic is much more complicated than magic, it's actually the same after figuring out the principle, and there is nothing incomprehensible.

After briefly discussing with Nuwa and the others about equipping us with magic converters, Nuwa transferred to realize that the research department was going to carry out specific research and development, and we found it according to the purpose of at first Fayana also talked to her about her future arrangements.

According to Fayana’s own statement, their Silver Dragon clan belongs to a relatively different existence in Dragon Clan. The main reason is that Silver Dragon’s personality is particularly gentle. In addition to the undead and demons, the Silver Dragon clan is a collection of Get along well with all intelligent races, so Silver Dragon has always been the richest race in Dragon Clan. According to our understanding, Silver Dragon is basically High Level in foreign trade business, while other Dragon Clan only activities within their own group. In contrast, Silver Dragon is of course richer.

After clarifying the characteristics of Silver Dragon, we finally understood why Fayana would become the only alien creature that came into contact with us and took refuge in us. The main reason is that her race was born. Just this habit.

For Fayana's future life arrangements on our side, first of all, she must restrict her actions, which is not discussed. Otherwise, there will be a dragon flying everywhere in the city, it will definitely trigger international events. In addition to these, Fayana also serves as our consultant, because only she knows about their world, and no one else cooperates, so it is much faster to ask all from her than to research on our own. As for Fayana’s remuneration, in addition to food, the base staff also plan to integrate her into the game, so that she will not feel bored even if she stays at the base every day. After all, thinking in the game is equivalent to being in the natural environment. In, and the world in "Zero" is closer to her original world, maybe she will be easier to adapt to it inside than outside.

After arranging Fayana's side, we ran to visit the two fugitives we captured. The mage's operation has been completed, and his fate is finally saved, but now the whole person is wrapped up like a mummy. Even with our technology, we have to wait at least another month for him to move normally. The situation on the warrior side is of course much better, except for a large bag on the forehead, which is basically normal. Of course, his mood is not good at all. On the one hand, he is worried about the future, on the other hand, he is angry with the status quo. The main reason is that this guy is now completely stripped, and there are men and women nearby who are studying him, and he is very sad, but his hands and feet are fixed, and he can't even cover it.

In the eyes of our researchers, he is also an experiment, but after all he himself is impossible to think so. Seeing a large group of men and women touching him is like killing him. It also makes him uncomfortable. But since he is tied to our laboratory bed, it means that the human rights thing has been completely insulated from him, so no one will care about him no matter how sad he is. In fact, he should have thanked Nuwa for not having him sliced ​​and studied immediately. If it weren’t for Nuwa who felt that the warrior’s body characteristics were special, he would have to observe it for a while. He might have been Dissectioned as early as when he first arrived here.

After confirming that there is nothing to do with us at the base, I took the demons back to their respective lounges, unloaded their equipment and reconnected to the game. The screen flashed and I was already at the place where I was offline. Look around, Mira Princess is already not in nearby, after all, it has been so long since I suddenly left, and I also told her to stay with her father, so no one at the scene can understand.

After thinking about it, I first connected to the communication of Military God. "Military god. Where are the guests we brought back from Red Planet?"

"3 minutes ago, they just returned to Red Planet through the interstellar gate, but Princess Mira is still waiting for you in Isinger. "

"She is waiting for me?"


"Okay, I understand." Although she would wait for Mira I thought it was a little strange, but I quickly sent it to Isengard because of the city management system and found her without much effort. At the time, Mira was chatting with Hongyan. Although Hongyan is now the Guardian God beast of our guild, he was once the epic giant dragon of the giant dragon clan after all. He must have more knowledge about the history of Dragon Clan than the average Dragon Clan.

"Hey, Purple Moon, are you back?" Hong Yan saw me and immediately ended the conversation with Mira.

I nodded to say hello, and then turned to Mira and said: "Didn't expect you haven't left yet, why? Do you want to fight again?"

Mila shook the head and said: "No, I decided to mess with you in the future."

"Huh?" Originally, I thought Mila was here waiting for me to come back. It's okay to continue the fight, who knows that she suddenly said such a sentence, which is too far from what I originally thought, right? "Why do you suddenly want to follow me?"

"if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, although you left early, the battle has actually been won, even if you The failure of not leaving me is a matter of time. I don’t want to quibble. If you lose, you lose."

"You are so straightforward." Mila said that and I didn’t tell her. I'm polite, I just hooked my finger to her, and when she walked over, I pricked a blood spot on my hand, and then pressed it lightly on her forehead. My fingers all around immediately showed a red magic array. In a flash, he sank into Mira's forehead. "Well, you will be my favorite from now on."

"Is it over?" Mira asked in an unbelievable manner.

I looked at her funny and asked, "Then what steps do you think should be left?"

"No, I just think this is too fast, right? Why didn’t I feel any restraint?"

"Because you have become a demon voluntarily, not forcibly arrested, so as long as I do not give direct instructions, you will not receive any Restrictions. Of course, you cannot attack me and my units of the same force without permission. This is a basic restriction. Even if I don’t order it, it will automatically take effect."

Mila nodded said he understood, and then I asked: "When can you take me to see Azure Dragon?"

"The four Sacred Beasts are not so good to see. , You want to learn to improve your strength. I don’t think you have to fight them as soon as you come up. Isn’t Hong Yan good? You are all dragons, he should be able to teach you. Besides Hong Yan, don’t we have Guardian God in our guild? You can go find Vina and others."

Mila nodded said: "I think I should follow you for a while before talking."

I found Mira’s The expression seemed to be a little lost, so I turned my gaze to Hong Yan, and Hong Yan explained knowingly: "She had already gone to Vina when you were away, but Vina was not there, so she discussed with Xinghuo and Peacock. For a while."

"What about the result?"

"It was a second!"

"Oh!" I suddenly realized that I turned back to Mila's side. Started to comfort Mira. In fact, I should have thought of this result long ago. No matter how strong Mira is, it is just a dragon. Fighting against me is still not an opponent, let alone those Guardian Gods? Yes, if I really fight, I might be able to defeat Xinghuo and Peacock Pluto, but that is not because my absolute strength is higher than Divine Race, but because my attribute is innately restraining all Divine Race units, and those with divine force. Almost all creatures are restrained by me, so Divine Race can't display all its strength in front of me. On the contrary, it's different with Mira. She is just a stronger dragon. Isn't she looking for abuse with Divine Race? I don’t know what skills Xinghuo will use. Peacock Pluto was able to knock down even the Great Sun Tathagata in the past. Although there is a suspicion of sneak attack, after all, it is the strength that lies there. It's too early, as for the four Sacred Beast, don't even think about it. Even if Xinghuo and the Peacock Pluto are together, they can support a few tricks at most. The four Sacred Beasts have special attributes guarded by the four sides, which seem to be able to suppress all creatures except the local lord god, which means that in China except for Hong Jun The four Sacred Beasts other than Sect Lord should be able to handle any goal, otherwise they would not be qualified to guard Chinese territory.

After briefly introducing my other monsters to Mira, I sent her to the training space for training. Anyway, her favorite is to improve her strength. In the training space Training is more suitable for her. After I settled in Mila, I ran back to Steel City. After bringing the purple clay back, I didn't know what happened here. I was eager to find Mila and didn't go to see it. Now I just went to inspect it.

When I arrived at the steel city, I found out that this place is almost becoming a world factory now. The entire row of giant machinery is driven by the magic crystal power, and a large number of people are in the machine. The side is busy transporting various produced parts back and forth, and there is a production line on the other side, countless NPC laborers are busy assembling a group of things that are obviously like missiles. It seems that the production here is fairly smooth, at least the finished product has been seen.

After reading the situation outside, I thought of looking inside the workshop. Who knew that when I approached the machine, I heard a whining sound. I almost instinctively bowed my head. The slightest difference was swiped over my head, and if I was swiped at this speed, I would have to be beaten out.

"Damn, which bastard set this up?" I yelled as I stepped back desperately, but no one nearby answered my question at all. The mobile angel that flashed out from behind the machine clearly identified me as an enemy, and even strode and chased me up after a miss.

I have no choice but to see the mobile angel rushing over. I can only retreat to the desert outside the steel city, and then think of a way. It doesn't matter if the mobile angel is broken up. Anyway, the cost of the thing is high because the materials are not easy to find, and the production cost is actually not high. But the mobile angel in front of him showed an unusual battle strength. After finding out that I had plans to run out, it suddenly made a crouching start position, and then bounced out the two wings behind it with a scream. After the wings were unfolded, the lower edge of the mobile angel's wings suddenly opened four spouts, and then the four spouts started to gradually turn red with a burst of louder and louder rumbling sound, and finally a sudden blast of horror came out backwards. The crimson flames, and the mobile angel rushed towards me fiercely. The speed can be described by lightning. I was hit by him before I had time to react, and then just flew out with it. The exit of the steel city rushed into the sky.

As soon as I flew out of the steel city range, the wings of the mobile angel suddenly turned off, and then the fierce wings slowed down the speed, and because of inertia, I continued to fly forward and pulled away from him. distance. At first I thought he would directly attack me with his sword, but I knew that he would take the initiative to distance himself from me, which surprised me very much. After all, even if this mobile angel malfunctioned and identified me as an enemy, the design of the mobile angel was there after all. This thing was originally a melee equipment designed to support our guild players, so their strongest attack method is melee combat. Is it obviously abnormal to take the initiative to keep away from the enemy as it is now? However, although I thought the performance of this mobile angel was very strange at the time, this guy quickly made me understand why it did that. I saw that mobile angel raised his right arm to me from a distance, and then suddenly a pencil box-sized object popped up on its arm, followed by a sudden fire from behind the thing, the size of a pen. The little rocket jumped out of the thing in an instant and rushed towards me.

"Fuck me!" Now I don't need to think about it, I know what it is. The previous mobile angel simply didn’t have this stuff. Now our guild has just acquired the ability to make magic crystal steam weapons. The mobile angel suddenly installed a rocket launcher at this time. Don’t even think about it. It’s definitely not normal. Rockets, except for Magic Crystal Steam Rockets, don't do what he thinks.

Although it was a bit late when I found it, my reaction speed was above average after all. I opened my wings and slammed upwards, and my body suddenly sank down. The little rocket instantly He rushed over from above me. "Huh, fortunately I flashed fast!" I only relaxed after seeing the rocket fly over, but I lifted my breath before it was completely relieved, because the over-flying rocket turned its head and flew again. Came back. "Fuck me, why is it tracking?"

No matter what the reason, this thing has been upgraded from a rocket to a missile. I have no other way except to run it. It must be magic crystal steam, even I definitely don't want to be bombarded by it. Even if the formidable power of that thing can't kill me, it's not a problem to make me disabled.

"Bird." After summon got out of the bird, I climbed on his back. The four spouts on the bird's wings roared at the same time, and we instantly broke through the sound barrier moved towards and flew forward. The speed of that small rocket was obviously not as fast as the flying bird. After we left, it flew back to the mobile angel, but there was no unexpected oolong incident. The mobile angel reached out and grabbed the small rocket that flew back and put it back into the launcher on his arm. "Damn it, it can be recycled?"

Although I have doubts, I don't know who to ask. Now I must find a way to solve this mobile angel. After we entered the supersonic speed, a backpack-like thing suddenly popped up on the back of the mobile angel, and then two flames spurted out of the thing at the same time, causing the speed of the mobile angel to suddenly increase. Everyone who weighed two and a half tons The guy actually broke through the sound barrier after more than ten seconds and rushed towards us. Seeing that it was obviously faster than the flying bird, I didn't want to understand when the mobile angel could fly so fast.

"No, master, that guy is faster than us!" Asuka said when he noticed that the target behind was approaching at high speed.

"I know. You slow down first and try at low altitude to see if you can get around behind that guy and knock it down."

"I will try."

Asuka flew and the jet port at the back suddenly turned off and closed, and at the same time the air intake in front was wide open. I just felt a huge force almost lifted me out of the bird’s back, but our speed was so fast. Obviously slowed down. Obviously, the mobile angel at the back didn't expect us to slow down suddenly. Although it also made a deceleration movement, it still rushed over and passed through our side. Asuka immediately moved to the back of it in a roll, and then the combustion chamber suddenly compressed violently and instantly emitted the energy that had previously been decelerated. I saw four naked eye visible shock waves flying forward, just like four beams of light. However, the mobile angel did something more exaggerated than ours. It suddenly changed from a leaning forward flying posture to an upright posture, and then the jet port on its back flashed sharply, and then it suddenly moved upward like a missile. Leaping out, all the four-tone bombs we launched slipped past its feet, without any effect at all.

Deviating our attack, the maneuvering angel turned around fiercely, and then raised his hand to aim at us again. I thought it was going to launch a rocket again. Who knew this time was a crystal from it. The back of the hand flicked, and then the crystal began to light up gradually. When the crystal turned a piece of azure blue, its hand shook suddenly, and a blue meteor-like light ball suddenly shot out from the crystal towards me. Flew over.

"What a god!" Seeing the blue thing, my soul was almost scared, because that thing is nothing else, it is our guild’s first generation magic crystal power weapon— -The energy shells of the Magic Crystal Cannon. The original magic crystal cannons were very large, let alone mounted on mobile angels, even ordinary carriages would not be able to pull them. We didn’t expect that we hadn’t paid attention to this research for so long. The miniature magic crystal cannon in the mobile angel's hand is now, and the speed of the light ball emitted from it is obviously different from before. The speed of the shells fired by the previous magic crystal cannon was very slow. Unless it happened to hit, it was generally unlikely to hit a moving object, but this one was different. Although the light ball was only the size of an apple, the speed was surprisingly fast. , Almost instantly arrived.

I found that the speed of this new type of magic crystal shell is so fast. How dare I stop, and quickly let the flying bird accelerate. A rollover and curve acceleration finally flashed past, but the next situation made I was dumbfounded again, that mobile angel started to shoot at me like a machine gun, and the interval between the two shots was only a little over a second, which means that this guy can fire more than forty shots in one minute, at this speed. Although it cannot be compared with a machine gun, it must be considered that the ammunition it fires is not comparable to a machine gun. Although I don't know how the formidable power of this small magic crystal cannon shell is, I am at least sure that it will not be much worse than the formidable power of ordinary gunpowder cannon shells.

"Master, isn't this thing our own? How could it hit us?" Asuka asked desperately while avoiding left and right.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

This mobile angel is also really weird. Not only is the weapon system so strong that it is abnormal, it still stares at me. The pursuit of killing, I don't know where the short circuit is. In fact, if you really want to fight, this mobile angel is definitely not my opponent. The key is that its core is more precious. It is useless to shoot lightly. I am afraid that its core will be scrapped and cannot be recycled, so I was forced to do it. Can escape. If it weren't for our guild, I would just blast it apart with a big move and it would be over.

I was depressed here, and suddenly I saw that mobile angel suddenly turned and flew back to the back, both me and the bird were taken aback.

"Master? Are we going to catch up?"

"Well, catch up and see what's going on."

We turned around and followed the mobile angel All the way back to the sky above the steel city, but at this time, the image of the nearby desert seemed to move suddenly, and then after the air fluctuated for a while, an army of neat and tidy mobile angels appeared standing below us. , Seeing that this number is as many as tens of thousands.

"Damn, these won't all get out of control, right?"

"hahahaha......" A burst of laughter interrupted my guessing, because I had already seen Hong Yue He Su Mi and the others walked out of a nearby bunker.

After seeing them, I hurriedly directed Asuka to fly over. As soon as I landed, I asked: "You did this?"

Hong Yue said with a smile : "Let you test the performance of the new model. How do you feel? Battle strength is okay?"

I'm nodded. Just now I was chased by mobile angels flying all over the sky, even if I have a thorough understanding of this guy's performance. "In general, the battle strength is very strong, especially the attack power is very terrifying. The magic crystal steam missile and the later rapid-fire magic crystal gun are very terrifying, and the flying speed is really amazing. But I feel that this guy is flexible. Sex seems to be a bit worse."

Sumi nodded and said: "We talked about this with Woma just now. But this is also impossible. The main body of this mobile angel light is self-respecting. There are two and a half tons, plus the load of the weapon system, which weighs more than three tons. The flexibility we have now is the greatest degree we can do."

"Increase the power Can’t the output work?"

"I tried it a long time ago!" Woma suddenly walked out of the bunker where Hong Yue and the others walked out just now, and he was holding a metal like trouble in his hand. skeleton. "This is the result of the power enhancement experiment this morning. As a result, the output power is not improved after the increase in flexibility, but the joints and skeleton are all twisted. Unless the weight is reduced or a stronger material is found, this is extreme speed. !"

"It seems that too much push-to-weight ratio is not a good thing!" I took the metal skeleton, looked at it, and handed it back, but I quickly thought about the previous situation. "By the way, why did you suddenly appear here just now?"

"Thanks to Ashford for this." Hong Yue explained: "After the last technical meeting, we shared our Some surface technology, who knows Ashford, they actually said that we can improve our mirage system, didn't expect finally let them do it."

"You said it was the mirage system just now? "

"Yes, it's the kind of mirage system previously installed on the battleship, but the new equipment is relatively small and can already be installed on the mobile angel, but the stealth effect is not ideal, in the desert and The ocean background is pretty good. Once you enter the forest or the city where the environment is more complicated, it won’t work."

I nodded and said: "This is very good. Oh yes, I've been absent these past two days. Is there any movement from the Japanese?" When I asked Hong Yue and Su Mi's face immediately, I became nervous. "What's the matter? What's wrong?"

After hesitating for a long time, Hong Yue was still nodded. "Something happened!"

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